If you joined us last summer, and you are still not finished with your dissertation, you can join us again. The in-personย 2012 Winter Dissertation House at UMBC starts January 17-20, 2012, and the online blog session (Winter 2012 Challenge) will run until July 2012.ย  Join us as online we start the New Year working on establishing new goals and revising old ones.ย  Even if you have never posted on a social network before you can start posting here. This blog is dedicated to graduate students working on their comprehensive exams, proposals, and or doctoral dissertations. We have found that when working on a long-term goal it is important to let others, including loved ones, know what you are trying to accomplish. ย  Just writing your goals down helps you to stay on track and posting them to a blog helps you to maintain some accountability to someone other than yourself.

Setting your deadlines is an important task.ย  Not only do you need to set a long-term goal such as finishing your deadline or graduating in 2012, but it is important toย  set mini-deadlines for when you want to complete your a draft of your dissertation, chapter, section, page, paragraph.

What will you be working on this semester? Join us online. We are excited to see who will be the first to post in 2012.


Update: March 2012

This blog session now has more than 1200 comments. To join, page down to the bottom and login. ย Introduce yourself and post your goals. Come back daily for motivation and to let the group know how things are going. ย This blog will be in session until July 2012.

2,105 responses to “Winter 2012 Challenge”

  1. Day 84. Hi Dissertation House!

    I’ve been away on a few life adventures and it’s time to center myself and dig my heels in for the final stretch. I hope everyone’s well.

    I told my advisor I’d get a draft of Chapter 3 updated. Let’s see if I can get something good to turn in tomorrow (after a full two days of leading a teaching portfolio retreat!). My eyes are closing but they’d better stay open for the next few hours..

  2. I’m back and I am focused! Every day I am making a progress in my research. I have started to realize that even the small progress counts.

    My work plan for the break was not a great success due to the internet and software issues, however, I have a mini-symposium coming up, so I worked on my poster.

    In 2011, I started a running PowerPoint of my research data and based on Dr Carter, started included summaries of key observations and methodology. In 2012, I plan to start a Word document of my research goals, methods, and key observations.

    Also, since I getting more accustomed to the project I’m working on, I have started to pre-plan the next day’s goals/experiments.

    Today the goal is to: 1) perform work on my project involving a ligand of interest and start working out the kinks of a new program I will be utilizing and 2) start my Word document of my methods.

    Welcome back Alexis and everyone! Have a great day!

  3. Day 83 and counting. Alexis was the first to post in 2012 (after me of course)Congratulations!!
    And in the no.2 spot was who? Jodian? Good for you welcome back and a great start to the new year.

    Stay focused everyone and we await, Lenisa and dr2b Westmoreland’s return. Happy New Year 5 days in. Every little bit of forward progress works.

  4. Good morning Everyone,

    I know it has been a while since I checked in but I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year!! I also wanted to share my update and goal for today

    Update: I defended my proposal on December 20th 2011. It was a great holiday gift to myself.

    Goal for today: Finish first draft of IRB application and send to advisor for her review.


  5. Hi again,

    I finished a draft of the IRB application. I will look it over once again tomorrow and send it out to my advisor.

    Plan for tomorrow:
    1. Edit IRB application
    2. email to advisor
    3. do some research on Atlas ti


  6. Good morning Everyone!

    I’m not feeling too motivated today but I’m here in my office. I’m made it out of my house (yeah!!). Just printed out my IRB application to edit.

    I guess I’m feeling a little overwhelmed because I have a few other things that I committed to do today in addition to my dissertation stuff. I’ll check back in when I finished my dissertation goals, which I plan to do first.


  7. 135 Days. This is really fasle because its my graduation ceremony countdown, once I set my defense date I will change this to 2 weeks before that date and then I will have a mild panic attack and carry on.

    I had a not so great winter break, concerning my dissertation. I was sick and then I came back Saturday ready to work and I got sick again, this time worse. I am just getting back on my feet. My advisor is back from out of the country so I will meet with her later this afternoon to discuss some things and a date for my dissertation. She mentioned to me this morning about moving the date earlier by a few days because one of my committee members is going to be out of town.

    I have so many things to do I guess I will start with making a todo list.

    Let’s get to it!


  8. Day 82. Happy New Year, everyone! Dr. CV, Jodian, Michelle, Nikki, it’s great to “see” you!

    Let’s work through the storm. Dr. Marinelli at the Counseling Center quoted from the 12-step program: Progress, not perfection.

    I overslept today but I’m working on my analyses now. I had some weird descriptives the other day, so I’m making sure that those are taken care of, then I’m updating my chapter 3 to submit to my advisor.

    After this I will get more of the big questions answered, piece by piece. Steady progress.

    Happy Friday.

    P.S. is anyone going to the Community of Writers potluck tomorrow on Frat Row? I don’t have a dish yet, but that’s secondary to committing to the writing!

  9. Hi Nikki and Alexis good to know that I’m not working by myself today.

    I like your reminder Alexis, progress not perfection. Today I finished the edits to my IRB application and sent it off to my advisor. I checked out Atlas.ti and found that they had a free trial version to download. I’ll play around with it this weekend. Anyone knows how to use it?

    Have a great weekend!

    Alexis, Robert and I will be at the Community of Writers potluck tomorrow. Don’t know what I’ll bring yet either, maybe my usual fruit ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Hahaha! Fruit always wins. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll figure it out tonight and make myself come work. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Don’t know anything about Atlas.ti, but glad you found the trial version.

    2. Don’t get mad: I might bring fruit, too!

      1. Hi Alexis,
        Sorry that you couldn’t make on Saturday. I hope you feel better now.
        Oh I think they maybe having it at the same place next week so hopefully you can make it then.


  10. Glad to see Lenisa, Michelle, and Nikki are back. Happy New Year; It’s also good to see that we are not totally giving up even when we are overwhelmed and not motivated. Progress not perfection is good saying for all of us to adhere to. Have a great productive weekend.

  11. Ok, working isn’t so bad when you HAVE to come back to it. I got some of my reliabilities run, and although I have some questions, I can still do my chapter 3 edits with what I have so far. I will go to the COW potluck tomorrow and put in some more work.

    So, for the weekend, edit as much of chapter 3 as possible in time to turn in a new draft Monday morning.

    Over and out.

    Dr. Smackdown

  12. Hello Everyone and Happy New Year.
    I am at the Community of Writers Potluck. In seat and working on a scholarship application. My goal for today is to do as much of the application as I can in 3 hours. Ready set Go!

  13. Day 79: Finishing and turning in updated draft of chapter 3 + agenda for meeting tomorrow

  14. Hi Everyone,

    I’m really sleepy, but again I made it out of the house and am in my office getting ready to work. Yeah!!

    I just got feedback about my IRB application from my advisor and plan to work on them today and tomorrow.

    Happy writing everyone.


  15. Day 63….

    I met with my advisor Friday and I might be defending on March 26th or 27th. Anyways, today I am going over some papers I have from my advisor to see if they belong in my dissertation. I am giving myself 2 hours for this task then I need to organize some things and re-plan my writing schedule that originally went through April and now ends at the beginning of March.

    I e-mailed my committee members and I am waiting to hear back from just 1 person so see if they say the same. My advisor is leaving the country again so my window of opportunity is limited to the week when she is planning to come back.

    I should be freaking out but as Dr. CV. says I don’t have time for that. Onward and upward I am marching towards my goal. I spent most of my morning organizing myself and my desk. I have my TADA Journal out and I am fired up and ready to go!

    Happy Monday


  16. Happy writing! I’m definitely struggling with not freaking out. No time! But there IS time to do a little more, and that’s where my focus needs to be. The light’s still green.

    I submitted my draft and my advisor won’t have time to read it before tomorrow, but she said I can walk her through it. So I can do a little more filling in of the numbers and decide what needs to happen next.

    Some steps:
    – Fill in school and district level public data to get a sense of response rate
    – Think about how to deal with irregular item responses and missing data
    – Review information on power analysis/calculating recommended sample size (a limitation)

  17. Day 63 went well…..

    I have my final “to done” list and I am going to meet with my dissertation mentor tomorrow to re-work my calendar but I kind of already have it figured out. I will just go for a little confirmation and emotional support.

    I went through like 7 papers today and a book section for my dissertation. I put a few paragraghs in that I thought were important here and there. Tuesday will start and end with my last coding spree which will probably then continue the rest of this week according to my schedule.

    After I walk in the snow to my car I am going to reward myself with Starbucks for a mostly successful Monday.

    My 2nd mother from church asked me today “How does a person eat a elephant?” and I said “BarBQue it and then cut it up??” to which she replied “One bite at a time, and that’s exaclty what your going to do with that dissertation”.

    So here I go here I go here I goooooooooooooooo!




  18. Day 78. Saved a new data file with demographics to include in my description in Chapter 3. Have to run to my assistantship to lead this last week of portfolio retreats. Super sleepy. Meeting with my advisor today. I have a new consequence for missing days of work. If I go a day without contributing something toward my dissertation, I have to send my advisor an email: “Dear Kathy, Today I did not work on my dissertation. – Alexis” and face whatever consequences. More than likely she’s just going to wonder how far off the deep end I’ve gone, but I hate the idea of her reading that, so it’s just enough internal/external motivation…


  19. Day 62.

    Alexis, that e-mail sounds scary….let me try….”Dear Linda, Today I did not work on my dissertation. — Sophoria” ahhhhhhhhh, oh no I don’t like that it’s for bad people. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Today I am going to start coding and probably meet with my advisor during lunch.

    Let’s get to it!


    1. Yes! Let’s get it. Today went well. My advisor meeting was actually bearable, and I even told my advisor about my email strategy. She smiled and said, “And the key is what I’ll send you back as a result of getting that message.” I said, “Exactly. I don’t want to know so I’d better not let it happen!”

      Some quick edits to my chapter and I’ll get back into the results/analyses. I can do it!

  20. Day 62 has stolen from Day 61….(theivery I tell ya)

    I finished all my Spring 2011 coding which was a BIG hurdle for me. I made myself finish. I also met with my advisor today and we talked about a paper that we are trying to get out by Friday which will also probably turn into my Chapter 3 or 4 or something like that. Today I felt that “backing off” that is what every good advisor should do when the bird is ready to leave the nest, it felt weird though. I was somewhat hesitating on being assertive because I didn’t want to seem rude, weird I know but in time I will get used to it.

    I am trying to figure out how to get my officemate to stop talking to me, he is a very sweet guy but he talks too much. I don’t feel bad saying it here because he even says it himself all the time. Maybe I should wear a black ski mask or put a sign on my back that says “busy” or “invisible please leave a message”. I like it quiet which is why I LOVE the winter semester because bay bay’s kids are still at home.

    I need to make a flow chart for the paper before I go home, well not really I just need to draft it so it can be on my mind for me to decide what I really want it to look like.

    My hands are swollen and red from too much typing and writing….:(




  21. Day 77. Oh my goodness, Nikki, you are cracking me up over here. From the black ski mask to the bay bay’s kids, I’m rolling. That probably does feel weird – the backing off – but it’s a great sign. Also, the assertiveness is something I struggle to attain, too, because it’s necessary. But it’s not rudeness. Anyway, even if it is considered rude, well-behaved women rarely make history. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats on pushing through the data! Did you give yourself a cookie (or a cupcake)?

    I’m cleaning/organizing data to have my set ready to go for all the analyses (Ready, set? Go!). I’m not sure how long it will take, so I want to push through like Nikki before and after the retreat today.


    P.S. Happy birthday, Dr. CV!

  22. You ladies are funny. Keep pushing on! You can do it!

    Yesterday wasn’t such a good day for me. But I’m making up for it today. I just submitted my IRB application. Yeah!!!


  23. Day 61 was filled mostly with sleep and thoughts about sleep. I am working on a paper with my advisor but my mind is drifting and I need a early start because she is coming in early tomorrow so I will call it a night and start back in the morning possibly with some coffee from McDonald’s since they are having a $1 sale on any size. I don’t usually drink coffee but theirs is pretty good.



  24. Go, Michelle! Good luck with the IRB. The people there give good feedback if there is anything to edit. And Nikki, happy sleeping. I’m on my way there, too, so I can be productive in the morning before the last day of retreats. ๐Ÿ™‚ I see the promised land, and I’d better get there with you!

    Good night, #TeamFaSho!

  25. Day 76. The cleansing rain has passed and there were splashes of brilliant pink and orange in the morning sky. Today will be a good day.

    I’ve discovered a gem for working in my office – so excited to see SPSS AND MPlus installed on our computers!! Gotta clean some more data and this will help a lot. I’m planning my next steps for today/tomorrow/weekend right now. I will go to the gym after my FINAL day of portfolio retreats for the YEAR – woohhoooo!!! They’re so good but they’re so intense – I’m worn out afterward. Then tomorrow is the on campus writing group that Learning Assistance Service is hosting. I should get a good amount of work done there.

    So good.


  26. Day 60. The rain and my blankets played trickery on me and I thought it was still night so I didn’t get out of the bed until after 7. Anyways, McCafe’ and me are here and ready to work. I sat in my car and watched the sun rise on the roof of Lot 5 now I am inspired to rise to the occasion and get my work done today. I agree Alexis, today will be a good day.

    I am working on the paper today and prep for my next coding marathon which is segmenting some of the data into chunks that I will code at a later date. The segmenting helps me go through them faster and get into my groove.

    Keeping my mind on Jesus.


    Mmmmmmm good.


  27. It has been a grrreat day. I tried to get myself to do some more work in the office after my last day of two weeks of leading portfolio retreats (plus cardioboxing and abs classes), but my brain is fried. I’m going to post what I want to accomplish next (big goals) and get home and eat some leftovers before I crash…

    Learn and execute stats – the closest ones for me to attempt next are for my 2nd and probably 3rd research questions. I will start there once I’ve gotten some notes started. So as I take my notes, I will try to reflect on how I expect the stats to come out and things to remember that are specific to my dissertation (application recommendations)

    Write up the basic tables. I realized that I had to go back and clean up certain parts of my data set to re-run a descriptive analysis, but I dunno if I actually went back and re-ran the analysis to compare to the previous descriptives before I added in new data. So I have to make sure I have that and everything looks copacetic (probably the most complex slang term I’ve ever used).

    Draw up draft of chapter 4 with new results once analyses are coming together. Meet with stats person and advisor to check in as I go. Generally survive this phase of my life.

    So, yeah, these can’t be done in one day. I start with the stats reading tomorrow, since all I’ll have to take to the writing session at the library will be my books rather than my laptop. Oh, and a bunch of water, snacks, and caffeinated drinks.

    K. Gnite, #TeamGetItDoneCauseICan’tThinkOfMuchMoreToNameThisThing

    1. Correction: I might have implied that I lead the gym classes. I only took them tonight. As you were.

  28. Day 60 is DONE!!!

    Day 59 is trying to steal but I’m not gonna let it! I just finished a 15 HOUR work marathon…:( Anyways I am taking Day 59 off for some doctor’s appointments and etc. I think it was the coffee. I don’t normally drink coffee but I thought I needed a pick me up this morning. And let me tell you, it picked me up and it won’t let me down. I probably won’t fall right to sleep when I get home. I feel like the energizer bunny….

    Since I am taking off tomorrow I wanted to check a few more things off my list before I come back Saturday and kind of make up some of tomorrows lost time. I did a bunch of stuff but mostly spent like 12 hours working on that paper/new chapter. I think it was worth it because I am happy with the work I did. The most important things I did today though were apply for graduation and reserve the room for my dissertation defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh I got a JOB INTERVIEW scheduled yesterday!!! It’s next month in Texas so I will need to start preparing for that also soon. Ooooooooh LaLa!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am probably going to see blue/gray bunnies hopping across the road on my way home, that’s what I always see when I am sleepy. I will try my best not to kill the non-existent creatures.

    Saturday I am set up to code at least three journals from Fall 2011. Maybe more depending on what time my morning meeting at the museum ends. Our new exhibit on Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello opens at the end of the month. If anyone has a free day (like in your dreams when you do) stop by and see it. (http://nmaahc.si.edu/)



  29. Wow! Nikki that is awesome!! I’m working on stats at the LAS writing retreat. Was so confused by these formulas and then realized there was an error in the book description. Anyway, making my way through the current chapter so I should be able to tackle the rest soon. After I’ll go see my friend at the hospital. Praying for her.

    Have a good weekend, #TEAMGETITDONE!

  30. Day 74. Super sleepy. Saturday morning syndrome. ๐Ÿ™‚ More stats today. Phone is acting weird so I’ll be brief: Goal is to finish a chapter with some notes on application.

    Good day – we made it thru Friday the 13th alive with only minor surgical scars (my friend is doing fine).

    Thanking God for healing and a new day. #TEAMGETITDONE

  31. Day 73. Long day but grateful for good health in loved ones and near misses from what could have been tragic. Didn’t get anything done but I could do some skimming before I fall out….

  32. Day 56. I am doing my community a service today by working on my dissertation and one day being an inspiration to someone else to go out and get an advanced degree. I think Martin would support my efforts and what I am trying to do here. I’ve been to the mountaintop, I’ve seen the promised land, I am going to get there.

    Today I am coding. I can’t really expect that I will get to much more besides maybe a job application or some job related research on my breaks. My plan is to work until around 6pm and then I’m out and we’ll try again tomorrow.



  33. Day 56 was GREAT! I was so motivated. I would probably work another hour if I wasn’t hungry because I forgot to pack food this morning so I am going home to eat. I think it was because I was for the most part uninterupted by whatever. It was so quiet and I made it through 5 and 1/2 design journals. I mean I coded 5 and 1/2 design journals and I also transcribed their interviews after I coded each journal.

    I have 15 journals, so 5 down and 10 to go. I spent my entire day on journaling today and that will probably not be a reality the rest of the week so I will make a goal of 3 per day until Friday then I will be done.

    My goals for the week are:
    1. Code 15 journals
    2. Transcribe 15 interviews
    3. Trabscribe 1 video interview
    4. Work on DCC Conference Paper

    I have a reward waiting for me on Friday to go see the movie “Red Tails” with my girlfriends!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am preparing myself to get all my sleep tonight so I can be here fully prepared in the morning. Tuesday might be a McCafe’ day…..:)



  34. Day 72. Happy MLK, Jr day and my dad’s birthday and just general celebration of life and freedom day.

    I took a while to get into things but I managed to read more stats and plan out how much time it will take me to work thru all of the reading while getting the rest of the analyses complete. I actually timed myself to see how long it takes me to get thru a certain number of pages, so I won’t expect too much and shut down.

    I have had some health issues come up in my family over the past day, but I think things will settle down this week. Basically i’ve been at the hospital friday (for my friend), Sunday, and today. I might be back tomorrow depending on how the tests go. It’s been scary to say the least but I have been able to stay focused on getting some dissertation tasks accomplished while being with friends and family in meaningful ways. I’m also very thankful for the support I have received from loved ones. This all reinforces how important it is to me to get this degree so I can be there even more for them.

    Good night, #TeamGetItDone

  35. Hello once again! If you haven’t been to a Dissertation House before, you’ll be pleased at how much you’ll learn and how much you’ll get done. I’m finally in my last semester! I just turned in my Application for Diploma. At this Dissertation House, I plan on 1) talking to Dr. Carter about my status, 2) finish some transcription, 3) create the outline for the remaining chapters of my dissertation, and 4) work on writing one of the sections. (Subject to change!)

    1. Hi Susan! Happy Dissertation House week. As a three time alum, I agree completely! Bets wishes on your goals this week.


  36. Happy day everyone! I plan to start writing a paper that I have been working on for the 2 past months! Starting with writing the introduction….

    Good luck to all,

    1. Welcome Yasaman!

  37. After hearing so much about Dissertation House, I am excited to finally attend. My main goal for this week is to finish the Introduction to my proposal. I plan to accomplish that by 1) writing a problem statement, 2) summarizing my background material, 3) writing the significance of my research, and 4) stating a hypothesis.

    1. All you have heard is true and then some. Good luck on meeting your goals for the week.

  38. My goals for this week:

    1. Start filling out thesis template (downloaded today- yay!)
    2. Update EndNote Library
    3. Copy Candidacy Proposal over to template
    4. Write up rationale for 2 projects (10pgs each)
    5. Update background (10pgs)

    1. Hello Margaret! Welcome and Good Luck!

      1. Thank you!!!

  39. Hello!
    Day 1 of Dissertation House.
    Here are my goals for the week:
    1. Finish my proposal, I have three paragraphs and some minor edits to make.
    2. Replicate the methods used in an article to see how they set up the data
    3. Download and format data from the 1999 Census Transportation Planning Package
    4. Work on my presentation for my proposal defense
    5. Outline my introduction of my dissertation.
    -Amanda D.

    1. Hi Amanda, what WONDERFUL goals you have they just took me down memory lane a little bit. Best of Luck!

  40. Goals for this week:
    Discuss how my work is related to:
    * Jadhav et al
    * Pawar et al
    * Pospieszalska & Ley
    * Caputo & Hammer
    * Bagchi et al
    * Chen & Springer
    * Shao & Hochmuth

    Take some notes on 4 unread articles

    1. Happy Reading Alex!

  41. I am ready to start working! Day 1 goal is to complete a detailed outline for Chapter 1.

    1. Hi Gretchen! Welcome to the DH!!

  42. Hi all,

    Things that I will/ need to do for today:
    – Come back to literature and clarify my topics
    – Clarify my topics by writing issues of my study and send them to my advisor
    – Revise my interview questions based on the topic
    Hope we all can accomplish our goal of today!

    1. Hello Hye-Sook! Stay focused and you will accomplish all your goals and sometimes even more.

  43. My Goals:
    Day 1. Outline of the Dissertation. Based on this => Deadline for finish with requirements
    Day 2. Intro & Results for Chapter 2a
    Day 3. Intro & Results for Chapter 2b
    Day 4. Intro & Results for Chapter 2c

    1. Hi Carlos, Welcome to the DH! I see you have your whole week prepared and ready to go! Good Job!

  44. Day 55.

    Today started with McCafe’ so I know it is going to be a GREAT day working into a GREAT week. I am being kept in perfect peace. Today I am going to work on my DCC conference paper and code and transcribe 3 design journals. I plan to work until 6pm and go home, that means I have 3 hours for both tasks starting at 12. I have a few e-mails to write and prepare before I get started.

    Alexis I will be praying for you and your family members, things that take us away from the dissertation are uncontrollable so keep your mind on Jesus and he will carry you through. This is a time for you to take seriously your schedule and monitor your physical/mental/spiritual health to minimize stress.


    Let’s Go People!


    1. Nikki, thank you so much for your encouragement. I am daunted by all of these posts – look what happens when I’m away for a few days… ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. WOOHOO!! Day 1 of winter DH! I have my own blog, but I posted my goals and the results of meeting with Dr. Carter already there – here we go!!

    Day 1 – Winter DH

    Margaret ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. […] – Online ChallengeSummer 2010 ChallengeSummer 2011 ChallengeWinter 2012 ChallengeWinter 2011 ChallengeCoaching and MentoringDr. Wendy Y. Carter-VealeDr. Renetta […]

  47. Hello All
    It’s day1 of the Dissertation House. Welcome to those of you participating on line. If you have even been in the DH, you know how busy I am. I will post later on tonight.


    1. Hey Dr. CV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Hello Nikki
        55 more days to go!!!!Glad to see that you have been playing hostess to the students in the DH. I hope that you did that during a 15 min break. All the best.

  48. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Hello everyone,
    I am attending my second Dissertation House. I am excited to be on campus. This type of DH will be different than the retreat, but I have made a sacrifice taking leave from work to gain motivation from these great resources.
    My goals are to 1) incorporate Andersen’s conceptual model to both my abstract and literature review, 2) make additions to my introduction, 3) make additions to finish the research & methods 4) request data from AHRQ for SEDD, and 4) create a schedule to work on dissertation on a weekly basis outside of Dissertation House.

  49. life-changing words of the day: “If you have time to wallow, then your schedule isn’t tight enough!” -Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale

  50. Good evening, DH!
    Time to wrap things up, here’s my post for my wrap up of today, and where I want to start tomorrow! See you then!

    DH Day 1 Wrapup


  51. Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Continue expanding on my outline for Chapter 1
    2. Continue to write sections of Chapter 1….make them concise and flow easily
    3. Work on getting all of my sources into endnote

    Let’s make it happen!

  52. I made good progress today. But the transcriptions that I have to do are taking longer than I thought. I also actually had 6, not just 4, to do. I completed two. The day was almost over at that point, so I began looking over my dissertation to see where I need to go next when I pick up writing again. Tomorrow, I’ll do 2 or 3 more transcriptions and maybe some writing to break the monotony. Goodnight!

  53. It was a short day for my work – ;(
    I have been outlining some aspects that I will focus for my research –
    Need to finalize my interview questions by tomorrow.

  54. Intro part1 done..working on part 2

  55. Day 55 was good. I had some minor distractions but I pressed my way through. I had a permanent retainer put in my mouth yesterday so I feel like I have been swallowing metal all day. I don’t know how much I am going to like this. I finished journals 6,7, and 8 both coding and transcribing. I also worked on the DCC conference paper and sent a new draft to my advisor for her review. Maybe she won’t review it tonight and then I can probably finish all my coding tomorrow. Okay, maybe not but we shall see.

    I’m out.

    We ARE #TeamGetItDone!


  56. Patti Ordonez Rozo Avatar
    Patti Ordonez Rozo

    Hello everyone,

    Greetings from Cambridge…. I am working on getting some data and possibly a post doc… but in the evenings I am working on my dissertation! It’s so great to see everyone working hard. I will do the same remotely. I just spent the last few weeks working on my results. I, like Margaret, have a blog to share with you… http://pattiordonez.wordpress.com/.

    I see the count downs everyone has. I think I should do the same, but since it is the third time I am counting down, I am a bit hesitant to do that. Dr. CV, set me straight.

    Have a great week everyone! I will peak in from time to time…

    Patti PhD(c) <— that means PhD Candidate soon to be Dr.

    1. Happy New Years , you asked so here it is….it’s a new year and a new you. Set the date and stop looking back…i.e.start counting. A good dissertation is a done dissertation.

  57. Good Morning …
    The Challenge is ON!!!!!!
    Goal today: Intro-Results Ch. 2a
    Thanks everyone

  58. Good Morning, Dissertation House! Goal for today is to enter edits for Chapter 2. My primary goal for the week is to complete the edits for chapters 1-4 and set a realistic deadline. Second goal is to get my dissertation committee to finalize a date. I have been working on this for a month! Very frustrating because it is out of my hands, but will keep moving forward.

    Happy day! Patti

    1. WOOHOO!! Go Patti, go!! We’re missing you here at DH, but know you’re working just as hard as if you were! I know how frustrating it is to get your committee together – maybe pester your advisor(s) until the point they give up and finally set one? (I’m sure you’re already doing that – just a thought though!). Good luck with everything, and just as Dr. Carter-Veale says, “A good dissertation is a done dissertation!” and just because you always love my quotes, โ€œWork smarter, not harder.โ€ -Ron Carswell

      Good luck, girl!


  59. Good morning! (Patti O.l — I sympathize. I’m trying to heard my “committee cats,” too!) Hello everyone else! Back to work today. I’m going to transcribe at least 2 of my remaining 4 interviews today. I may break them up (it can get sooooooo boring) by typing a little on my dissertation. Hoping to be productive. I have such a problem with eye strain (contacts and glasses) by the end of the day that I usually can’t continue through the evening. Have a good, productive day!

    — Susan

  60. Day 2: I am almost done with data entry! Horray!

  61. Dissertation House Day 2:
    I am going to expand on my outline for Chapter 1 and work on writing more of Chapter 1. I need to add more sources into Endnote also.

  62. Hi,
    My name is Thishan and I am planning to do most of the editing today.

  63. Good morning! I had revised my semantic net and run a simple experiment to test my hypothesis yesterday. Today I will further explore the semantic net and refine my conceptual model.


  64. WOOHOO! Day 2, and feeling much clearer! Here. We. GO!

    Day 2 – Winter DH


  65. Day 2 of DH- Plans for the day:
    1. Outline Dissertation TOC
    2. Write chapter on most recent work
    3. Outline experiments left to do

    1. Things I have done on Day 2:
      1. Outlined Dissertation to the best of my ability (before meeting with Dr. Carter)
      2. Wrote Rationale for chapters 4, 5 and 6
      3. Outlined experiments left to do
      4. Added experimental procedures into experimental section (chapter 8)

  66. Day 2 goals – review the grad school website so I familiarize myself with policies, procedures, and dates and then can formulate a timeline and task list. Also I will continue to develop an improved statement of the problem which will guide my edits and reorganization of my first 2 chapters. Finally, I can continue to update the first 2 chapters with new articles from lit searches.

    ~ Kelly

  67. good morning..it goes slower than I like..but I have still 4 more hr..

  68. Hello Everyone,
    I am not much of a blogger, but I think I will enjoy writing in here, as much as I enjoy reading everyone’s post. I should definitely get back to work instead of reading them by the way.
    First time attending DH. I really wanted to, even though I am not feeling that great. And I can only say that I am so glad I did because I already gained so much!
    My goals for the week:
    – enter some survey data in the Access database. I am shooting for 22 (2 villages)!
    – come up with an outline for my thesis
    – start writing down part as part of chapters what I have achieved so far
    – read papers to identify key statistical analyses to perform on survey data.
    So far, I have entered 3 whole questionnaires in the database and I expect to enter 7 more today. We’ll see at the end of the day how many I was able to input.
    I have to say that this experience makes all that process so real. I can actually picture an end date, and start counting backward from there. How wonderful! I should probably stop there for now and get back to work!

  69. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Yesterday I put the finishing touches on my abstract. Today I am tying all of the loose ends on my literature review. I created a table for my literature review. There were some articles I didn’t finish summarizing. One article is a thorn in my side because I cannot find it ANYWHERE….it is by Chiu, KW and Aronsky D and titled “An emergency department discharge framework for identifying potential adverse events at the time of discharge”.
    I have sectioned out my literature chart in the Lit Review and singled the section to be landscape. This was a formatting feat for me.
    Based on today’s lectures I believe I want to begin journaling my dreams. I do not suffer from writer’s block as much as I suffer from dreading the mental space in need to be in TO write…instead of just writing. This journaling should get me in the practice of writing SOMEthing just to be in the practice of capturing my thoughts. I want to get out of the habit of “thinking” about my dissertation and masking that as “working” on my dissertation.

  70. Day #2:
    I finished the three paragraphs my advisor wanted me to add to the introduction of my proposal! I have also HEAVILY edited the introduction (which my advisor did not want me to do, but hopefully it will be OK).

    Tomorrow I will make edits to the rest of the proposal and maybe have time to start some of the other things on my list.

    Amanda D.

  71. Good evening, DH!

    2 days down, 2 to go! Here’s my wrap up and my goals for tomorrow:

    DH Day 2 Wrapup


  72. Today I finished my detailed outline for Chapter 1. It contains 7 sections and I have completed 2 and put them in the dissertation template. Tomorrow I will work on the next 3 sections. My goal is then to finish the last 2 sections on Friday and over the weekend read/edit it to have a rough draft of my first chapter by Monday! ๐Ÿ™‚ Time to get it done!

  73. Merlin Mann:
    > Recent advice, summarized: Write your way out of a thinking blockโ€”because you’ll never *think* your way out of a writing block.

  74. I will continue working on the Probit model subsections tomorrow!… best of luck to everyone!

  75. Today, I planned to:
    * Read Jadhav et al and write something about it
    * Read Chen and Springer and write something about it

  76. Today I explored the semantic net and finished the experiment design. Tomorrow, I will work on the experiment by revising my VBA codes to incorporate the new features that I added in the design phase.


  77. I did realize that i need to be more efficient in managing my time.
    Downloaded the thesis template, read up on latex, glanced over few masters thesis.
    things on the check list – made a brief outline of the thesis. – done.
    for tomorrow:
    make the outline more specific, get more samples of masters thesis from proquest.com, make bibliography excel sheet structure, write abstract.
    – Arun Kannanganat.

  78. Today I:
    * Read Jadhav et al and wrote something about it
    * Wound up making a system for writing an annotated bibliography. I can keep track of which sources cite which and who has common topics and so on.

  79. Yvette Williams Avatar
    Yvette Williams

    Data entry done, but I discovered an extra step to fix. Hope I can get through this tomorrow!

  80. Well, I finished 1.5 interviews — my goal was two. But both of the interviewees were sooooo chatty! Hopefully, the last two aren’t. I didn’t expect that this is what I’d spend the majority of my DH time doing! But I have to remind myself that if I were home, I probably would just put it off in favor of something more “fun.” I’ll finish up the interview that I didn’t finish today tomorrow. And probably one more. That will leave only 2 more. I hope to do some dissertation writing at least on Friday. Goodnight!

    — Susan

  81. 1. I have start the Inro part 2
    2. Endnote web is up and runningโ€ฆ
    3. Looking forward for tomorrow to work on Intro part 2.

  82. Today I got a lot of comments especially on inserting a problem statement as early as possible. Now I have to insert it properly and edit rest of the material appropriately.

    Goal for Thursday is to complete the above task.


  83. Goals for Day 3:
    1. Finish writing chapter 6- most recent work
    2. copy in figures for chapters 4 and 5
    3. Fill in more details into experimental chapter 8
    4. Work on specific aims chapter 3

    decided to hold off on the intro, background and abstract sections for now

    ~til tomorrow!~

  84. Finished Intro for Chapter 2a, working on results. Tomorrow finish 2a and start Intro/Results Chapter 2b.

  85. So far, I had productive days which is good-!
    I created a draft of my possible research topics and sent it to my advisor & ready to talk with her about it.
    But I haven’t come up with interview questions yet – hope the planned talk with my advisor can help me move forward.
    Tomorrow, I will work on my literature review – start with revising my outlines and the paper.
    Hope you all had a productive day!

  86. Things for tomorrow:
    Read, take notes on, and write about:
    * Pospieszalska & Ley
    * Caputo & Hammer
    * Shao & Hochmuth

  87. I started the day with a plan to read the Proposal Cookbook and work on my introduction. It turns out I spent the entire day working through each section of the cookbook and now have an excellent idea of what my proposal should include. I also have a problem statement and statement of purpose and have rough outlines of my background and significance sections. My goals for tomorrow are to type everything up, expand my background and significance and hopefully revise my existing lit survey.

  88. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    Day 2: 3 full questionnaires entered, almost finished with the 4th. I can’t believe how much time each one of these take to be entered in the database. Tomorrow morning, I will start the day by working on my outline. I can continue entering the data in the afternoon. At least, I will be able to cross something tangible off my list. See you all guys tomorrow!

  89. Things I accomplished today: reviewed information on the grad school website, marked down essential dates/deadlines to start formulating a timeline, created a tasks list, e-mailed committee members to get an idea of availability for a fall defense, scheduled a meeting with my adviser, sent e-mails to study participants to finish some data collection, and did literature searches for updating my lit review. Dr. Carter provided feedback on my statement of the problem which I need to improve.
    Tomorrow: Elaborate on my statement of the problem, look at the dissertation template, meet with my adviser to work on an analytic plan for my data, finalize a timeline, edit my proposal.

  90. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    It turns out that I just finished entering the data for the 4th questionnaire I mentioned earlier. I feel better. I’ve done more than yesterday. So far, 7 out of 22 done! Still an accomplishment, even though I would have liked to have worked on more.

  91. Yesterday, I managed to get most of chapter 2 done. My goal for today is to finish chapter 2 and send it off to my advisors for approval!

    1. Palante…Palente…:)

    2. Yay Patti!! Congrats on your work at MIT. You can set a count-down again … the good news is that you are moving toward your goal … no dust under your feet!

  92. Insanity Countdown: 60 days

    Ready at the House….Gladly the door was open. Woke up 5 times last night by son Gabriel (3y/o). My other son Daniel (7y/o) told me “Daddy..you need to listen to me…… you need to focus and finish your Ph.D.”

    For today:
    1. Finish to add the tables to results for Ch.2a
    2. Intro draft writing…transitions later
    3. Figures & Tables for Results Ch. 2b
    4. Get a group to continue at this pace..at least on weeknights and weekends

    1. Three cheers for Gabriel and Daniel!!!!!! Carlos, puedes lograrlo!

    2. Genial! Que bendiciรณn son los niรฑos!

  93. 5 burpees to wake up

  94. Today, I’m going to finish up the interview transcription that I didn’t quite finish yesterday, and probably one more. I will be meeting with Dr. Carter this afternoon, so I have to prepare for that (have an agenda). I hope to do some writing re: my study company background to break the monotony of transcribing.

    — Susan

  95. I have two goals today before meeting with Dr. Carter this afternoon: expand both my background and significance sections.

  96. Good morning,

    Today I am planning to finish my abstract and edit rest of the material that I completed yesterday.

  97. Getting ready to start the day…planning on keeping the goals I set for today after my meeting with Dr Carter ๐Ÿ™‚

    Re-posting my goals for today (originally posted last night)
    Goals for Day 3:
    1. Finish writing chapter 6- most recent work
    2. copy in figures for chapters 4 and 5
    3. Fill in more details into experimental chapter 8
    4. Work on specific aims chapter 3

    decided to hold off on the intro, background and abstract sections for now

  98. Good Morning All

    Day 3 in the DH. This morning we are going to work with the dissertation template.

  99. Good morning everyone!
    After I have started to get up early, I got up earlier every day. So I woke up 5 AM this morning that makes me now very sleepy… :&
    Whatever, here are my progress this week:
    – I got my IRB approval so I am ready for my interviews next week
    – made an outline for dissertation topics and am waiting for my advisors’ feedback
    I will start work on my literature review today and
    I will try to revise my interview questions (need some clear idea…)
    Hope you all will have a productive day!

  100. Good Morning everyone!,

    Wish you guys good luck for today. I won’t be in cause i need to attend one of my friends dissertation. Will See you guys either in the evening or tomorrow !.
    Enjoy your day!!. ๐Ÿ™‚

  101. Day 53…

    Day 54 was a #fail.

    Moving forward today I will be coding starting with journal 9 and hopefully getting to journal 15. I have not heard back from my advisor about the paper yet, that is due tomorrow so I will just try to free myself up to work on that tomorrow. After these journals I have 1 video interview to transcribe I will try to push myself to get that done today also and I will be on-schedule for the work that I planned to get done this week.




  102. Day #3:
    Today I will be making the final edits to my proposal. Hopefully I will have some time to start formatting the data from the CTPP as we need that to run some stats on for a conference in Feb,
    Amanda D.

    1. Finished editing the proposal! Now it is ready to get sent off to the committee. I am going to wait a little bit though, as we have not been able to set a date for the defense when everyone is available.

      Today I also downloaded the CTPP data that I need and cleaned-up one of the files that we can use for mapping data later. I am waiting to hear back from my advisor on some technical issues that I don’t know how to tackle. Tomorrow I will either work on the data or try to start my PP presentation for my proposal defense (but it sure would be nice to have some snazzy maps to show them).


  103. Good morning, DH. This morning I have a meeting with my adviser, my agenda with her includes drawing up a plan for my data analyses and possibly even doing some analyses together. I am also going to set a tentative date for a defense in the fall. Later today I have a book chapter to read for my lit review and will continue to edit my statement of the problem. Have a productive day!

  104. Good morning, all!

    Day 3 – Winter DH

    Good luck to everyone!


  105. Hello All and especially to the new faces at DH,

    I have been away, but rest assured I have been working on getting some data and preparing for a poster presentation I have tomorrow.

    I have also been updating my data powerpoint and my word document.

    Today, my goals are to 1) complete reading a review article and 2) update my method sections in my word document.

    Happy writing/researching everyone!

    1. Hi Jodian! Good to “see” you online. Did you finish your article and your update? Let us know! The DH set-up is different this time. You’d probably get a boost from seeing all of the people in this Winter’s DH. We had to re-arrange the room, so it’s different from the way that you experienced it last summer. If you’re on campus, come by and take a peak while you’re on a break.

