Dissertation House for Employees and Non-traditional Students, 10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015

If you are an employee of UMBC (50% time or more) or a “Non-Traditional” student, and if you are working on your graduate school courses, proposal, or dissertation, then this event is for you! We’ve worked with our UMBC employees who are also graduate students at UMBC, College Park, Northeastern, and other institutions.  This year, we are extending this opportunity to non-traditional students who are coming back to school or working full-time. This time is for you! This session will have support, coaching, and food will be provided for you on both days.

You work hard every day to serve others on our campus! You may be supporting your family members, or you have decided to take some time for yourself to reach your goals.  Now, let us work with you to finish your graduate degree. This version of the “Dissertation House” was created just for you!

Dissertation House in Summer 2015

Dissertation House for UMBC Employees and Non-Traditional Students
Friday, 10/16/15,   9:00 – 5:00 PM (Part I)
, 10/17/15, 10:00 – 3:00 PM (Part II)

Application: https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/apply/

Graduate students who are at other schools within the University System of Maryland (http://www.usmd.edu/institutions/) may apply, and will be considered if there is space available.

10 responses to “Dissertation House for Employees and Non-traditional Students, 10/16/2015 – 10/17/2015”

  1. […] brings dissertation writing opportunities for all! UMBC has a Dissertation House, and UM College Park has a Dissertation Writing Retreat! If you aren’t at either of those […]

  2. Learning tips and recommendations on manageable task completion.

  3. Hello, I’m working on final edits of my fully written dissertation, which is a learning analytics (.i.e., data mining) study of UMBC’s Blackboard system in academic year 2013-14. Specifically, I’m looking at how analytics can encourage students to take responsibility for learning and identify faculty Bb course designs that help. I plan to defend on 2/24/16. I’m only able to be here today, 10/16, but my specific goals include the following: 1) Reconcile methods (Ch. 3) with findings (Ch.4), particularly all DVs, IVs & CVs, 2) Add bivariate correlations to all Ch. 4 findings, 3) Fix tables and figure numbers throughout dissertation, and 4) consider disaggregating my findings by FT Freshmen and Transfer student populations (I’d combined both in my findings).

    1. Ok, got #4 done, which was my toughest nut to crack. Interestingly, what I have found today is that there is a 3-4% difference between Freshmen and Transfers for C or better final grade (84% vs. 80%) or 2.0 term GPA (90% vs. 87%) and students Bb usage.The Chi square tests of independence for each DV are significant (p < .001), but when you control for other variables in the logistic regression models (e.g., gender, race, SAT/HS GPA and Pell eligibility), admit type is either significant and weak, or not significant at all.

      1. Hello John
        Thanks for posting some of your results. Sounds like you have a story to tell and you know what the story is. What’s new this week? Have you finish the editing? Fifteen minutes a day is always better than zero. Good luck, you are almost to the finish line. Your progress is our progress too.

    2. #3 is done. Hadn’t realized there were such differences in functionality between MS Word for Mac vs. PC. Nice to be able to use the Desktone virtual computing lab to get a PC image: http://virtual.vdi.umbc.edu. Related FAQ: https://wiki.umbc.edu/x/joN0Ag

      1. Thanks John for our persistence. How is it coming now that you are back in the swing of things? Did you finish editing the full draft, it’s November 3rd.

  4. Productive day, I was able to obtain some clarifications and add more content to my theory analysis section.

    1. Hello William

      Continue to use the site to keep some accountability in your writing. Glad to see that you were able to accomplish something while in the DH.

  5. Day 2 of dissertation house. Differentiating the research problem identified (background) and how researchers have addressed problems identified (literature review).

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