  106. Hi all,

    Hope you all have a productive day!
    Today was a little bit distracting for me due to things in my office.
    But I still got some things done: revised interview questions, got some new ideas for formulating my topics after discussing with Dr. Carter (Thank you!).

    Tomorrow is another day and see you all early tomorrow morning as refreshed!

  107. Winter 2012 DH:

    I didn’t blog this morning but I attend a dissertation defense for someone in my lab but I will tell you what my goals were and how productive I was today.

    My main goal was to get three more sections of Chapter 1 written. I was able to work on several sections of Chapter 1 and was able to complete 2 and then work on several parts of 2 others. My goal tomorrow is to get something written for each section of my Intro and then spend Sat and Sunday adding/editing/polishing so I can have a rough draft to give my adviser on Monday!

    See you all tomorrow!

  108. For Friday : EDITING

  109. My progress on writing codes and running experiments is slower than I expected. I will continue working on experiments tomorrow.


  110. After a great meeting with Dr. Carter, I now know I have to answer the question “So What!” Tomorrow, my main goal is to revise and expand my problem statement into paragraphs with additional motivation and no terse, technical language. I also will expand my background section.

  111. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Today I added the remaining pieces of my literature review. Only thing left is to complete the bibliography.
    After this task, scheduled for tomorrow morning, I plan to review my Introduction and Research and Methods Section. I am not sure how much I can get done tomorrow, but my goal is to write, write, write.
    I have my DH meeting with Dr. Carter scheduled for tomorrow morning.
    I am happy about my progress because the fine-tuning and changes I needed to make were a block for me. I didn’t know where to start. NOW it is 98% complete (the literature review).

    1. Dear Faizah, I know that you wrote this at 4:54 yesterday afternoon, but if you haven’t completed the bibliography yet, please plan to get that done this morning. You’d be surprised how much you can complete in a concentrated period of time. I call them “orange juice concentrate moments” … it’s like that frozen, reconstituted juice in the frozen can where you add water. Finish the bibliography today and know that you’ve fully completed that task. Then review your sections and plan what to tackle next.

  112. Now, I have the first drafts of the intro and approach for my paper. I’ll be working on the market simulation section tomorrow. Looking forward to it…
    Good evening everyone!

    1. Hi Yasaman! It sounds like you’ve been able to get something done! Congratulations!

  113. Well, I have just one more transcription to do, but I was hoping to be a little closer to being done with all of them. Oh well, tomorrow. I met with Dr. Carter this afternoon. We talked a lot about how I’m going to handle teaching full time this semester while trying to finish up and defend. This is what really freaks me out! On top of that, I can’t get my 5 committee members to agree on ANY date in April! Don’t know what I’m gonna do. Now I’m super-freaked out. I’ll vent to my understanding husband tonight. Hopefully, that’ll help. EVERYONE: Get your committee to set a date as soon as you possibly can!!!

    — Susan

    1. Susan, can you bring in some guest lecturers? If you control your course, perhaps you can revise the syllabus so that you can have guest lecturers on the last day of the week that you teach (e.g., Thursday or Friday), and have someone be the guest facilitator. You can also “hybridize” your course by having one day be an “online” day where students follow the slides and then discuss or post on Blackboard. You can resolve to “check” their posts at night (giving you the day to write). You teach computer science, so this wouldn’t be too far out of the box. Since you teach 100 and 200 level courses, you can ask a senior grad student to be your facilitator … feel free to pay them a little bit. $50 can go a long way in a grad student’s pocket.

      1. Dr. Tull: Thanks for your concern and advice. I do have a couple of colleagues that I may be able to ask this of. I had them cover my classes one week last semester and it was amazing what I got done. You’re right — I should definitely do this. Thanks!

  114. My goals for today were to read, take notes on, and write about:
    * Pospieszalska & Ley
    * Caputo & Hammer
    * Shao & Hochmuth
    I did the last two, and started on the first.

  115. What I did today:
    1. Rearranged my outline (aka started a new template) due to issues with one from yesterday- thanks to Dr. Carter’s meeting ๐Ÿ™‚
    2. Filled in more experimental info into Chapter 6- would say this is about 80% done
    3. Drafted specific aims
    4. Added 20 more references into my endnote lib…still have about 100 more from previous work that was never added…aka fail
    5. I now have a clear idea of how to finish this thing soon and oh yeah, how to talk BETTER in 2mins ๐Ÿ˜‰

    What I will do tomorrow:
    1. Draft background section
    2. Write 10 pages of background (Chapter 2)
    3. Fill in pain-staking details into Chapter 4 when goal 2 drives me crazy.
    4. Add more references into endnote…

    Sorry so wordy!!!

    See everyone tomorrow, bright and early ๐Ÿ™‚

  116. Tomorrow, I will read, take notes on, and write about:
    * Pospieszalska & Ley
    * Pappu et al
    * Chen & Springer

    1. Hi Alex!

      I meant to ask if you do annotated bibliographies? I used this method in grad school, and it helped me to go through hundreds of papers. I set up templates. Each had the paper’s title, authors, authors’ affiliations (since it’s always important to remember who is doing what, and where), and the journal reference. Then I had sections for Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Next Steps. Having *these* versions of the journal articles, made it easier for me to synthesize the information. Since I knew that I would do this for each paper, it also made it easier for me to keep track of what I’d read. I had a file for these annotated bibliographies on my computer, but I also printed each of them out and put them in a loose-leaf notebook, with dividers by broad topic area. My broad areas were acoustic phonetics, vocal physiology, and speaker recognition. Later, I ended up having 3 notebooks. Best wishes and you move forward!

      1. Dr Tull,

        That’s a great tip. That’s what I wound up doing this week, and I wish I’d done it sooner. I have found that I’d rather write if I’m complaining about someone else’s paper instead of trying to write my own results section! I didn’t realize how much I needed a document that acted as a bridge between my notes and my article. Using LaTeX, I was able to set up a PDF document that collects all of my notes, and has hyperlinks between related articles.


      2. One category that I have in my system (and this is easy to do electronically) is plots that I like from papers that I read. There are some papers where the most helpful thing is a clever and clear presentation of complex information.


  117. I actually sent a few paragraphs to drcarter@umbc.edu for any comments, as I thought this space would not enough to insert.

    1. Hi Trishan! You’re our only physicist this time. I see that you’re planning to edit today. Let us know some more specifics. How is it going? Are you editing by the page, by the paragraph? Are you editing for grammar or content? What is your full goal for today?

      1. Good morning Dr.Tull. Thanks for your reply. 1st I wrote without worrying about grammar and then did the editing. I showed it to Dr. Carter on Wednesday. She pointed out that the problem that I am chasing is not explicit in my introduction. So I inserted it. Also she highlighted that it is better to have transitional words from the document that we all got on the 1st day. Based on these comments I started to edit the document, paragraph by paragraph and also I had to change the location of paragraphs to have a smooth going. Yesterday night I finished that work also (which was the last goal that i had set up for this dissertation house) and sent it to my advisers as my UMBC advisor will be gone for a conference all next week and the proposal that I am writing is due week after that. Full goal for today is to draft the problems that I encountered during my data analysis last week and send those to my advisers so that they can advise me how to proceed.

    1. Margaret, you make me laugh!!! You have *WAY* too many question marks in your blog post! (LOL!) Ok, let’s start with this. Pick ONE thing to do today. I suggest that you spend 1 hour on your schedule, and be deliberate about your days. CONSOLIDATE your TA days. Your TA meeting and prep days should be on the same days that you TA (teach, run lab, correct exams). Do NOT let your TA duties, nor your “other” project duties take over. TA days are TA days, period. Don’t let them spill over. If you TA on Tuesday and Thursday, then all of your TA duties, including set-up and prep, should only be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you can in any way control your days, consider letting your dissertation writing days be Friday through Monday. Let Tuesday – Thursday be your concentrated days for other projects and TA duties, but put some dissertation time into those days as well. Perhaps 7AM – 11AM, or whatever works for you.

  118. Very productive afternoon, Finished 2a, started intro for 2b and got people interested in meet2finish group. Finalize Intro 2b and work some analysis for 2b.

    1. Table 2b_activations
    2. Table 2b_correlations
    3. Table 2b_connectivity
    4. Figure 2b_activations
    5. Figure 2b_correlations
    6. Figure 2b_connectivity
    7. List of pending Table and figures for 2b

    1. Hi Carlos!
      Your first phrase: “Very productive afternoon.” This is music to my ears! Since we’ve spent some time talking in person, I know how much it means to you to have some productivity. Congratulations! I’ll look forward to hearing more!

      1. Just in case you don’t page up to see my other message to you, remember this:


        1. Muchas Gracias!!!!!!
          Thanks A Lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  119. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    I wrote down the first lines of my thesis today! I started the day working on my outline, and I am really happy with what I was able to accomplish today! I also started filling the blanks about some of the stats to perform on my data. Tomorrow, I will continue working on the outline, the stats and writing! Can’t wait!

    1. Dear Nohemi,

      Those words, “Can’t wait”, brought such a smile to my face! I love the excitement! Now THAT is the kind of exuberance that we like to see. I think that you took Dr. Han’s words to heart. She asked everyone to find the joy in the process. It looks like you’ve tapped into it. Good for you! Wouldn’t it be great if people around the world who are working on their dissertations could go to bed at night, and wake up in the morning with a smile and say, “What a day, I *can’t wait* to work on my dissertation!!!” Spread the love Nohemi … spread the love!

      Enjoy your day!
      -Dr. Tull

      1. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
        Nohemi Voglozin

        Thank you Dr Tull! If I knew how much motivation I will get by participating to the DH, I would have done it way sooner! Like I was telling some of my fellow DH participants, I found myself waking up at night wondering why it’s not morning yet so that I can get up and get ready to go to DH! I really needed to dig up the fire that used to burn inside me and that brought me all the way from Africa to start my PhD! And like Dr Carter says, if I find the time to complain about this or that, I can definitely find the time to work on my thesis! Thanks for the support and your time, Dr Tull and Dr Carter!

  120. Accomplished today: met with my adviser, I wanted to create a data analysis plan with her but because I have not collected data from 110 participants (as I proposed based on a power analysis) she said I can’t start doing analysis yet ๐Ÿ˜ฆ However, if I re-calculate my power analysis and can demonstrate that a slightly smaller sample will not significantly affect power, I can petition my committee to ask for permission to stop short of 110. I got other suggestions from my adviser on how to better manage my data. Also, I continued doing lit searches and read a chapter in a book that I need to return to the library before I go home.
    Tomorrow: Finalize a timeline with tasks to be completed, re-read my proposal. I have asked for permission to leave early since it is an 8 hour drive back to Ohio and it is supposed to snow…

    1. Dear Kelly,
      Meeting with your advisor, face-to-face, was key! That alone was worth the trip! If you need help with the stats, consider contacting Dr. Mario Sto. Domingo who was an adjunct in your department, he also conducted some research for Dr. Ken Maton. Consider making a list of the tasks that were proposed and approved, then check off those tasks that have been completed. Have a safe drive back. Once you return, continue to blog! You will notice that some of the people on this blog, e.g., Nikki and Alexis, have been blogging almost daily for the past year and a half. Become part of #TeamGetitDone, resolving to continue until you finish. We have three other DH’ers who have started their own blogs (one has the countdown!) Fellow DH’er at your table, Margaret G., has her own blog as well. The blog is a public (or private if you adjust the setting or limit the readers as one DH’er has chosen to do) journal that keeps you on task.

      Resolve to “never again” have a day where you do nothing, unless it is a *scheduled* break. You may remember my story. I took a day of rest to go to church, have brunch with my friends, spend time with my husband, SLEEP, and then by 6:00 PM Sunday night, it was time to get back to work. Those Sunday nights were not always intense, they were the “ease back into it” days where I looked over what I done during the previous week, and planned what I would do the next week. Sometimes, that was a good time to organize the rest of my life in advance (TA hours, what to cook, were the clothes clean?) Before you leave today, blog about what you are going to do this weekend. Give yourself a “measurable” task and make sure that you finish it. We’ll be looking for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Have a good trip back. Drive safely.

      Best wishes,
      Dr. Tull

      1. Thanks for the words of encouragement Dr. Tull, I appreciate it. It is very easy to get in the habit of putting aside the work when I am so far removed from academic life and tell myself that I will get it done “someday”. Being at DH has made it very concrete for me and re-energized me. Just figuring out what I need to do to finish has been very helpful. It has very much been worth the trip! PS I hope I still feel that way after I make the drive back through snow and freezing rain ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Hi Kelly! You’re welcome! Once you get home and get settled, you can remind yourself of the experience by reading the blog, and reading through what you have written this week. You will SEE that you have accomplished much in a short amount of time. You met with Dr. S. and you have some direction. That meeting was worth the ride. Believe me. In these final months of finishing the dissertation, you cannot underestimate the meetings with your advisor. You’re probably prepping to leave now. Enjoy some good music or a good book on tape as you drive. Safe travels! We’ll see you next week here on the DH blog!

          1. Dr. Tull,
            These are good words you have shared. I really like your Sunday idea – I have been struggling with the concept of working every day and honoring the Sabbath, which people have been repeating around me lately. Not sure what’s the best thing to do about that, but when I take a whole day it’s so hard to pick back up again…

  121. Day 53 was good, I kind of got tired and really just kind of cranky in the middle of the day but I pushed through. I had a job interview through skpye that just ended and now I am going home. I went through journals 9 through 13 and completely coded and transcriped the interview. I transcribed journal 14’s interview and I already set up the journal for coding. So technically tomorrow I only have journal 15 and half of 14 to do and the video to transcribe. I thought I could push myself to stay tonight but thats going to be a no.

    My conference paper is my priority tomorrow and I have a doctors appointment that will wisk me away for a litle while in the afternoon. The paper is due tomorrow so right now I will just put the journal coding to the side until Saturday unless some miracle happens tomorrow, which is quite possible.

    Great JOB to all the DH folks at UMBC, Dr. CV is an angel so listen to every word she says.

    All is well.



    1. Congrats on having a good week Nikki! I seem to remember that there is a reward on your schedule today in exchange for all of your diligence this week. Enjoy “Redtails!” It should be a good movie.

  122. Good morning everyone,
    Last day of the dissertation house! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I was procrastinating this winter but I could focus on my work this this week (thanks to all).
    So far, I became clear with my research topics that I am going to talk with my advisor this morning (so I will miss morning sessions). I set up interview schedules for next week and hope that I could come up with better interview questions (cross-fingers). Wish you all a productive day!

    1. You came to the right conclusion …. NO more procrastination Hye-Sook! ๐Ÿ™‚ Having a meeting with your advisor is very proactive. Good for you. Talk with other students in your LLC cohort or in others before you about interview questions. There are some tried and true methods. Mirror the style of some of the interview questions that you see in your key journal articles. This will give you some direction. Good luck to you!

  123. Yvette Williams Avatar
    Yvette Williams

    Thanks to Dr. Carter and the Dissertation House team for the T-shirts and certificates!Today, I am switching gears from data entry to writing. I hope everyone finishes strong today!

    1. Hi Yvette,
      The shirts were made possible through our PROMISE grant. They were an incentive for the Dissertation House, coined and inspired by Nikki Westmoreland and Alexis Williams The Dissertation House at College Park. Alexis is a graduate student in Human Development, and Nikki is in Mechanical Engineering. #TeamGetitDone began as a tag line on Nikki’s Twitter feed! We designed the shirts with the simple message … get it done! Have a good writing day!

  124. Day 52…..

    Today I am working on my conference paper and then we’ll se what I can do outside of that, I’m looking for a miracle today, I sit in expectation of getting things done!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Yes Dr. Tull “Redtails” is my reward tonight, I’m excited!


    We are on the move!


    1. ON THE MOVE! If we get new shirts next year, we may have to add that. But by then, you’ll be Dr. Westmoreland, won’t you? ๐Ÿ™‚

  125. Last day! I’m GOING to finish that last transcription! I’m still struggling with getting my committee together. I also hope to do some actual writing today.

    — Susan

    1. Yes, Susan, you WILL (you WILL, you WILL, you *WILL*) finish that last transcription. Since that is your goal. Go for it! Don’t even read email until you finish it … don’t even open a window for email! (This method works when you’re on a mission!) Don’t worry about the writing this morning, focus on the transcription.

      1. I finished it! And I’ve been able to do a little bit of writing!

  126. My plans for today:

    1. Draft background section
    2. Write 10 pages of background (Chapter 2)
    3. Fill in pain-staking details into Exptl section (Chapter 5) when goal 2 drives me crazy.

    1. Dear Margaret,
      One tip for getting a lot of writing done is to continue writing without all of the details. For example, you can plan to write and when you draw a blank, literally draw a blank line on the page, and keep on going. When you can’t remember a reference but you know that it belongs in a certain spot, you can write “(REF)” and keep on going. You can go back in fill in the details later (like you’re going to do for #3!) You might consider focusing on #2, and “rewarding” yourself with #3 tomorrow. It might not be as pain-staking as you think it will be. You can fill in details a little bit at a time; you don’t have to have them all in at once. Allow your document to “live and breathe” … it grows as you go. You don’t have to do everything in succession, you can continue to edit and refine along the way. Best wishes!

      1. Thank you for the advice, Dr. Tull! This is precisely what I have been doing all week! I think you called it free-writing (or was it raw-drafting?) when you spoke to us earlier this week. I personally have a case of writer’s block, trying to search for the perfect words, etc. On Tuesday I started the dissertation template, literally wrote my name on it for the first time, and I now have about 15 pages of raw-drafted content! GREAT ADVICE! Thanks again! ๐Ÿ™‚

  127. Insanity Countdown: -59 days
    Last night..too anxious….not much done. I need to get back into Krav

    1. Finalize Intro 2b
    2. Finalize analysis for 2b.
    3. Table 2b_activations
    4. Table 2b_correlations
    5. Table 2b_connectivity
    6. Figure 2b_activations
    7. Figure 2b_correlations
    8. Figure 2b_connectivity
    9. List of pending Table and figures for 2b

    Get it done!!!!

  128. INSANITY!!! You can do it! 58 days….

  129. FYI, you all are not crazy. (LOL!!) It can be done!! And yes, get back into Krav if you can. I think that the feeling of “power” will be great for you! Get those endorphins going.

  130. Hi,

    Today I am planning to write some emails to my professors regarding things that I came across in my data analysis. I have already finished my goals for this week.

  131. Final day of DH. Today I will be working on my proposal defense and some data collection.
    -Amanda D

    1. Hi Amanda,
      As you prepare for your defense, remember that it’s not just about how well you know your project, it includes questions like:
      “Is this project doable?”
      “Has she garnered enough knowledge to tackle this issue?”
      “Has she thought about all of the tools needed to complete the task?”
      “Is the project focused enough?”

      Your methods section will be especially important because you want to be sure that once they say “yes, approved”, that you can hit the ground running and do the project. I recommend that you focus on the defense as your goal for the day. Be comfortable with working on that and filling those gaps.

      1. Thank you, Dr. Tull!

  132. Today my goal is to expand my problem statement into a couple of paragraphs to be less terse and provide more context. I will then expand my background section in the same way.

    1. Hi Wes. This sounds like a good plan. Since you are working on your proposal, if you haven’t done so already, feel free to write the sections (headings if nothing else) into your document. As I’ve mentioned to others, you don’t have to do everything in succession, do a “core dump” where you put all of the things that you already know into the respective sections. You can edit and refine later.

  133. Good Morning All

    Today is the last day of the Dissertation House. We finished up our last 2 minute presentations this morning in the Good Morning Dissertation House format. Keep up the good work. I hope that you keep blogging long after you leave the DH.

  134. Good Morning DH!

    I can’t believe it’s the last day of Dissertation House! I wish I had the time to do this every day until I’m done! Today I will be working on Chapter 1 yet again and putting some more sources into endnote. I hope to have 2/3 of my intro done by today so I can finish up the rough draft over the weekend.

    Get it done!

    1. Hi Gretchen,

      Make a plan with others in your group to come together again and do this … until you’re done. Remember my story? I worked with my friends nearly every day until we all finished. By the end, I was the only one there, but I went to that Barnes and Noble coffee shop at the mall every day until I finished. My friends, Brenda and Jacquie were already being called “Dr.”, but I had to press on. Students at UMBC and College Park have done the same thing. They have come together to work in groups. In some cases, they have been able to reserve a room within a department, and work there. Good luck and best wishes!

  135. So far, I have completed:
    1. extending my original semantic net for financial investing
    2. exploring the semantic net and designing the experiments
    Today I will write VBA codes to implement the experiment. The first thing I need do is to revise the original codes to separate the training and test sets.


    1. Hello Jie,
      Congratulations on making progress this week! Please let us know how things go.

  136. Hey everyone!,

    Good luck for making the best out of the last day of the dissertation house.
    – Arun Kannanganat.

    1. Arun … what are YOU going to do today? Please share with us. I want to make sure that you’re able to meet your goals too! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Hello Dr. Tull, Sorry i checked the blog only now.
        thanks for your encouragement!. I think the dissertation house exp. has certainly catapulted me into getting more serious about writing my thesis. I have finished my specific outline of my thesis. I used most of my time today to read other thesis examples in proquest.
        Have a great day!.

  137. Last day – not looking forward to driving through snow and freezing rain ๐Ÿ˜ฆ This morning I am going to re-read my proposal, take notes on it looking for areas that need to be updated/revised. Leaving at noon… hoping everyone has much success in completing what they have set out to do. Anyone planning on Dec. 2012 graduation? I will see you there!

  138. Good morning everyone! Congratulations on your dedication to the process of the Dissertation House! I’ve taken some time this morning to write to nearly everyone who has posted within the last 24 hours, so please “page up” to see my comments. I started around 7:45 this morning, and I think that I’ve now reached out to everyone. A “shout out” goes to Alexis and Lenisa (from the College Park DH) who are taking care of some personal matters today. They are missed. Michelle B-H, looking for your update soon. Congrats on the IRB! And if anyone sees Maritza G., let her know that we miss seeing her here.

    To those in UMBC’s DH, you did it! Four days of intense concentration on your work. I love what Margaret Dabek said in an earlier post:

    “Margaret Dabek says:
    January 17, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    life-changing words of the day: โ€œIf you have time to wallow, then your schedule isnโ€™t tight enough!โ€ -Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale”

    *Life-changing words* … that’s great. Yes, we put a lot of time and thought into this process and Dr. Carter-Veale definitely gives of herself to make sure that you get things DONE!

    For those of you who are trying to get a date from your committee members, I recommend making appointments with them in person and working with them to see where the flexibilities are. I think that I’m going to write a blog post about this on the main page. Look for it on the home page in a few minutes. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Dr. Tull,
      I’m here ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you for thinking of me. I’m back, and with a new countdown. Striving for early Fall… proposed deadline to self an advisor. Proposed countdown to self– 9/18/12 (228 days). Most immediately I am counting down to writing paper based on my dissertation which I hope to present April 25. Need to finalize abstract by March 20. I will begin posting more often Dr. Tull & Dr. CV ๐Ÿ˜‰

  139. Hello, all!!

    Last day of DH *Tear* – but it doesn’t end here! I have plans for meeting my goal of finishing in August. I can do it. I am capable. I WILL be Dr. Grow by the end of summer!!

    But for now, here are the goals for today!

    Day 4 – Winter DH

    Have a great, productive day!!

    Margaret G.

  140. Hello everyone, I finished the post with some tips for setting a defense date. Here it is: https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/01/20/i-want-to-defend-doctoral-dissertation-how-do-i-get-a-date-from-my-faculty-committee-six-suggestions/. You can also get to it by clicking “Home” on the menu at the top of the page, or by going to the top post on http://www.thedissertationhouse.com.

  141. Logging out now so I can get on the road. I set a defense date this morning as I had to complete the Nomination of Committee Members form for the grad school (due 6 months in advance of defense) – it is October 26, 2012 (but subject to change based on availability of committee members). Setting a date is both exciting and terrifying!! Praying you all have much success in completing your projects. If you pass through central Ohio sometime, say hello! ๐Ÿ™‚

  142. Day 68. *Sigh* The week’s events threw me for a loop but God’s bouncing me back… I’m at the grad office finally checking in again. Today is a stats day – as are all of them until probably mid-February – and I’m organizing data and running analyses. Funny how this point seemed so far away and unreachable a while ago, and now I’m looking at 1st and goal and the goal seems far away and unreachable if I let myself believe the lie.

    – submit agenda for advisor meeting on Monday
    – look over data and make sure it’s clean and reliable, no weird reverse codes or repeats/missings
    – run an analysis or two and try to make some sense from them
    – plan next steps for weekend/next week

    Grateful for this support. Grateful that when I didn’t check in, someone checked on me. Grateful to be prayed for and to be able to pray for others. Grateful to be alive and breathing and strong.

    “If I had known my life would be a wild ride into the unknown, I would have been brave enough to put my head back, laugh, and enjoy the trip.” Some woman in New Jersey ๐Ÿ™‚

    Getting it done with #TeamGetItDone

  143. So I did it…I made a blog to chronicle my daily to-do list, DH-style ๐Ÿ™‚
    It’s not meant to be beautiful or amazing, so please don’t expect that…just trying to get some much needed dissertation writing angst out there…maybe you can relate? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Last Day of Dissertation House & First Day of Blogging

  144. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Dissertation House has helped me refocus my priorities. Ignoring them does not make the priorities go away…the procrastination just leaves less time , more dread, and is unprofessional. The legacy I want to make will be what I create.

  145. DH IS DONE! But the dissertation is not!! More posts to follow, so feel free to follow me on my blog and comment! If anyone has a blog other than here, please let me know about it! I follow everyone’s blogs ๐Ÿ™‚

    DH Day 4 Wrapup

    Til next week! Rewarding myself tonight with a Hibachi dinner with friends!


  146. Happy Friday Dissertation House! ๐Ÿ™‚

    This week has been helpful and I feel prepared to tackle my dissertation…..hopefully in a very timely manner (aka 55 days)!!!!!! I have two sections left of my intro and I hope to write those and flush out some other sections this weekend. I have told my advisor I would have a draft to him on Monday and that is the first task on my “Dissertation Check List” I have created in order to graduate in May.

    I hope to stay motivated and blog my progress!!!

  147. Happy Friday and weekend everyone!

    I had a productive week, I wrote draft of 2 sections of my paper, which was killing me! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m happy and ready for a good weekend now!

    Good luck to everyone and thanks to Dr. Tull and Dr. Carter!


  148. Thanks Dr. Carter!!!!
    Gracias Dra. Tull!!!
    This was better than Xanax and Ritalin…….You know what I mean!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  149. And again..
    Thanks to Natasha and Miguel for the help and support.

  150. The final day of DH is over. I feel really good about where I am now and I also have a good plan for moving forward. I really enjoyed DH and I look forward to checking-in on everyoneโ€™s progress!
    I hope to announce that I am a candidate by the end of Feb. (depending on my committee members’ schedules!!)
    -Amanda D

  151. Today, I planned to read, take notes on, and write about:
    * Pospieszalska & Ley
    * Pappu et al
    * Chen & Springer
    and I did! I completed all of my goals for this week, and I wound up, on my way, starting an annotated bibliography, which has helped me greatly in collecting my thoughts across the literature.

    Thanks, everyone, for providing a quiet, productive, energetic environment with wonderful camaraderie!

  152. At home!!!

    Trying to manage time…..I will finish finish tonight
    1. Table 2b_activations
    2. Table 2b_correlations
    3. Table 2b_connectivity
    4. Figure 2b_activations
    5. Figure 2b_correlations
    6. Figure 2b_connectivity
    7. List of pending Table and figures for 2b

    Common People….Let’s finish this
    NO excuses! Just Get it Done

  153. Day 52….

    I just finished my paper and I submitted it to the conference. It is in God’s hands now. I had a small freaking out moment because my advisor forgot the attachement in her 4:30pm revisions e-mail to me. And she said in her e-mail that she was going out meaning away from her desk probably until tomorrow. So I had to make a decision about what to finish with the paper and how to make it look before I sent in the final version. I hope I make her proud, I did the best I could with the knowledge I have in my little head. I just had to keep reminding myself that it is a DRAFT. It is a DRAFT. It is a DRAFT. Oh me Oh my!

    I prayed for a miracle this morning and not getting that last version of the paper just might be it. Even though I don’t understand it right now. Also this meeting I had in the morning just got cancelled so I can sleep a little bit later and get started on finishing my coding earlier HENCE I will go to bed on time tomorrow in preparation for my 5am rising on Sunday morning. #OhitisJESUS!

    In regards to the Sabbath convo earlier I actually don’t do any work at school or at home. I bust my behind the rest of the week both and home, church, and school and the only thing I do on Sunday is church. watch football, and nap. God rested after creating the world, I can rest after working 6 days on my “little” document in comparison to making the sun the moon and the stars. That just works best for me.

    Well I’m off to the show.

    Tata now.


    Another week almost done!


    1. This is good, Nikki! I will compromise with myself and try to get into that kind of discipline. ๐Ÿ™‚

  154. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    Final day of DH. I’m sad to see it come to an end. However, don’t they say that every good thing has an end? I kept working on my outline, I got some writing done and read a few papers. I haven’t met the goals I set at the beginning of the week (I knew they were a bit ambitious, like always!), but I’m satisfied with the work I got done this week. I was able to stay focused enough to work, think, and produce a tangible result. Which is good.
    I have started my countdown, which makes the whole process more real. I have decided to set weekly goals, realistic ones! and do my very best to achieve them, and well. I also took the resolution of putting on my #TeamGetitDone T-shirt each and every time I can, to inspire me to get it done. The only way it can be done is to work on it! and that’s what I will be doing. I am also thinking of the rewards I can get myself (I will not let this one slide!) after I reach milestones in my research. For example, what will I give myself when I will be done growing my plants in the greenhouse? or when I will be done extracting the DNA from my samples? I still have 150 seeds to work on. I have predicted the end of the work in the greenhouse for the third week of March. That will be a big milestone, considering that I have started that process since August 2011!
    It was a pleasure meeting you all, DH Winter 2012 participants. I hope to see you each weekend in the Commons! Keep up the good work!
    PS: It’s fun to blog! I didn’t know I had so much to share. Maybe I will follow your example, Margaret G. and Margaret D.!

    1. woohoo, go Nohemi, go! if you do start a blog, let us know about it!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  155. Insanity Countdown: -58 days

    Buenos Dias!!!
    Next 90 minutes: I will continue with the following:
    – Figure 2b_activations
    – Figure 2b_correlations
    – Figure 2b_connectivity
    – List of pending Table and figures for 2b

    “It is all about myself”

    1. SCJVC
      Insanity Countdown: -58 days

      Almost 90 minutes……worked the whole time…ignored family and I got the Figures for 2b activations. That was good. Now I know that I was unrealistic about the timing for the amount of things I was planning to do in the 90 minutes period. Now…next 30 minutes and Call Susan to see if we can still meet today….Got some snow and freezing rain.
      Keep Going. I couldn’t plan todays day, but I am Trying to pace myself to focus on Pictures for Ch. 2b.

      “i a going to do it”

  156. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -58d 1h 40m

    Talked to Susan: We are going to stay home due to the roads conditions, but keeping tabs on each other. Next 90 minutes get figures for CH2b correlations. I got unexpected company at 1 am…in-laws stopping by because of the weather (couple and 3 kids)…Here is a party right now….but even I haven’t seen them for months (including my Godson)…I got to remember that the next 58 days it is about ME…then I will have time for them in the summer.

    Keep going….I am going to do it…………

    1. I put my “TeamGeItDone” shirt…so people will learn when not to talk to me!!!!!!

      1. “Alexis likes this” (Re: the next 58 days are about you, and wearing the shirt reminds people not to talk to you. Also liking the posting of very short-term goals like “next 90 mins.” I think that might help me more, too.) Oh, but be sure to play during the scheduled breaks! Esp. if you don’t get to see them that often. ๐Ÿ™‚ every moment counts. With that said, where’s my post?…

        Go get em, Carlos!

  157. Hi Susan What’s the plan today????

  158. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -58d 00h 21m

    Got figures for CH2b correlations..Reward myself… A DOS EQUIS AMBAR ๐Ÿ™‚

  159. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -57d 22h 31m
    Got my beer, time to go out with the family to play in the snow. Now some lunch/nap and continue….actually I am going to call Susan and Margaret to see why no posting……no excuses….Just get insane and do it!!!!!

  160. Day 67. I am so stealing Carlos’ T-minus days-mins-hours countdown as soon as I figure out how to count like that… ๐Ÿ™‚ But seriously I am inspired – he has raised the bar.

    Today’s agenda (I was slow in starting):
    – finish week’s goals and task list
    – outline my specific stats accomplishments thru the end of Jan
    – finish skimming/noting chapter 3 in Brown CFA for Applied Research
    – park downhill

  161. It’s much later than I had planned, but I’m up and ready to go. I can’t believe Carlos’ energy today! We were going to meet at UMBC at 9:00am, but the roads are icy around here. So, we’re going to both work at home and blog. Confession: after calling Carlos around 8:30 to tell him I was staying home, I stayed in bed until 11:30. I was exhausted and feel so much better now. He and I are going to blog back and forth today and see if we can meet up tomorrow. This weekend, I need to prepare for the start of the classes that I am teaching — they begin on Thursday. So, I need to:
    – Put up and review the CMSC 202 web site
    – Get my CMSC 202 notebook ready
    – Put up and review the CMSC 345 web site
    – Get my CMSC 345 notebook ready
    – Merge my teaching, dissertation, and personal calendars together on Google Calendar so that I can schedule when I can work on my dissertation and what I will be doing. (Thanks, Dr. Carter!)

    BTW, I found out yesterday afternoon that my defense date is April 6th, a couple of weeks earlier than I had hoped for. I have to get my dissertation to my committee on March 9th — a tight schedule. But I’m NOT going to let this go into the summer or I’ll go crazy! It’s all about ME until I’m done!
    — Susan
    Go Carlos!

  162. Day 51…..

    Today I have 3 tasks:
    1. Code Journal 14
    2. Segment and Code Journal 15
    3. Transcribe 1 video interview

    I like everyone’s posting and the energy! I was reading on my phone at home and I was like oooooooh I gotta get to my office and do some work!!! I am going to have to work at home (ugh~!) some later because I need to make another sick-n-shut in visit.

    Go Carlos!
    Go Susan!
    Go Alexis!
    Go Nikki!

    We are #TeamGetItDoneEvenOnSaturday

    Can’t Stop Won’t Stop!!!

    From “Red Tails”….From the last plane, to the last bullet, to the last minute, to the last man, we fight!

    For “TeamGetItDone”….From the last data set, to the last chapter, to the last paragragh, to the last advisor, we FIGHT!

    Let’s Do It!


    1. SCJVC
      Insanity Countdown: -57d 19h 12m

      Thanks Nikki, Susan, Alexis!!!!
      I just woke up..got black coffee, Coke zero and looked up for the iGoogle countdown to share it but didn’t find it…..I look to the countdown again and realized It took me 35 minutes. Sorry, couldn’t find it.

      Hi Susan…..Good to see your posting..I got more energy
      My Kids are fighting..for the tv, pc wii.I just told them that if they don’t play together I will put them in their room until I finish my Ph.D work for today….Wow ..It worked.

      MargaretS!!!! where are you??????????

      1. Get figures for CH2b connectivity for BA47 in 60 minutes (Keeping it simple).

        1. Done for BA_47 connectivity!!
          Now 30 minutes to play wii with the Kids!!!

      2. Thank you for the motivational call today, Carlos! You really got me working! I put in about 4 hours of solid work and am documenting all of it on my own blog, so don’t worry, I am not lost! ๐Ÿ™‚
        Keep up the good work!

  163. 48 Days
    So, I’ve started my countdown, too. I have 48 days until I have to turn my dissertation in to my committee. I worked on my CMSC 202 web site earlier, but have a lot more to do. My husband and I planned the day out: when we’re having lunch (did it), what he’s going to get at the grocery store, and when we’ll eat dinner. We discussed how making a schedule each day will help me and also help him to help me. I’ll keep you posted on whether or not it works. If it doesn’t, maybe somebody will have some suggestions.

    Back to work!
    — Susan

    1. SCJVC
      Insanity Countdown: -57d 17h 56m

      Go Susan!!!!
      I call one of my wife’s friends for them to get together tonight. My Kids don’t want to play with me now that I have 30 minutes. so nobody needs me..then next 60 minutes connectivity for Ch2b BA 44
      Keep Going…..

  164. Done for BA_44 connectivity!!
    short break……to Enjoy Salpicon!!

    1. Salpicon!!! No fair bragging about Colombian food you can get that I can’t get!

      1. Well you missed a lot for the New Year’s…in a couple of weeks we will have AJIACO!!!!!
        let me now if you are interested ๐Ÿ™‚

  165. I’m almost done with the CMSC web site. My computer’s been giving me problems, so I wasted about an hour trying to fix it (didn’t get it fixed). I’m going to break for dinner & TV for an hour now. I really want to at least get one site up by the end of the evening. But I’ve also resolved to not stay up really late so that I can start to get up earlier until this is done.

  166. Carlos — I think it’s best for me to work from home tomorrow. My computer is giving me all kinds of problems. I’m going to have to get someone from my department to look at it early this week. But I’m going to keep working tomorrow and blogging. I still *definitely* want to do the Saturday/Sunday thing where we work together at UMBC, but I think I need to start next weekend (and I will!).

    Others — *Please consider joining us.* Remember, if we get 5 or more people, Natasha will find us our OWN ROOM in the Commons Building to work in. We can construct some kind of mini-dissertation house schedule that we stick to each time we meet.

    — Susan (48 days)

    1. I am down for the Sat/Sun INSANITY sessions ๐Ÿ™‚

  167. I am in starting the first weekend in February! I am working tonight, too all the way from Cambridge! Nice to know I am in good company!

    1. I’m so glad! Let’s knock this thing out! Can’t wait to see you and hear about your progress.

  168. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -57d 10h 11m

    Didn’t continue working after 6 pm…I cut my hair, then Mass, then to a Birthday party…Dancing..only one beer and some type of liquor shot. Got back took a shower..I made myself to log here and plan the day for tomorrow. I will just sleep until the kids decide to wake up..hopefully after 7 am..then I need to finish figures for 2b BA 32 connectivity and then start with 2c the whole 9 yards (optimistic) some how watch the game. I need to have a pretty good draft of Chapter 2 by Monday night (Wow..I don’t know if feasible but I will enjoying the summer without people asking are you still working on your dissertation????)) Well think that’s why we are calling it insanity!!!!!

  169. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -57d 04h 07m

    Gabriel is up 6:30 am….put him to watch tv, some breakfast…I am sleepy..No promises I will just..What NO PROMISES???? Ok 60 minutes for pictures BA 32

    Glad to hear you guys….

    1. 2b BA 32 done!!!

  170. Wow, Carlos! Very impressive…. So my goal for today is to finish chapter 2 completely and complete the first pass of edits for chapter 3. If time permits, I will enter the first pass of edits for chapter 1 as well since it is short… Glad to have a whole day to dedicate to my dissertation. I like posting this… it’s like being in DH from a far… I am setting a date of March 5th to be finished with my dissertation. That means I have 43 days. I may have to adjust that depending on my defense data. Starting the count down today!

    1. Great Patti!!!
      That helps me to be focus…At the end we can have time to have a Colombian Brunch (Picada, etc) Keep going!!!!!

  171. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -57d 00h 32m

    Ok…2 hour nap, Breakfast, shower….now back to insanity!!!…

    30 minutes for detailed the ch2c and then post by task (sorry for putting so many things on it but I think I have never wrote that much before) this posting by task is in addition to a visual countdown for those 60 minutes and is easier for the family to wait some minutes to ask for things (by the way….in that time waiting, they usually forget about it) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Common people!!!!! Wake up……You will have Whole weekends to enjoy in the summer without worrying/thinking or freaking about this!!!!

    1. OK …Done!!!
      It looks that I will need so much time for this..but I’m not moving the dateline.
      Just realize that I have a bunch Analysis pending for the Ch2c. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
      Will get some coffee and then Finish Analysis for 2c.

  172. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -56d 23h 42m

    Trying to relax……..deep breath………………..24 analysis/tables/pictures for Chapter 2c…Praying!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Ok…one at the time. taking 30 minutes break/relax and think on best approach.

    Keep going Carlos!!!

  173. I’m finally up and moving. Still having a hard time getting out of bed when I don’t have an obligation to another person (e.g. a meeting or DH). Today:
    – Finish CMSC 202 web site (almost there)
    – Set up CMSC 202 Blackboard site (forgot I had to do this)
    – Set up CMSC 345 web site (this may take longer than I anticipate)
    – Overlay my personal, teaching, and dissertation calendars in Google Calendar

  174. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -56d 20h 16m
    Being Realistic Ch. 2c will take the whole week. I made a checklist for every step so I can find small spaces of time to focus and finish and more important see myself accomplishing things. Now, I am taking Daniel (7 y/o) where some friends to watch the game.

    1. Enjoy the game!

      You may want to make a calendar using Google Calendar or some other calendaring software and put everything that you have to do for the week, personal, work, or otherwise, on it. Then, you can see where you have open time to pencil in the steps that you need to do to finish Ch. 2c. Dr. Carter suggested that I do this and I think it’s a great idea. Because even if you know the steps you need to finish the chapter, you need to look ahead and be realistic about when you can actually sit down and get them done.

      Just a suggestion. I’ll let you know if it works for me.
      Back to work for me!

      1. Thanks Susan…
        I’m back……Actually my friends called to tell me that they already had a table for me to watch the game and still keep doing some things…That was great…I got down 12 analysis and set them up for tables. Now….Prepare my meeting with my mentor/boss to negotiate time and finally agree with a final plan.

        1. Great! Sorry that the Ravens lost, especially in such a horrible way. It sounds like your friends are very supportive! Can’t wait until next weekend when we all get together. We need to keep encouraging everybody to come so that Natasha can get us a room.

  175. Greetings from Ohio, DH friends! I arrived home around 8:30 Friday night and except for about 20 min. of white-knuckle driving in eastern Ohio, I beat the ice and snow. I have spent the weekend catching up on things around the house and spending time with my boys (2 little, 1 big). My almost-10-year-old passed his test in karate yesterday to be promoted to red belt – so proud! And they both won their basketball games. Anyway, tonight I am planning out my work for the week. I have 1 interview to collect data on Tues. and a few others to schedule. I have some additional data to enter and have to re-do my power analysis to see if I can create a rationale that would satisfy my committee that I could stop collecting data short of N = 110 without sacrificing power. I have a number of articles to read as well, the result of doing a lot of lit searches last week at DH. 12 minutes a day, right Dr. Carter? I can do that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. and You will…Keep going

  176. Well, I certainly underestimated the time it would take me to create a new course web site. But if I hadn’t been blogging and committing to a firm schedule (with my husband’s help), I wouldn’t have gotten nearly this far. I’ll pick up where I left off tomorrow — finish CMSC 345 web site, create CMSC 345 notebook, and overlay calendars in Google Calendar (VERY important). Goodnight!

    1. Have a good sleep…. I am also having issues underestimating my time to accomplish task….the continuing blogging small steps has been helpful in be hyper-attentive for small periods of times, more efficient, effective and efficacious. Initially I thought that I will boring people to death…but then I remembered those words….It is about ME time.
      I need to rest and continue tomorrow: Main Focus is the meeting with my mentor/boss and then continue with Ch.2 Analysis + exercise.

  177. Lots of good advice today. Keep it up. I met my goal of finishing one chapter and sent it off to my advisors. I also got 3/4 of the way through a second chapter. Tired now so I am hitting the sack.
    Signing off,
    TeamGetItDone in Boston! Go Patriots!!! Sorry Ravens… I heard it was a good game.

    1. Palante!!!!!!!

      1. ๐Ÿ™‚ #TeamGetItDoneAllOverTheWorld!

        1. ๐Ÿ™‚

  178. Awesome progress everyone, even with being honest about lack of progress. I am reminding myself to keep going and keep reflecting and I’ll get done! Carlos, I found at least one countdown (and I promised myself to stop after a few mins if I didn’t find it right away!). I’m at -64d, 7h, 15mins! Something like that…

    I’ve done some journaling about making my schedule more airtight and rejecting distractions/ truly behaving as if my number one priorities are finishing school and finding a good job. Got some reminders from “How to Write a Lot” – a book that helped me get on track over the summer but then I let myself fade out of some of the really good habits over last semester. SO! On time to bed, early to rise and get right to it, getting good food and exersize, and keeping a simple daily log of my work time and progress in my GDocs.

    I didn’t get done with everything I planned the other day, so I still have to
    1) finish up my agenda for the rest of January,
    2) glance over my descriptives, and
    3) do a test run of my analyses to see what questions come up. I have added that I will
    4) read over the documents that I got from the grad school to make sure I am not missing a step in my planning to graduate.

    Down to -9 minutes! Gotta go. Ok, so, ummm, January agenda done by 9:30am.


    1. -5hr, 52mins – January agenda’s done after a little interruption. Glancing at grad school docs, highlighting areas where I have questions/concerns. Til 10:30am.

    2. -5hrs, 2 mins – Data check til 12pm.

    3. -0hrs, 1min – I think my countdown timer is a little too speedy… – Anyway, I got some helpful guidance on my data during my lab meeting and then my advisor meeting. My advisor wants me to check in with my committee members, and my department coordinator walked me through the deadlines for uploading the final docs after defense with and without walking (I want to walk). Keeping these things in the forefront of my mind will encourage me when I don’t feel like working.

      Now I will
      1) work on composites,
      2) run correlations and summarize, and then
      3) try out one or two of the major analyses and see if I can get them to run. (5:30)

  179. Day 47: Didn’t have a chance to blog in this morning. I had to go into school for a meeting and to pick some things up. I did take about an hour that I probably shouldn’t have to gab with a colleague. I just finished lunch and am going to dive back in now. Will blog in later.

  180. SCJVC
    Insanity Countdown: -55d 10h 50m

    Moved the countdown a couple hours closer to make it clear for me. Worked from 9 to 6, but I noticed that there are times where I don’t do much at work and then started to do 10 minutes Ph.D. task/thinking/planning….and after a productive day at work I was able to finish the other 12 analysis and talk to my mentor about meeting for the renewed approach suggested by Dr. Carter. We will meet tomorrow afternoon about it. I will go home and work on tables.

    1. good job Carlos!!! My countdown also says 55 days…GULP!

  181. Well, getting my web sites ready for teaching is really taking up my time. I think that I’m overdoing it. I’m going to get things up and running in time for the start of classes, but not worry if everything’s not perfect — I can work on it as classes progress. I need to get back to my dissertation. So, tomorrow: 1) get my laptop fixed, 2) go to an IS meeting, 3) meet with a new CS instructor for lunch, 4) overlap my Google calendars after lunch and fill in what I have left to do on my dissertation (I MUST have a very structured plan from here on out).
    End of day 47. Goodnight!

    1. Goodnight Susan!!!!

  182. SCJVC – Insanity Countdown: -54d 21h 38m

    Good Morning…What a Summer we will have by finishing this NOW!!!!!!!
    Wake up!! Carlos

    – Tables for activations by groups
    – Tables for activations between groups short
    – Tables for activations between groups long


  183. -63d, 7hrs, 12mins – working today at assistantship, came in and finished up composites and correlations from last night. Correlations look much better today and reliabilities aren’t too bad, which is good for going ahead with the rest of the analyses. After work, will try to run through some more analyses and do some background reading.

    Go #TeamGetItDone.

    1. Go Team Go!

    2. -62, 23hrs, 6mins – Whoa, I ran my syntax for one of the research questions. Like, the analysis ran (after some tweaking – I got some errors at first because the data set wasn’t set up properly for the program). Ok, I’m going to work out to wake up and then will try to understand what all the output means… ๐Ÿ™‚

      Oh, I also worked on my semester calendar that my advisor worked for (way too scary to describe here), so I’ll make a copy of that and leave it in her mailbox to critique. Also fixed some wording and reliability information in Chapter 3 based on what I did earlier this morning.

      K, onward, #TeamGetItDone!

  184. -41d 2h 53m

    Yesterday, I managed to finish Chapter 3 and send it off to my advisors!!!!
    Today Chapter 4… quick edits by 10:30am and the more difficult edits by this evening…
    Nice to have all this inspiration from colleagues!

    #TeamGetItDone in Boston

    1. Go Patti!

  185. Day 58…..

    Today I am going to:

    1. Clean up Journal 14 coding
    2. Clean up Journal 15 coding
    3. Code 1 set of Navy documents
    4. Convert conference paper into dissertation chapter, or at least start thinking about what this will look like.

    Let’s do it!



    1. Ooops….That should be Day 48!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Oh and GREAT JOB to everyone who worked over the weekend, I was reading some posts while I was in the choir stand Sunday….LOL

        1. Lol at the choir stand, though… ๐Ÿ™‚ Go Nikki!

  186. Great!!!
    Back to nothing…..Now I have to work in the proposal????? again????? Relax Carlos Relax!!!!!! Xanax Xanax ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Now I’m more relax……As I said before…Dr. Carter’s advice work better than Xanax ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thank You!!! again Dr. Carter

  187. Hello All
    This is a new week, the DH is over but your dissertation is not. What’s the plan for this week? It’s the end of January stay strong everyone.

    1. Hi Dr. Carter!
      Since I have TAing starting next week for me (eek!), my plan for this week is to get as much done in the lab as possible – I’m working on getting results for the project that I will be presenting at the ACS conference in late March, but I need to find reliable papers and ways to get results and good characterization – fast! So that’s my main goal for the week in lab.
      For writing, I’m working on at least writing up ONE new reaction a day, including ChemDraw schemes, and placing them in my files ๐Ÿ™‚

      Good luck to all! Can’t wait for Friday!


  188. Hello from UMB! First things first — You all are amazing! Thanks for such inspiring posts! I’m almost caught up on all the posts of the blog.

    After a bit of a hiatus due to health challenges, single parenthood, living at home with my parents and sister (AND my cousin and her little dog too for several months), and academic issues beyond my control, I am back in grad school and back to work on my dissertation.

    Long story short, I had to develop a different dissertation proposal with similar research questions in a different cohort because my PI’s study is currently suspended. It has been a HUGE headache. I had a committee meeting in December and they approved my use of the different cohort. Thankfully, my recently published JAGS article is based on the cohort I will now be using for my analysis and will count as paper 1 for my dissertation. The main differences are that I am now only analyzing data from a cohort of women, I lose one cytokine from my analysis, and I gain an additional study visit’s worth of data. So, I have to make some major changes to my document.

    Dr. Tull’s post on defense scheduling was so timely. I’m looking for a defense date anywhere from late March to late April so that I can participate in hooding and commencement in May. I’m an MD/PhD candidate and medical school doesn’t resume until July, but I need to officially celebrate the PhD completion for morale’s sake. I’ve been in med and grad school way too long without any sort of celebration of accomplishment (9 years to be exact).

    Today, I will be accomplishing the following:
    -Edit table of contents to reflect changes in headings in the background and methods chapters
    -Incorporate comments from last week’s meeting with my advisor into my new document
    -Edit research questions and aims in chapter 1 and 3
    -Copy and paste relevant text from chapter 1 and 2 into new document
    -Copy and paste first manuscript into its chapter
    -Edit conceptual model to reflect changes in the cohort and feedback from my last presentation to fellow predoctoral trainees and faculty

    It’s 2:46 and Itzhak Perlman radio on Pandora is making greatness happen!



    p.s.: where can i get one of those amazing t-shirts??? ๐Ÿ™‚
    p.p.s.: i love the spin-off blogs!!!! i’ll have to update the one i started in 2010 more regularly!

    1. Hi Maya,

      You’ve got a lot going on but you’ve got it going on! If I’m allowed to read into your words, you aren’t letting anything stop you from getting this degree!

      Go Get ‘Em!

      P.S. I think Dr. Tull was the t-shirt lady ๐Ÿ™‚
      P.P.S. Itzhak Perlman radio is now playing in my ear, thank you. Nice break from my techno/house-y “Panoptica radio”

  189. My day was more productive than I expected as I had one interview scheduled for data collection (I scheduled it before I came to DH), then called another potential participant this morning to schedule – she told me she was free this afternoon and coincidentally lived about 4 blocks from the interviewee already scheduled. Did I mention that the location of both visits was about a 50 minute drive from my house? Two visits in one afternoon, an unexpected gift which gets me that much closer to finishing, woohoo!

    1. That is awesome. Reminds me of the saying: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

  190. -62d, 8h, 37m – Only a little time before a full day at the assistantship.
    1) putting specific dates in my personal calendar that I turned in to my advisor (and forgot to put my name on)
    2) quick journaling
    3) glancing over how to run a mixture model

    Go #TeamGetItDone – happy Witness-day!

    1. Back at the grad office and my friend left me some chocolate-covered strawberries. Sooo on point.

      Mixture models, here I come!

      This is harder than I thought so I need to break it down
      1) Read one section of the MPlus guide
      2) Try to set up the syntax
      3) Repeat with next relevant section if syntax doesn’t come together.
      4) Record any issues/observations

    2. -61d, 19h, 21min – Got the syntax to run. Now just to figure out if I’m doing this right, requesting the right output, setting up the syntax correctly to reflect the number of classes, etc. But very excited that the thing ran at all and gave me some output!

      I don’t have to understand all of this yet, I just need to keep marching along and stop being afraid of what I don’t yet know. If I keep moving, eventually I’ll understand it and it will no longer be the enemy.

      Gonna head home and try again tomorrow. Goodnight, #TeamGetItDoneCauseYouKeptTryingAndComingBack!

  191. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -53d 20h 27m

    You want 8 papers???? 8 will be…….
    I’m the expert!!!!!!!
    This is so #$@*&$*@ ON!!!!!

    This week:
    1. Draft-writing Introduction for Chapter 2
    2. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 1/ Chapter 2a
    3. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 2 / Chapter 2b
    4. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 3 / Chapter 2c
    5. Draft-writing Introduction for Chapter 3
    6. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 4 / Chapter 3a
    7. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 5 / Chapter 3b
    8. Draft-writing Introduction for Chapter 4
    9. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 1/ Chapter 4a
    10. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 2 / Chapter 4b
    11. Draft-writing + specific list 4 MY Ph.D. paper 3 / Chapter 4c

    That’s why is called INSANITY!!!!!!!

  192. Good morning all!
    As you all know, I have my own blog where I post my “daily” ish goals, but I also post quotes that are relevant to either how I’m feeling in the morning, or relevant to the dissertation/research process. This quote I felt was just too good not to share with you all! It’s one of those quotes where the lesson is preached during the DH (you might have heard Dr. CV say “A good dissertation is a DONE dissertation!”) – so here it is!

    “Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.” – Harriet Braiker

    So don’t worry about getting it perfect! Just get it DONE! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck all!



  193. Day 47….

    Today I will:

    1. Code some Navy stuff
    2. Send that to my advisor
    3. Draft my job presentation
    4. Have a late afternoon meeting with my advisor



    1. I didn’t have that meeting with my advisor so I finished my tasks early today so I am going to spend my last hour reading before I head to choir practice. I am feeling the “Wednesday” blues for some reason my spirit is low….But the majority of the day is behind me so I will press on until I finish.

      Happy Wednesday!



      1. Girl, that’s why I called it WitnessDay because I am a witness that #GettingItDone when you don’t feel like it makes for a better #GettingItDone day the next day! Push!!!

  194. You guys are awesome!!! What motivation!!! We are at crunch time at the Hackathon at MIT and so my dissertation took a back seat yesterday, but I am getting some work done today. Can you believe that Dr. Carter met me at South Station today for a meeting!?!?! It is always good to have a conversation with Dr. Carter to get you focused and motivated. Goal for today finish the minor changes in Chapter 4 and download the data files from Physionet.

  195. Well, I was derailed for the past two days — my computer had to be completely cleaned and all its software reinstalled! I kept going in circles thinking, “Well, I can do this in the meantime. No, wait, I can’t. I need the computer to do it!” So a couple of very unproductive days. That’s why I haven’t been blogging.

    So, tonight, I’m reinstalling a lot of software (had my data backed up — always make sure that you do and in more than one place) and getting ready for teaching my first class tomorrow.

    I’ll get back on track, although I’m a little depressed that my son went back to college yesterday. I worry so much about him.

  196. Anyone: How do I get in touch with Natasha? I’d like to see if we can get that room in the Commons for this weekend.

    Also, who’s in for working this weekend in the Commons?

    1. You can reach Natasha at promisestaff@gmail.com

      1. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -53d 08h 48m

        I already e-mailed her, if I don’t hear from her tomorrow, I will adopt Dr. Carter’s approach…I WILL HUNT HER DOWN!!!!.

        I will be this weekend in the commons……..I will be swimming the next four days to get back to Krav on Monday. Plan is 2 days of Krav a week, 2 days of swimming and start P90X (I got from a neighbor). .. Many of them keep reminding me every time they see me about..My Countdown ๐Ÿ™‚

        I got a new software to help me with the dissertation-paper approach and already paste and expanded for chapter 2. The good thing about this approach is that I will be able to do it during work hours. But one of the best things I got from Dr. Tull and Carter was the idea of working on several things depending on my strenghts/weaknesses and the time available….But always working on it and Just Get it Done!!

        I friend sent me a KISS message: Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

        Good Night….I am going to get some rest, get some music mixed for my wife’s birthday

  197. Way to keep going, people! Big or small, it’s progress. Way past my departure time (I made the mistake of checking FB) – see you tomorrow…

    Dr. Smackdown

  198. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -53d 02h 52m

    Amazing!!!! Inspiring!!!!!
    I woke up around 2:45 am,,,,,,couldn’t get back to sleep so I followed Margaret’s example ( http://drdabekmay2012.wordpress.com/ )….If I can’t go back to sleep….just do something

    Weekend INSANITY Bootcamp is comming!!!!

    Thanks Margaret!!!!!

    1. Now…finally feeling sleepy
      it was a very productive time
      Thanks Margaret..

      1. Glad my insomnia could be of some help ๐Ÿ˜‰
        Yay! Keep working and get ready for INSANITY on SATURDAY!!!

  199. -61d, 8h, 52min – Wow, nice middle of the night productivity, Carlos!

    In the office for another pre-assistantship session. I’ve got about 40 minutes. I will glance over the output from my mixture analysis last night and see if I can make any sense out of it. Main questions:
    1) What’s meaningful to me?
    2) What do I still need?
    3) Can I tell what I will need to do for the other RQs based on what I know?

    The next step will probably be to try the alternative cluster analysis to see if I can make that go..

    Go #TeamGetItDone! “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can chage the world – indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
    — Margaret Mead

    1. K, going to work. So far I noticed some initial warnings about the convergence of the model, so I will need to look into that. I made note of information about the class membership between the two types of implicit theories I’m interested in. Be back later! What else can I #GetDone today?

      1. #GOALEXISGO!

        1. LOL! I just got told by WordPress, “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.”

          I got told by a website to slow down.

          Still processing this one, as is, apparently, WordPress.

  200. Quote for today: โ€œOur greatest weakness is giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.โ€ Thomas Edison

    Keep going everyone! You all are so motivational!! ๐Ÿ˜€



    1. Great Quote! I’m glad for new mornings and new mercies when I wake up every morning!

    2. Margaret did you give up your blog? The last post dates Jan 18th…what’s up with the adventures of dissertation writing…is the adventure on hold?

      1. Hi Dr. CV,

        It’s updated recently. I think if you have the suffix for Jan 18 after the “wordpress.com/” part, it’ll only show the 18th? Not sure why you can only see that otherwise.

        Margaret, thanks for posting.

      2. Hi Dr. CV!

        Nope, my adventures are still continuing! Here’s the link to the homepage and always the latest updates from the blog ๐Ÿ™‚
        Thanks for checking up on me!


  201. Day 46…..

    Today I will:
    1. Work on my list of edits from my committee
    2. Have coffee with our “new” professor in the department
    3. Work on my job takl slides

    If my advisor shows interest I will also meet with her today.

    Great Job Carlos working in the middle of the night!! Get it done! I saw the update e-mails when I woke up this morning and I was like who was up posting in the middle of the night.


    Let’s graduate ya’ll!



    1. Amen!!!!

    2. Amen!!! LOL at the update emails!!

  202. Good morning, folks! Margaret, I just love your quotes! Everyone else, I love your motivation. You all help me to focus on this goal and endure the situation I am in. Thank you so much!

    My goals are:
    1. Meet with my collaborator here for lunch
    2. Convert the data that I downloaded into something that my code can use
    3. Create an image for Chapter 3 visualization that describes what is happening better
    4. Run the experiments and get results. (Cross your fingers!)

    Happy day, everyone! Thanks for helping me endure. focus, and move forward!!!

    1. Palante MIJA!!!! Puye el burro!!!!

  203. Blogging in late. I’ve been spending the morning getting the materials ready for the first class that I have to teach for the semester. My son just called and said he forgot his hockey equipment for a game tonight. Gonna try to put that chore off on hubby. I need to get back to my dissertation tonight.
    Dr. Carter emailed me and said that Natasha is in Canada celebrating her birthday. So, I don’t know if we can get a room in the Commons this week for not. I’ll keep trying.
    PLEASE POST if you’d like to meet this weekend at UMBC. I’d really like to get this weekend “mini-DH” going, even if we have to use the library or other facility until we get a room.

    1. Hi Susan,
      I will be there!!!

      1. Natasha reserved Commons 329 from 8.30 to 8.00 PM on Saturday, January 28, 2012
        Gracias Natasha!!!!!!!!

        1. Hurray! Natasha, you’re great! Happy birthday, too!

  204. I will be there too, but I am coming at 9am ๐Ÿ™‚

  205. Hello All
    Yesterday I met with Patti O in Boston; we had fun catching up on her progress. I spoke with Carlos over the phone. It’s good to see that you all have plans to meet to work on your dissertations this weekend. Glad to see that you realized that you are not alone in this long journey. Keep up the good work Teamgetitdone.

    1. Thanks Dr. CV!

  206. -60d, 20h, 36min
    1) Finishing up reading output (mostly I don’t understand, but will soon)
    2) If time, attempt a quick cluster analysis

    1. -60d, 19h, 58min
      Ugh, didn’t get much done. Read over a job announcement for a great position. Will need that motivation tomorrow morning when I come back.

      1) Finish output
      2) Glance at cluster analysis and try
      3) Reviewer’s guide – what is required in reporting?
      4) Try RQ3

      Onward, #TeamGetItDone

  207. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -51d 20h 19m

    We are here at the library:
    Plan for today focus on chapter 4
    1. Draft-writing Introduction for Chapter 4
    2. specific list Chapter 4a
    3. specific list Chapter 4b


  208. -60d, 5h, 49m – Happy Friday!
    In the office, spent time ordering one of my fundamental stats books on amazon that got recalled from the library. Booo. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ready for a good day, though. Glad I parked downhill yesterday! Copying and pasting:
    1) Finish output
    2) Glance at cluster analysis and try
    3) Reviewerโ€™s guide โ€“ what is required in reporting?
    4) Try RQ3

    Go INSANITY crew! Work it out. Let’s #GetItDone on a Friday.

    1. Almost forgot: Done reading through output by: 11:35am

    2. -60d, 3h, 29m – Got through the output and made my notes! Had a scheduled chat in the office at 12 and now I’m ready for my next steps.

      Gonna try a cluster analysis as an alternative. To do this:
      1) Review how-to in my old stats notes
      2) Set up the data if necessary
      3) Run the analysis
      Review til 1:15pm, done attempt by 2pm.

      Let’s Goooo!!!

    3. -60d, 2h, 48m – forgot I’m not a robot and therefore need food.

      Recalculating review time…
      Review til 2pm, done attempt by 2:45pm


    4. -60d, 0h, 56m – behind schedule. Found my cluster analysis notes but still need more time. Also found out that at least one of my committee members can’t meet on the day I’m counting down to, soooo that means I have to prepare everything for at least one or two days earlier than I planned… ๐Ÿ˜›

      1) Cluster run by 3:30pm or bust.
      2) Move on to reviewer’s guide to FMM analysis – work on that til 4:30, outline notes so far.
      3) Then run RQ3 analysis til 5:30pm, take notes.


      1. Changing the date sucks, but you can do it! Success is in your hands!

        1. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
          — Tolstoy

          I want to change the committee’s schedules, but I’d better change my date!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    5. -59d, 22h, 46m – I’m out. Was able to work through up to some of the FMM reviewer’s guide notes. Next step: Attempting a quick set up of the RQ3 mplus syntax and running.

  209. Up late as usual when I don’t have a morning obligation. I don’t know how to solve this! I’m going to bed earlier (11:00 at the latest), but I still sleep for up to 10 hours and right through my alarm that plays music for an hour. I think it’s that I don’t get any exercise. Anybody have any suggestions?

    I’m getting back to my dissertation today and tomorrow. Having my computer crap out on me for two days this week really set me back. I’ve also lost a lot of motivation. I hope that tomorrow’s session at the Commons will help me to get it back.

    1) Set up a final interview
    2) Pick a chapter and break it down into smaller pieces
    3) Start writing the pieces
    4) Meeting a friend for a late lunch and hopefully some inspiration

    1. Just let me know the time and will call you….we are in the library !!!

    2. Susan, I have been having the same problem as far as staying up all night and sleeping too long in the morning…
      Let me tell you what I did this morning and maybe this will help!
      I could not fall asleep until 2:35am but my alarm was set for 7am. Obviously, there is a conflict here.
      So last night, i wrote a note for someone in my house to wake me up at 7am. Literally the note read “Wake Gosia (that’s my Polish name FYI… ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) up at 7am- even if she screams and cries.” And that is precisely what happened- minus screams and cries. Is there anyone that can do this for you in your family? Or have one of us from DH/Commons group call you (granted you leave your phone on super loud volume…)?

      Yes, I am beat up right now abt the hours of sleep I got (I do not want to count how many b/c it will make me sad), but this kind of punishment will get me to bed earlier today, and so on and so forth.
      ๐Ÿ™‚ I am being productive today too, as painful as it may be
      Hope this helped…

      1. Margaret — Thanks! Yes it does help. I’ve tried having my husband wake me, but he doesn’t try hard enough. I think I’ll ask my sister, who’s always up early, to give me a wake up phone call, and then one 10 minutes later. She’s very persistent and wants me to get through this so that she and I can travel.
        — Susan

    3. Susan, I’m trying to keep myself motivated, too. I notice that I am more functional when I have a good system that keeps me accountable and focused on my priority. Have someone call or text you when it’s bedtime, maybe. For me, I told my friends that in order for me to hang out on my allowed days, I had to be on my way home between 8-9pm, no exceptions. And then I have to not make any exceptions (the hard part). SO many good opportunities come up to hang out JUST when I say I’m going to say no more consistently.

      I also have committed to doing short morning exercises when I wake up – they can take 5 minutes or 15 minutes depending how much time I have. It’s just to establish a wake up routine (I pray right beforehand, something that’s important for me in order to keep a broad perspective). What’s working for me is 10 reps of each exercise – some push ups, some back exercises, sit up variations, and then a short yoga cycle.

      Lastly, I turned off the radio alarm (also plays for a while) and just keep my phone across the room with a loud alarm with no snooze. If I snooze once I’ll snooze until it stops snoozing and then I just oversleep. If I have to I’ll set a second non-snooze alarm when I know I’m really tired (because I didn’t go to bed on time). No matter what, I am not allowed to lay back down. Not even to make my bed (I can trick myself easily).

      Overall, nothing works for me if I’m not committed, and the commitment only comes when I remember why I’m doing this and who it’s for, and that I only have to do this dissertation ONCE. Then I maintain my system. I reflect regularly on what’s working and what’s not, and make the necessary changes to stay balanced and gentle yet rigorous. Stay accountable and it gets easier to come back consistently.

      I will need to come back to read this soon… ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Those are all great ideas. One of the reasons that I actually use public transportation is because it forces me to work while it’s day. On top of already being committed like Alexis said. I mean committed like there are certain things/people that are on my “your not on team get it done” list so they had to take a backseat. I am very protective of my sleep, I mean like it is my precious. Don’t mess with it. I am usualy getting in the bed by 9:30 or 10 at the latest, that way I don’t really need the alarm because I wake up at 5:30 or 6 automatically. The more consistent I am with my sleep the more rested I feel when I wake up in the morning. I actually wake up and my body says we are DONE sleeping for now so get up and let’s do something. Although I do have my alarm come on it is more for my meditations and these morning spiritual radio programs that I like to listen to for affirmations in the morning and encouragement for my day.

        Now my enemy is my couch, because sometimes I transfer it to the couch after I wake up because I claim that I need to watch the news. LOL. Then 2 hours pass and I’m still in my pajamas. I don’t watch that much TV at night, usually never unless there is some national news I want to hear about. So I tell myself that I need to watch TV in the morning because I rarely watch it at night.

        Also on school days (which are Mon – Sat only) I lay out my clothes so that I don’t even have to think about what I am wearing and since I don’t gave a ta-ship it is usually some variation of the same outfit. This helps my morning routine. I am fasting with my church so I am not currently eating breakfast or lunch until next month so right now I can get out of my house in like 20 minutes from the time I open my eyes if I don’t sit down to watch TV.

        It is hard to be so committed and some days are going to be better than others but we just have to keep pressing on even when we mess up. The clock doesn’t stop because we mess up, our countdown to graduation is still in session.

        We can do it!

        1. Sleep is like “my precious”! LOL Nikki, that is the funniest thing!!!!! I think that I’m going to use that one. I’ll give you credit. I truly laughed out loud reading that!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Thanks, Alexis. I’m going to take your advise about getting my friends to promise that they’ll hold me to certain limitations. For example, a friend who I haven’t seen in awhile emailed me today and asked me to go out to lunch. I hesitated, because he and I take extremely long lunches (hours). But I caved and went, telling myself that I’d give myself a time limit and tell him. Well, three hours later …

        So, lesson learned: Tell him that I can get together with him on occasion, but only for 1.5 hours, which is a reasonable amount of time for us to catch up on things. I’ll do the same with other people. Good advise.

  210. Day 45……

    Yesterday I met with my advisor and we talked about what we want to do with this Navy data. Today the plan is to work some with that data and also to work on my job talk presentation.

    That’s all folks!



    1. Nikki — Didn’t mean to ignore your response to my sleeping problem. I’m really happy about how many people response to my cry for help re: this. Thanks!

      1. No problem Susan, we have to help each other out even virtual support is support!

  211. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -51d 12h 23m

    Done at the Library…..See you tomorrow at the Commons
    Redirected the focus of Chapter 4 (KISS)

  212. Set my alarm for 7:30, up at 7:50. Not bad for me! I’m checking my email and getting a bagel, then heading to school. See you soon!

    1. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -50d 21h 10m

      Here at the Commons!!!
      Thanks Natasha!!! I really appreciate it
      Next 3 hours:
      Chapter 4a Intro KISS

    2. Great progress, Susan. Celebrate every step of progress since no one will do it for you. I clap for myself when I finish my morning routine – sometimes it’s really hard for me to get through!

  213. I’m actually here at 9:30 and ready to work! Goals today:
    – Read through some interview notes to jog my memory
    – Draft Ch. 3.2 Industrial Case Study:
    – 3.2.1 Setting and Background
    – 3.2.2 Data Collection

  214. – 59 Days, 5 Hours, 57 Minutes (cut/paste: why’d it take me so long?) – Happy Saturday, Saturday crew. Thanks for letting me join you (virtually). I’m happy to be in the office at College Park.

    We’ve got a great show for you tonight, folks:
    1) Run CFA for RQ3
    2) Record problems, observations, results
    3) Stat model info/tutorial – how to connect Q1 classes/prob’ys to remaining analyses?
    4) Dim sum with friends for Chinese New Year at noon
    5) Finish whatever didn’t get through during afternoon, decide next steps (looking at notes from CFA class, reading next chapter, finishing Reviewer’s Guide chapter?)
    6) Dinner for friend’s birthday at 6pm.

    Starting with CFA. Done by 11am then review.

    Go INSANITY team at the Commons. Let’s #GetItDone.

    1. -59 Days, 4 Hours, 35 Minutes – Set up syntax but first attempt yielded an error. Check when I get back from lunch. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Ok, I’m not used to this – I started to post and then zoned out…

      Not sure I’m gonna get much more done, and it’s almost time to leave. I’ll park downhill now just in case.

      Next steps:
      *Tomorrow is planning day – I have a separate list for that*
      1) Figure out how to run CFA for RQ3 (fix syntax)
      2) Record problems, observations, results
      3) Stat model info/tutorial โ€“ how to connect Q1 classes/probโ€™ys to remaining analyses?
      4) Decide next steps (looking at notes from CFA class, reading next chapter, finishing Reviewerโ€™s Guide chapter?)

      Happy Saturday, #TeamGetItDone

    3. Oops. Found the problem in my syntax. Musta been tired. Ok, I’m out after making a log of what to fix!

      1. Good Saturday WORK Alexis, I failed Saturday. Well not really but you know! I’m glad that you got so much work acocmplished! 3 Cheers for you!!

        1. Thanks, Nikki!! Actually you and others – Dr.Tull included – inspired me to do the 6 days on, 1 day off/planning thing, so I kept telling myself to push so I could really feel ok about DELIBERATELY not working (well, not technically working, anyway) on a Sunday. I say deliberately because there have been many, many days where I said I was going to work and then didn’t, felt guilty, and then still felt drained on Monday…

          Today, even though I’m still tired because I went to bed late, I actually feel like I took a personal recovery day. I could get used to this.

  215. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -50d 17h 48m

    Here at the Commons!!! Thanks Natasha for stopping by.
    Next 3 hours:
    Chapter 4a Intro/Methods KISS

  216. Back from lunch. Took only one hour, which is good for me. Hye-Sook went with me, so we were able to talk about our experiences interviewing people.

    I read through some interview notes before lunch. Boy, if you take long breaks between steps in your research, you forget an awful lot! Luckily, I took pretty good notes. I also wrote about 3 pages of section 3.2.1 before lunch. I’m going to continue with it now.

    Margaret D. joined us before lunch, so we have 4 people at our session now. Consider joining us next weekend!

    1. Susan, I’ve taken over your long lunch breaks! This has to be a record, almost 4 hours!! Although an hour and a half of that was commute, with construction adding half an hour to my about 30 minute drive on the way (and a woman cutting suddenly across the 3-lane street almost getting t-boned by my car). Then our huge party of grad students – maybe 14 people? – had to wait another half an hour or so to be seated. But the dim sum was really good… ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’ll be working on the shorter lunch breaks, too!!

      1. It’s so easy to get sucked into fun things, isn’t it?! Think of all of the long, luxurious lunches that you can take once you’re done!!!

        1. Yessss, yesss, *In Mr. Burns’ voice* “Excelllennnnnnnnnt” Tapping fingertips together…

  217. Best decision I made today! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am also getting a lot done (check out my blog later tonight: http://drdabekmay2012.wordpress.com/, but so far this is what I got done:
    -filtered out MD-20 rxn from one solvent and put into next one, set up for whole day while I work here ๐Ÿ™‚
    -found IP evaluation sheet so I can print that off later
    -went through revisions of my IP that my editors gave to me, including Margaret G (THANKS AGAIN ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    – have a FINAL draft of my IP that I can hand in after my co-advisors check it off

    Now I am about to sift through my journal articles and group them, then start the exciting highlight like crazy process (These are all articles I have read before I just need to highlight important points to make citation easier later on)

    -Margaret D.

  218. Well, it’s 7:26 and I’m about losing it. I’m going to leave in about 1/2 hour. I worked from 9:30 until now, with a one-hour lunch and a half-hour break around 4:00! That’s around eight hours of solid work! I made significant progress on the two sections that I wanted to draft. Bit off more than I could chew. But I feel calmer that I can actually do this!!! Hurray for ME!

    I probably won’t blog tomorrow because I have to work on materials for the classes that I teach this coming week. But I should be back on Monday.

    Goodnight and rest of the weekend! I think I’ll go for a quick mall massage before I go home, then watch a little well-deserved TV with my husband.

    1. Good Night……..Time to go home!!!!!!
      I am so tired I can not write anymore…..
      see you tomorrow at the library

  219. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -49d 18h 36m

    Amazed with http://drdabekmay2012.wordpress.com/ ……………an inspiration…really!!

    I’m at UMBC in some place in the library….I am so tired, and I am just writing to keep writing, to write out of something ( I think that was some type of saying from Alex), Head doesn’t hurt but feels like an egg….49 days!!!! I know this is really delusional but the real goal is to have everything down, organized and finally a clear plan approved…..but inside me I know this can be done.

    I didn’t go to Mass this morning, did not sleep well due to Gabriel but that’s life….Actually I really enjoyed when the kids go and wake up to sleep with them ๐Ÿ™‚

    Trying to decide in going to Mass at noon, 5 pm or 7:30 pm…Today I am going to focus and organize the remaining 49 days…….Thanks Margaret!!!

    Ok..First things First…..MASS @ noon then get back to UMBC

  220. OK….I’m back but this time at the 455, I went into the 24-hour but was kind of distracting so now I’m upstairs.

  221. OK…Time to go Home

    Tomorrow (just because Margaret is making me to put them down ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Write chapter 4a (ambitious) Any ten minutes do something about it…. KISS

    1. Good pushing through it, folks.

    2. ja ja ja ja….

      You will thank me for making you set goals in May when you graduate ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. I will!!!

  222. Day 42….

    I am going to Southern Maryland with my advisor today to work on some data.

    When I get back (hopefully not too late) I need to put in about 2 hours thinking and working on my job talk for my Tuesday morning meeting with my department chair.

    Another Week!

    New Morning, New Mercies!


    1. Amen and amen! You can do it!

  223. -36d 7hr 32m…
    I lost a weekend here just moving back to Maryland, but honestly I needed the break. I was wiped out this weekend. Now the final push. I got into the office by 8am this morning. I am just working solid until March 5th.

    Today’s goals
    1. Finish the images for chapter 3.
    2. Rewrite sections that need to be rewritten in chapter 4
    3. Set up a meeting with my advisor
    4. Write up my understanding of my baseline to present to my advisor

    Thanks, Carlos, for noticing my absence!!! I needed that kick in the pants!!! Pa’lante!

    1. Glad the move is done and seems like it went well, Patti! You’re so close! Just hold on, it’s closer than you think!

  224. -55 Days, 22 Hours, 31 Minutes – Happy Monday.

    I’m tired but I’m here. While waiting for an earlier comment to post, I did some troubleshooting with my syntax from Saturday. I was able to get it to run and I didn’t even get any funny warnings this time. Mostly the issues that come up are because I left out some variable names or forgot to change a file name. I will find out if I have bigger issues once I go over some of the results with my lab and one or two of my committee members this week. I need to make sure I’m on the right track early in February so I can get the results that I can use written up.

    Yesterday was a planning day but I didn’t get much planning done. I will take a few minutes to catch up on my planning for this week, and then go back to the output I just got. So my goals for today that I set up on Saturday:
    1) Figure out how to run CFA for RQ3 (fix syntax) –> run second set of syntax and read over output
    2) Record problems, observations, results
    3) Stat model info/tutorial โ€“ how to connect Q1 classes/probโ€™ys to remaining analyses?
    4) Decide next steps (looking at notes from CFA class, reading next chapter, finishing Reviewerโ€™s Guide chapter?)

    Let’s go, #TeamGetItDone!

    1. Oops, forgot estimated time again. Done planning and Goal 1 by 11am.

    2. Got sleepy so I checked in on the blog. I have my output and looked at some of the fit indices, which are just ok. I still need more background to be able to explain the assumptions, so I’ll work on that soon. Still need some basic reflections written down for this week’s time budget and plan.

    3. -55 Days, 19 Hours, 57 Minutes – This day is flying by. I was crazy sleepy so I ate a grapefruit and did some planning. I finished up my week’s goals and sent off two important emails to set up meetings related to my analyses.

      Now it’s noon and I still need to read over the output from RQ3 run. I also want to try to get RQ4 set up, since I had no idea how to do that one and this idea might work that I have. I think I’ll see if it runs and then start looking at everything together.

      I’ll take a quick break and start back up again between 12:25 and 12:30pm.

      1. Uh oh, where’s Susan – I’m late back from lunch (even though it could be much, much worse). I’ve caught the disease! ๐Ÿ™‚ K, back to work. Let’s see if I can get this last analysis to run by….. 1:30pm. Go!

        1. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Try setting your cell phone alarm while at lunch. (But let the person you’re with know that you’re doing it and why!) Keep goin’!

    4. Attempted last analysis. No good as is, although it did run. It’s just probably really poorly designed. ๐Ÿ™‚ Gonna go meet with my lab mate about my stats. Be back.

    5. -55 Days, 13 Hours, 12 Minutes – Headed out. I met with my labmate who gave me a bunch of good ideas for how to present what I have in lab this week. I’m on the right track with the analyses, and I have some good question for my committee member. I’ve been working on histograms of the subscale composites, so I have those set, and I’ve made notes on the specific challenges and questions to answer.

      1) Summarize overall story
      2) Describe (brief) mixture model output
      3) Create path models with loadings
      4) Attempt simpler Q4 stuff
      5) Format presentation

  225. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -48d 23h 18m or -20d 23h 18m ????????

    A very difficult day, too much at work that I couldn’t get into chapter 4a (it takes too much time to write..but blogging is actually helping me to write and improve to transfer my thoughts into words)

    Things Done:
    1. Contacted Every Member of the Committee for available dates to meet..after getting feedback from 3 of them the available dates are March 26,28 and April 4.
    2. I got the references for Chapter 4.
    3. Talked to my mentor/boss
    4. Kept trying to get dates from the one member pending
    5. Talked to Melody to find out about the possibility of graduating this May (My mentor is not a Regular member of the Graduate Faculty
    6. Talked the the Graduate Faculty Council to find out about the meeting dates (so my mentor submit the paperwork on time

    For tomorrow:
    1. Hunt down the missing committee member for dates
    2. Take the application for diploma for signature
    3. Meet with my Boss/Mentor to go over the overall approach.
    4. Discuss the computational modeling experiment pending
    5. Negotiate time for work in my Dissertation (I have way over 50 days accumulated of vacation)
    6. Blog after my meeting with her.
    7. E-mail possible editors/friends

    I will add more things depending how things are going. Need to get back to Krav….

    Ok..people get back to work

    1. Yay Carlos, my date is March 26th!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Actually…a huge relief…….
        my date will April 27th………

  226. -55 Days, 0 Hours, 10 Minutes – Good persistence, Carlos. Find that committee member and use that vacation time! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m about to leave for a half day at my assistantship. I have a lot to accomplish today, so I’ll look forward to pushing myself through each part.

    For today:
    1) Summarize overall analysis story
    2) Describe (brief) mixture model output
    3) Create path models with loadings
    4) Attempt simpler Q4 stuff
    5) Format presentation
    6) Possibly work out


    1. -54 Days, 19 Hours, 15 Minutes – Raising my mug to #TeamGetItDone! But apparently whatever’s in there isn’t coffee (not sure, Nikki, what happens with you and coffee, but I’m afraid to ask…)

      Back from my assistantship, which I left determinedly only a few minutes after 12pm despite the temptation to finish up just ONE more thing (patting self on back). Have eaten my salad and now I’m sitting down to work on my summary (Goal 1). I have until 1:15pm. Go!

      1. It gives me the shakes…like a crackhead ๐Ÿ™‚ But it also wakes me up?? I didn’t even finish the cup, but at least it was free.

        1. L.O.L.!!! Wow… Tea, maybe?? ๐Ÿ˜€

          1. Almost immediately after I wrote that comment, I actually did raise my mug of – decaf – tea to my mouth, and missed apparently. Now I have a little tea on me… SMH…

            1. Little Drip Lip….lol ๐Ÿ™‚

          2. Yes…good suggestion

      2. Dang, I keep forgetting TIME LIMITS! They make all the difference. Ok, ummmm 6:30, two tasks. I don’t care which ones…

      3. -54 Days, 13 Hours, 23 Minutes – Really drained. But I need this to come together. Ok, I’m going to cut and paste what I have as fast as I can, and then see how far I get by 7:15. This needs to be done and I’m letting myself freak out.. ๐Ÿ˜›

    2. -54 Days, 18 Hours, 38 Minutes – Hmm, apparently trying to draw the big pictures reveals unanswered questions in the smaller pictures… Spent time fixing some glitches I noticed as I organized my big picture of the overall analyses I’m running. And the half hour was gone before I knew it! Need more time for part 1, will build in the remaining goals soon. Work til 2:30pm and report back after a short break…

    3. -54 Days, 15 Hours, 33 Minutes – Ugh. It’s late. I’m hungry and tired (took my contacts out during my bathroom break). I was craving chocolate and couldn’t focus. But I took a break from the data presentation and updated an important list that I had been procrastinating on. Oh, I should probably print that….

      Still pushing through this presentation. I just went with pasting in my research questions and predictions/ hypotheses as part one since I was kind of stuck on it, and since I’ve been trying to get myself to include the mixture output. Will finish that and then goals 3-6. Will the workout make it in?

      1. I REALLY need to go to the gym….oh well

  227. -35d 8h 40m
    Thank you all for your hard work!!! You motivate me!!! You help me focus!!!
    Goalโ€™s for today:
    1.Write up baseline method for meeting with advisor
    2.Meet with Advisor at 10am
    3.Send signed Athena HC form
    4.Do edits for Chapter 5
    6.Check on GSA reimbursements

    #TeamGetItDone now!

    1. Glad that you’re back! We need to take a *small* break together to catch up. Just like coffee at Starbuck’s. I’m on campus every day this semester.

  228. All of your collective energy makes my heart glad. I slept horribly last night, so this morning’s progress has been slow. I’m not going to beat up on myself about it though. I did incorporate some of my reader’s comments into Chapter 1, which is much better than having done nothing at all.

    Today’s agenda:
    -Stat meeting at 10:30am
    -Finish incorporating reader’s comments into Chapter 1
    -Edit conceptual model
    -Send Chapter 1 to my advisor for our meeting tomorrow
    -Training grant seminar at 4pm

    I raise my mug to toast to collective productivity! ๐Ÿ™‚


  229. Maya, we can do this. As I say it to you, I am convincing myself. Both of us have had major set backs, but we can do this!!! We have to get back on our horses, make the dissertation a priority in our lives once again, as we take the final ride to graduation… We have to make ourselves accountable each day to the goals we set. I haven’t been too good at that lately… Thanks, Carlos, for the kick in the butt! I raise my mug as well…

  230. Day 41…..(tomorrow starts my 40 day countdown)

    Tuesday is always here so fast. I met with my department chair this morning and we went through my job talk so now I have changes to make. Today I am going to spend time with my dissertation I need to insert a few references that I got from my advisor and I need to add in the paper that my advisor and I wrote. I didn’t spend much time with the document last week because I was in analysis mode so it can get jealous at times as Lenisa says it acts like a “jealous mistress” so I need to coddle it some today.

    Before my meeting with my department chair I fell asleep at my deak and was having a dream when I woke up and realized I was 2 minutes late. So after the meeting I got coffee but only a small cup this time because we know what happens with me and coffee.




    1. Day 41 is over and I’m about to force myself to leave before I am stuck here until morning and we don’t want that now do we. I spent some time cuddling my dissertation today, mostly Chapter 3. It is still somewhat of a sham, but it is better of a sham than it was this morning. I already have almost 200 pages and 30,000 words!! Lord help me! Today was good, I am meeting with my advisor in the morning after I take care of some “paperwork” meaning all the little things I don’t do or e-mails I didn’t respond to today because I was working on the dissertation. It always feels good to get a good chunk of work done. Since I had coffee at noon I was working like the energizer bunny so I might have made a few spelling mistakes that I am sure my advisor will catch and we will fix those later.

      Bye Bye now!

  231. You all are rockin’ and rollin’!!!!! Congratulations! Just so that you know, you are not alone!!! I spent the past few days cloistered to finish a publication for the American Medicine Journal. Dr. Rutledge, Dr. Warnick (UMB PROMISE Co-PI), Dr. Frances Carter (former UMBC Peer Mentor) and I were up until 2AM on Monday morning getting everything edited. It was finally submitted yesterday. This was one of those journals where you have to submit an abstract first, and then, if that is accepted, you can submit a full manuscript for another round of reviews. Our abstract was accepted in November, and the full paper was due yesterday. We’ll see how things go with the reviewers! Here is the final abstract:

    PROMISE AGEP Alliance Structure Facilitates Minority Graduate Student Retention in Maryland

    PROMISE: Marylandโ€™s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is a consortium that is designed to increase the numbers of underrepresented minority (URM) PhDs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields who will pursue academic careers. A strength of PROMISE is its alliance infrastructure that connects underrepresented graduate students on different campuses through centralized programming for the three research universities in Maryland: University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC, lead), the University of Maryland College Park, and the University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB). Programs cover graduate student recruitment, retention, community building, PhD completion, and transition to careers. The UMB branch of PROMISE, with campus leadership in the School of Medicine, includes students who are in non-clinical biomedical PhD, MD/Masterโ€™s and MD/PhD programs.

    While not a fellowship, PROMISE offers professional development and skill-building programs that provide academic and personal support for URM students on all three campuses. PROMISE on UMBโ€™s campus includes the School of Medicine which sponsors tri-campus programs that promote health/wellness to accompany traditional professional development programs. These programs serve as interventions that reduce isolation and facilitate degree completion among diverse students on each campus.

    This article includes survey responses from 12 minority alumni from UMB who graduated from either PhD or MD/PhD programs. Survey results discuss benefits of an interdepartmental and intercampus alliance structure for URM graduate retention. The article will also outline suggestions for replicating and scaling professional development programs for URMs in biomedical, MD/Masterโ€™s, and MD/PhD programs on other campuses.


    Including tables and references, it ended being about 47 pages.

    Here is an interesting fact that we put in the paper related to underrepresentation [SOURCE: NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates]:

    ” From 2006 to 2009, there were 29,660 PhD recipients of all races in the 34 reported fields for Biological Sciences. Of those, 703 were Black and 995 were Hispanic. During the same time period, there were 3,805 PhD recipients of all races from the Medical Sciences, of whom 218 were Black, and 100 were Hispanic.” FYI, the numbers of graduates from Native American/Alaska Native backgrounds is EXTREMELY small, only a few grads per year, nationally.

    Ok everyone, keep up the good work!!!!!!!! A quick announcement, Barrett Whitener is coming to UMBC on 2/15 to talk about public speaking and preparing presentations, http://my.umbc.edu/groups/promise/events/10469, I’m going to facilitate the PROMISE Opening Meeting on 2/17 at UMBC http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/01/31/promise-spring-opening-meeting-at-umbc-feb-17-2012/, and Dr. Carter-Veale will be back at the end of Feb. (tentatively Feb. 23) for a seminar on Thesis and Dissertation completion.

    Keep up the momentum!!!!!! You all are doing a GREAT job!!

  232. I’m just coming back to remind all of you that you ROCK!

    Patti O.
    Margaret D.
    Margaret G.
    Everyone else who has joined in from time to time.

    You are all from different schools: UMBC, UM College Park, and UMB. You are from different backgrounds, and different disciplines. But you are united for a common goal: to get your PhDs and finish this dissertation. You are #TEAMGETITDONE !!!!!!!!!!

    1. LOL. Thank you, Dr. Tull (and Dr. CV, and the other PROMISE folks), for making all of these resources available for us and pushing us to keep at it! The abstract looks awesome, and it’s definitely empowering to know that you folks are always pushing yourselves to achieve, too.

      We are #TeamGetItDone!!

      1. Thanks Dr. Tull! We are more than grateful to have a virtual meeting place to call our own.

        1. Thanks, Dr. Tull. This program has been incredible. I almost *seriously* quite last year. The Dissertation Houses and the support that you and Dr. Carter provide keep me going.

  233. Guess who just set their defense date? Margaret D did!!! April 26th it is!

    1. Awesommmmme! Go Margaret D in the place to be!

    2. Pew Pew Pew!! Goooooo Margaret!! I’ll be there (w/OUT mass spec questions ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

      1. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! I know the feeling!!!!

        1. Well….The only date available for me was April 4t and 27th….
          I can not believe it!!!
          My Mentor actually told me “if you want a meeting on April 4th…it will be just a meeting, but if you want to defend, then do it on the 27th…”.:
          Now I am worried…..

    3. Hello All,

      Nice to see all of you using the blog and making progress. Alexis and Nikki what is the count? Today is Feb 1, 2012. As we come down to the wire many of you will have to reread chapter 1 to writing your last chapter (conclusions, future recommendations, limitation and or policy implications). These suggestions are directed to all of you and Maya. Maya you might consider moving on from chapter 1 and come back to it later. Now that you have at least read Chapter 1 that should give you some insight about the last chapter of your dissertation.

      In your conclusion, did you do what you said you would do in Chapter 1? Did you get the results you expected based on the problem in Chapter 1 or the literature in Chapter 2? If not why not? Based on the research problem described in chapter 1 how did you provide a possible solution to the problem? What is still left unresolved? By now if you writing your conclusion you might have to slightly revise chapter 1 and or the methods chapter.

      Good Luck all and keep up the good work.

  234. I just saw that Natasha was able to confirm the rooms for UMBC:

    Sat. Feb. 4, 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM
    Sun. Feb. 5, 12 noon – 8:00 PM
    Sat. Feb. 11, 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM
    Sun. Feb. 12, 12 noon – 8:00 PM

    Nikki, the “blog” idea can be attributed to Dr. Carter-Veale. She was doing online challenges with her TA-DA group before we officially started the Dissertation House. Thanks to you and Alexis for “moving in” and really making “this place” like “home.” But it’s only temporary, because you’re getting kicked out of “the house” after you graduate. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Awe…..okay I will gladly take my walking papers!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  235. NEW POST on the front page of the DH website:
    โ€œAlumniโ€ of the Dissertation House, working feverishly to finish โ€” February 2012 weekend sessions

    Kudos to Natasha for working out the logistics. Room reservation is sponsored by UMBC and PROMISE.

    1. Thank you soooooo much for the room reservations. I was there from 9:30am (a miracle for me on a Saturday) until 8:00pm. I took one hour for lunch and a half-hour break. I got an incredible amount of work done. More importantly, I left knowing that I can make my March 16th deadline (dissertation to committee).

  236. Boy, I don’t blog for a couple of days and I have a million entries to read! Everyone’s so pumped!

    I’ve had to take care of getting the classes that I teach up and running. I’m slowly getting back to writing. I’m going to try to summarize some data tonight.

    And I just received news that my short paper on my pilot study was accepted for the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2012! Oh, did I mention that the conference location is Zurich, Switzerland, in June?! BTW, if you have any funding for me for the trip, let me know! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Yeah Susan!!!!!!! Congratulations! My husband has been to Switzerland for a conference in the past, and he loved it! He brought me chocolates as a gift. ๐Ÿ™‚ You should be able to qualify for funding through the GSA. You can also check the Grace Hopper and Anita Borg websites for women in computing.

    2. Congratulations!!!!!

  237. Congrats, Susan!!! We definitely have to take a coffee break. I will see you here this weekend, so maybe we can do it then.

  238. By the way — folks who are planning on walking in May — you need to submit your Application for Diploma for Doctoral Degree by February 10th. It needs the signature of your graduate program director so get it in!

    Signing out #TeamGetItDone

    1. It seems they changed the date…FEBRUARY 8th
      INSANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. February 8th new deadline for application to Diploma.

  239. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -47d 22h 43m

    It is real!!!!!

    Before was just a dream, that become a delusion…but now is reality!!!!

    The day…. today was just different.

    Get kids ready for school, get to work (We got our new/first MR scanner delivered), the go to UMBC to hunt down one of the committee members and after looking for parking (24 minutes) I end up walking almost from the Wilkens Avenue to the biology department. I was planning to surprise the MargaretS at Starbucks but I thought to myself….Umhhh They will not be there..it was already 10:15 am…(it seems I was wrong. So I skipped Starbucks and went and found the victim and got her down with dates..She is extremely supportive for me to finish NOW!!!…. Then exercised back to my car (wilkens av.), go back to work and wait for my advisor/boss. I was able to meet her around 4 pm, in the meantime I was working. I showed her the two dates ( April 4th and 27th) then basically she actually told me to choose the 27 if I wanted to defend…..
    …………………………………I really couldn’t understand…….
    first I was afraid…………………………………….. then I was petrified…………… ……………………………………………..Kept thinking I could never finish without DH by my side…..
    but I spent so many nights thinking how I was writing slow โ€ฆ……I grew strongโ€ฆ………………………………. I learned how to carry on ….and with my DH buddies…… . I will survive ………………………………
    ……………I will graduate..:)

    But really… I’m still in shock!!!!

    Now I really have to sit, think and laydown the next 47 days..Starting with the First Slide of the big picture and what’s my contribution. and most important KISS ( Just in case you .. Adriana -lovely wife- are reading this, KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid) SO the plan tomorrow starting at 2 pm at the UMBC library is to have the whole KISS plot.

    Really gets real when you get the date…

    Dr. Carter, Dr. Tull, oohh Natasha, and my DH buddies especially, Dr. Pink Energizer Rabbit (This is already written in our book of the life – Basic quantic partial nano-physical chemistry-

    1. I guess was not a dream…

      1. It’s ALL REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like it or not, understand it or not, it is going down!

        1. PS that song will now be in my head and I think it should be “our” teamgetitdone SONG!! We will survive!! Hey Hey!

  240. This blog is better than coffee! Inspiration trumps caffeine any day. I was up at 4:45 this morning (which is almost unheard of for me), but it was made possible because I fell asleep a little after 10pm while putting the munchkin to bed, and I feel pretty good. Everyone else in the house is sleep which is prime time for working.

    Carlos, I totally feel you on the scheduling madness. I pretty much have two options at this point for my defense: April 18th or April 26th. My outside member will be in DC on March 16th, but I think I would go “insane-er” if I tried to make that date. My advisor probably won’t go for it either.

    Yesterday was not as fruitful for the dissertation as I had hoped, but I still made it to the gym, to seminar (which was directly applicable to my topic). I also made it to Bible study and got my mid-week dose of the gospel, which is helping me to further tune out other distractions. So, I’m pleased with that!

    I’m still working on Chapter 1 edits. I need to enforce a time limit. Let’s see what I can get done by 6am!

    1. Progress is a slow process, but it’s happening! I’ll check back in at 6:30.

      1. Still going…but I’m starting to fade.

        1. We LOVE the BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so glad that more people are on here, even though me and Alexis had basically moved in already the more the merrier! I don’t think people ever say “stop encouraging me” , LOL, it feels great!!!

    2. Hello Maya
      Glad to see you posting and joining us here on the blog. Sleep is a luxury when you are writing a dissertation. Nonetheless it is not something that we cannot do without. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be DONE.
      We are behind you 100%

      1. Thanks, Dr. CV. I appreciate the support from everyone.

  241. -54 Days, 0 Hours, 20 Minutes – Wow, I wish I had checked back in as I tried to force myself to work overnight rather than going to bed and getting refreshed. I still have a couple things to finish and copy for my lab presentation before going off to my full assistantship day…. Maya, I know how you feel – I’m definitely fading and I have a long way to go. Carlos, you cracked me up when the lyrics kicked in.

    Ok, goal, finish and print presentation without being late to work…

  242. Morning everyone! Thanks, Carlos, for the new date for the Application for Diploma… Graduate School what is up with moving up the date? Glad I posted that. I will let folks in my department know. Maya, great to see you up so early. I am happy to have gotten to work for three days in a row before 8am. Can’t believe it?!?! Anyway, let’s talk goals for today:

    1. Set a date – all this talk about dates is making me want one and my advisor yesterday said I could email the committee. Can you believe I have been asking him for permission to do this since December… Finally got the OK.
    2. Set up conference call with collaborators at JHU to acquire my final data set.
    3. Conference call with collaborators at Wheaton College at 2pm.
    4. Complete Chapter 5 edits.
    5. Find implementation of Dynamic Time Warping and read about that.
    6. Pay bills! It’s that time to feel very poor again.

    Two things I have done today to make me more effective:
    1) Write my goals on the white board by my desk so that as soon as I finish with something, I can move to something else.
    2) Changed the default home page on my web browser to google.com so that I don’t get distracted by all the news.

    Have a productive day everyone!

    1. Patti, your comment about changing the default page is so on point. I tried doing this last night (but Safari isn’t showing me how to do it)– I considered wikipedia or the medical school website as the home page. ๐Ÿ™‚

  243. OK, back up and at it. Just checked in with my accountability partner Jenny (another DH alum), and we shared our goals for today, tomorrow and the weekend.

    This is part of her email to me:
    “What are your dissertation plans?!

    Good luck. You can do it..just jump into the details, they are not as scary as they seem.”

    I raise my water bottle this morning as a toast: here’s to your productivity!

  244. 40 Days of PURPOSE!

    Today I will meet with my advisor and talk about my chapter 3 and some preliminary ideas for the analysis that we want to show in chapter 4. I would also like to spend some time working on my job talk and I need to send some info over to the school that I am interviewing with. My sister is mailing my graduation annoucements this weekend so now it’s like…..WOW……I am really walking in faith and knowing that this is what God has for me.

    I raise my cranberry juice mixed with san pellogrino sparkling water sprintzer today! I have to lay off the coffee, it is just not healthy! Dr. Tull got me addicted to this sparkling water and now I buy it in cases at Costco…no really I do like late night runs to get some sparkling water and cinnamon toast crunch.


    1. Just got out of a 5 hour meeting with my advisor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really just want to crawl under my desk and go to sleep but I will not.

      Here is the rest of my day:

      3-330 break
      330-430 split Ch4 from Ch3
      430-530 ch5 analysis outline
      530-630 work on presentation slides
      630-7 e-mail and wrap-up
      7 dinner
      8 home
      10 sleep

      I am tired but I will press on in Jesus name!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Oh that time went by FAST, but I’m out until Thursday! ๐Ÿ™‚ Time for dinner. ๐Ÿ™‚

  245. Ok..People Lets do this!!!!

    If you don’t do it now with so many people working toward it..in a very motivated way…….well………….. you will still have do it………….

    …Let’s do it today …
    ……Give everything today….
    …………For all we know we might not get tomorrow
    …………………..Let’s do it today …

    and remember………………KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Right Now at the UMBC library…..Next 60 minutes: Check e-mails from work and work in my wife CV.

  246. Reserved a room for my defense on April 6th! So close, yet so far! I need to stop freaking about one of the classes that I’m teaching — a lot of new technology that I have to learn and the class is also in conjunction with a local software company. Tasks today:
    – Get ready for CMSC 202 lecture (one hour tops)
    – Check on Eng Building labs software, 2 e-mails, type up minutes to committee meeting & e-mail
    – E-mail my advisor to please begin reading the draft of my first 3 chapters
    – Continue working on writing up the Data Collection section of my dissertation
    – Go to bed by 10:00pm

    Love the song, Carlos!

    1. That’s Great.!!!!..Susan..you are on track..I’m still impressed with your focus last Saturday.
      I will be there this Saturday and Sunday (Saturday I can be only from 8:30 to 2:30 pm)…My wife big birthday celebration (by her friends!!! very nice of them) I will just contribute with my presence…What else could be needed for a party to get started?? ๐Ÿ™‚

      Ha….. Do I have to reserve a room??? Sheraton…I guess……
      I will find out about that…Thanks Susan.

      Next 60 minutes:…….
      1. Big Picture….
      2. What’s the GAP./Problem
      3. What’s My Contribution
      4. How my contribution is unique

      People….Common wake up!!!!!Get Insane and Let’s finish This NOW!!!!!!

      1. Carlos, these songs are the best.

        Back to work on chapter 1 edits…WORKING until 1:45pm.

        1. Thanks Susan & Maya…..
          OK..still at the library
          Next 60 minutes….
          Very clear questions and approach to the GAP

  247. The last hour was productive in a way I didn’t expect (read: Chapter 1 did not move forward). However, I did print the Spring 2012 Graduation deadlines and emailed 4 of my committee members to inquire about their (un)availability for March and April, as well specific dates that my chair and co-chair are both available. I have a good handle on 2 of their travel schedules for March and April. Right now, tentative dates are March 16th (INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE), the afternoon of April 18th and the morning of April 26th.

    I’ll check back in at 2:55 before I head to my meeting with my advisor. Updated research questions and aims will be incorporated, if nothing else.

    Back into the dungeon of my office I go, with Itzhak Perlman keeping me calm. Jesus, be a fence…

  248. Ohhh….Finally….Margaret is here!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now …I can go to the bathroom……I didn’t want to pack everything to just go the Bath room. (Actually I already went…by maybe I am given to much information).
    In the 15 minute period given by Margaret..I was supposed to have lunch, Track down the Graduate assistant in charge of room reservation and Quick talk to one of the Committee members…………..
    DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except for the lunch part.. I guess I will eat again in the near future

    1. Looks like you and I have the same lunch plan these days…

  249. The meeting I just had with my advisor went well. I have my work cut out for me for the next 4-5 days so I can get the analysis for the 2nd specific aim up and running first thing next week.

    It looks like we’re aiming for April 26th at 9am for a defense. It is held on my committee members’ calendars. I echo all of your previous sentiments….this thing just got realer than real-deal-Holyfield.

    To do this evening:
    1. Eat lunch (finally)
    2. Add hypotheses to Chapter 1
    3. Cut and paste remaining paragraphs into Chapter 1
    4. Make bullet points for discussion/conclusion chapter based on discussion with advisor and Dr. CV’s recent post
    5. Cut and paste sections into Chapter 2
    6. Dump JAGS manuscript into Chapter 4

    Looks like a lot, but it’s not that bad (that’s what I keep telling myself, at least).

    This thing shall be done!!!

    P.S.: Film Scores Radio on Pandora is the bomb!!! It’ll have you feeling like you can FLY!

    1. Several bullet points for discussion chapter (Ch. 6) made.

      I thought I would catch my 3rd second wind of the day, but it’s just not happening. I need to go home.

  250. OK…I’m back

    I’m so tired…but not hungry..(that’s one of the advantages of being seated next to the Pink Energizer Rabbit….I got carrots!!!

    Last 45 minutes just completely distracted…Called Home to find out how Adriana, Daniel and Gabriel were doing without me…….They sounded extremely happy!!! Well that’s good.

    Now after a couple of Carrots….. to focus again!!


    1. Peppy, Patty, Alexis and Susan….Where are you????

      1. I KNOW! Yesterday was crazy – I tried unsuccessfully to post yesterday. I’ll update below…

  251. I am in my lab working… and putting off doing Chapter 5…. All the comments have been very motivating… Gotta finish this chapter before I go home…

    1. We are still here!!!
      UMBC Library….They close at midnight..but there is a 24hour section…So No excuses of going home before finishing!!!!!!
      Let’s Do this……NOW….. is like having an injection….is less painful faster than slowwww!!
      Your Choice!!
      Pa’ Lante Su merce

      1. room 455…there are two places available

        I’m Hungry, frustrated, tired and sleepy and I have to write…….frustrated because I just see how Margaret types in 30 seconds, what it takes me 10 minutes!!! She is even faster texting LOL!!!!…… but seriously…….. this is sad

        Ok…..I was blocked in writing..but putting this down actually is helping!!!!!
        If you stop by the library room 455…. a piece of bread will be AWESOME !!! (actually two)

        At least you will feeding the hungry!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

        But “I’m not moving until I finish this or get kicked out”…This the actual phrase Margaret told me when I was thinking on leaving around 5 pm.

  252. I have finished the majority of my goals and accomplished some things I never dreamed of… heading home to take care of sick husband. I did finish Chapter 5!!! I just printed it to read it first thing in the morning to see if it makes any sense since I am way tired tonight and everything is beginning to sound good. Thanks for all the motivation today!!! I am loving this blog, especially since I changed my home page and have no idea what is happenning in the world. My world is filled with dissertation news!!! I will join you this weekend wherever… gotta get this done!

    signing off #TeamGETit DONE

  253. Still Here…..Still Hungry…Still tired….Still Writing!!!!!!!! WOW!!! YAYAYAYYAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

  254. I’m still here, Carlos! I just don’t get to blog as much now that I have to teach. And being the first week of school, EVERYONE wants an appointment/meeting for something. I finished all of the little things on my list for the day, but not the last and most important one — keep writing the Data Collection section of my dissertation. And I’m TIRED!

    I meet with my advisor tomorrow at 4:00. Maybe I can get something written tomorrow after that. Go to Panera Bread afterwards and write rather than going home (this works well for me). Although I have a 9:00am meeting on Friday, so I want to get to bed by 10:00 tomorrow night. Not enough hours. I got home at 6:00 tonight. Ate a quick dinner and watched an episode of Battlestar Gallactica with my husband — I just needed a break. Now I only have 1.5 hours until my planned bedtime! Well, I’ll try to get *something* done.

    1. Excellent!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up! !!!!
      Don’t mention food ..pleaseeee ๐Ÿ™‚
      Still here…..UMBC library 455…………Until we finish……

  255. Gracias!!! SCJVC….

    Ok!!!!! Time to pack and go directly home to ……….eat!!!!

    Yes we are doing this!!!!!No excuses…Just KISS!!!!! and Get it Done!!!!! even if you need to get insane!!

    Thanks Margaret!!!


  256. Ok!!! I know..it me again

    Spectacular day…..Re-writed the Big Picture so is clear ….at least to me…

    Tomorrow focus on the specific hypothesis/questions how they fit into the big picture in terms of null and alternative hypothesis, then what’s the valid statistical way to obtain the evidence to reject the null hypothesis and what is the efficient, effective and efficacious, but still elegant enough (figures/tables) to show it…..at the end…. I will putting them in a dissertation that maybe two people will read completely. so KISS

    Then put the “minimum list of things to do”, trying to break them down as much as possible..So I can use brief periods of time to keep at it.

    I need to wake early tomorrow, so I will go to sleep..
    I guess that Margaret D. is still up…so Good Luck tonight!!!!!

    1. Re: “Me again” ha ha ha! I had the same thought about overposting – but #WhateverGetsItDone….

  257. Day 39….

    Lots of work to do:
    1. Edit Chapter 3
    2. Edit Chapter 4
    3. Meet with my advisor at 10am
    4. Work on more edits
    5. Meet with my advisor at 1pm
    6. Work on more edits
    7. Somewhere today I will work on my job talk slides
    8. Breathe

    Let’s goooo!



    1. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -46d 14h 57m

      Great Nikki!!

      Next 2 hours….
      – Get the kids ready
      – Get to the office-phone calls/e-mails
      – Reserve the room for defense
      – Re-assess situation and blog plan

      Let’s go!!! and Keep breathing!! Go..Nikki Go!!!!

      1. Thanks Carlos! Deep Breaths!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
        I just met with my advisor and now I am going to write a quick abstract and then work on my job slides…..Let’s Go!!!

  258. I need to know what SCJVC means. Please educate.

    I up early again for day 34. Fourth day in a row that I am the first in the lab. Makes me more motivated when I do that.

    Anyway, my goals for the day are:
    1. Review edits for Chapter 5 and hand to advisor for final edits
    2. Secure defense date. Looks like it will be either March 29th or April 10th.
    3. Secure conference call date with JHU folks for the acquiring the date… aiming for Feb 6th
    4. Send first set of medical data to folks at Wheaton
    5. Secure meeting time for CREU students
    6. Rewrite implementation for Stacked BoP using hash maps
    7. Find DTW implementation or read about DTW
    8. See about getting the 3000 high frequency data set from MIMIC II
    9. Pay bills
    10. Zumba

    Let’s get it done!!!

  259. Hello….Good Morning. *in my Diddy voice*

    I got a good night’s sleep which really helped. I sent the munchkin off to daycare a little while ago, and I’m ready to rock and roll. I just checked in with my accountability partner and gave her the rundown of what was accomplished yesterday.

    The discussion I had with my advisor yesterday was really helpful.

    Today is peppered with personal appointments, so I have to do small tasks that can be accomplished in waiting rooms.

    This morning, I will be updating my literature review:
    -Read and edit chapter 2
    -Lit search on NF-kappaB and aging for Chapter 6
    -Lit search on anti-inflammatory drugs and outcomes in older adults for Chapter 6

    The broad to-do list for the remainder Thursday-Sunday:
    1. Add hypotheses to Chapter 1
    2. Cut and paste remaining paragraphs into Chapter 1
    3. Cut and paste sections into Chapter 2
    4. Edit Chapter 3
    5. Dump JAGS manuscript into Chapter 4
    6. Begin making notes for introduction to 2nd manuscript for Chapter 5

    #TeamGetItDone – Yes We Can!!!

  260. I actually got about 2 hours more work in last night after I had blogged that I thought I wouldn’t have the motivation to do it! It wasn’t what was on my “to-do” list for yesterday, but it was still something that needed to be done to get me closer to finishing my dissertation (took Dr. Carter’s advise!)

    Today/tonight, I’m going to write up more of my case study data collection section. I don’t want to promise myself more than that because things keep taking longer than I think. I also need to be in bed by 10:00pm because I have one last interview to do tomorrow morning at 9:00am (early for me).

    Have a good, productive, and HEALTHY day!

  261. Day 39 is over…I met my goals, which exhausted me. I had coffee, which gave me the shakes. I had to ignore some things/people but I got it done. I’m going to bible study because I need me some Jesus. Amen.



  262. Hey #TeamGetItDoneAnyhow! You guys are fantastic – I love seeing all your posts, no matter where you are or what you think you haven’t accomplished (if that even applies), you’re so much closer than it sometimes feels.

    -52 Days, 14 Hours, 20 Minutes – Yesterday was a little crazy. I got my lab presentation of my statistics outcomes so far ready and copied, went to a full day at my assistantship, then back to my lab meeting, all after almost no sleep the night before. The meeting went really well: I got good questions and feedback from my advisor and labmates, and wrote down questions to ask my stats committee member during our meeting scheduled for tomorrow (I need to remember to ask him about his April schedule). I got back to my desk after the meeting, determined to stay awake and record my reflections, and fell asleep almost immediately after eating my dinner…

    I decided to cut my losses (which I should have done the night before) and get a good night’s sleep, and ended up falling asleep with my light on and overleeping this morning. I got to work by 9 and just got back for about an hour of reflecting before a meeting at 7pm.

    SO, I will type up my notes for tomorrow and then leave. Tomorrow I will restart my early schedule, so I hope you call me out if you don’t see a post at least by 9am. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. -52 Days, 13 Hours, 18 Minutes – headed out and late! Got my reflection notes all typed up, need some organization before tomorrow. I have to remember to create my agenda for the meeting! Have a good night.

  263. Hello all,

    It looks like it will be a busy weekend: there are now 3 days of DH at UMBC, Fri – Sunday, this weekend! https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/dissertation-house-weekend-at-umbc-26-hours-fri-feb-3-sun-feb-5/. I hope that this motivates everyone, from where ever you’re working, to plan to get something done this weekend.

    I would like to propose a “break” on Friday evening … some of you need to rest (sleep!), and some need some time with family or friends, take a stroll, or just some alone time to chill. Consider working tomorrow until 6 PM, then take a Friday evening break. Go to bed in time to be up and at your computer by 8:30 AM on Saturday morning. Do the same thing on Saturday night. After 8 PM, take a break. Sleep, go out to dinner see a movie. On Sunday, enjoy your worship activities, see your families, eat a good brunch, then come back to join us at some point between 12 noon and 2 PM if possible. Honor your respective sabbaths, but make a plan to both rest and work. In my faith, I’m reminded that even God rested, and we’re only human. We have great capacity, but remember what we said in the last DH a few weeks ago, the non-stop process is not sustainable for the long term, so you have to take breaks. Schedule them appropriately, be true to your schedules, and come back to the process rejuvenated. While you’re working this weekend, take breaks to eat, get some air, get some sun, and move around. Today is Thursday, so think about your weekend schedules tonight. Are you ready? You are #TeamGetItDone!

    1. So Good! Dr. Tull, you are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your encouragement.

      1. This is just the confirmation I needed. I was going to push, but at the same time I was thinking I need to step back and revive myself just enough so that I don’t feel burned out! Thanks Dr. Tull!!

  264. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    I will be there Friday and Saturday!

  265. Checking in to Commons 328! ๐Ÿ™‚ Been here for about 15 mins now, but finally remembered to check in…expecting the arrival of Carlos soon, who needed a swift kick to get working today ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -45d 13h 10m

      At the commons 328……Forced – Pushed to be here :)…………Thanks Margaret!!!!

      Plan for today:

      1. Did what I couldn’t do yesterday…”specific hypothesis/questions how they fit into the big picture in terms of null and alternative hypothesis, then whatโ€™s the valid statistical way to obtain the evidence to reject the null hypothesis and what is the efficient, effective and efficacious, but still elegant enough (figures/tables) to show itโ€ฆ..at the endโ€ฆ. I will putting them in a dissertation that maybe two people will read completely. so KISS” Needs to be finished today

      2. Mix the music for my wife birthday party (tomorrow)

      Is Maya Matheny the Maya blogging in here???

      1. yep, Carlos, the one and only ๐Ÿ™‚

  266. -51 Days, 23 Hours, 2 Minutes – Hi #TeamGetItDone! I almost forgot to check in, too, and it’s almost time for someone to call me out for not posting by 9am.

    1) Prep for meeting at 10am, finish agenda
    2) Reflections/notes post meeting
    3) Continue to work through my analyses – the plan might change depending on what happens in this meeting, but I have to improve my model fit and run the analyses correctly.

    Great to see folks are already “here” and working! Let’s go #TeamGetItDoneOnFRIDAY!!

  267. Hi everyone,

    I have been m.i.a. for a bit, but I was having different hurdles with my project that needed to be resolved. I am happy to say that many of the issues have been resolved (sending up praises to heaven!!!) and if I continue with this same steadfast focus and time management I may be well on my way to writing my first paper pertaining to my thesis before the end of this year.

    I update my powerpoint with my research data daily and I am continuing to work on my methods section in my ongoing word document. I have actually arranged it in terms of i) my research goals, ii) methods and iii) results. My goals are clearly written, my methods is ongoing and I am starting to have GOOD DATA!!!

    After school today I plan to unwind with the hubster and then superbowl on Sunday. But, best believe I do ensure that I get some data analysis and job submissions (my research is computationally based) in between my down time on the weekend.

    Happy writing and working everyone!

  268. Ode to Nikki w/ a “shoutout” to Margaret D in the latest entry on the DH’s website: SLEEP! Itโ€™s like โ€œmy preciousโ€ (~ @drwestmoreland), https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/sleep-its-like-my-precious-drwestmoreland/

    1. Oh, Dr. Tull I LOVE it! These are constant reminders that we all need. ๐Ÿ™‚

  269. Hi everyone,

    I am an alumni of Summer 2011 dissertation house. I decided to join this week end’s session.
    Today I am working on writing down an analysis of precipitation data that was conducted last fall.


  270. Glad to have you here, Alimatou! We’re here with Margaret D. and Carlos, holding down the fort and getting it done (or at least I’m trying to!!) Goals for today:

    COMMONS Day!

    Good luck, all!

    Margaret G.

  271. Hello All
    It’s Friday and Superbowl weekend.

    Keep up the good work and keep posting your progress. Use any and all resources that are made available to you. You are not alone in the struggle to finish.

    If you are a football fan now is the time to set a goal so that you can reward yourself by watching the Superbowl without the sense of guilt. You can really enjoy the game if you have put in the hard work beforehand. Since my hubby and I are both from Massachusetts, the New England Patriots is our team. I am not a big football fan but my husband is. Hence…Go Patriots!!!!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Dr. CV! I really miss you!

    2. Who needs football???? It’s Dissertation Time! LOL! Just a joke …. and um, it’s the GIANTS my friend! ๐Ÿ™‚ I know that you’re from Massachusetts … but goodness! The Patriots? My little nephews have had Giants gear since they were in onesies. (We’re from NJ and my husband’s family is from NY.) But if *I* had a dissertation to write, I’d skip the superbowl. (I’m laughing as I write, knowing good and well that I would work until Sunday at 6PM). Waving … “Hi Dr. Carter-Veale!” ๐Ÿ™‚

  272. Day 38…

    Today is a one thing at a time kind of day, so first I will finish this funding application for travel support for this summer.


    1. Okay so I finished my application. Now I will write an abstract for yet another conference paper that is due Monday, well I already wrote it but I need to update the draft and send it to my advisor who actually left the country again today and won’t be back until my defense. I actually prefer her to be gone, I get more focused work done. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Okay so that was pretty easy to write that abstract. Now I am going to meet with our “new” undergraduate lab assistant and probably spend an hour getting her set-up including taking a break for lunch.

      2. LOL at the preference for gone-ness.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Better work that plan, lady. I see you #GettingItDone…

        1. Okay so lunch was 2 hours……………… #Don’tJudgeMe# I was taking a break like Dr. Tull said and then Alexis sent that article and in the first paragraph it says that Nick takes breaks and NAPS and my name is Nikki so I took a break….LOL. Anyways, I am going to pay some bills now and then see what’s next.

          PS: It’s really NICE outside! Get some vitamin D before sundown.


          1. I know you are probably wondering why it took me 2 hours to pay my bills, well it didn’t I got side tracked looking for a birthday gift and planning a small surprise birthday celebration. I digress. Back to work. I will now work on my job talk and interview questions for me to ask list.

            1. Okay. Alright already. My bus is coming in 12 minutes so I’m out! ๐Ÿ™‚ I did work on my job takl slides and seriously perfected about 4 of them. My goals is to have 30 and I probably have 10 that I really really like and 14 that I might throw out and start over with.

              Happy Trails until tomorrow. I have church in the morning then I will probably come in the afternoon sometime to spend more time with my job talk.

              It’s FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!


              ๐Ÿ™‚ Nikki ๐Ÿ™‚

              1. Ummmm Nikki …. remember that the breaks are supposed to be “scheduled!” ๐Ÿ™‚ Today is Saturday … since you said that you have church this morning, I’ll be looking for you this afternoon!

  273. I am not Crazy!!!!!!!

    1. LOL. One of the first thing I learned from a grad student at my first orientation (does anyone remember Andre?) was to repeat to myself: “I’m not crazy. They are.” It really helps sometimes.

      Although sometimes I AM crazy. I don’t mind admitting it.

  274. Day 32…

    Glad to see everyone is working here today. Carlos, I thought you had to go to work. Glad to see that Margaret convinced you to work on the dissertation, also!!! If anyone is going to watch the Superbowl in a group, can you take my husband with you? He is a huge fan of the Patriots and I would rather work…

    Yesterday I polished up chapter 5 and sent it to my advisors. I am waiting for chapter 3 final revisions before I complete chapter 4 final revisions just in case there is a major problem with chapter 3 from my advisor. I have chapters 1, and 7 which I will do at the end and chapter 6 which I will do once I finish my experiments. I am getting all the minor revisions in.

    Goals for today:
    1. Rewrite implementation of Stacked BoP
    2. Follow up on all the appointments I am waiting on… dissertation date, conference call with JHU date, CREU students meeting time, call with CREU students at Wheaton… lots is in other people’s hands … very frustrating.
    3. Read about Dynamic Time Warping and see how it can be applied as the baseline for my work.
    4. Pay bills
    5. See the last movie in the Harry Potter series with my hubby

  275. -51 Days, 19 Hours, 36 Minutes – It’s good to see everyone posting (Hi, Jodian, the Margarets, Carlos, Alimatou, Nikki, Patti, and we even have Drs. CV and Tull cheering us on! Hi All.). This feels good.

    Dr. Tull’s post reminded me of this blog that Dora forwarded recently. It’s really helpful when thinking about maximizing your productivity with BALANCE:

    My meeting with my stats committee member was very helpful in pointing me in the right direction. I do have some modifications for my next steps, so I’m spending some time to map out what the heck is going on with my analyses. I was supposed to eat during my 11am slot, but my salad is still sitting next to me. Hmm, lunch break, maybe? I like the idea of a nap at lunch, by the way….

    1) Follow-up notes from meeting
    2) Go back to explore the mixture analysis with new recommendations (increasing random starts, running range of classes, constraining loadings and intercepts, etc.)
    3) Review the information regarding recommendations in chapter/manual/article
    4) Decide next steps

    1. Thanks for the nap and break confirmations!

      1. You’re welcome! I need them myself. Actually I HAVE to break for a meeting, but I’ll be back over the weekend.

        I got thru follow-up notes and started working through the mixture analyses. I need to figure out the start values and running several classes, but I did find out that the constraints ARE automatically set when running the mixture ih MPlus (factor means allowed to differ, but other parameters – loadings and intercepts – are held equal)

  276. I am at work……..now……Boss/advisor called for urgent task….Before that I decided to take my wife (Adriana) out for Lunch.

    – @ work until patient shows….(hopefully) and finish the urgent task.
    – Then finish my Goal for today…In other words…..long day
    – Blog at the end + Planning for tomorrow

    Gosia, Margaret and (I forgot)……….Keep Going at the Commons!!!
    Patty, Alexis Nikki….Keep Going wherever you are!!

    1. Me too! Keep pushing! But take meaningful breaks!

  277. Happy Friday Everyone,

    It’s been a while. I heard back from IRB and I only have to make one change to get approval for my study. My advisor is out of the country so that should be taken care of by Monday. I can’t wait to start the actual research, it just feels like I’ve been waiting forever to get things going.

    In the meantime, I’m learning how to use ATLAS.ti and working on my document analysis.

  278. Hey, Carlos! You forgot about me! I’m at Panera Bread working on summarizing my data. Been here since about 3:00. I’m only staying an hour more at the most so that I can go home, relax (watch TV with hubby), and get in bed early to be ready for tomorrow. I’m looking forward to being with my comrades in the Commons so that I can get some motivation back. I’m on day 42! I need to get MOVING BIG TIME! Those pesky students! I always say that teaching would be the perfect job if it wasn’t for the students. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    See everyone tomorrow between 9:00 and 10:00.
    — Susan

    1. …If it wasn’t for the students, ha ha ha ha ha!!!

  279. I have worked all day on my goals and didn’t really get as much accomplished. Heading out now to see a movie with my husband. Need to give him some attention. I will see you all tomorrow in the AM ready to work!!! I must figure out the implementation I am working on by tomorrow and get some experiments run. Today I was just not so focused. I did set up two of the four important meetings I have to do. Gonna try and get some sleep this evening so I will be more focused tomorrow.

  280. Home sweet home……
    Hi Susan……Sorry……just exhausted.
    About tomorrow….I can’t think right now….I’ll eat first….Blog later

    1. See you tomorrow!!!!

  281. Confession: I slept in this morning. It felt SO good. But I finally made my plan for the day, which starts with football practice. Then I’ll get cleaned up and go to the office with my to dos already laid out. At 7 I’ll go to my friend’s birthday fiesta!

    K, see u soon!!

  282. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -44d 14h 02m

    People of the World….We are at the Commons 329

    Good Morning!!!!

    Plan: Between today and tomorrow:

    – Continue with Yesterday’s plan
    – leave around 1 pm…to finish organization of Adriana’s Birthday Party

  283. Good morning everyone! I was “here” at 8:45 and took some time to read everyone’s comments. It’s Saturday morning and I have Carlos’ version of “I will survive” in my head. (Carlos, I’m going to use that one … I’ll attribute it to you!) If you all ever decide to “record” it, I’ll put it on the PROMISE YouTube channel! BTW, we’re having a PROMISE dinner meeting on Friday, 2/17, 4:30 – 6PM, Public Policy 206. LOTS of food! All are welcome to come!

    This blog is a virtual DH “party”! You all have been fantastically active over the past few days. So who is here? I see Carlos (tell your wife that we said “ยกfeliz cumpleaรฑos!”). By the way, I love the nicknames … Dr. “Energizer Bunny” is a good one! Go future Dr. Margaret!

    Patti, D is a Giants fan and is REALLY into football. G is a Patriots fan? Really? Assuming that the Giants win, I’ll have to tease him about that next time he comes to an event.

    So good to see so many people back!

    Jodian and Alimatou — welcome back!

    I know that the Margarets are out there — 3 cheers for you

    Susan — great job … congrats on the defense date!

    Nohemi — are you there? Where are you? Welcome back.

    Shauna — I heard that you were coming — great!

    PattiO — counting down, you’re going to make it!

    Carlos — on til 1 then you’ll put on your family man/superman cape … good planning!

    Alexis — glad to see that up and at ’em

    Nikki — I’m saying hi now since I know that you plan to be here in the afternoon.

    Michelle B-H — Congrats on the IRB. I remember in my grad school days being all ready to do research and then being told about the IRB late in the game. I was so upset that no one had told me earlier. I don’t even think that it was in my proposal. I tried so hard to get that thing exempt. It worked, but I wasn’t prepared for the paperwork. I just submitted one for expedited review the other day. Congrats on getting that piece done!

    Maya — If you’re still working on your list, I recommend changing the order:
    5. Dump JAGS manuscript into Chapter 4
    3. Cut and paste sections into Chapter 2
    2. Cut and paste remaining paragraphs into Chapter 1
    1. Add hypotheses to Chapter 1
    4. Edit Chapter 3
    6. Begin making notes for introduction to 2nd manuscript for Chapter 5

    Do all of your “core dumps” first! It’s helps you to see what you have to work with before you add more new content. Remember Lemuel R. from PROMISE@UMB? He used to do this all of the time. He would dump content from papers and powerpoint presentations into his document. It worked. He graduated, finished a postdoc, and is now at the EPA.

    Ok everyone. Perhaps by the time I finish this comment, others will have blogged in. Have a successful day!!

    1. Thanks, Dr. Tull! I am just reading this on Monday, but this is exactly what I need to do.

  284. I’m here at the Commons with Hye Sook, Patti O., and Carlos. Got here about 9:30, but admit to searching the campus for tea with Carlos until 10:00. Margaret D. just walked in!

    I’m going to continue to put my data in tables today so that I can do some analysis. I’m going to intertwine that with continuing to write up my data collection procedure. I don’t think I’ll last until 8:00 tonight (maybe 5:00/6:00), but who knows? Also, I want to go get a 20 minute “mall massage” when I leave (I’ve been getting muscle tension headaches from being at the computer so much.

    Everyone have a productive day!
    — Susan

    1. Hi Susan, I’m glad that you’re there! Hello Hye Sook, Patti O, Carlos, and Margaret D!

      Susan, you may need to change your seating orientation. Modify your position so that you face a window. Look up and out from the screen at toward the window at least every hour. Truly look at things that are outside of the window. This allows your eye muscles to stretch. It helps when you’re not staring at a laptop screen for hours on end. You should also get up each hour and walk around. Even if you leave the room and walk downstairs to the bookstore and then come back, you will have stretched a bit. Feel free to do some stretches in that hallway. Some side to side movements and toe touches can do wonders. Consider this as a supplement to the massage that you will get later. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks, Dr. Tull!!!

        1. I had never thought about looking out the window. You’re right, I never set up facing it (don’t know why). And I absolutely don’t get up enough. Thanks, Dr. T.!

    2. You may want to consider using some Bengay and have your hubby rub it in to your neck area! I get a stiff neck freq and this works for me…

      1. Will your hubby volunteer? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Add some excitement to the dissertation group!

  285. I dragged all my things to the UMBC Dissertation House. I have to say even though I hated dragging all my things over here this morning, it helps to be in a room that is well lit and where everyone is working on their dissertation and are in as much of a crunch mode as me. Thank you, PROMISE, for providing this support. I know I am fortunate to be at UMBC and have such a wonderful program!

    My advisor will not be able to give me edits for Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 until Monday so today I need to focus on implementation. Today’s goals are going to be simple.

    Goals for today:
    1.Rewrite implementation of Stacked BoP using hash maps
    2.Run Stacked BoP on the hypotension data successfully
    3.Do the minor edits to Chapter 1 like grammar and punctuation
    4.Email about CREU meeting
    5.Pay bills (I have to stop putting this off!)

  286. Today I had a rough start. For starters, the line at starbucks was too long. Then, all of the ramps for 95-S were closed in my surrounding area due to the fire that happened last night on the highway. I had to take a detour, which stressed me out because it was now past 9:30…Then I got pulled over for speeding down this unfamiliar road. LUCKILY, the police officer let me go with a warning for speeding and a tail light that was out…SIGH.
    Then I finally got to DH in the Commons after 10am and saw my buddies- highlight of my day!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    But wait, I had scheduled experiments from 11-12 and 1-3. Sigh. The first one is ALMOST over (at 11:58am) and then I can run back to the Commons…In the meantime, I managed to scan in some data, put 4 samples into vials for HRMS on Monday and set up samples for my afternoon experiments. Oh what a day!

  287. Hello everyone, You all are great! Congrats on pushing things through. Definitely motivated reading through this blog. I’ve been working today and just got coding through one of my longest student interviews. Hoping to get through at least 2 more today (hopefully before the lib closes) otherwise from another remote location.

  288. -50 Days, 14 Hours, 37 Minutes – Hi Mari, Hi everyone! I’m late getting back but I’m back and gonna make the most of the time I have left. I had so much I needed to do at home but I finally left it, whereas normally I would have gone ahead and done the housekeeping “because it’s the weekend.” I will take some time tomorrow morning to do the rest (but I did finish washing dishes and taking out the trash!).

    On the agenda
    – Organize my results folder – it’s all over the place and I can’t find stuff quickly
    – (I went to look at my agenda and now it’s like 15 mins later and I’ve read Dr. Tull’s “Math is Hard” post. How does this happen??) Mixture analyses with recommendations
    – Practice writing up summary justification for analyses
    – Park downhill and go

    1. -50 Days, 12 Hours, 31 Minutes – Folder took longer than expected. Had a bunch of analyses and meeting notes all over the place since last semester, but now all I need is dividers in the folder, which I will get from lab next time. Still need to re-run the mixtures and write, plan for next week.

      A little late getting out, but I’ll feel better being on vacation for the night after doing a little to advance my diskertaytion… G’nite #TeamGetItDoneOnSaturday

  289. It took me all day but I got my implementation written. A lot of staring at the code and not being able to figure out what was wrong. Thank you to Carlos and Susan who helped me talk through it and finally get it running. Very productive day. Noehmi, Susan and I are still here! We will be wrapping it up soon.

    Goals for today:
    1.Rewrite implementation of Stacked BoP using hash maps -DONE!
    2.Run Stacked BoP on the hypotension data successfully -ALMOST DONE!
    3.Do the minor edits to Chapter 1 like grammar and punctuation -NOT QUITE DONE!
    4.Email about CREU meeting – DONE!
    5.Pay bills (I have to stop putting this off!) -GOTTA DO TOMORROW!

    Gonna head out now as soon as my results are completed. I will let you know tomorrow how it went… Have a great evening!


  290. I accomplished both of my goals today of getting my data into tables and writing a few pages of my data collection procedure chapter. Good for me!

    Noehmi, Patti, and I have decided that it’s time to quit. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I took a walk down the hall to the restroom. Definitely foggy-headed!

    Going home to watch Battlestar Galactica w/hubby and sleep late tomorrow morning. Don’t know if I’m going to come to UMBC to work or stay home and work tomorrow. Probably stay home. But I WILL get more done tomorrow. Planned activity: keep plugging away at my data collection chapter, maybe start drafting the data analysis portion.

    I’ll be back here next week, hopefully both Friday and Saturday. I’m not one for blogging, but this blog has really helped me. I know that I have friends!
    — Susan

  291. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -43d 18h 51m

    The day was extremely productive…wrote in the morning…then party until….well it is time to go to sleep. I don’t know when I am going to wake up….or even if I am going to wake up…..but the plan is to finish tomorrow with my goal for the weekend.

    BTW…..Patty is a good dancer….:)

    1. Ha ha ha ha! I see you guys putting each other out there, with Carlos wandering for, was it tea? And Patty getting her groove on… But work hard and play hard, #GetItDone and get well-deserved rest!

      1. LOL……………..Yep!!! Tea!!!!!
        Hey Alexis…..Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More Party Patty!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
        Enjoy….Relax!!!! this afternoon!!

        1. Ha ha ha! I did! Thank you, Carlos!!

  292. Way to hang in there, folks!! Today is supposed to be a planning day but I feel guilty for not getting as much done yesterday as I planned. However, if I force it, I know I’ll go into the week being a little worn down. Plus I’ve planned to get together with my parents for my birthday today (how nice of the NFL to give me the Superbowl for a birthday present). ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I’m up on time to get the “other life duties” accomplished so I can have a clean house for the week! I will also plan out how I want my week to go, particularly with negotiating with faculty on a potential defense date (thanks all of u for motivating me to even talk about this scary concept) and preparing for another stats meeting on Friday.

    Onward, #TeamGetItDoneOnSuperbowlSunday!

    1. Happy Belated Birthday Alexis!!!

  293. I’m in the Commons today, excited and ready to work. My goal is to have the dissertation defense-ready by May. I’m in the data analysis phase (yay!) so I’m excited to be creating new variables and running syntax. My goals for today are:
    1) Create and run syntax for exclusion criteria
    2) Remove excluded persons from dataset
    3) Create syntax for all comorbidities variables
    4) Create and run syntax for study variables by RACE and SES
    5) Figure out next steps
    6) Make note of talking points for next advisor meeting

    ***Hi everyone (and happy Super Bowl Sunday)!!!.

  294. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -43d 09h 41m

    Ok!!!! Super Bowl Sunday!!!
    I’m at the Commons 326?? 7??? Well…..I know that Shauna is here…
    A little bit tired….but the goooooooooodddd tired!!

    Plan today:

    Chapter 2 specific hypothesis/questions & how relates to Big Picture and My contribution in terms of null and alternative hypothesis, then whatโ€™s the valid statistical way to obtain the evidence to reject the null hypothesis and what is the efficient, effective and efficacious, but still elegant enough (figures/tables) to show itโ€ฆ..

    REMEMBER Carlos …..at the endโ€ฆ. I will putting them in a dissertation that maybe two people will read completely. so KISSโ€

    This is taking me more time than expected but it has helpful a lot. Thanks Dr. Carter and Dr. Tull for the advice!!

  295. Hi all,
    I am sick today. I think I caught my husband’s cold.

    Carlos, guess what… a lot of your dissertation house buddies can dance… even salsa!!! Some were even semi-professional dancers. We have to have a dance party at the end of all this so that everyone can shove off their moves!

    Anyway, working on getting my implementation running. I really want results today. Hard working from the bed, but I sleep in between runs.

    Happy Superbowl Sunday!! Go Patriots!!!

    Goal for today -Get results… but above all rest. I can’t afford to get really sick right now. I can do laundry and stuff like that.

  296. Hi everyone! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alexis!!!! So impressed that you even blogged on your birthday! Dedication! Carlos, it sounds like the party was great! I’m sure that your wife had a good time. And yes, I can also attest that Patti can dance. She teaches dance and taught me salsa! BTW, I think that Alexis dances too … Alexis, weren’t you on a salsa dance team? I’ve been thinking about adding a dance portion to the SSI … maybe this year. I’ll take suggestions for a good DJ. At the Sept. PROMISE dinner at UMBC, there were talks of salsa, bachata, merengue, and more.

    Hi Shaunna and Mari! Good to “see” you!!!

    Patti, for the cold, I recommend the following: Get some “Cold Eeze” from your local drug store (or have G get it for you). If you like fruit, try this smoothie:
    1 frozen banana, 1 handful frozen strawberries, 1 cup orange juice (as close to fresh-squeezed as possible). Blend. You can add extra juice is you like it thinner. Key: no sugar, no dairy. Also, continue to step up your intake of vitamin C. If you can get vitamin C with rosehips, it is better because the C is time-released. Take the Cold-Eeze within 30 minutes of any vitamin C-based pills, liquids, or fruit. Cold-Eeze has zinc and you shouldn’t take zinc and vitamin C together because the effect is lost. If there are other vitamin C based fruits available, eat those: kiwi, grapefruit, etc. Limit meat and caffeine. Again, avoid dairy and anything with added sugar. Wash hands with really hot water after everything. Lysol is a decent spray to use for disinfecting common areas. Spray, plus open windows for air. (Also, the laundry can wait until tomorrow, sleep is more important. Give your body a chance to rest.)

    Just a little bit of background on this, my dissertation was on the effects of the common cold on the performance of speaker recognition systems. As a result, I had to test/record people with colds in the lab and measure the formant frequencies of their voices with and without a cold. I had more than 30 volunteers, and since they were all sick, as the investigator, I had to stay well. I stayed in the med library in Chicago for weeks and studied all kinds of strains for the common cold and several viruses. The “remedy” above is a the represents what I did to stay healthy.

    Good luck today everyone. (And go GIANTS!)

    1. Well, I guess Dr. Tull is happy today (sorry Patti.. I thought the Pats were gonna win)… ๐Ÿ™‚

      Dr. Tull, thank you for your birthday wishes and the advice about staying/getting well. I’m really surprised you were studying colds and never got sick!

      Patti, I hope you feel better soon! Definitely get lots of rest.

      Oh, and Dr. Tull, I would LOVE a dance party. I can’t wait to dance again – it keeps me out too late now…

  297. OK, today hasn’t gone as planned. Yes, I planned to sleep late — I deserved and needed it after yesterday. So, slept until 10:30, but laid in bed until 11:30. Got up, ate some cereal. Sat on the couch with the cat talking to my husband. Uh-oh. Feel asleep until 2:00! Took a shower and went with hubby for some lunch and a stop at Walgreen’s. Finally at my computer at 4:45! At least I’m not a Super Bowl watcher, so I can work a few hours. I’m going to continue to draft (finish?) the data collection section of my dissertation. But I also need to do a few things for the classes I teach this week.

    I also need to plan out my week, when I’m going to work on my dissertation and what I’m going to do. This is day 40 (40 days until it is due to my committee). I’m finding it impossible to plan out all 40 days. So, I’m going to plan what I need to get done each week, and as each week approaches, I’ll plan that week out in detail. Sounds like a good plan.

    Enjoy the Super Bowl everyone! Happy birthday, Alexis!
    — Susan

    1. I have about 42 days left too, so i feel your pain, Susan!!! I am breaking mine down in 10-day chunks on top of logging in daily…10 days sounds like a lot of time so it calms me down to make small goals…maybe this will work for you too!

      1. These are great thoughts about breaking down the time. I’m a horrible time planner (why I’ve been here so long. Well, one reason).

        Thanks for the meta thoughts and thanks for the birthday wishes!

  298. OK……….Ready to go home!!!
    Thanks!!! Margaret D. and Shauna who were here at the commons 327

    1. Bravo to you guys! Sunday afternoon is a hard day to pack up your stuff and trudge to campus. Good going! You inspire me.

  299. Day 30…
    I am home sick in bed and my program has been running all day. I was worried that I might have an endless loop so I stopped it and added some timing to see how long it would take to run and I am estimating about 335 days… Way to long… I have to think of a faster way to implement my algorithm. Anyway, I am still sick. Only good part is that I got out of seeing the Superbowl. Gonna hit the sack now. Feeling very tired. Very impressed with the folks that worked at school today. BTW, I did make it to church today. I figured I am going to need all the support I can get.

    1. Get well soon, Patti!!! It was great seeing you the other day and working together too ๐Ÿ™‚ Get better soon so that we can repeat next wknd as well!

      1. Patti — You’ve got to take care of yourself. I know the thought of not doing anything today was hard to swallow. But I am a BIG believer in the ill effects of stress on the mind and body.
        As far as the algorithm goes, find someone to help you fast. Wes Griffin might be a good choice. He’s a nice guy and I’m sure would help.
        Feel better! ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Patty…… Get better!!
          Susan……great advice!
          I know is around 2 am….I just woke up …after 10 minutes, I couldn’t go back to sleep so the image of a pink bunny energizer came to my mind….After being energized (Thanks Margaret). I decided to get into the blogg and line up my goals for latter….I didn’t corrected my spelling because I’m not getting my ph.d. in english ggrammar and spelling (quote for Margaret D)..Thanks again,. \….Right now for mr it is more important to learn how to write fastaer. I will be able to edit later. I,m just trying to make the most now that I’m awake.

          During the weekend I didn’t finish what i was suposed to do. Main reason I can think of is that my goals were to general and even i worked mosst of the time on them, I was not feeling the pressure to do it faster. So tomorrow…later tomorrow

          1. Get by 10 am the specific hypothesis for chapter 2, the analysis to answer them and the simplest elegant way to illustrate them.
          2. Blog at 10 am

          Time to sleep again

          1. Ok…DONE!!!!!!
            Common People!!!
            Blogggggg!! Inspire your self and others!!!
            Let’s finish this!!!!

            – Specific hypothesis for chapter 3, the analysis to answer them and the simplest elegant way to illustrate them
            – E-mail Committee members
            – Finish the application for diploma form
            – Talk to mentor
            – Recruit subjects for work, scheduled them for MRI, get paperwork together for the different studies (No Ph.D. Related)
            – Blog at 1 pm

            1. Done for:
              -Whole specific hypothesis for chapter 3 (I did also Chapter 4), the analysis to answer them and the simplest elegant way to illustrate them
              -Sent the Whole thing to mentor, talked to her
              -e-mailed committee members
              – not able to get in touch with the program coordinator, I will e-mail the diploma application directly to the Program director for signature and I will pick it up unless he e-mail it to me.

              – continue working on no Ph.D. duties (at any transition write in the pending list)
              – e-mail diploma app to program didrector .
              – wait for mentor feedback
              – blog at 6
              – p90x

              1. Tired..sleepy………….but I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Ok….Work day done (productive)

                Ph.D. wise:

                – Sent the Diploma application form to the program Director to get it signed.

                – Finished the write up of the Big Picture, Specific Aims, Hypothesis, tests, etc. (Sent it to mentor and already got back her feedback)..This is really getting together. Thanks Dr. Carter for the “This is your dissertation” and “be well prepared before talk/write to mentor”

                – Sent a confirmation for date and time of defense.

                8 to 9: Dinner, shower, kids to bed.
                9 to 11: Work on feedback received

                Blog at the end

                See You soon!!!!


                1. OK people….already answered to the feedback…Amazing!!!!! usually it would take a month to do it…..I’m becoming INSANE….where is GOSIA??????


                  Wow..I don’t know…I guess wait for the new feedback from my mentor….NOOOOO!!! waiting….

                  – I will work on the table of pendings
                  – Press for the signature in my diploma application
                  – Work no Ph.D. Related

                  See You tomorrow!!!! Get Better!!! Get INSANE!!! JUST GET IT DONE!!!!
                  KISS…..KISS….KISS (how many people will read it?????) Just finish then you get at the papers that more people will read……………….KISS

  300. Day 35….

    This weekend was a BUST! I had water leaking into my bathroom from the upstairs toilet that is not even working!!!! So I sat waiting for a plumber saturday that didnt show until Sunday afternoon. That plus church on Saturday and early on Sunday, I was beat. I went to bed early last night so I would not have any reason not to get on it this morning.

    Today I will:
    -Practice interview questions
    -Read some interview tips
    -Correct the tables in my dissertation

    That’s enough before lunch, then I will blog back in.




  301. I am finally at my desk. I set it up in the kitchen. My head still hurts, but I have only 29 days left to meet my deadline.
    Goals for today
    1. See if there is a more efficient way to run my algorithm
    2. Find out if maybe I should change the parameters for my algorithm to make it more efficient
    3. Do chapter 1 edits
    4. Conference call about the astronomy data set at 2pm
    5. Conference call about the high frequency PDA data set at 4pm
    6. Contact LCP about the high frequency data set in MIMIC II
    7. Pay bills ( I must do this today)
    8. Do laundry

    1. Patty…
      It has helped sometimes: While doing chores at home or at work…to think in the algorithms and relate them to what I am doing…….in your case I will thinking like:

      the laundry algorithm:
      get the piece of clothes
      pot it in the washer
      add detergent
      add softener..etc

      option 1:If I take one piece at the time, it will take several days doing it.

      option 2: put all clothes together (faster but maybe is too much for the machine)

      option 3: make groups at random (no that faster, but machine will handle)

      option 4:group by colors (more time selecting, machine will handle, but you can modify the algorithm depending on the color)

      option 5: take it to a cheap Laundrymat..has issues, plus some costs

      option 6: take it to an Specialized Laundry place…..Costly but gets done and you learn about other possible option that you can do at home

      Just a thought!

      1. Thanks, Carlos, for taking the time to write all that. Will do…

  302. I’m not a morning or beginning-of-the-week person. But this is day 39! I did get a good amount of work done yesterday evening. Have to admit that I stopped to watch the half-time show. I’m not a big Madonna fan, but I have to say she puts on quite a show. Plus she’s 3 years younger than I and look at her!
    – Go over my notes for teaching my 4:00 class
    – Continue drafting my Results chapter (yes, I got to it!)
    – Set my goals for the rest of the week
    – See if I can change my one meeting on Fridays to Thursdays so that I can do the Friday DH group

  303. -48 Days, 12 Hours, 39 Minutes – I didn’t forget to post; I just took forever. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for all the thoughts and progress that you posted over the weekend. Thanks for working hard and encouraging me to work hard to #GetDone, too! And thanks for the birthday wishes. I felt so good yesterday – happy vibes were definitely in the air.

    Today I settled in with planning for the week and I read through an article related to my mixture syntax, figuring out how to change the number of random starts, and there’s also stuff in there about class comparisons that I will need. So although it’s more about growth models, it still applies to my finite mixtures.

    Tomorrow I will fix and run the syntax and see what warnings I get.

    Happy Monday, #TeamGetItDone!

  304. Hi folks. Happy Monday! I haven’t caught up on the blog comments yet, though I am pretty sure that this weekend’s comments are chock-full of inspiration. I wish I could have joined you all this past weekend at UMBC, but I had a death in the family last week, so I had to take a break this weekend.

    I met with my chair and co-chair on Friday, and it was strongly encouraged that my outside member in St. Louis travels to campus for my defense. So, I am back to the drawing board looking for new dates, and I may not be able to defend in time to graduate this semester, which I was really hoping to do (disappointment). In the grand scheme of things, it’s probably for the best that I pace myself over the next 5 months instead of sprinting for the next 2 months because I am still getting on track with my health and managing doctor’s appointments, not to mention the fact that I had to develop a back-up dissertation analysis plan because of the IRB situation.

    I did some statistics reading this morning and attended seminar this evening, which helped put some things into a more clinical perspective for my project, particular regarding medication management and comorbidities in older adults.

    I need to head home to spend time with the munchkin and write up a to-do list so I can start anew tomorrow.

    Check you all tomorrow!

    1. Changing the order of my to-do-list based on Dr. Tull’s recommendation to do “core dumps” first:
      1. Dump JAGS manuscript into Chapter 4
      2. Cut and paste sections into Chapter 2
      3. Cut and paste remaining paragraphs into Chapter 1
      4. Add hypotheses to Chapter 1
      5. Edit Chapter 3
      6. Begin making notes for introduction to 2nd manuscript for Chapter 5

      1. Hi Maya,

        I hope that you will accept my condolences for your loss, and I hope that you are able to celebrate the life of your loved one while letting go and trying to gently balance your school responsibilities.

        I hope that you can stay encouraged despite the disappointment of possibly not finishing at the time you hoped. It’s possible that I might not be completely done this spring either, but I am trying to remember why I’m doing this and still push myself while balancing my health needs – so important.

        Hold on – it’s closer than you think!

        1. Thanks so much, Alexis. I really appreciate your kind words. We can do this! I just have to remember to take it one day at a time and one task at a time.

          I did get to bed around 11 last night, so I was able to wake up this morning feeling refreshed. I did yoga first thing this morning, which works wonders for mental clarity (FYI — Gaiam has a great video with 5 yoga workouts that you can do at home!).

          First task for today: I located the accepted version of the manuscript in my email, and I will copy and paste it into my document (core dump #1).

          Then I must get Ryan ready for daycare and head to campus for statistics at 10:30am.


    2. Hi Maya,

      I know your disappointment must be great. I am sorry for your loss, also. You have had a lot of that in the last few years and the reality is that sometimes life just gets in the way and you can’t focus solely on one thing, especially once family and a munchkin are involved. I want to encourage you to sprint anyway whether you are dong the 2 month or the 5 month thing because it will be easier to finish. I am telling you that from experience -completing your thesis requires that kind of focus. So take the 5 months if you have to, but focus intently when you have a moment and the end will be here before you know it. Also, did your chair and co-chair strongly encourage that your outside member travel to campus or did they insist that your outside committee member travel to campus? There is a difference, and I wouldn’t give up on a possible Skype attendance. They do it in my department all the time.

      Happy Tuesday!

      1. Thanks, Patti! It has been a rough 3-4 years, but that’s the way life is sometimes.

        You’re right about the difference between insisting and strongly encouraging. My chair insists that he be here because the money was allotted in my diversity supplement for his travel. My co-chair (who really do want to meet my outside member in person since they have collaborated previously) doesn’t mind him being on conference call or Skype and says that the money can be reallocated for something else. I’ll double check with the Graduate School.

        I will still count down to April 26th in the event that Skype is permissible by the Graduate School. I already put in my application for diploma (2 weeks ago!). Having a date to work toward helps keep me more focused.

  305. Still not feeling so good, so I am going to hit the sack early. I managed to make it through my data set calls and things are looking good for that. I tried to get help with making my code more efficient. My program is still running. It has been running for more than 24 hours… I am going to leave it over night and see what happens. Hopefully it will end soon. Think I am staying home tomorrow too. G stopped by school and picked up chapter 3. So I can definitely do that from home tomorrow. Just work on the edits and letting my program run. Do whatever I can do.

    Happy Monday everyone!
    #TeamGetItDone even when you’re sick!

    1. Get better….aguardiente con arena is the best for any disease!!!

    2. Feel better soon, Patti! Way to nudge yourself gently while you rest!

    3. Get well, Patti!! Listen to your body, hydrate and rest when it tells you that you need to rest.

  306. -48 Days, 0 Hours, 17 Minutes – Still trying to figure out how to squeeze a few more minutes into my morning schedule in the grad office. So far I’ve been getting here in enough time to post something but not enough to really get into my task list. AND I’m trying to add a devotion on top of that… :\

    Today’s goals
    1) fix and run the mixture syntax and see what warnings I get
    2) address any warnings
    3) run model with different numbers of classes
    4) decide if enough class distinction and if so, figure out how to assign participants to class
    5) decide next steps based on 4 – factor analysis edits or class-based comparisons?

    Happy Tuesday, #TeamGetItDoneNoMatterWhat

  307. Day 34….

    I have a meeting with my advisor this morning and after we meet then I will know what I need to focus on this week. I am staring at a mountain of work and I don’t know which side to climb up first, but I know that I have to get through all of it.

    Tuesday!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ These days are going by fast and that for me is a good thing.

    #TeamGetItDoneWell!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. I am loving all the countdowns and what I am loving most is that the numbers are getting smaller and smaller….hahahahahaha!

      My meeting with my advisor went okay. I still don’t know what side of the mountain to climb but I am going to pick up some rocks and start looking under them and see what I can find. I am going to make some graphs that showing how my data has progressed over time this will allow me to frame some of the analysis yet to be done.



        1. Okay so I looked under some rocks and found some very interesting analysis. I have about an hour left so I am going to check some e-mails and practice some job interview questions.

          I am sooooooooooooo tired. I got up at 5am and I am starting to feel it……..

  308. Day 38. Feeling down today. I’m having a hard time with all of the teaching obligations that I have. Working on my dissertation Mondays through Thursdays is difficult. I’m also having trouble finding intriguing results in my data. I’m going to make an appointment with my advisor and see what she thinks. She’s amazing.

    I’ll check in later.

  309. Day 28…
    I am still sick and my program is still running. I don’t want to stop it because I want at least one result from this experiment. I got my chapter 3 edits so since I am home sick I will focus on those edits and getting well and letting my program run until I finish chapters 3 and 4. I have set a date Thursday, March 29th at 1pm. I have one more dissertation committee member to confirm, but I have the five I need. I have a back up member if all else fails.

    So goals for today:
    1. Rest
    2.Chapter 3 edits
    3. Pay bills – keep forgetting to take my check book….

  310. Hello All
    The Patriots lost again….my husband was sad….Me? I watched The Devil Wears Prada and Walk the Line.
    Glad to see many of you working Superbowl weekend. Patti sounds like a good plan let the program keep running until chapters 3-4 are done. Remember handle the minor edits first. Move on to the medium sized ones, then work on the ones that require your utmost concentration. Congrats on getting a date. Every little step counts.

    Welcome Shauna glad you made it. Be sure to save your syntax files so that you don’t have to commit all of those commands to memory. Carlos keep up the insanity. Margaret how did you get out of that ticket did you bat your eyes or play with your hair?:)
    Susan glad to see you are staying focus even with the teaching responsibilities. Michele it was good seeing and hearing from you on video. It’s Monday did you get the go ahead to resubmit the IRB from you advisor? I am sending a hello to Nikki, Alexis, Jodian, and Maya; count it down and stay focused.

    1. Dr. Carter, you are hilarious! I just looked super stressed out, I said that I need to go to UMBC, and I am running super late! He said, “On a Saturday morning?” and I said that I am a graduate student desperately trying to finish up my dissertation. Maybe it was the PhD gods that smiled upon me that morning or my visibly frazzled appearance…either way, it worked!

      In other news: your idea of starting a blog has been a lifesaver!!! I have been karate chopping my way through my to-do lists. THANK YOU!
      Margaret D

  311. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -41d 11h 25m

    Common people!!!…I know we are tired and anxious…but blog.

    I have been working the whole morning recruiting subjects for other studies, I need to work on some paperwork but i am trying to focus in my job for 45 minutes, then 10 minutes to the Ph.D. but always within the framework of my contribution to the big picture and then 5 minutes to stretch.

    plan today is finish the Table/list of things to do

    1. Good for you Carlos

      10 minutes is better than no minutes. Have a good day.

  312. BTW, all UMCP students………
    Deadlines for Graduate Students
    Spring 2012 February 7 (TODAY!!!)
    All Graduate Degree Candidates: Last day to electronically submit the Application for Graduation to the Registrarโ€™s Office for graduation that semester.

  313. My countdown (for now): 78 days til April 26th.

    It’s 2pm. Time for my 1st 45 minute stretch of this afternoon’s 90 minutes of productivity.
    1. Data entry from Bone Strengthening Medication project into spreadsheet (GRA work)

    2nd 45 minute stretch:
    2. JAGS Manuscript into Chapter 4
    3. Relevant sections of Chapter 2 into new document

    I raise my Wild Cherry Pepsi to toast to your productivity!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. woops, that should be switched. diss stuff first and second, gra stuff third. JAGS manuscript is in the document!!!

    2. Maya, we have the same defense date!
      GO APRIL 26th!!! We will crush that day ๐Ÿ™‚

      Margaret D

      1. YESSSS WE CAN!!!!! Now, I just have to show my chair the highlighted procedures for examination of the doctoral dissertation (yep…I printed them this morning). My outside member can be on the phone or video conference, says the procedures.

  314. Back home after teaching, meetings, and picking my son up from UMd. Had some dinner while watching an hour-long show. Plan to work for 4 hours. Plug away some more at my Results section. Forgot to e-mail my advisor! Better do it now.

  315. Need some tea and an eyeball-break. Maybe having only 38 days left is a blessing in disguise!

  316. Ok…Long day..but getting done with the table/list of pending…

    The only real issue is the mentor decided that the big picture was too big. So it felt that I have continuously working for 20 days (plus some years) for nothing…..

    it took some time to digest it…………………………..

    but thinking about it……………………………

    I’m an expert……………………………

    so it means that getting the big picture a different perspective is not really a problem, but actually makes it easier to write, present and defend.

    Just breath……………..SCJVC


    Just Keep at it…..Get INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get It Done!!!!!

    1. I love the positive online coping mechanisms!!! You can do it, Carlos! Do I know you and not realize that I know you?

      1. Maybe ..from your rotation with Julie Schweitzer???

        1. OMG, you do know me! I don’t remember your face, but I am remembering you. Talk about a blast from the past…that was almost 10 years ago!

  317. Day 28
    Yesterday, I pretty much slept all day, except for emails. It looks like my dissertation committee is finalized now. I think yesterday I finally overcame the flu. HHHHooorrrraaayy!!! Thanks for the advice from Dr. Tull, but it had already caught hold of me so I just needed to ride it out and rest. Still did the vitamins and juices and stayed away from lactose, but in the end I just needed to sleep it away. I am going to try to go to school today since I have a meeting.

    My program is still running so I am going to focus on the writing of my dissertation and a meeting today.

    Goals for today
    1. Chapter 3
    2. Meeting with CREU students
    3. Submit form for final dissertation committee

    1. Stay hydrated, Patti!!! Way to be a trooper!

  318. Good Morning All!

    I am so excited for all of you who have less than 100 days to your defense. You are all an inspiration to me. Hang in there!

    As for me, making progress in my data collection. I have been creating tables and graphs to keep everything organize. Today, the goals are to: 1) put my new data into the tables/graphs and 2) meet with students from one of my thesis committee member’s lab to share their expertise and help me get ready for my next committee meeting, which I hope will be in March.

    Have a great day everyone!

    – Jodian

  319. Feeling…..without energy…chills….muscle pain……….getting sick..???? “Start all over” syndrome??

    1. Carlos! Oh no! Take some rest please! Or at least follow my family’s home remedy to cure anything (sorry to your other degree, but this REALLY works):
      -put into a big mug the following: a heaping tablespoonful on honey and a slice of lemon
      -pour over with boiling water and stir well
      -drink this concoction while it is still very hot (if you are drinking it when it is lukewarm, you did not drink fast enough!)
      -repeat until you feel better (it takes me about 4 mugs in a row to feel better)
      -followed by rest and you should be good as new tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

      Don’t worry about your advisor “changing” your big picture. Your work for the past 20days did NOT go to waste. You studied and relearned every detail of your project, and while that may not go into your thesis or presentation anymore, you will be ready for any questions that come your way! Do not fret! Now that you have a clear idea of what your advisor wants, it is just downhill from here!

      See you Friday morning, bright and early, ready to work! ๐Ÿ™‚

      WE GOT THIS!

      1. Thanks!!!!……Gosia “Pink Energizer Bunny”
        I will get some lemon..but instead of water I was thinking on Scotch ๐Ÿ™‚

  320. None of that talk, Carlos… I am just getting over being sick. By the way, I have noticed that the drugs (Mucinex and Sudafed) have made me very spacey…. more than usual. Nevertheless, today I have been able to work. I am actually coming in for a meeting this afternoon. I wanted to be sure I was not contagious. I am still coughing and sneezing a little so I will keep my visit short.

    My program is still running. I finished the final Chapter 3!!! I am going to start Chapter 4 for one hour before I have lunch and head to campus!

    1. Patti, take a look at the home remedy I put in my reply to Carlos…maybe it can help you too? I personally SWEAR by it, since I like to avoid taking drugs as well if I can, especially when I don’t have a day to lay out with the loopiness that comes with them.
      Get better and keep up the good work!
      Will you be joining our #INSANITY team on Friday? ๐Ÿ™‚

  321. Day 37: Overslept today. Stress is a real downer. My enjoyment right now comes from the very few hours that I’m actually in the classroom teaching. It energizes me, gets my adrenaline flowing. But all of the hours that I have to spend outside of the classroom prepping, going to meetings, supervising TAs and graders, etc. — that’s the part that after 23 years of teaching really gets me down. Sorry for rambling.

    Haven’t decided what I’m going to work on today — not a good way to start. Should have decided last night before bed. Lesson learned for the ump-teenth time.

    1. I think I oversleep like once a week…. I just get up and keep pushing! ๐Ÿ™‚ Rambling is what we do, some days we blog long some days we blog short as long as we don’t kirk OFF on our advisors its all GOOD! Whatever is inside has to come out, one way or another. Better to let it out safely on the blog.

  322. Carlos, where is your list? You need a list. Make a list and break it down… We can get thru…

    By the way folks, I just realized it’s Day 27 not day 28 for me because I slept for a day….(deep breath)

    1. List???


      1.Search for the specific literature for this topic
      2. Go over the literature
      3. Start the big picture and my contribution


      1. Carlos
        While thinking about your contribution you might consider drawing a picture and making the links in the literature so that you SEE where the gap is and where your research might fit. Some people are more visual that others; this process might go faster or consider the organization Excel technique we discussed in the DH as well to help organized the literature.

    2. Patti
      I see you are sipping the DH Koolaid:) Good for you…great recommendation to Carlos!

  323. I went to statistics this morning. Yoga was amazing this afternoon, and I just finished lunch and checking emails.

    Now, from 2:30 to 4pm: Focus, focus, focus!
    1. Copy figures from manuscript into new document
    2. Core dump from Chapter 2
    3. Work on hypotheses in chapter 1 and 3
    4. Analysis plan for Chapter 3

    1. P.S.: “I Smile” radio is what I choose for today. 77 days and counting!

  324. -46 Days, 10 Hours, 35 Minutes
    I really thought I posted yesterday evening, saying that the day had been traumatic but I was going to try to keep going…. I sat in on an awesome presentation, but at the end, the comments by one faculty member in particular completely caught me off-guard and made me question whether I am prepared enough to finish when I’m planning. Basically, my thoughts were that the graduate presenter was really good, so if SHE got grilled like that, what are they going to do to ME??? I understood intellectually that they were pushing her like that so that she would be ready for a job talk that she was going on, but I was just shattered for the moment.

    Well, I recovered a little today but was still incredibly distracted. I didn’t want to get out of bed and felt depressed for the first time in a while. I took some steps to get confirmations from my committee members and acquire a meeting room, and my advisor also assured me today that this faculty member, if she ends up on my committee to help replace one who is iffy, won’t be as challenging as she was earlier. I also set up a meeting to review how to get ready for questions like the ones that shocked me with another committee member (the advisor of the student who was presenting).

    I’m just trying to keep myself together and make progress. But it’s my bedtime and I’m still on campus. I don’t want to try to pull another all-nighter because the last one was a complete fail and kept me tired all the next day.

    I will go to bed and tell myself nice things to build up my shell so the tough questions will roll off like water. I will get up on time tomorrow and be ready for the day. I will work hard and get more help from my stats committee member on Friday. I will have faith.

    I hope everyone who’s fighting – physically against illness or psychologically against the lies that you can’t do this – wins tonight or today, whenever you’re reading this.

    Go #TeamGetItDoneDespite…

    1. Hi Alexis! Be encouraged, and get some rest. Worry zaps you of your energy too. Your post really touched my heart because I absolutely DREAD the thought of being asked questions that I might not know how to answer…like, seriously…it produces level-10 anxiety for me. But, as my advisor always tells me, “you know more than you think you know.” You just have to BREATHE through the feelings that you’re having, pray if you’re a praying person, continue to prepare, be confident, and you will not fail. Sleep well!
      #TeamGetItDone will make it to the finish line!!!

      1. Thank you so much for these thoughtful words, Maya. Yes, your suggestions are so true – when it comes down to the wire, the preparation, the simple breathing, the confidence, and DEFINITELY the prayers are what will get me through. And sleep really helped. I woke up feeling MUCH better and I was able to get myself to campus.

        Thank you again.
        Let’s all make it to the finish line together, #TeamGetItDone!

        1. Philippians 4:6-7
          “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

          Psalm 46
          “God is our refuge and strength,
          an ever-present help in trouble.
          Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
          and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
          though its waters roar and foam
          and the mountains quake with their surging.”

    2. Dr to be Alexis
      You need to get some more confidence and as an expert, your response should be “BRING IT”. To get there you should present your research more often. I found that I got more difficult questions in my own department than I ever did on the job market. It’s good prep; the more difficult the better. Present to people who don’t know anything about your subject matter.

    3. Thank you all for your various approaches to my situation – from empathy and openness to peaceful spiritual perspectives to tough love (expect no less from Dr. CV) – they all open me up to the reality that I can and will do this. Thank you so much.

      Bring it!

  325. SCJVC โ€“ Insanity Countdown: -39d 22h 10m

    Feeling better…..The treatment worked
    1. Got Back to Krav Maga!!!!!!!…….almost fainted but I kept going!!!!! and I finished the class.
    2. Hot shower
    3. Honey + Lime + Vodka
    4. I finished reviewing the new literature………it’s going deeper in something I was not prepared, but that’s life, I may not be carrying my cross with style, but I’m carrying it. ..The Lord is my Shepperd…
    5. This is actually exciting that I’m not tired anymore……but I need to sleep

    1. Put together the more specific story and then think again in the refined big picture and then my contribution…….
    2. Work
    3. Krav
    4. Write up 1.

    Before…I thought I was Insane…….Now…..I realize that I am not

    I am actually enjoying it!!!!!


    1. When I woke up this morning and looked at my blackberry and saw that there was a 1am post, I knew exactly who it was!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Go Carlos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  326. -46 Days, 0 Hours, 17 Minutes – On campus, booting up my system for a productive day. Good work last night folks! Thanks for your encouragement, Maya.

    I am headed to my assistantship again, but my goals for today will be to:
    1) look over my output from the last attempt at increased random starts
    2) Make any changes needed to the syntax
    3) Test the differences between classes if I run 1, 2, 3, and 4 classes
    4) See if I can assign participants to classes if I get any seemingly good separation.
    5) Update my agenda for my meeting tomorrow.

    I also will try to take off work a little early today. I have a mid-day meeting, and I will try to arrange to stay at my grad office and work on the stats.

    Take care of yourselves, today, #TeamGetItDone – your productivity depends on it!

    1. Go Alexis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  327. So glad you got a good night’s sleep, Alexis! Carlos, you are cracking me up.

    My list from yesterday carries over to today, but I am re-ordering some tasks and will pick up where I left off yesterday with others. I have a DEXA scan at 11am, so let’s see what I can get done between 8:30 and 10am.
    1. Analysis plan for chapter 3 (the only part of Chapter 3 that has not yet been started; task that requires the most energy and focus)
    2. Copy and paste figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 from manuscript to Chapter 4
    3. Core dump for Chapter 2
    4. Continue editing conceptual model in Chapter 1 (made good progress yesterday!)
    5. Edit hypotheses in Chapter 1 (got them into the document yesterday!)

    Water bottles up!!! Let our powers combine…#TeamGetItDone will prevail!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  328. Day 32……

    I forgot to blog yesterday but I was here working on analysis for my Chapter 5 and also for my job talk which is next friday. After I met with my advisor on Monday I had plenty to do and I was working on those tasks yesterday.

    I am meeting with my advisor again this morning at 9:30. I am probably going to have more analysis to do after our meeting, we are trying to figure out which part of our data set is “good” and which ones if any need to be removed and why before we can proceed with more detailed analysis.

    Yesterday was a good and a bad day. It was good because for a Wednesday I was surprisingly productive and for the most part my spirits were high. It was bad because for some reason when I got to my desk I couldn’t stop crying when I was thinking about how HARD this process is and has been. Like Dr. CV said, if I have time for a pity party then I am not busy enough so while I was crying at my desk I just kept right on working with teary eyes. I worked and cried and worked and cried. I had to keep it moving.

    I will say (Thanks to Alexis giving me permission) that I took a nap Tuesday that really helped me make it through the rest of the day, it was only like 10 minutes. Yesterday I took lunch break AWAY from my desk and that also helped me refresh for the remainer of my day. I also listen to Pandora and usually have it on “Solo Piano” station, ooooooooh so soothing I love it. Then when I get sleepy I switch to the “Maroon 5” station to wake me up unless I need a praise break then I put in on the “Walter Hawkins” station but then I start singing and shouting at my desk and I have to go back to solo piano.

    Water Bottle Up!!!!!!!!!!!! (Even though this morning mine has some crack lemonade that I made at home last night in it) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Thursday!!

    This week FLEW by!



    1. Okay I did just fall asleep at my desk for 2 hours because my tummy was trying to remove itself from my body. I think its finally realized that it belongs to me. I am going to work on my job talk some and hopefully I can send my advisor a few charts before I leave today. Let’s go, even if I’m moving slow……

      1. So I did make a few more slides and I did some more research on the school that I am going to next week. I also went and listened to a job talk for a position in my department and tha gave me some ideas on some slides and also a *taste* of those questions. It didn’t make me feel like I couldn’t answer them, it made me feel like I would be annoyed by dumb or poorly stated questions. So there was a professor in the talk that was not in this area of research and he asked a question but he didn’t have he proper language and they guy was confused, I felt really bad for him. The professor was being persistent and asked his question literally like 5 times and they started talking over each other it wasn’t good. What I learned was that sometimes you just don’t have the answer or you can say that is not in the scope of my research. I felt like this guy was wanting to impress so much that he felt strongly that he had to answer a poorly worded and confusing question. Then there was another professor that asked a question very rudely and the candidate was very polite in answering his question and not responding to his rudeness. It didn’t help that 3 of my 5 committee members were at this job talk and they all know that my job talk is next week so they gave me extra encouragement to do a good job.

        I will spend the rest of he evening making new graphs and revising ones from yesterday to send to my advisor. It might be a late night, but not too late because the last bus come at 9pm….LOL


        1. Okay I gotta run out and catch this last bus, I was able to make 4 more charts to send to my advisor and the took a LONG time. I was going cross-eyed looking at those HUGE excel sheets!

          Day 32 was a success…even with my 2 hour nap.



  329. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -39d 13h 16m

    Woke up refreshed….I don’t know what to think…..I don’t what to do…..I know the answers are in my brain….I just need to find them and put them out…

    Actually just going to put this down..I am already thinking on what I have to do……Drawing!!!!! the the new literature. That’s what I am doing at least 5 minutes each hour………

    Still sick…but some energy….

    Alexis, Nikki…….Just keep going but always tried to keep integrating everything into the big picture….
    We have done it already!!!!!!!!! Ask, knock, seek……….with the ABSOLUTE confidence of…………… ๐Ÿ™‚

    OK…Now I’m going to work then draw

    1. Keep Going ….Maya, Susan, Patty and Gosia!!!!!!

  330. Hi everybody! Happy Thursday!

    Just a quick note on getting grilled (per Alexis’ post), you haven’t been grilled until you’ve gone through a defense preparation with Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale (and yes, I join in too). ๐Ÿ™‚ We don’t let you go in unprepared! We will ask you hard questions, make you stop and start again, and if it’s not strong enough, we’ll say, “no, do it again.” Some people have also worked with Dr. Judith Pollack on their presentations.

    After reading your comments, and after having some meetings with students on UMBC’s campus over the past few days, I’ve decided to write another blog post on my personal website about my QUESTIONS/Darth Vader experience. I hope that it helps with the “fear factor” of being grilled! Here it is: http://renettatull.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/dont-be-afraid-of-the-hard-questions-talk-about-your-work-to-all-who-will-listen/

    1. Dr. Tull………Great Picture!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

      Do you need to continue the Dissertation House experience? Join the “INSANITY/Countdown” group for the next two weekends! Feb. 10-12 & Feb. 17-19, 2012!

      That will be my face in 39 days…………..well….hopefully darker and with hair :]

      1. Thanks Carlos! I would hoping that it would provide a smile or two!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh my, I just read your last sentence; you are too funny!! LOL!

  331. Information about the DH “rooms” at UMBC this weekend! https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/do-you-need-to-continue-the-dh-experience-join-the-insanitycountdown-group-for-the-next-two-weekends-feb-10-12-feb-17-19-2012/
    Kudos to Natasha for working with the events and planning staff of the university. Anyone who comes to the Dissertation House room on Friday, 2/17 is welcome to come to the dinner that we’ll have as part of the PROMISE Spring Opening meeting: http://my.umbc.edu/groups/promise/events/10483
    Folks from UMB and College Park, if you want to come to UMBC that day, you’re welcome to come for the DH and then come to dinner!

  332. Patricia Ordonez Avatar
    Patricia Ordonez

    Day 26

    Yesterday I thought I was getting better. I went into work and when I got home, I was a mess. I could barely sleep last night from coughing so hard from about midnight now. I finally just fell asleep in a chair because it was the only way to breath without coughing. I finally managed to get some sleep in the early morning. I rushed in for a meeting I thought I had at 10am but it was really at 2pm. Luckily that person was available to meet with me.

    As I read all the other posts, I was filled with purpose, focus and calm. Being sick has made me not be able to work as hard and all I have done is worry. Today I addressed several concerns I had about my dissertation committee with my advisor and other people and now I am just waiting and panicking for the result of my efforts…

    A lot of the recent posts have helped me calm down. I have always struggled with my faith, but I have to say that over the last few years, I have found messages such as the ones in this blog conforting. I am praying for peace and comfort so that I can finish my dissertation with flying colors despite the forces that I feel may be working against me. I pray for the wisdom of those I trust to guide me in the right direction. I thank the Lord for all the support I have had from this blog and friends who are close and dear to me all around campus…

    Now let me get to work…
    Goal for today
    1. Finish Chapter 4.
    2. Email it to my advisors.

  333. -45 Days, 16 Hours, 17 Minutes – Water bottles up!

    I am encouraged reading these posts, once again. Take that nap or that walk, get that rest to heal yourself so you can be productive and get out of here! And yes, breathe, pray, reflect – remember the big picture. All of this I am getting from you and it reinforces the quote I have on my whiteboard: “Let go of the idea that gentle relaxed people can’t be superachievers.” I’ll add healthy and fearless. Bring it!

    Reposting my goals as a self-reminder so I don’t have to keep looking for them:
    1) look over my output from the last attempt at increased random starts
    2) Make any changes needed to the syntax
    3) Test the differences between classes if I run 1, 2, 3, and 4 classes
    4) See if I can assign participants to classes if I get any seemingly good separation.
    5) Update my agenda for my meeting tomorrow.


    1. I have to run, but I did get a little progress made in reviewing the warnings and looking up information on how to interpret them. Then I read a little more about categorical latent outcome variables, but I think the article wasn’t about continuous indicators. Trying again in the morning before my meeting… Still need the agenda.

      Susan, you remind me of a part of my mission statement (big fan of Steve Covey’s 7 Habits). Here’s what I wrote about taking this work too seriously:
      “- Dissertation: Play around with the ideas. Play. Find what’s interesting, intriguing. This work is not that serious, and taking it too seriously shuts u down. But it IS life or death that u complete it. But find the playfulness in your work, and it will be good (and DONE)!”

      You also remind me of a Ralph Waldo Emerson poem that I posted in my grad office:

      Finish every day and be done with it.
      You have done what you could.
      Some blunders and absurdities
      no doubt have crept in;
      forget them as soon as you can.

      Tomorrow is a new day;
      begin it well and serenely
      and with too high a spirit
      to be cumbered with
      your old nonsense.

      This day is all that is
      good and fair.
      It is too dear,
      with its hopes and invitations,
      to waste a moment on yesterdays.

      On with it already! ๐Ÿ™‚

  334. Day 36: I was sort of afraid to blog in today because I’ve felt depressed yesterday and today and I haven’t gotten much done. Mondays through Wednesdays/Thursday are very difficult for me to work on my dissertation because of my responsibilities to the students that I teach. And I keep seeing the days ticking away.

    I don’t know how this sounds, but it’s comforting to see that other people are hitting some lows, too. I think that it shows that we’ve all been working very hard and taking things very seriously (maybe too seriously?). I don’t know if you follow financial expert Suze Orman or not. But when someone calls into her show and is panicking because they’ve made poor financial decisions in the past and are in debt, the first thing that Suze tells them is that the past is the past. You can’t do anything about. Just forget about it, except for the lessons that you’ve learned. And *don’t* beat yourself up about it. It’s a new day. Start building your financial future now. It can be done.

    Of course, this is easier said than done. But we can’t dwell on the days that we’ve lost. We need to realistically assess the days that we have left (sounds like I’m dying! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

    I hope that I can heed my own advice. Keep working and reassessing, everyone! I now check this blog everyday, at least twice, as a pick-me-up. Thank you all! And I hope to see many of you Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday.


    1. Susan, everyone hits lows here and there. It’s all in how we manage them. I was once told that you want to strive the have your highs and lows “balanced.” Think of a sine wave. We’re looking for low amplitude, and low frequency. We don’t want to have too many oscillations, and we don’t want our highs and lows to be unmanageable. One of my favorite gospel songs was called, “We fall down, but we get up.” It was quite inspiring. The key is that you are not alone in your feelings and believe it or not, it’s good training for those post-PhD days when you will have to push yourself to get things done because if you don’t, people won’t get paid, or your colleagues won’t have their parts of the project because they’re waiting on you, or … well, you get the picture. You can do this … you’re SO close. This is a marathon, not a sprint. But you have been training for this … you are going to finish this race!

      1. Dr. Tull! You are the second person to talk about the sine wave! I was in a reflection meeting/party/gathering thing at the end of last year, and my main reflection was that there’s no point at which we have “arrived” – we’re either going up or going down, so the key is to maintain the balance, staying aware, and recognizing when the arc is going down instead of up so we can pull ourselves together again. I was trying to describe it, making this wave motion with my hand, and my friend said, “sinuous.” So I’ve been saying that life is sinuous ever since!

    2. Reassessing……………………..Your are right!!
      ……I am not taking this serious enough……
      ………..It’s time to get Really Insane!!!!!
      ……………Hold yourself up!!!

      Next 5 hours…….Focus new big picture and contribution!!!!!

      ………………………………..This is it!!!!!

      No time to worry about the past…….is gone
      ……………………………..No time to worry about the future….
      ……………………………………….Don’t worry……Don’t get preoccupied……

      Just get occupied……… with the present………………………because this is what it is………..

      …………………………………………………………..a PRESENT!!!!!!!

      This is the command–Be Strong And Courageous! Do Not Be Afraid or Discouraged………

      next 38 days……is pure INSANITY……..

      in 39 days I will relaxing and reassessing……Happy that I am giving my 110%….independent of the results!!!

  335. Ok, this is just a fun thought. Have you thought about the people who are trying out for American Idol or The Voice and are putting their entire lives on the line hoping that their one chance to sing a song will cause their “committee” to pick them? Would you rather do that? I’m an ok singer, but my answer is “no.” There are people who spend their whole lives trying to “make it” as an artist. But you … you are almost Dr. _____________. You’re doing the countdowns, and you’re not going to be begging for a chance to sing for your supper. You’re almost Dr. ___________. Draw strength from this process. You’ll be finished soon!

    1. That’s Dr. Westmoreland for SURE!
      Hey who is that?…That’s Dr. Westmoreland from #TeamWeDidIt!
      WOW! I’m gonna sign up for #TeamGetItDone today!

      …we could have our own commercial…LOL

      We need a “Stuff That People on #TeamGetItDone Say” Video…:)

      1. YES!!! I totally agree!
        Since many of us are graduating this May we could get together one day after April 30th and put something together (we will have some down time before the ceremony) and make a video for future DHers ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. OK! We’ll do it! We can have a camera crew ready and waiting!! (Really. I’m not kidding!) Get ready for your debuts as Dr. ________, and Dr. _________, Dr. _______, … We’ll figure out a date, time, and place later. ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. I can’t wait! I already have an idea for one of my lines… “Is it too late to quit?!” I am sure we have all thought this, but I say this to make myself laugh since there will be NO QUITTING! ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. Ha ha ha ha! This is awesome. I can’t wait to be a member of #TeamWeDidIt!!!!!!

  336. I have completed all the little edits. I have been staring at the big edits. Feeling a little better. Wanna make it in tomorrow. I am so close but so far away… Loving the video idea. You guys are great motivation. Tired of being sick… #TeamGetItDone….

  337. I’ve had a very productive few hours and even a kind of breakthrough as to how to approach writing the rest of my result and discussion section. Thanks for the encouragement, Dr. T!

    I’m so on board for the video! Ever since Carlos came up with that “I Will Survive” takeoff, I’ve been trying to fit PhD and DH lyrics to the rest. But whatever we do, it will be fun. I wouldn’t mind doing one that’s really funny just for us and one for the DH to help spread the word.

    Going to bed now feeling better about myself. See some of you tomorrow afternoon around 2:30.

    1. OK…………It is time to ??????
      I guess to sleep…the weekend is coming..Let’s Get INSANE until we get it DONE!!!!

  338. Hi folks! I’m still up, working on a grant proposal. So if you’re still working, know that you’re not alone. I’m listening to songs by Marcela Gandara on my iPod; I have songs from two CDs back to back. I have 3 copies of one of the CDs, one that I bought in PR, and others that friends gave me as gifts. This is my writing music. When I need to just tune everything else out and write, it’s “Marcela time!” Favorite song: “Dame tus ojos” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLku3J7O33g

    1. Very nice!!!

      1. Go Dr. Tull!!! We #writetolive literally and as our careers go we will do more and different types. It is refreshing to know that we have a “Dr.” on our team! ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Oh Dr. Tull! I LOVE that song, thanks for sending. I never heard of the artist but I just put her CD on my amazon wishlist which is where I usually go first when it’s time to reward myself!!! Nice!

  339. Good Night??? Good Morning????

    Still fully awake!!!

    I got to bed at 2 am…and at 2:10 one of the smoke alarm decided to ask for battery replacement….I tried to go to sleep, but I was just awake…So I ask Him…What do you want from me.??? and the answer was:

    That’s right…………..He didn’t answered………….but suddenly everything became crystal clear!!!!

    The Big Picture….(same as before) but different wording and shorter but more significant contribution of my part…………not really “my” (for Him All Honor and All Gloria)..

    well…now finally I start to feel sleepy…………………..

    I’m really getting INSANE

    Gracias SCJICM

    1. Praise the LORD Carlos.

      1 Corinthians 2:16 King James Version (KJV) 16For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.


  340. I love Marcela Gandara and Dame tus ojos…. the version she sings with Jesus Adrian Romero, right? She has an amazing voice. I just woke up. I am feeling better and able to focus right now so I am going to take advantage of it and see if I finish chapter 4. I am soooo close.

    Thanks for the INSANITY!

  341. OK you all are waking up … I am going to bed now. Yes Patti, that is the version that she sings with Jesus Adrian Romero. I have both the “El Mismo Cielo” and the “Mas Que un Anhelo” CDs. I love her voice too! It’s very soothing which is why I use it to write. I heard her for the first time at Torre Fuerte one Sunday in Carolina, PR. (CM Jones from MIT had been there with some of their grad students, so it was highly recommended.) The song that first captured me was “Digno es el Seรฑor.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOJ8GkdbQOs. They had a store on the premises, so I bought her “Mas Que …” CD right away. Then Beatriz (Professora Zayas de UMET) gave me one as gift. Then my husband gave me another one.

    Alright everyone, have a GREAT, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, AWESOME, FABULOUS, INCREDULOUS day today as you work either in the DH room on UMBC’s campus, or in your respective study locations. It’s going to be a wonderful and productive day. You’ve prepared to have this great day of work. You’ve scheduled it. You’re ready for it. Go forth and conquer!!!

  342. Day 31….

    This morning I am yet meeting again with my advisor, this time to talk about interview questions. I am going to try to do some quick analysis before our meeting, try is the operative word here.

    Happy Friday!


    1. Okay, my meeting was 2 hours long but it was good commentary and we went over some critical questions for my job interview next Friday. The more time I spend preparing the less nervous I am, plus God told me not to worry about tomorrow.

      Next I will do some reading and try to sort out my weekend to do list. I need to split half today and half tomorrow because last Saturday was a fail because *life* got in the way. So I need to do better about planning *life* around my dissertation work.

      Let’s gooooooooooooooooooo!!!

      I just realized I forgot my lunch….Hmmmmmm ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I call it the “Dissertation Diet” though an unwanted side effect is looking super tired and 10yrs older once you’re through with it!

        1. Haha! I am committed to the “Grad Student 25” like the “Freshman 15” except they call you Dr. after you graduate and the red sorcerer’s robe that we graduate in will cover it all. With a furry hat to match. Speaking of, I need to order my robe! ๐Ÿ™‚

  343. -45 Days, 0 Hours, 11 Minutes
    I LOVE the energy on here! You guys crack me up and pull me up at the same time! #TeamGetItDone has been in my prayers. We will be #TeamWeDidIt soon and very soon. I just need to keep coming back to the work consistently and playing around with the ideas and justifying them. I can’t wait to be Dr. Smackdown. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am supposed to be doing my devotion, so I’ll finish that once I get off here, then I have a little journaling to do. But I already made my plan for the day:
    1) Finish meeting agenda
    2) Finish last attempts at analyses
    3) Meet with stats committee member
    4) Notes from meeting
    5) Next attempts at RQs 1-4 analyses based on notes
    6) Lunch!
    7) Continue analyses
    8) Hour meeting for assistantship
    9) Plan next steps –> gym
    10) Eek out a little more plan for weekend dinner with friend
    11) Dinner with friend if did other stuff.
    12) Home –> print pics for another friend
    13) Bed

    Onward #TeamGetItDoneOnFridayyyyyyyyyyy!

  344. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -38d 14h 30m
    – Ok………………Wake up….Daddy 38 days…..get going….daddy 38 days!!!!
    -Dani….I went to bed around 3 am and Gabriel woke me up around 6 am
    – To work daddy……you only have 38 days and tomorrow you will have only 37 …!!!!

    Now…I’m awake well……
    Next 90 minutes get kids to bus stop..get ready….clean up .beds…shower breakfast and then blog

    1. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -38d 13h 43m

      Done!!!! Next 45 minutes..re-Write big picture

      Anyone at the Commons!!!!

      1. Ok………I am no that fast…..or ..realistic……..:)
        Next 114 minutes ……………NOON……Finish draft write (re-write big picture)
        What is this???
        People …Are we that comfortable with ourselves? Nobody using the room????
        I’m still sick…not a excuse, but I don’t want you people to get sick too…..

        What’s your Excuse???????

        Get your b…….ody and mind together and let’s finish this now!!!!!!
        Get INSANE!!! Get it DONE!!!!

        1. Too much excitement …..I’ll take a nap

          1. I tell you, I declare that I love you blog posts. Your nap is granted, just don’t sleep too long.


            1. Amen……I say to you!!!!
              You feed me…..when I was Hungry!!!!
              You pushed me…..When I was weak!!!
              Thanks !!!!

  345. Day 25

    I am at home but plan to be in the Commons tomorrow. I am finishing up Chapter 4 and I plan to go into school to meet with my advisor, pick up the chapter 5 edits and then head home. I am still coughing too much to feel comfortable working around folks… but I am loving this blog. I may go on Saturday.

    Goals for today
    1. Finish chapter 4 and hand a printed copy to my co-advisor.
    2. Meet with chairperson of my committee.
    3. Pick up chapter 5 and begin final edits.

    My program is still running. I am going to finish chapters 1-5 before I quit on the program. That’s another reason I am hesitant to come to campus. I don’t want to turn off my computer… talk about INSANITY!!!

    Have productive days, #TEAMGETITDONE!! Great to be commiserating with you even if it is virtually.

  346. You asked for it. You got it. Bring your sick self to the Commons this afternoon and I will see you there!

    1. Oh….Man!!!!! This is INSANE!!!!!
      I’ll be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  347. Day 35: I let myself sleep a little late because I was so productive last night and so tired. I have a lunch meeting (business) and then I’m going to see my advisor. I have soooooo many questions for her about my dissertation (all good questions whose answers will probably allow me to move even faster with the writeup). They kept popping into my head last night as I was working on my Results and Discussion section. And that’s a *good* thing! Things are less foggy to me now.

    Also, she gave me feedback on my first two chapters. And there were only a few trivial questions/suggestions! Yay! She may have chapter 3 reviewed today, which is my methodology section. I’m really hoping that she does — it will really help me with the final writeup of my case study.

    Anyway, I hope to be at DH at about 2:30. Not a lot of time, but I’m so productive when I’m there.

    I’m moving along!

  348. Hi Folks! Dr. Rutledge, Dr. Carter-Veale, and I have been up early this morning working on a grant proposal. So despite my late night, I still got up around the same time and went straight to the computer. Granted, this behavior may constitute the need to go to bed early tonight.

    Yes, please go to the Commons. We *pay* for the use of those rooms. If it’s not going to be used, let us know in advance and we’ll plan to be efficient with our reservations and our funds. In addition, Natasha has received great favor from the events staff in the Commons, so they do their best to try to accommodate us when we make requests.

    It’s Friday, a beautiful day to work! Be sure that your shades are open, let some sunshine in and get going!


  349. AHH late start today, but I will be there!! Fridays are my writing days, so I will definitely make good use of the time that I have!!


    See you soon, Carlos! I will be there this afternoon!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. YAY!!!! so ๐Ÿ™‚ you are coming to PM session!!!! Go go twinny power!

  350. OK…………………….
    What’s Going ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’m here…..Commons 318

    1. Relax! I am here too! ๐Ÿ™‚
      I came at 1pm to drop off my stuff while I run around delivering my Independent Proposal and no one was here. You say you came at 1:04 but who knows? LOL jk…

      1. Ok..Ok… I will Try to keep my pants on!! off on
        is it On or Off.?…..This slang is killing me!!!

  351. On my way …dealing with advisor stuff and paper work….

  352. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Hello Dissertation House,

    Thanks Dr. Tull for updating me on what’s going on. Well, it has been quite a while since I posted but things have been moving in a positive direction. The graduation date that I am working towards is December 2012. My committee chair has my concept paper, 1st, and 3rd chapters of my proposal. I am now waiting on his feedback. However I continue to stay busy. I am in the process of applying for a couple of Assistant Professor positions that will start in the fall, and am picking up an online certificate on College Teaching and Learning in the process. Needless to say that I am busy, but one thing I have learned is that you must have balance. So I find time for myself and my family in-between. Overall, things are great. I just keep moving one day at a time ๐Ÿ™‚

  353. Just checking in. You guys are cracking me up. Carlos, keep the pants ON! Hahahahaha.

    Meeting this morning went well. After another batch of analyses, it looks like I’ll be running factors not classes after all!! Had a great birthday lunch (Hey, celebrating a day for every year gets better and better the older you get), and now going to an assistantship meeting and then off to the gym.

    Happy Friday. Georgette, it is great to read that things are coming together. I will speak in faith that Lenisa will post soon – she might not tell you but she is making progress and the direction that she is choosing for herself is going to take her where she wants to go (sorry to embarrass you, Lenisa, but I am so happy for you and I am so glad to be able to see you more. Thank you for your encouragement and I am sending it right back to you).

    I haven’t read over everything but I will when I get back!


    1. Last meeting went well. I still need to park downhill. Off to zumba for the first time this semester. I hope I get in!

      Go rest!

  354. Met with my advisor from 1:30-2:30. Now I’m here at DH and ready to continue on my Results and Discussion section. I’m headed in the right direction. Just need to keep my energy level up.

  355. Short …..Break……………
    Here from the Commons 318….
    Margaret, Susan, Patty, Hye-Sook and Me

    1. And me too now! ๐Ÿ™‚

      -Margaret G.

  356. Team…I am loosing steam like a leaky boat. I feel my energy level going down down down….My My My.

    I am trying but it’s going down…………..

    I am going to make some prep for tomorrow and I might call it, these 12 hour days can only last so



    1. Just…….Exercise Hard for 5 minutes……………Take some wine………..A hot bath……….watch a movie…then sleep and be here at the commons tomorrow…..Vacation time at the Commons!!!!

  357. Graduate student 25… I am on 30 so it is time to graduate!! I want my body back, body back, body back, body back… I want my body back, body back, body back, body back… (sing to the tune of the Chilli’s Baby Back Ribs jingle)

    Feeling very light headed and it’s hard to concentrate, so I decided to post my accomplishments today…
    1) I finalized my dissertation committee and turned in the form for my defense date!!! It will be Thursday, March 29th at 1pm in ITE 325B.
    2) I also finished and printed chapter 4 and turned it into my committee member.
    3) I reestablished contact with a potential job lead for a junior researcher position in Colombia (bad part is that I have to write a K grant by March 1st and my dissertation defense date is March 5th).
    4) I also met with my advisor and we discussed some concerns I had been having with the results. He is reading chapter 6 and we are going to meet early next week to see about how to improve my implementation and algorithm so perhaps we can get some better results
    5) I am having a conference call at 5:30pm to get the high frequency PDA data
    6) I cleaned up the mess that I had made at the house while I was sick ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I am going to do the superficial fixes to chapter 5 now and start looking at the grant proposal now.

    1. Patti … #1) March 29 (yay!) … but #3) March 5? With #1 in place, there seems to be time/opportunity for the K grant. ๐Ÿ™‚

  358. Alright crew! I’m out. Lots of reading to get done tomorrow. I have a morning appointment and plan to work on some *life* tasks tonight like cleaning my little apartment. I had a good day, even with low energy. Going to meet with my advisor again on Sunday so I will do some more analysis tomorrow for that meeting.


    Nikki aka Dr. Cupcake

  359. I hope that you all are getting some sleep tonight. Congratulations on a productive day!

  360. Time to go to bed….
    See you tomorrow…

  361. Good morning, all!
    I am up and ready to work on a “snowy” Saturday morning! I had two very unscheduled breaks on Thursday and Friday, and now I must work work work to catch up on my to-do list. Instead of wigging out, I just went with the flow and didn’t let the anxiety and guilt about not working on my dissertation take over me. I got a lot of *life* stuff done, which has to count for something.

    I was reading the graduate school graduation deadlines list last night, and I saw that they posted that you cannot defend later than April 25th (*insert record scratch and stop here*). My heart almost fell out of my chest. How did I not see that before???? I am no longer on Team April 26th anymore, Margaret D. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    There is some time on the afternoon of April 18th that works for most committee members; if that’s not doable, I’m looking at July. Sigh…

    Thank God for #TEAMIWILLSURVIVE!!!!! Either way it goes, I’ll see it through to the end, and He will lead and guide me along the way.

    I’m still chopping away at my to-do list for the week. Let’s see what I can get done in the next 90 minutes while the munchkin is still asleep. I’m about to brew some coffee. I really just want it for the smell…maybe 2 sips. Archer Farms White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle from “Tar-Zhay” with Natural Bliss Sweet Cream Creamer. Ok, maybe more than 2 sips.

    Mugs up!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. 1. Core dump from Chapter 2
      2. Copy figures from manuscript into Chapter 4
      3. Chapter 3 study description and analysis plan

      1. I have had the hardest time focusing this morning. Way too distracted. I’m realizing that the two days I wasn’t able to work threw off my pace. I might need to actually drink the coffee instead of just smelling it. ๐Ÿ˜›

        I did get something done this morning in all of my distractedness. I put appointments into my calendar for next week and did a lit search on menopause, hormone replacement therapy and late life depression (my weekly pubmed search result email gave me that idea, which is WAY relevant to the new cohort I’m using – older postmenopausal women who have had hip fractures). I even printed off an article or two (yay me!).

        Now back to the to-do list…Chapter 2 is calling my name. My closet mirror is my whiteboard now, and the boxes next to the tasks are itching to be checked off!!!

        Insane in the membrane…

  362. Good Morning!!

    Here From the Commons 327!!!!

    Next 30 minutes go over the reduced big picture and my contribution

  363. This is INSANE!!
    I’m done with I had plan until 11:00 am.
    OK…Now..120 minutes for the approach

    1. Where are you??????

  364. I am at home. I would like to go to the Commons but the sneezing and coughing are just driving me insane. I found out that a K grant I was planning to apply to on March 15th is really due on March 1st. Insanity!!!

    Goals for today
    1. Yesterday I got back chapter 5 and she wants more work. I am going to do the easy edits.
    2. I want to finish the chapter 1 edits so that I can get chapters 1-4 to my readers early next week
    3. I want to watch a video/tutorial on how to write a K grant
    4. Copy and past what I have into the K grant
    5. Write the first draft of the proposal.

    That’s a pretty big list. Off to work. Happy Saturday #TeamGetItDone! Sorry I can’t be there with you today! You will thank me for it…

    1. I miss you!
      Take care and get work done! I will share my Korean desert with you next week!

  365. Forgot the final and most important goal… go and see Courageous with my husband this evening!

  366. It snowed outside but we, Carlos and me, are in the Commons again!
    If you come in next 10 minutes, I will share with you my Korean desert (very sweet)! ๐Ÿ™‚
    My goal for today:
    – revise the part of “PD types” (2 pages)
    – If possible, revise the next part of “effective characteristics of PD” (1-2 pages)

  367. People!!!! Where are you????
    Here at the Commons 327……………Hye-Sook, Margaret D and Me.

  368. Day 34: Not off to a good start. I had planned to be at the Commons by 10:00, but couldn’t get myself out of bed. Slept right through an hour’s worth of loud music. I’m still in my PJs feeling sorry for myself and depressed. Don’t know why I should feel sorry for myself — I’m getting a PhD. Depression I struggle with from time to time, even when I’m not working so hard.

    Even though I was certain that I’d be in today, I think I’m going to work from home. Sorry, Natasha. You’ve done such a great job with the rooms, and I know that I’ll be taking advantage of them. Just not today. Still going for 8 hours of work today, just starting much later than I had planned.

    Still working on my Results and Discussion and making good progress. Will check in later to see what’s happening with everyone else and report my progress.

    No matter where you work today, everyone have a productive day!

    1. I’m getting a late start today, too, Susan. None of us is going to judge you! Everybody’s got to struggle through something. Be gentle and ask what you can do, not what you didn’t do. I’ll get something done today with the time I have left. Guaranteed I’ll feel better afterward. No guilt, Just go – your light is still green!


  369. I’m done with my plan today!!!
    Short Recess and work on the New TOC…..
    Susan!!! Don’t worry.That’s a good thing…It means that you needed that extra hour. Now you are more motivated and be able to focus more…

  370. Wow: Welcome the criticism – Ralph Marston

    “There is no law that says you have to be hurt by criticism. In fact, you can choose to thrive on it.”
    Read more: http://www.greatday.com/#ixzz1m669JSou

    I’ll be back.

  371. Afternoon all… I am here. After thinking about Carlos’ words of wisdom, I decided to take advantage of an additional DH (beyond the Sunday I pledged). So I am here…and ready to work.

    My goals today are to :
    1) Revise the syntax for my exclusion criteria variable
    2) Revise the syntax for my psychiatric med variable
    3) Recode the relationship status variable
    4) Remove exclusion criteria from the dataset
    5) Fill in Table 1 with means, range, and std. deviations for all of the variables that I can

    1. Go Shauna!!!!

  372. Day 30……

    Good Saturday Everyone! I guess I am the last to settle in. I feel really good today! I hope that means I will be productive. I always give myself permission to sleep in on Saturday because it is the only day it can possibly happen with my schedule. I am sitting at my desk in my office about to prep my work.

    Today I will:
    1. Clean up Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 which includes a new sub-set of analysis that I will attempt so that U can discuss it with my advisor tomorrow when we meet. Since I have OCD starting things that I can’t finish bothers me, but I make myself do it because I know I can’t climb a mountain in one way. So today I will be rearranging some rocks that I know are in the wrong place.

    Happy Saturday!



    1. I am still here!!! But I started late so I am good. I have made it through Section 3.1 and 3.2. Section 3.2 has 5 sub-sections so it took me a while. I have to learn to not try and be a PERFECTIONIST and I can probably get through some of these sections faster. My fingers are cramping and I am getting hot. I don’t know how much longer I will last but we shall see what I can do.

      1. Okay I got through section 3.3 and I started 3.4 so I feel a little better. I need to MAX 3.4 and 3.5 tomorrow while also doing some statistical analysis that my advisor reminded me of this afternoon. I felt productive today, I don’t like being this tired. I need to do something about that. I really need a HUGE diet improvement. I got the sleeping, taking naps, breaks, exercise, but the diet sucks! There is always room for improvements. Well I am off to home to get ready for church in the morning, let’s see if I can not look like what I’m going through. I will have on plenty of fake-up tomorrow. Good night all dissertaters! We did it, even on a Saturday. I have to say the quietness of working in the office on the weekend is PERFECT for me, I loves it. ๐Ÿ™‚


  373. I started early, but I slept most of the day. I got thru the movie about the K grant. It’s 12 pages. If it gets funded, I would get a faculty position at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Basically the grant is for the young faculty. It’s aimed at making them independent scientists through mentoring. It looks like a great program, but are we aiming too high.

    I am going to work on the candidate statement and get that out tonight. I really wanted to do more, but the sleep helped me. I am sleeping as much.

    #GettingSomethingDoneOnSaturday… or at least healing… need to get better so I can be more productive!

  374. Ok ….Extremely productive day…..
    I’m just too tired!!!!

  375. What I accomplished today:
    2. I finished the chapter 1 edits so that I can get chapters 1-4 to my readers early next week
    3. I watched a video/tutorial on how to write a K grant

    Not a very productive day, only 2 out of 5 goals accomplished. I did get some good sleep and I am feeling better… Now it is time for the movie… I will look for you all tomorrow! Depending on how much coughing I am doing I will see you in the afternoon.

  376. Ok, I’m done here. Finished ALL of my goals today, and I have to say that making a 3 pg. long table was one of the most boring things I’ve done in years..but I did it! Looking forward to setting and checking off new goals tomorrow.

  377. Ok….time to go home
    Actually..I did more than expected for the whole weekend. Excellent!!!!!
    Tomorrow: Mass then Start with Literature review of “Schizophrenia, Working Memory, PFC and fMRI”
    See you tomorrow!!!
    No excuses People!!!

  378. Everyone, you should be proud of yourselves because you’ve done SOMETHING!!!! Maybe you started with big goals, but got in a little bit over Dr. Carter-Veale’s mandated 12 minutes. You’ll notice that when you’re working “consistently”, you’ll have an easier time getting back in the swing when you have to take time for *life things.” Be good to yourselves. I’m proud of all of you! “See” you tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚

  379. -43 Days, 11 Hours, 45 Minutes
    Today wasn’t very productive for me – It was so hard to schedule myself and stay awake, but I think it was because I relaxed my bedtime and wakeup time. Tomorrow – up and at em.

    However, I must say that some of the reasons I was off were worth it. I got to catch up with a friend unexpectedly last night and, this afternoon, I got to meet a set of triplets that I hadn’t seen except in the photos their parents posted on FB. I got to see how much they’ve grown since they were eensie weensie babies (in the photos), and I got to read to them (Horton Hears a Who) while they calmed down enough to be a little sleepy, and sing to them (Rainbow Connection, one of my favorite songs) as they did their toddler dance – side to side – going “la la la la la” as I sang. Afterward we spent some time just going la la la la la all together, and then I said their goodnight prayer and they gave me kisses (well the last one was shy but she did smile at me and come ALMOST close enough to get a kiss – I blew hers to her instead).

    Life is so much bigger than the dissertation. I was able to live today and still get a little work done, even if I only had energy to organize my printouts, back up my last analyses and notes to Dropbox, and start planning for what I’ll do next. I know the closer I get, the more I’ll have to sacrifice and the more I’ll have to say no, but I don’t have to skip living. In fact, not taking care of my needs, including the need to be a social human, will wear me down. Right now I feel good and I feel like I can keep going tomorrow.

    Good night, #TeamGetItDoneAWhoAtATime

    1. I want to play with little cute babies!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ That sounded like fun.

  380. Super successful day with the INSANITY crew! Can’t wait for round 2 tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚ http://drdabekmay2012.wordpress.com/

    1. Tomorrow…is going to be super INSANE!!!!!

      1. Ok..it is time to go to sleep…

        Too much…energy….Well…………….. having The Pink Energizer at your side and the support and pushing of Adriana, Daniel and Gabriel….it is hard not to be energized!!!

        it is only 36 days…it is a deadline that I put myself into.!!!

        I’m like starting all over….but a huge difference..I did it before couple of times…

        Sleep well, Have time for the Family..extremely important!!! but right now…It is all ABOUT ME..at least for the next 36 days.

        It doesn’t who you are or what you do…..there will be always sacrifices to achieve what we really want… Sooner or later you decide when to do it…unless you are pushed and given with all the resources and support needed

        Mother!!!! Thanks for your intercession before Him. He has place all these wonderful people around me.


  381. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -36d 15h 01m
    Good Morning!!!!
    How serious are you about these 36 days?? Really ready for INSANITY?????
    Here I am….After MASS…at the UMBC library……..
    Next 2 hours…….KISS……(Keep it Simple Stupid)….Main papers of WM, SZ PFC fMRI
    See you guys later

  382. -23d -8h 47m I am feeling much better today. I am going to get my chapter 1 to my advisors this morning before church then I will see how I feel about heading to the Commons. I would like to get chapter 5 completed. Then I am caught up with everything that I can do about my dissertation. I also have to write a rough draft of the K grant. The K grant is more important so I might try to do that first. I will decide later. Now to making breakfast, getting ready and completing chapter 1.

  383. -42 Days, 23 Hours, 29 Minutes
    Wow you guys are on fire! So glad you had a productive day and that you are feeling better (where applicable).

    I’m off to church. Today is supposed to be a planning day, but I am going to try to push this evening. I’ll see how far I can get.
    9am – church
    12:30pm – errands
    2:30pm – go see Denzel movie with friend
    6pm – sit in chair, reflect, and plan week
    7-8:30pm – work through demographic data


  384. Ok!!! I’m already at the Commons room 327….

    1. and…I am not alone…future “Dr. Faizah Carr” has join to the INSANE …..Sunday!!!
      so…Leave your excuses aside and just Get it done!!!!

      1. Now…Maya is here….
        This is amazing!!! It is not yet noon (the start time) and we are already three…
        It seems really want to finish ASAP!!!

  385. I’m ready for my insanity workout to begin. Where ya at, Carlos??? I’m at UMBC now. ~Maya (240) 476-6129

    1. Happy Sunday, everyone! Kudos on everyone’s progress, no matter how big or small.

      FYI – There’s a “dissertating” party in Commons 327!!! It is SO good to see a familiar face (Carlos!!!) after all of these years. Thank you, DH/INSANITY/#TeamGetItDone, for this reunion. It’s nice to meet Faizah too!

      I started with yoga first thing this morning which helped get the blood flowing. Now that I’ve made my journey down to road to INSANITY (a.k.a. I-95 North), I just finished eating breakfast and listening to this morning’s church service online in order to get my mind right for 12pm-8pm.

      Today is a Chapter 2, 3 and 4 day.

      1. Organize articles I’ve been lugging around for updated literature review by topic and date (done!)
      -hip fracture (fx), including design and outcomes papers for my “new” cohort
      -depressive symptoms (sx) in older adults
      -menopause/mood/hormone replacement therapy
      -epidemiologic studies of depressive symptoms/inflammation association
      2. Describe the natural history of osteoporosis and hip fracture. I have 2 drawings that I will add to and use to update my conceptual model.
      3. Expound on study design in Chapter 3 from design and outcomes papers
      3. Figures 1-4 into Chapter 4. I had to locate the high-resolution figures that I provided to the journal in my email.
      4. Analysis by aim in Chapter 3

      Today’s reward: I really want to watch the Grammys tonight to see the Whitney tribute (if there is one). I can’t listen to Whitney Houston music now, though, because it might make me sad. I really love Marcela Gandara’s Pandora station! Thanks for recommending her song, Dr. Tull!!!

      p.s. Shauna just walked in. Party party party! Let’s all get hooded…

        1. So…can I just say that today was INSANELY productive!!! I am so proud of myself and my fellow dissertaters. I organized my articles, did the core dump for Chapter 2, added and edited a few chapter 2 section headings, worked on the natural history of hip fracture/RCT diagram, read the parent study’s design paper and added section headings in Chapter 3, AND added in the high-resolution figures 1-4 from the published manuscript. Pew pew pew!!!!

          It was so energizing to be around everyone all day today. The silent productivity was deafening!! I can’t wait to see you all again next week (Lord-willing). Big-ups to Carlos, Faizah, Shauna, Margaret D, and Patti O PhD(c) for putting in work with me in the Commons, and kudos to Nikki, Susan and Alexis for your virtual presence on this brisk Sunday.

          Both Margaret D and my mom encouraged me I need to try to get it done by April 18th, so that’s what I will try to do. I really want to be hooded in May, so we’ll see how progress proceeds.

          This too shall pass, folks!!!

          I’m off to see the munchkin and the Grammys!

  386. Hi all,
    I am here and I just ate lunch, so I’m ready to work now. Today’s goals are to :
    1) Fill in my correlation table
    2) Check over the means table that I made yesterday for accuracy
    3) Figure out why one of my variables isn’t working right
    4) Run t-tests to look for significant racial differences on the means
    5) Figure out and type up all of the questions that I need for tomorrow’s conference call

    Looking forward to going home and watching the Whitney tribute at the Grammy’s!

  387. Sunday…..I am so tired.

    I came to the office from church and I will see what I can get done in just a few short hours. I will maximize my productivity by eliminating things that take me off focus like e-mail and my phone.

    I will start with the analysis from my advisors e-mails yesterday and then move onto Chapter 3 again.



  388. Day 33: I’ll be with you in spirit today. Not coming in, going to work from home. I have a minor physical ailment that I need to go to urgent care for. No big deal, but it’s uncomfortable.

    Yesterday I realized that part of my problem with getting started was that I felt overwhelmed and confused. This happens every couple of weeks or so. The solution for me is to stop and take an hour or two and get all of my papers and notebooks reorganized, re-read parts of my dissertation that I’ve already drafted, re-do my “to-do” list, and figure out which part of my to-do list to tackle first. I was then able to get in some productive time, maybe about 3-4 hours.

    So, today:
    – go to urgent care
    – get camera-ready part of paper for ICSE’12 done
    – keep moving on the Results and Discussion portion of my dissertation

    I’m glad to hear so many people are showing up at DH today. I really don’t want to lose the rooms because I plan on coming whenever I can. Have a great, productive day! I’ll check in later.

    1. Hello Susan

      Sounds like a good plan. The more things you have to do the more organized you have to be. Rather that starting over again and again, at the end of each day, consider writing a note to yourself about where you left off. Write about where your thoughts are and where you think they are going. In the DH we like to end each day with a note to ourselves about what we will working tomorrow and what still needs to be done on the project.

      Put what you have learned in the DH to good use.

  389. Watching Whitney on YouTube while I work…..very inspiring! ๐Ÿ™‚

  390. Getting to Dissertation House Sunday a little late but I am here. I had a productive morning and sent my advisors Chapter 1 and the two appendices. As soon as I have the final edits, I can send the first half of my dissertation to my readers. This afternoon’s goals are to blog about my plan over the next 23 days and finish chapter 5. I want to hand that into my advisors tomorrow. If you recall, I had sent it to them before, but this time I got a request for a more through literature survey. So I need find more papers and incorporate them today. I am also sad to hear about Whitney Houston and her family. I want to see the Whitney Houston tribute. It’s going to be sung by Jennifer Hudson. It’s amazing how much you can learn on the radio in a 15 minute drive into school.
    Personal chores like laundry were completed and I did manage to make it to church. I think I go mostly for the music. I can’t remember what today’s message was… Oh well… off to work…

    1. Better late than lever! Glad to see you here! I also came late today, but happy to be here because I am getting 100% more than I would at home…


  391. I finished my correlation table. That’s all that was accomplished today, but it was a pretty big task! Until next time guys!

  392. I struggled with getting my conference paper camera-ready. If anyone knows about embedding fonts in .pdf’s from a Word 10 document, please let me know. I knew that if I didn’t let this go for today, I’d just get more and more down. So, I submitted the paper as is and will contact the conference people to see what to do. I still have a couple of weeks to get this done.

    So, I went to lunch with my husband and talked to my sister on the phone, both of which helped to lift my spirits. I’ve been making good progress on my Results and Discussion chapter since about 6:00. But it’s getting sooooooooo BORING! I may leave it for awhile either tonight or tomorrow and work on coding some qualitative data that I have just for a change. Don’t worry, Dr. C, I’ll come back to it quickly (“Work on what you are closest to getting done!”).

    Back to teaching tomorrow. What a semester to have to be back full-time. But I WILL get my dissertation done by March 16th and I WILL defend on April 6th. I WILL WILL WILL!

    1. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Courage isn’t about being without fear (or feeling down), it’s about being your own advocate despite those feelings. We’re with you!

  393. On a lighter note, how does one put a picture next to their name? I know what an avatar is. What the heck’s a Gravatar?

    1. Hi Susan, A gravatar is the same thing. It’s a “Globally Recognized Avatar.”

  394. -42 Days, 10 Hours, 26 Minutes I said I was going home an hour ago…

    I wonder if I can still make it to bed by 10…. I’m out way past curfew, but I got most of my demographic data organized. Well, MORE organized, I think I need to set some codes to the data, which will take longer, but there’s just one more major variable to work on.

    Tomorrow I will try to wrap up that last variable and decide if there’s anything else I need to do to the ones I’ve already cleaned up. Oh run descriptives to make sure there’s no weirdness in there, once everything’s done. Then can go back to looking at the CFAs… Let’s update that iGoogle task list…

  395. It is time to calm down..and go to sleep.

    It was a long day…no very productive…but after thinking about it..there was not specific goal..and the task was too general……..couple of periods of high good anxiety….which were very brief …Thanks!! Gosia.. (One of the good things about DH weekends..is that in times of anxiety..you are surrounded of people that remind you that is normal and help you getting your b….ody to sit back and keep going, one word at the time)

    We were six at the Commons today….That was great!

    – Get latest review about the new focus topic for chapter 2.
    – Get the papers cited there (Print)
    – Put them in a binder and review each one (highlight them)
    – Get the PFC coordinates
    – Select the ones to be used in Chapter 2

    Good Night

  396. Ended up being very productive on my Results and Discussion section. It’s all laid out, but has many holes in it. But I’m getting closer! Going to bed much later than I wanted, but it was worth it. Mondays through Wednesday/Thursday are difficult to get more than a couple of hours done each day. Pesky students! Goodnight, everyone.

  397. Good job everyone!!!! You went to *WORK* over the weekend. You came together, and you pushed hard. Excellent. Congratulations on your efforts. Doesn’t it feel good? Keep up the momentum. Schedule your time to take care of yourself so that you can continue to have steady progress. Take care!!

  398. Day 28….

    How I spend my time has drastically been changed these past few weeks. I know that it won’t always be like this, but a deadline is a deadline.

    Today I start with a meeting with my advisor at 8:30 am followed by coffee and then I will see where I am after we talk. I agree with Dr. Tull about taking care of yourself, getting my regular sleep and *trying* to eat a balanced diet minimizes stress and fatigue thereby I am able to be calm and cool and maximizes my productivity.

    Also the naps that Alexis lets me take help as well.



    1. Meeting with my advisor was long, but good. I am going to start with some analysis for about an hour then switch to more validation for Section 3.5.


      1. Okay, I did plently of analysis and now will dedicate my last 2 hours or so to Section 3.5 which I have been seriously avoiding all day. I have been having a feeling like I am floating all day. I don’t know how to describe it, I am just floating around. Obviously someone is carrying me through my day. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Section 3.5 is rough. I got started though. Off to church. Tomorrow I try again.

        2. “Like” – the carrying and the naps!

  399. Day 22 – Checking in. I am here. See my personal blog…

    1. Hello Patti
      Where is the link to your personal blog?

      1. Click on my name and it will take you to my personal blog…

  400. It is becoming a more productive day! Maybe I needed that time to chill. So 1) I have adjusted my deadlines for the following three weeks to something that would work for both of my advisors; 2) I have met with my CREU student to discuss the research that we are going to do in the next couple of weeks ( I am going to have them implement what I have implemented in Python so that we can see if it is a MATLAB thing or not); and, I also brainstormed with them to see if there was a better way to implement my algorithm and they came up with a great idea. I am going to implement it this afternoon to see if it works. I gave my advisor the first draft of Chapter 7 and she said she would give me edits tomorrow for chapters 4 and 7. She gave me edits for Chapter 1 and the Appendices today so I intend to have that done this afternoon, so that I can have Chapters 1 – 4, 7, and the apendices completed by Wednesday. I will send Chapters 1 – 4 and the Appendices to my reader on Wednesday. The rest of the evening is going to be dedicated to implementation, editting the Appendices (I forgot I already did the final edits for Chapter 1 this morning, too), and filling out a chart with the results I have so far to present to my advisor tomorrow.

  401. Day 32: I haven’t check in yet today because I’ve been busy with teaching. Still have more teaching stuff to do. I doubt that I will make any significant progress on my dissertation this evening. But I’m going to try HARD to do my >= 12 minutes (which hopefully will turn into an hour).

  402. End of Day 22

    I had a very productive day. I am hungry so I am heading home. I have a schedule that my advisors have a agreed to. I will have a final draft of Chapter 5 completed on Sunday and for Monday the rough draft of Chapters 6 and 7. The final version of the entire dissertation is due on March 5th. I have a meeting on Wednesday AM to get the final medical data set and I have found the final non-medical data set and gotten my advisor’s preliminary approval. I have two great female students with whom I have developed the new implementation to speed up my implementation. I am going to try it for tomorrow. I am also going to have one of the implement my algorithm in Python and the other one implement the baseline in Python to compare the speed of their implementations with mine. I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow at 11am. I am going to spend all moring preparing for it to show him the results that I have. I can’t believe it is only 21 days away!! I am feeling much better today not coughing as much and might even be ready for Zumba on Tuesday!!! Finally I can concentrate and I am not falling asleep all the time! Oh happy day!

  403. -41 Days, 12 Hours, 27 Minutes
    Today was more fixing variables and realizing that I was coding things wrong so I have to revisit this again tomorrow. Also moving around committee members! Eek! But I realize again that my advisor is my tough advocate, so I am soooo grateful.

    Tomorrow I will come in ready to
    – finish my variable clean-up efforts and fix any weirdness, and
    – write up my CFA descriptions – might take a while because I have to compare to other write-ups

    Going to cardioboxing and then I’m enforcing my curfew again. Last night I tried to stay up reading (sooo hardheaded – I knew as soon as I lay down that I would be asleep in T-14 seconds) and woke up to my alarm with all the lights on and no drive to get out of bed. Hence, the curfew – lights OUT!..

    Anyway, NEW BEGINNING AGAIN! #TeamGetItDone

  404. Wooooohooooo, I have a faculty position interview at UPR Rio Piedras!!! Trip to Puerto Rico and two practice job talks right before I defend… Someone is looking down on me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. So happy for you!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Congrats on making the shortlist and getting an interview.

        1. Congrats Patti!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  405. My experiments just flopped…I tried a new implementation. At least this time it terminated within a an hour. Time to hit the sack. See you tomorrow DHers! Where were you today, Carlos, Margarets, Maya?

  406. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -34d 22h 48m

    Extremely busy day at work. I was able to go over the new literature for chapter 2. Expecting few papers..I found 95 of them. I already started the table that I learned during DH..It is one thing people telling you about all these tips…but until I saw people around me actually using it …I got into it.

    0600: Elliptical + Heavy Bag
    0700: Get the kids and me Ready
    0800: fMRI @ KKI-JHU (Keep filling the table for literature…but focus on coordinates)
    1200: e-mails / calls / paperwork (get 10 minutes of each hour to keep filling the table)
    1730: Krav
    1900: Home…kids to bed…at least try not to fall asleep with them ๐Ÿ™‚
    2000: Adriana’s time
    2100: Ph.D. time (keep filling the table)
    2300: exam/plan/blog/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Sorry for how explicit..but putting it down here, helps me to visualize it and add it some emotion.
    This is going to be a busy week, so I need to sleep well, exercise and eat well to be able to take advantage of the time.
    The other part of writing this much (at least for me) is that I am getting more efficient typing… NOW I’M USING BOTH INDEX FINGERS FOR TYPING!!!!!!

    It’s time to go and rest….

    Getting my INSANITY together and organized..

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!1

    1. Keep up the detail Carlos! It’s great visualization and I’m sure that it helps to keep everyone pumped up for this journey.

  407. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

    My IRB was approved on the 7th of Feb. I have my first interview today. I also have another set up for tomorrow.


    1. Excellent Michelle! Taking steps forward. IRB done + two interviews this week … you’re on a roll!

  408. Day 27…

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

    Starts with a meeting with my advisor.
    I have to make edits to job talk slides.
    I will attempt to work on Section 3.5 yet again, but my body is tired because I didn’t sleep well last night which also means I am kind of irritated so…. I don’t know.
    I might take a nap after my meeting, but I don’t want a cramp in my neck from the “desk nap”. lol
    I found a new faculty position to apply for I want to get that in today.
    And…..I need to call Sallie Mae because she thinks I graduated already.
    This is already a short week for my because I’m our of town Th-Sun.

    Well, I will do what I can with some serious help from God.


    1. Nikki, email me about your faculty search. I may have some extra leads for you. Let me know places to which you’ve already applied and please make sure that I have an updated copy of your CV. Send me your research statement and teaching philosophy as well.

  409. Day 30: Wow, that sounds bad! I was only able to read over some interviews last night because I was so busy with teaching work. It turns out that I was able to squeeze in one more interview today at 4:00. I’ve been trying to get this interview for three weeks now, so I’m pleased with this outcome. Today:
    – Teach & have office hour
    – Go over the interviews from last night again and make notes
    – Interview
    – Listen to the interview and make notes
    – Post some web stuff for my class tomorrow

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  410. Happy St. Valentine’s Day! I am here! I have been trying to manage some personal issues but still committed to #teamgetitdone. Thank you Nikki, Alexis, Michelle and Dr. Tull for your support as I work through this valley. New assistantship is going well and being in the College has really helped in moving my writing on.

    1. Welcome back Lenisa!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s great to *SEE* you here! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!

  411. I had trouble getting up today so I didn’t push it. I worked on my implementation until midnight so that I thought it would be ok to sleep in. Plus I wanted to see my niece and nephew before I left. They are the best alarm clock in the world. They woke me up at 8am. But then it’s harder to leave. They are 3 and 2 and just so cute and affectionate. I haven’t been able to hug them for two weeks since I have been sick… Anyway, back to the dissertation…. Good to see Lenisa and Michelle in the House! My goals for today are 1) Write the pseudocode for Dynamic Time Warping; 2) Write a summary of my results until now; 3) Figure out what is going on in my code 4) Edit Appendix B; 5) Copy and paste what I can into the grant application; 6) Make contact with the professors that would serve as my mentor in the grant application.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to #TeamGetItDone!

    1. I forgot to mention it’s Day 21! I have so much to do in the next few weeks!!!

  412. I just received a questionnaire reply from a guy who I was ready to just forget about. That would have meant a loss of valuable data, as the questionnaire was sent to only 11 people. It’s made my day! And the interview that I’m doing to do this afternoon didn’t look like it was ever going to happen either, but it is! I think it’s all the GOOD VIBES on this blog!

    1. I told you that blogging makes a difference!!! It’s even better now that so many folks are on board. It’s helped me focus and stay accountable when it was just Margaret G. and Aditi. Now it’s insane how much it is helping me!!! It’s all the prayers, good vibes, advice, joking… I don’t feel like I am alone!!!

      1. You are not alone…I have been watching you!!!!!1 ๐Ÿ™‚

  413. “You are not alone … We are here with you.” (Yes, that is a Michael Jackson tune in the background, can you hear me singing?) Yes, it’s good to see so many people participating. Keep on encouraging one another. There is strength in numbers. You all are a great group. It’s nice to know that we will have kind, conscientious, caring PhDs in our world. Kind and competent. Caring and brilliant. Encouraging and intelligent. You embody these attributes. A very Happy Valentines Day to you all. Take time to show yourselves some love and attention. Un abrazo!

  414. -40 Days, 13 Hours, 22 Minutes – I spent some more time on my data set today and it’s still not ready. Rrrgh. But it’s closer to being where I want it so I don’t have to worry about it anymore. And I’m keeping copious notes so I can always know what I did.

    Today it was so hard to get into my day. I did my morning exercises and it took me 1/2 hour just to get through everything when it should ideally take about 10 minutes. Was just laying there on the mat! Hopefully tomorrow I have more energy…


    1. I will send some prayers…in other words…start the positive exponential quantum energy to flow towards you ๐Ÿ™‚

  415. The interview I did this afternoon went GREAT! I can’t wait to dig into the data. Plus, this is the LAST piece of data collection that I have to do, unless I have any questions, which I can ask via e-mail. I went physically over to my case study company 26 times over the last semester to gather data — whew! And I don’t have to go ANYMORE!

    Now I need to look at my data and THINK, THINK, THINK. It will be grueling, but also fun. The anticipation of what my data will reveal is one of my favorite parts of doing research. And when it works out the way you hope, it’s such a high!

      1. Great Susan!!!
        Keep Going…….There will be up and downs…but just Keep going…..

  416. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -33d 23h 30m

    Interesting day….

    Exercised/helped getting the kids ready…arrived at Hopkins at 8:15..patient didn’t show up. I lost 3 hours of my day. So I decided to go straight home instead of going to work. I worked on my Ph.D. from 11 to 8 pm, it was not productive in the sense that the internet was so slow, that I couldn’t download papers, but at least i was able to see the HTML version…Went over 80 of the 95 papers(in other words I reviewed more than expected (very specific details). Got the kids ready to go sleep, prayed with them and I did not lay down with them :(.

    Then, I continued with the papers and despite I didn’t download them, I got the details I needed; in other words , i am able to continue and finish the details of the new specific big picture and in this way know what exactly I need to do.

    I got an INSANITY support call…Thanks!!!!

    0600: Elliptical + Heavy Bag
    0630: Exercise with kids….
    0700: Help the kids to get ready + Breakfast
    0800: Decide who stays with the kids until 0900h
    or goes to the Parent/teacher conference (I’ll stay)
    0900: Get Daniel to the Bus stop & ask which housewife in the neighborhood
    wants to take Gabriel until 1300h (Daniel is back early tomorrow)
    0930: Think (writing about the big picture and the hypothesis)
    Calls / e-mail / confirm patients for Thursday and Friday
    1300: Get Daniel & Gabriel
    (I guess lunch and nap for Gabriel& daddy ๐Ÿ™‚ and Homework for Daniel)
    1400: Get them ready to go some place (another neighbor)
    1500: Get to finish big Picture and exact plan
    1700: get Kids Back…to finish homework and then eat something
    1830: Put some entertainment for the kids & I got Ph.D. Stuff
    2000: Kids to bedโ€ฆand again not to fall asleep with them ๐Ÿ™‚
    2100: Ph.D. time
    2300: exam/plan/blog/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Still getting my INSANITY together and organized..

    1. I think this level of detail will lead to your SUCCESS! Having a strict schedule leaves you no room for doubt as to what comes next.
      GOOD JOB and Keep it up!

  417. -40 Days, 0 Hours, 14 Minutes It is uplifting to read over everyone’s progress. Congratulations, Susan on the interviews and feeling excited about the data! Congrats others who are making progress with their data, and with their reviews – 80 papers, Carlos? Wow…

    Today is a tightly scheduled day for me:
    8am – assistantship
    4pm – lab meeting
    5pm – pb&j (didn’t cook)
    5:30pm – finish data clean-up and write up CFA results RUFF draft
    7pm – record remaining questions/concerns, note next steps and get started
    8:30pm – park downhill and departure

    Keep it moving, #TeamGetItDone

    1. Thanks Alexis..
      Just to clarify….I was just looking and assessing the type of task used / type of analysis (gral) and coordinates of a specific region. it’s is not fast at all….but for me it is ..Concentration Issues!!
      Keep Going!!!

      1. No, seriously, you stayed focused through all of those papers, even if it doesn’t seem like a lot to you. that’s impressive! I know about the concentration issues…

    2. -39 Days, 11 Hours, 1 Minutes – Ok, it’s way past time to go home and today did not turn out the way I wanted. I guess the full day of assistantship plus lab meeting (which ran over) didn’t help me for getting through my results. I was really tired and unfocused.

      I have a choice to make: Stay late and not wake up on time, or go home and get up on time to squeeze together the last of what I’m working on before my stats meeting. I’ll be more productive with the latter.

      I will finish my agenda and get out of here. I will start over again tomorrow.

      Gotta #GetThisDone – It will be SO worth it.

    3. Ok, agenda’s done and plan for tomorrow is set for the WHOLE day. Just starting can help so much.

  418. Good morning everyone,

    I finished my first interview yesterday. Yeah!!! I was feeling a little nervous but everything turned out great. Today I was scheduled to do another interview but the person needed to reschedule for tomorrow.

    Plan for today:
    -Schedule more interviews. Hopefully I can get two more for next week
    -Begin transcribing.
    -Write two paragraphs for a book chapter I’m writing

  419. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -33d 07h 10m
    Hello All!!
    Where is everybody?
    I’m taking a break…
    I’m done for the day in reference to the Ph.D. plans. Now I have to wait from my mentor’s feedback. Thanks for the support: Adriana, Gosia, and the housewives (friends/neighbors) taking my kids today (Beth & Cristina).
    Get INSANE & Get It DONE!!!!

  420. There you go with the KISSing thing again!! But I have to say it helps ๐Ÿ˜‰ I meant to write you earlier, Carlos, to tell you “Que berraco eres!” That schedule is insane!! You motivate me. My goals for the next two days are just to program. The K grant did not work out which I am relieved because it was too much work and I really want to focus on my dissertation for the next 20 days. That is all I have 20 days!!! I am off to get a message. I have been cramping lately in my sleep. Stress is getting to me, so I thought I would treat myself to a message. Right now my new and improved rendition of my algorithm is running. It looks like it will be done by the time I get back from my message ๐Ÿ™‚ I have another implementation that I need to test when I get back. Things are looking good! Thanks for all the inspiration on this blog!

    1. It is not because my background…but maybe …just maybe…if instead of getting a message…maaaaaaaaayyyyybee a massage will be a lot better ๐Ÿ™‚

      That reminds me…of my Bootstrapping technique…….. ๐Ÿ™‚ and Yes…I still having problems pronouncing the first t…(sounds like a b)

      1. Thank you for the correction, Carlos!!! And you are right… it is much better to get a massage than a message… And it was wonderful!!! I think I have to go every two weeks….

        Que tal eso… tu corrigiendo mi ingles ๐Ÿ˜‰

  421. Hi everyone,
    Since we have a DH room for Friday, I invite all of you to come to UMBC (Come on out UMCP and UMB folks! Alexis, Nikki, Lenisa, Maritza, Michelle, Maya) Friday, 2/17, 8:30 AM – 5 PM in Commons 329. Meet-up with the UMBC INSANITY crew! I’ll be on campus, so I’ll stop by to check on you. If you want to take a lunch break in the Skylight room, lunch is less than $10 for the lunch buffet, Then ALL of you can come over to Public Policy 206 for the PROMISE meeting and a hot meal! Chicken, eggplant parm, veggies, salad, rice, rolls, dessert … come on and join us! The dinner is free for you! Plus, Dr. Carter-Veale will be at the meeting!

  422. It’s been a rough couple of days for me, but I feel much better now –

    A Few Changes to be Made…

    I’ll be there on Friday, albeit half a day! See you then!


  423. Day 30: This is the first chance I’ve had to check in and read the blog. Taught a GREAT class today. Leaving a class after it went well is such a high! I guess that’s why I put up with all of the other things that are becoming boring about teaching.

    Now at Panera Bread to clean up my e-mail, which I haven’t been able to get to yet. Then, spend a couple of hours working on my Results and Discussion section. Moving slowly, but I’m moving! I really hope to take advantage of the DH gatherings on Friday & Saturday (maybe Sunday, too).

    Oh, I went and saw the presentation on how to do presentations by Barrett Whitener. Turns out I actually saw it a few years ago. It was great, and I’m glad I went to refresh my memory. I think I’ll look into buying his book, “Speaking About Science”.

  424. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -33d 01h 16m

    Excellent day!!!


    0630: Elliptical + Heavy Bag + Burpees+ Crunches (and let the kids to sleep 30 more minutes)
    0730: Help the kids to get ready + Breakfast
    0800: Ph.D. 15 minutes tasks
    0900: Get Daniel to the Bus stop
    0930: Go with Adriana to the Dr.
    1100: Hopefully at work = paperwork – e-mails -phone calls
    1200: Patients (Research) Consent-Clinical Interview-Get Feedback from Mentor
    1500: Escape from work to get with my Ph.D. INSANE partner until ???

    2300: exam/plan/blog/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Still getting my INSANITY together and organized..

    Good Night…….

  425. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -32d 19h 10m

    Good Morning!!!
    I’m kind ahead of schedule…I’m just talking in reference to my today’s schedule. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t…so I’m here.
    and remember…..You are not alone….WE are watching!!!!!! HAHAHAHA ๐Ÿ™‚
    That’s Right!!!! GET INSANE!!!!!….GET IT DONE!!!!

    1. Update..after the last message…I went to bed and wake up at 7:30 am……Actually..the alarm woke me at 6 am but I was sleeping so good…I decided to skip exercise and sleep more.

      OK..back to schedule (as you can see….it is flexible)
      GET INSANE!!!!!โ€ฆ.GET IT DONE!!!!

  426. Good morning everyone! I was up at the same time as Carlos, but I tried to go to bed. I gave up at 4:30am and then decided that I needed to organize my room. It has been a mess since I got back from Boston. I hadn’t unpacked and it was driving me crazy, but I kept putting it off. Today is my mom’s birthday and so I have some personal business to tend to with the family, but the rest of the day is dedicated to coding. I need results by tomorrow to show my advisor and to write about this weekend. So off I go to code. I have been in the office for about an hour. I got here and had a scare. My computer said I needed to replace the disk. Turns out it rebooted over night and I had a USB stick in and so it was trying to boot from the stick. As soon as I removed it, it booted up again, but I am bummed because I had experiments working and now I have to start over. Oh well…. at least I didn’t lose anything…. Happy day!

    Specific Goals
    1. Prepare the Emotion EEG data set
    2. Prepare the PDA data set
    3. Implement Dynamic Time Warping
    4. Run and get results from the Stacked Bags of Patterns implementation I have on the Hypotension data
    5. In the down time, edit Chapter 4 and Appendix B to send to my medical reader

    1. I got this…


      are you interested in fMRI data analysis????

  427. Just checking in for the morning. I have to work on teaching materials, then teach at 1:00. BUT, I may actually have this afternoon and evening to work on my dissertation! It’s unusual that I have time to work on it on a Thursday. I’ll check in later. BE PRODUCTIVE and have a good day! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  428. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -32d 07h 49m

    OK!!!..People..I’m here in/at the library (UMBC) room 455. I already saw Susan downstairs and Margaret D. should be arriving within the hour. Good News!! is that my mentor gave her OK for the latest big picture and approach. She seems very skeptic with me finishing this, even this year (well, she knows my history with the Ph.D. ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Now, is different..there is support from people in the same boat – DH buddies, the tips and advice from Drs. Carter and Tull, in addition to the Keep Going Insanity Attitude of Gosia.

    OK..for this afternoon..I need to list the things to do (small goals). Ask some input from one of the members of the Committee and start working on it.

    Just Get Insane!!! and Get It Done!!!

    1. Carlos you mean “She KNEW your history with the PhD. She doesn’t know the new Insane Carlos……

  429. I’m here at the Library, Room 455 with Carlos. I can’t believe it — It’s 3:15 and I can actually work on my dissertation on a Thursday afternoon! I’m actually excited!

    1. That’s Good!!!!
      Anyone else wants to get excited?????
      Get here!!
      Room 455 with Carlos…

      1. Oh, keep your pants on, Carlos!

        1. Well…..
          Somebody………asked/suggested on February 4, 2012 at 1:46 PM, to “Add some excitement to the dissertation group!”
          I’m just helping..

  430. […] discipline or school, you’re welcome to join the PROMISE Dissertation House’s blog:ย https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/blog-online-challenge/winter-challenge-2012/. Page down, introduce yourself, tell the group what you’re working on, and join the fun! […]

  431. Congrats Patti, Susan, and Carlos, for being EXCITED about your work today!!! Keep up the energy!

  432. Morning everyone! I worked out for as long as I could this morning with Margaret D. The insanity workout by GSA is INSANE. Not sure if I can hang with two insane groups, but I do feel good right now. My experiment is still running. I really hope that it ends soon as I have to show my advisor results. I finished coding the baseline yesterday. I am just waiting for my experiment to finish so that i can run the baseline. In the meantime, I finally got the edits to chapters 4, 5 and 7 yesterday so I made them. I finished entering the ones for chapter 4 and I will be sending my readers the first half of my dissertation and the appendices just after this post. That leaves chapters 5-7. I will enter final edits for 5 and 7 while my code finishes and then the focus is chapter 6 for the weekend. My goal is to get my second rough draft of chapter 6 to my advisors by Monday.

    1. Patti: You did AMAZING for your first day! You barely took breaks!If you would like to continue with us, I highly encourage it. I will be there daily M-F until the week of my defense ๐Ÿ™‚
      Good luck with your code and hope to see you in the “other” insanity room in a few ๐Ÿ˜‰

  433. Still at home…with the kids (No School today)…
    Vacuum the house…checked
    Laundry…..in progress
    Kids ready and playing……..checked
    Blog.. in progress
    Plan for today…..Pending, need to find desperate housewives to plan the day for the kids!!!

  434. Hello All
    I am looking forward to seeing you this evening

    1. Dr. Carter..
      Sorry I couldn’t be there. A misunderstanding with my boss/mentor.

      1. Dr. CV! Sorry I missed your seminar! I know it was GREAT!!

  435. Here at the Commons 329!!

    Margaret D.
    Margaret G.
    Alex S.
    Carlos R.

    Please feel to stop by and work on your dissertation..or just bring us some food ๐Ÿ™‚

  436. I’m glad I came on the blog today and saw all the energy! I’m glad that so many people are seeing/realizing the light at the end of the tunnel. I was feeling frustrated because of constantly restarting my project and feeling like I’m not progressing as I should; but the energy is undeniable on this blog and strangely it gave me some positive reinforcement that I will one day reach a place where I be doing more writing than running experiments.

    Keep up the good work and blogging everyone!

  437. Hey Jodian,

    Great to see you posting. If I can make one suggestion, it is write as you go. Every time you do an experiment write about it somewhere, ideally in an electronic file. When you do statistical significance of results, write about it. I took that advice from Dr. Carter and it has produced two papers rather seamlessly, a masters paper, and several dissertation chapters. It is very good advice! I highly suggest writing it in one place either a journal or electronically. I spent a lot of time today and yesterday trying to find my notes on my calculation of statistical significance and it was a huge loss of time. But at least I had the notes to show what I had done to my advisor ๐Ÿ˜‰ and to prepare for my defense.

  438. Day 28: Finally here at the Commons. Have to admit that I got here at 1:30, set up my stuff, then went for a one-hour lunch that was unnecessarily long. A bit of procrastinating because I’m tired.

    But I’m here now and I’m going to pick up from where I left off last night. I got in 5 hours of work last night! I’m shooting for about 3 today, then all day tomorrow. I have all of my data now, and it feels soooooo good to write! My dissertation’s actually starting to look like a dissertation.

  439. I decided not to come in to the Commons today but tomorrow. Hope you all have a productive work today and see tomorrow!

  440. It’s been a wild week for me…

    From adjusting my weekly schedule: http://adventuresofdissertationwriting.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/a-few-changes-to-be-made/

    To feeling like I took a step backward in my path:

    A Step Backward

    To finally realizing I had learned a lot through this process, and feeling like I took another step forward tonight:

    A Step Forward

    I could not have done it without the support of all of you!! Thank you all for being there and offering an encouraging word or a small piece of advice! It has definitely helped me get through this process a lot easier and I’m starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel… (hopefully it’s not my advisor with a flashlight bringing me more work to do!! AUGHH!!)

    Thanks again, and I will be seeing you all shortly ๐Ÿ™‚


  441. I am heading out. Finally my program stopped running. I have a file with the results of the representation. I just started the program to do the classification I think this might run all night as well. I delegated the job of running the baseline results to an undergraduate. Yeah!! Although I need to run at least one set this weekend myself. I am tired. I need a shower and a bed and some hugs from my nieces and nephews. Since I am working on experiments, I will be working from my lab this weekend. If I get it enough done, I will join folks for the writing on Sunday. If anyone wants to join me in my lab there are plenty of free desks on the weekend.

    Have a great weekend!

  442. Here At the Public Policy Building Room 206

  443. Day 17 –
    Today is all about implementation, data sets and editing. My goal is to have a good rough draft by Monday of chapters 6 and 7 and have everything set for experiments all week. I plan to get in some exercise by walking over to Subway or True Grit for lunch. I would love company from the folks in the public policy building today. No one is here in my lab. Hope to catch up with you guys at lunch!

    1. Well……. the company is here…What are you waiting for?????

      1. Me llaman cuando van a almorzar. Necesito trabajar desde mi oficina hoy. I need an ethernet connection today….

  444. Day 27: Got a late start, just couldn’t get up. I’m printing a chapter of my paper right now. Then I’ll get ready to come in. Hope to be there by about noon and put in 6-8 hours of work.

    Patti – Email if you’d like to go for a quick walk later in the afternoon. I’ll do Subway if you eat a late lunch.

  445. Hi all,
    Just arrived here at PP206. Excited and ready to work.
    Today’s goals are to:
    1) Rerun my psychiatric meds variable on an earlier and later version of my dataset to figure out where things went wrong
    2) To re-do my correlation tables with the updated structures
    3) Create a legend that lists all of the variables and their corresponding numbers in the table
    4) Check the literature to see how dep dx are handled with dep as a continuous variable.

    Thanks for listing the room Carlos, it was very helpful! Good luck all. -Shauna

  446. Hello Everyone from Texas!!

    I had my job interview yesterday at Texas A&M University and it went well. I will be back in Maryland tomorrow. I got positive feedback from the faculty and also from the department chair about my presentation.

    I don’t remember where I am on my countdown because I fell off preparing for my job talk.

    Hope everyone is still working hard towards their goals.



    1. Congrats Nikki! Did you talk with Dr. Valerie Taylor or Dr. Karen Butler-Purry? Both are full profs. Valerie was a professor when I was in grad school, she started at Northwestern. Karen was a grad student at Howard when I was an undergrad. TAMU has an ADVANCE. Did you get my message about sending me your information? #UtilizetheNetwork

      1. Hey Dr. Tull, yes I did get you message and plan to follow through with you very soon. I also spoke with and met Dr. Karen Butler-Purry through my Dean I contacted her by phone before I went and she was able to get on my schedule and met with us for lunch on Friday. I plan to follow up with her agian this week with a few questions. She mentioned the ADVANCE grant to me as well during lunch, it sounds like a great resource for women faculty. I did not meet Dr. Valerie Taylor though. Dr. Butler-Purry probably mentioned her to me though, it seemed some other black faculty were having lunch at the same place and same time as us and I got that ‘head nod’ from a few of them walking by andI have a feeling they knew who I was and why I was there.

  447. Wow, , Nikki, an interview at Texas A&M… That is awesome! Congratulations! You rock!

    I am posting progress. Today I have finished Chapter 7. Yesterday I completed all the preliminary edits for Chapters 5 and 6. One run of my code finished yesterday and I was able to do the calculations for accuracy today. Results were not good. I changed some parameters and am doing another run. In the mean time, I am preprocessing another data set, and I emailed someone about another data set in case my advisor rejects one of the data sets that I have. All of my data sets are small, meaning less than 120 points. But this week I will have four undergrads just running my code on different data sets using different parameters so I hope to have lots of results by the end of the week. I am going to continue editing while code is running. I will be with you all in Commons 329 tomorrow because now I am getting a little tired of being alone.

    1. Team INSANITY is key to your ๐Ÿ™‚ and success so yes, please join us tomorrrow! I miss your company ๐Ÿ™‚ By the way, it will be in Commons 327 tomorrow.

      Reposting info for everyone:
      *Sunday, February 19th from 12 noon to 8:00 PM Room 327*

  448. Time to Go Home…
    Gracias Sagrada Familia..
    The family support
    DH buddies’ support, especially Gosia.
    It’s time to relax, nap, then some Wine and Chocolate???
    Well…see you tomorrow, just hoping that the weather is going to be just fine

    1. Thanks, Carlos, I will take your advice! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Now you take mine and straighten your advisor out! If not, let me know where she is and I will claw her eyes out for you ๐Ÿ˜‰

  449. Glad to know that you are working hard! I came by the DH on Friday afternoon to see if anyone wanted to go to lunch (my treat), but I missed the crowd. Alex was holding it down for the group, and some of you had already gone to lunch. It was good to see several of you on Friday afternoon! UMBC and College Park were in the house! I hope that you enjoyed the food and got something from the talk. Good luck as you continue to work this weekend. Remember that information about rooms, Dr. Carter-Veale’s seminar, tips, etc. are on the front page of the blog:


    1. Dr. Tull,
      That was so very sweet of you! I know you saw me when I came back with my lunch…had you come just 10mins before we all would have enjoyed a great break for sure. It’s so great to see you “pop in” and check up on us ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks for all of your encouragement- it’s SO helpful during those not-so-hot insanity times!

      -Margaret D

  450. Hi all,
    I am in Commons 327, alone and ready to work anyway! Yesterday, was a rough day. I spent a lot of time dealing with several problems with my data and variables. I kept working after I went home and feel motivated and ready to attack yesterday’s issue. Thanks to Margaret for her encouraging words yesterday. I look forward to seeing you guys today.
    …and yay…Carlos just arrived.

  451. I realized I forgot to blog on Feb 5th (sorry!) I am here today, Feb 19 to work on my 3rd chapter. Today I brainstorm, review literature, and take lots of notes!:)

  452. Day 26: Even though I only wrote three pages yesterday at DH, I actually got a lot done. They were three difficult pages that I had to do a lot of reading and thinking about to understand how to write them. I put in about 5 hours! I didn’t quite finish the section, and I’m not sure that I can today because I have sooooooooo much to catch up on to be ready to teach my classes this week. So, I’ll be working from home. I’ll try to squeeze in one hour of dissertation work in between teaching prep tasks. Need to do my 12 minutes+!

    Hats off to those of you who are doing Insanity during this time crunch!

  453. Sunday….Day 22

    I just got off my flight earlier. I only have about 2 hours in me. I have a paper draft that my advisor sent me this morning. I will work on that until I can’t anymore and then I am going to bed. I was feeling sick yesterday but I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. I will finish strong and healthy! I will make awesome contributions to my field and I will defend with CONFIDENCE!!

    The job talk was a great practice for my defense, I got great feedback and I even noticed some little holes in my work and some ideas were given for future directions that I can take this my research when I become a professor.

    Tomorrow I will plan my final 20 or so days…#crunchtime

    It is going to be GREAT..when I finish.



  454. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -28d 10h 23m

    OK people!!! We are here just chilling at the UMBC library room 456 with Margaret D., it is just 4 weeks left so I have to be smart and just KISS. Not much energy to continue at the same pace, maybe due to the obstacles, maybe just tired, most likely both of them.

    4 weeks left and the latest approved plan involves 4 chapters:

    Chapter 1. Background (Basic Knowledge to understand the importance of my contribution)
    Chapter 2. Functional MRI approach (put together the 3 different experiments together)
    Chapter 3. Computational Modeling (put together the other 3 projects for simulations into one)
    Chapter 4. Conclusion/General Discussion/

    Plan for this week Finish once and for all Chapter 2 PLUS start getting the final model together. The new approach will be just to finish the goal of the week by Saturday…

    Whatever it takes…. Get INSANE….. KISS…….Get It Done!!!!!!!!!!!

  455. Hello World!!!!
    Where is everybody??

  456. I am here. I posted in my blog this morning because I was late and faster to do. I will be here late. If anyone want to walk to Subway or Chick-fil-a for dinner let me know. It’s going to be a long night. I just found that one of my data sets has a lot of 0 values which explains the bad results I have been getting. I am not trying to figure out how to get around this.

  457. Day 25: Haven’t blogged in because I’ve been working on my teaching stuff. I’m once again at Panera Bread for an evening of work. Unfortunately, most of it having to do with teaching. But I may be able to get some dissertation edits in. I’m really tired today. Overslept like crazy. I’ll blog in tomorrow, hopefully more positive and rested.

  458. -34 Days, 12 Hours, 33 Minutes
    I’m here, too. Or I was.
    So much going on but I will just post for tomorrow:
    – Set up tasks for 1) re-running at least two of the SEM analyses according to my notes 2) writing up the basic analyses. There’s so much that needs to go into that but I have to leave by 7:30 and don’t have time to post everything.

    Today I re-submitted chapters 1-3 for my advisor’s feedback while I work on these analyses. I was away since Friday but worked over the weekend, and last week my advisor and I set up how the next month or so will go in order for me to finish. Soo much.

    Ok, hopefully everyone stays encouraged and keeps pushing, then eating, then resting – take care.


  459. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -27d 23h 59m

    Ok…That’s good people..You were working hard !!

    Today was kind of slow day until I got to the UMBC and got Pink Energizer Bunny, then I accomplished the โ€œgoalsโ€l….(I wasn’t too specific) I have working tonight in the list of specifics for this week.
    I decided to watch a didactic movie with my kids… “REAL STEEL” ๐Ÿ™‚
    Now is time to go to sleep .

    Tomorrow I will be in Insanity MODE:

    0600: Elliptical + Heavy Bag + Burpees + Crunches
    0630: Get Ready.
    0700: Help the kids to get ready + Breakfast
    0800: M => Work (take 15 minutes each hour for specifics then post them)
    1200: Lunch => Work —–> Schedule subjects this week
    1730: Krav
    1900: Home + Family time
    2030: Work on the specifics
    2330: exam/plan/blog/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Good Night!!!!

  460. I didn’t realize how late it was until I saw everyone signing off. I am not quitting yet. I promised my advisors chapter 6 and I am going to stay until I finish. I must stick to these deadlines. I found several bugs in my code tonight. I am hoping that by fixing them I will be able to improve the runtime. Gotta keep going. Marcela Gandara station on Pandora radio is keeping me company! Have a good night, folks!

  461. Heading home demoralized. I still haven’t been able to finish. Experiments are taking entirely too long. I need sleep… Gonna leave an experiment running but don’t know when it will finish. I hope soon. I have to meet with my undergrads tomorrow.

    1. You can do it Patti!! You are almost there so do your best to push (on the most important goals). Hope you are well rested, get some energy back, and are ready to finish what you need to today.

      1. Thanks, Hon! I needed to hear that. I am back at my computer. I spaced on a docto’s appointment this morning. I have rescheduled it for after my final draft is in. I just need to focus on my research now… and my writing…

        1. Go Patti…Go Patti…Go Go Go Patti!!!

          1. And one more “Goooooooo Patti!!”

  462. You guys are too awesome! For the record, I have started to look for high performance computers on campus to get this work done before I March 5th!!! Thanks for all the encouragement!

      1. Yes, I did and that is my fall back. My advisor wants me to try to fix it by modifying the implementation since I only have to do a handful of runs of the algorithm. Thanks.

  463. -33 Days, 18 Hours, 36 Minutes
    So far today I finished up some changes to my data set based on my meetings with committee members, reminded myself how to run an ANOVA (that was SOOOO long ago, sheesh), and got some output. I have to run the remaining variables and be done with that for now
    To Do For This Part: Decide when I will write up the tables for the initial ANOVA output.

    Next on the agenda after the remaining ANOVA outputting (I almost said “putting out” but that didn’t sound right),
    1) RQs 1-3 write-ups with modifications
    2) Reviewing and reflecting on 1) with any needed next steps
    3) Any background review for CFA/SEM

    Metacognitive Notes: I have done countdown times for two days now and although I tend to stay behind schedule, it helps me to calibrate how long my tasks are taking and not waste as much time as when I didn’t have time limits. I have always known this but often fail to take the step of assigning time frames to my to-dos…

    1. -33 Days, 13 Hours, 14 Minutes
      Ok, not bad. I got the ANOVAs done and worked on the CFA/SEM run throughs. I really did need more background, so I spent the rest of the afternoon working through the concepts behind what I’m doing. I will work on the rest of the background and write-ups tomorrow.

  464. Day 24: I actually got about 2 hours work done last night at Panera! I’ve taught my class for today and am now having my office hours (nobody’s here, Yay!). I have a 3:45 meeting. Then I’m hoping to go to the library 456 room and get some more done (interrupted by a teleconference at 8:00).

  465. Ok…Good Night!!!!

  466. -33 Days, 0 Hours, 9 Minutes
    Good morning! Tried to run syntax with modification indices this morning but have an error in my updated data (blank cells somewhere). Fix that when I get back from assistantship.

    Did my day schedule this morning so I’m all set for the day. Excited. But about to be late to work…

    Have a good day, #TeamGetItDone!

    1. Keep Going Alexis!!!

  467. Ok….Getting into Insanity MODE;

    Yesterday…no productive with the dissertation.

    No words.

  468. Ok everyone I am checking in from the Library…I am in GROUP STUDY ROOM 453 if anyone would like to join me ๐Ÿ™‚
    This room has good vibes b/c it’s where I successfully wrote my independent proposal last december and where you will hear frantic typing (this is a Margaret characteristic) that may inspire you to do the same…;)

  469. Common, Carlos… you have been insane for a long time… you deserved the break!! Your family deserved it, too. Be nice to yourself….

    Then back to the insanity. If you took the break, you probably needed it or else your family needed it. Both needs are very important.

    I have some great news. I sped up my algorithm by 50 and now it runs in a few hours, so I may not need the high performance computing power afterall. I am registering for an account just in case I have trouble with other data sets. It’s incredible that implementation can make such a speed up.

    My co-advisor also suggested that I postpone by defense and I basically said I am ready. ( I knew she was going to do this.) Anyway, I replied in a very professional tone and copied my other co-advisor. He stated that I gave her a great response. I feel empowered.

    Goals for today:
    1. Meeting with CREU students – need to delegate work
    2. Map delegation in Google Doc and Trello
    3. Write Evaluation section for Chapter 6.

    1. So happy that you stood up to her. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Do not let anyone stand in your way. Also, don’t forget that for Lent you are giving up ‘not defending’ so therefore that is not an option ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Ditto! DEFEND! You know you are ready and so does your other advisor. He wouldn’t stick his neck out if he thought you weren’t ready. It’s also very unprofessional of your co-advisor to wait until this point (as she did before) to tell you to postpone. Go for it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  470. Day 23: Carlos, I had a totally non-productive day yesterday, too. I got NOTHING done related to my dissertation. I was lamenting to my husband, and he said, “You’ll get something done tomorrow.” I’m finding this rush to the finish line emotionally and physically exhausting. If I didn’t have to teach, I wouldn’t be so worried. But we all have our stories.

    Today/tonight, I’m going to seriously timebox the remaining three weeks. And I’m going to work in eating well and taking breaks, which I haven’t been doing (and it’s taking it’s toll). If I can also get some editing of Chapter 3 done, that will be the icing on the cake for me today.

    I’m also going to look at my calendar and see where I can get my colleagues to sub for me and take over other duties (I coordinate a course) for me over the next three weeks — Dr. Toll suggested this a while back.

    1. It is definitively taking it’s toll…
      Who is Dr. Toll?????

  471. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -26d 03h 50m

    Good Evening People of the Earth!!!

    It is time to get back into INSANITY!!!!! Mode. Definitively has been a rough time balancing Work and Dissertation. But as everything in life we are given what we are capable to handle…we just need to figure it out or pray for some understanding. Now, it is only 26 days do my deadline and I feel that I had more accomplished before when I started a month ago. But after some consideration and meditation, it seems new, but it is more concise and clear. I realized that the problem is not my Insanity, or the situations, or the mentor…It is me!!!!! It’s is my Ph.D., my project and like it is going to be in the future, I will have to convince people, mentors and grant reviewers that I have the knowledge, the skills and the will to do it.

    So People..no excuses…You know yourself…eat if you need eat, sleep if you need to sleep…do whatever is necessary to keep going….

    Get it together….Get Insane…Get it Done…..

    1. Carlos, have you considered becoming a public speaker? LOL
      so inspirational!!!

      1. My Child..My Child…..

        It is not about inspiration……it is just about stopping for 5 minutes and realize that you are blessed. If you think about it…you are maybe among the top 1% of the whole world that have:
        a roof, a bed, Laundry machine, a refrigerator with food, and eat more than need it,
        a car, access to a Ph.D. (more lucky having something unique like DH), access to the gym, TV, Cell phone, laptop…You are able to practice you religion, You are allowed to speak to men.

        Even if you think more about it…Not even powerful people in the past had this luxuries (A extra Caramel Frapuchino, A cold Orange juice in the morning, a hot shower)

        We just need to stop think and act accordingly….

        Oh my child…….and the most important……………How many people in the world can say…….I know Carlos R Cortes!!!!

        ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Jury is still out whether this was a blessing or curse… ๐Ÿ˜‰

          1. Ni que fuero colombiano.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

            1. digo ni que fuera colombiano…. I hate when I mistype things on a blog because I can’t go back to edit it….

    2. I LOVE your posts Carlos!! Keep ’em coming, they give me inspiration!!

  472. So I am back today. I had an interview last night and I was just so tired of the late nights that I decided to go to bed early. So no blog last night. I got the outline written for Chapter 6 and as I laid in bed, I figured out how to combine what I had written before with what I have now. I am definitely ready to write today.

    My goals for today are to finish writing chapter 6 without the results and process the PDA files. I managed to delegate the running of the experiments yesterday on the different data sets. Thank God for undergrads! My goal for these student is to have them help me write a paper with the results by the end of the semester so they might get the investigator bug!

    Have a great day!

    1. Patti, Carlos and I will be typing away furiously in the library today…you (and anyone else reading this) is MORE THAN WELCOME to join us. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Just grab a study room and let us know where you end up if you start early.

      1. I’m in the library….room 553..
        Tired..couldn’t sleep well

        1. Tired, Sleepy, Hungry………………Doesn’t matter…
          We are getting this done!!!!

          1. Even with all that Carlos you can still keep going. Yesterday I was so tired but ended up being extra productive and really on point with getting things done. I kept repeating out loud “A strength that is not my own” and asking God all day to keep giving me more and more and more and He did. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

          2. Tora!!! Can you call me? Sorry but I do not know how to contact you!


            1. Mi cielito nindo!!!!

  473. -31 Days, 22 Hours, 16 Minutes
    I just got out of a meeting with my stats committee member. He is so patient, that’s all I can say. I feel much better, especially after asking him: “Is there anything that concerns you about the kinds of questions I’m asking, that you haven’t mentioned yet?” I have the worst impostor syndrome and feel like every question is a dumb question, but the difference between my getting done and not getting done is that asking them anyway and getting the answers will #GETMEDONE!

    I also had a day that was lacking on the dissertation end. I had so much to do at work that I ended up letting myself stay 2 and 1/2 hours over, which meant that the time I would have spent on the dissertation was gone. I was so exhausted I couldn’t do much more besides plan. I came in early today, planned and did my devotion, worked on some last stats, put together my meeting agenda, and ran to the meeting.

    Now I’ll run to the office, but today is a half day – yay. I have the rest of the afternoon planned
    1) Correlations and t-tests rather than ANOVAs due to heterogeneity of variance (seems embarrassing, such simple stats but necessary)
    2) Write a statement justifying error covariances in one of my Q1 models
    3) Test remaining analyses for fit, request modifications
    4) Justify any modifications
    5) Incorporate control variables as factor predictors (ON statements)

    Probably won’t get all of this done today but I like having it documented.
    Time frame
    2pm – begin work on above agenda
    3:30pm – take a walk
    6pm leave for parents’ house/prayer meeting
    8pm go home
    9:30pm bed!

    Keep moving, keep trying. Keep #GettingItDone

    1. Go Alexis Go!!

  474. I will be heading to lunch in the Skylight at 11:30am if you care to join… Then I will go to the library and join you.

  475. Day 18…

    I slept in today but only for like 2 extra hours, I was hurting from waking up at 5am on Tuesday and 430am on Wednesday for engagements that I had early in the morning. It felt GREAT! I am refreshed and ready to get back to it. I missed Ash Wednesday night services so I wasn’t happy about that but I needed to sleep/rest for my body so I did that. The Lord understands….

    I was here yesterday but I was trying to do 100 things at once. My advisor requires that I e-mail her twice a day with new analysis and updated sections from the dissertation document.

    Today I plan to clean up chapter 4 and send that to my advisor. For analysis I plan to finish some validation that I started yesterday and make some more charts based on design phases.

    I have a lunch meeting at 12 and after that I will eat at Stamp and then get to work. Before my meeting I will check e-mails and reply to those that need it. Today will be a great day. Today I will meet my goals! Today I will soar on wings like eagles. Today I EXPECT great things, more specifically I expect God to grant me wisdom and strength to complete my dissertation tasks.

    It’s going to be a GOOD day!

    #TeamGetItDoneWithASmile ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Oh. My. Goodness.
      I JUST learned that verse – it’s in Isaiah 40 I think – over the weekend (the “soaring on wings like eagles”). So much confirmation.

      Soaring together (although I think mine might be due at least partially to a caffeine high…)!

  476. Great message, Nikki! You are inspiring… so are the rest of you… Anyway, I posted that I was going to eat in the Skylight and then head to the library. i didn’t like the food for today so I am just eat in the Commons. I have a meeting with my advisor at 1:30pm and I want to finish my rough draft before then so I won’t get to the library until after that. Looking forward to finishing Chapter 6 with you guys today!!!

    1. Awesome, Patti – let’s keep #GettingItDone together!

  477. Day 22: I did manage to get a couple of hours worth of editing on Chapter 3 done last night. Today I’m going to have to spend a good deal of time, maybe all of my time, catching up with my obligations to my CMSC 345 class. Fortunately, the class has only 10 students and I have been very upfront with them about how busy my semester is. I usually don’t tell students about my personal life or make excuses about why I didn’t get something graded, etc. But these students have been very understanding and sympathetic. They even asked if they could attend my defense! They’re quite extraordinary. I’ll reward them somehow.

    I’m in the library with Margaret D., Carlos, and Patti.
    Gotta work!

    1. Ha! We had a workshop this afternoon at the Center for Teaching Excellence about transparency in the syllabus. You were transparent about your obligations and thus showed your dedication to providing good instruction to your students as well as to finishing your degree. They will respect both now and they do sound like a great group. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks for inspiring me, library folks. Keep up the good work!

  478. -31 Days, 13 Hours, 56 Minutes
    Got my model to run without modification indices so far. The fit isn’t the greatest and I’m not sure if I set it up properly, but it’s progress (no error messages this last time around). Going to save the data and come back to it tomorrow before my long Friday at assistantship…

    Have a good night, folks!

  479. We have Dr. Carter here!!!
    Susan, Patty, Margaret D. and Me!!

  480. […] – Online ChallengeSummer 2010 ChallengeSummer 2011 ChallengeWinter 2012 ChallengeWinter 2011 ChallengeCoaching and MentoringDr. Wendy Y. Carter-VealeDr. Renetta […]

  481. Chapter 4 is no longer a hotmess.com now I can send that off to my advisor. I will go back and finish some charts from yesterday before I go home today. Those will be my 2 e-mails to her today!


      1. Thanks Dr. Tull! We are getting it done! I got your reply e-mail and I will reply to your reply asap. ๐Ÿ™‚

  482. Hi everyone! Don’t forget that your rooms are set for the next two weeks. https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/02/23/warrior-weekends-at-the-dissertation-house-fri-feb-24-sun-feb-26-2012-march-2-4/

    You’re doing a GREAT job. Keep on pushing!!

      1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Carlos that’s funny….I’m a little pimple!

  483. Still here at the library with Patti and Carlos. Feel like a true student, pulling an (almost) all-nighter. I did some of my more thoughtful revisions for the last few hours. Now I’m going to do some of the simpler things that need to be done. Every little bit helps! I’ll get back to the harder stuff tomorrow.

  484. Well it’s time for me to go home. The last bus is coming soon. I didn’t get much analysis done but I am not going to beat myself up because I did what I could. I have to wait at home in the morning for the comcast man and then I have 3 meetings back to back!! Dissertation Support Group. My Department Chair. Then I have a brief meeting with the Dept business office. I will have to be extra determined tomorrow because (1) it’s FRIDAY and (2) I won’t get to start working until after 3pm. Woooosa! Every little bit helps like Susan said so I will get done what I can and push harder on Saturday.


  485. Hooray! Wow, there is power in numbers. How great to have a mini-DH session in the library. I was so productive. I add four pages and what I thought would take me until midnight only took me until now. I have finished the rough draft of Chapter 6. I had the first productive meeting in two years with my troublesome co-advisor. It only lasted 5 minutes, but for the first time, I felt she treated me as an equal investigator. We came to an agreement on how Chapter 6 should be structured and I just wrote that tonight and sent it to both of my advisors for approval. I feel accomplished!! Thanks all for the positive and inspirational messages on this blog… It has really helped!!

    Have a great night!!

  486. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -24d 03h 50m

    That’s great…
    0700h: Get up….Get Ready (with the Kids)…Breakfast for the Kids…
    0830h: Drop the Kids to the neighbor
    0900h: Patient Consent + Clinical Interview
    1300h: DH then Library (24h) Until Finish Chapter 2

    1. Correcting countdown…
      SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -24d 18h 20m

      Ok …………..Awake already
      Let’s Work!!!!!!!!!!!!

  487. Waiting for the subject……

    I have been up since early today and the evidence suggests that there is the probability that something I ate yesterday disagreed with my stomach. I will try to go over the interview without interruptions and depending of how I feel later, i will go in the afternoon to DH.

    1. Carlos, take a tums and come for a few hours. pink energizer bunny will power you through! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Get better soon though ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Not feeling good…but here..Thanks!!!

  488. Checking in to Commons 327 now that I am settled in ๐Ÿ™‚
    Come one, Come all!!!

  489. I am in the Commons 327 too! Come and study with us. ๐Ÿ™‚

  490. I expected to finish last night at midnight so I gave myself a reward when I got home and watched a documentary I have been meaning to see. Fat, Sick and Almost Dead. – I fell asleep during a lot of it, but I got the important message. I definitely want to try and do those shakes at some point.

    Anyway, today I have a lot to do. I am going to turn my code for Stacked BoP into parallelizable code. I will have my students sign up for an account at the high performance computing facility. I will write the code to process the PDA data and get the data ready for the algorithms. I will see a talk today at 1pm on research that is related to what I do. I will eventually reread and do final edits on chapters 6 and 7 because my-coadvisor said she wouldn’t be able to get to it today. I sent it yesterday without the final read through because I wanted to be sure she didn’t postpone my defense.

    Yesterday, I was really happy because since I have started blogging I have started having my students blog about their research experiences. Per Dr. Carter’s advice, I want to train my students to write as they do research. I blog with them so that I have a project research blog. It was also required of the grant, but I fully support it now whereas about a year ago I wasn’t so keen on pushing my students to blog. The wonderful news is that yesterday one of the leaders in my field of time series analysis replied to one of my students and even posted a video for her to improve her implementation. Then she replied that we had already improved it by coding it using a different implementation. She didn’t realize that she was quoting his work to him!!! It was great!!! Thanks to everyone for getting me into blogging!!!

    Time to get to work.

  491. Commons 327……
    Checking In!

  492. I’ll be there this afternoon. Printing out a clean copy of my dissertation for my meeting with my advisor at 1:30.

  493. Here…Commons 327
    We already have the room back!

  494. I’m here in Commons 327 with Margaret D. & Carlos ready to work!

  495. Keep Going People!!!
    Here in Commons 327…..Susan, Margaret D, Hye-Sook & Me
    Ok…I need more pressure:
    Next 60 minutes: Behavioral Figures for Chapter 2.

    1. Ok…Took me two hours
      Still at Commons 327…Starting to Pack!!
      Susan still here…..
      Margaret D. Left 20 minutes ago
      Hye’Sook….50 minutes ago
      This information is for Natasha….

  496. Susan and Me still in the Commons….
    Not in room 327
    Tired….I will focus on Something light… Graphs

  497. Checking out… Coding all weekend! Need one night of rest….

  498. Still in the Commons…..
    Susan seems extremely focus and awake. I have been getting progress with the graphs….
    Just Keep Going!!!!

    1. Time to start packing…….

  499. Wow, no posts yet today… I am surprised… Anyway, I am working from the office today. I have a friend in the lab who is a great programmer and may be able to help me so I will stay here as long as he does and then come join you all. Have a productive day everyone!

  500. Carlos, Susan, and Margaret D. where are you??? ^^*
    Please come to 206 in Public policy building asap. It’s too quiet and windy…

    This weekend, I will work on revising my paper and to draft my research plan to meet my supervisor and chair next week. sigh… I am bored anymore… ^^””
    I start with revising my paper and need to discuss:
    Supovitz et al.
    Penuel et al.
    Garet et al.
    In the afternoon, I need to start my draft for the plan…hopefully but must..

  501. I am checking in as well! Patti come by when you can ๐Ÿ™‚

  502. Hello everyone, I’m stopping by “virtually” to wish you well as you work to meet today’s goals. Patti, you can get a friend or family member to translate your abstract for you, and type it up. So whether you write it in English or Spanish first, you can involve a family member in the process by giving them a task. It might only take you 15 minutes or less to do the translation yourself, but that’s 15 extra that you have to write up a result, make a chart, take a walk, or power nap.

    Wishing you all a happy Saturday!! It’s sunny today, so in the midst of working, take a few minutes to get some air and sunshine.

    1. Checking in…..

      1. After an excellent night but not much continuous sleep…
        I feel tired and blocked..
        That’s why I writing right now…trying to follow that advice of writing off my writing block..or something around those lines.

        Thanks Gosia for the phone call and the popcorn

        OK..time to work:…..I need to wake up…Some music.
        Goal…by 1 pm Hv-Sz Correlations Table and figure

        1. Going Slow…new deadline 2:30pm

  503. Hello Saturday Dissertation Housers!!

    I am checking in at UMCP in my office so quiet I am tempted to take a nap. I had a meeting with my advisor for 2 hours that just ended.

    Today I will:
    1. Revise cognitive coding classes
    2. Revise Validation section
    3. Create spider plots for coding classes
    4. Make revisions to Chapter 4
    5. Draft section on inter rater reliability

    That’s more than enough work….

    Happy Saturday!


  504. Day 20: I’ve decided to work from home today (sorry!). I woke up and just didn’t want to leave my house — I’ve hardly been here all week except to sleep. I don’t have any clean clothes. It’s hard to focus my eyes because I’ve been working so many hours over the last few days. I made great progress the last two nights with the DH people, pushing past being tired and staying those couple extra hours.

    So, I need to take it a bit slower today to recover. But I DO plan to work. I WILL work! There are still many hours left in the day/night.

    Sorry to bail on you guys. I prefer to work with you rather than alone. But I miss being here.
    — Susan

  505. Still here! I have revised my coding classes and I did some research on the style guide for my dissertation because my advisor never seems to agree with what style I choose. I guess we’re just different like that. In the style guide I found a little freedom to do some things my way, overall it is very helpful. I also have been working on my validation for Chapter 3, about 2/3rd’s of the way…gotta keep pushing.

    I’m going to finish the validation before I take a food break. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Keep Going!!!!!

  506. It’s 4:30 pm….

    It has been very slow today…getting confused with all the different angles …kind of blocked…kind of down!!!

    Yes People!!!! …..I’m Down!!!!!

    1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

  507. Carlos,

    When I get that way, I find a walk around the campus sometimes brings me up. There is a really nice park right off of the loop between the Commons Garage and the RAC. There are some stones and trees and a couple of benches that make me feel better. Just walking round helps. You can do this. You just have to take one step at a time.

    As for me, I am coding and writing abstract for my job talk. I am having trouble focusing now. But, I just went for a walk and took a break so I am getting back to work again. I have to get my goals accomplished today. I already know that I won’t have my code parallelized today because I found out today that I can’t have an account on the HPCF until Monday COB. But instead I will read tutorial about how to do it so that when the time comes, I am ready to write my code.

    1. I am itching for a break…a short walk it is! ๐Ÿ™‚

  508. So far, I have been working hard and productively in PP building but still have one more article to discuss – In addition, I am already super tired and tempted to go home… It is so amazing how some people, like Carlos, can stay late every time…will never happen to me… or probably soon…??

  509. Ok……I’m Back!!!

    Thanks Torita!!!!

    I got knocked down…………
    ………………But I got up again
    …………………………You’re (Ph.D.) never going to keep me down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Thanks for the song, Carlos! I certainly got knocked down today. BUT I”M GETTING UP AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN UNTIL I’M DR. SUSAN!

  510. I forgot to blog in today! But I was here. I have been redoing my correlation and means tables. The most horribly, and dreadfully boring task in the universe….but I did finish them. That’s 7 pages of terror that’s (basically) complete. Tomorrow’s task will be to go back and star/bold significant correlations. So glad to be here at Dissertation House, I know that I wouldn’t be this far along with the support from everyone.

    I’m excited that I did MATCH for the internship process for clinical psych. YAY!!!! It makes me even more pumped to get this dissertation DONE. And also happy that people ate the celebratory cupcakes that I brought in! Woo!

    Nice song choice Carlos!! Keep getting back up!

  511. We are still here…
    I just finished to discuss my last literature for today… I am done… tired… gaining head ache. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  512. Whew!!! Stil here….pushing! All the numbers are starting to look alike….lol

  513. Time to go Home!!!!!
    Good night!!!!!!!

  514. I am so close … Today was day 10 and while I got work done, the processing of my data files for the last data set is not quite working. I have been looking at it all day… I am going to let it run all night…
    So I am heading home now. Have a great day everyone. Se you tomorrow!!!

  515. I’m out! I finished all but 1 of my goals….#tired

  516. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Good morning, I got started early and have a place in the Public Policy Reading Room on the 4th floor.

    I have already made my final changes to my abstract and submitted the document to my advisor. I will continue working on my research design & methods section. I plan to finish a final version this afternoon.

    My advisor will give her final comments on my introduction and literature review during next week. We are doing a swap: I submit the abstract and Research/Methods section and she will give me comments on the Intro and Lit Review.

  517. Day 19: Well, I only got 1.5 hours worth of work done yesterday. I just couldn’t do it. I’m getting scared. I know that logically I can make my 19-day deadline. But physically and emotionally it’s a challenge.

    I have to put an exam together for tomorrow’s class. Then do a task for the committee that I’m on. Then I can begin working on my dissertation again. I have to come on campus to xerox the exam, so I’ll stop by PUP 206, even if I’m not going to stay. But my hope is that I’ll be re-energized after completing my teaching tasks and ready to work with you guys.
    — Susan

  518. Hi all! I’m here in Public Policy with Faizah! Not feeling excited about working but I’m here anyway.

    I got feedback from my advisor on the tables I’m finished yesterday. Woo! So my goals are to address those comments and write a paragraph for my results section.

  519. Here with Faizah and Shauna in PUP ๐Ÿ™‚
    My goal is to finish all of my results section (all the parts up to pending experiments) today so that I can send it to my first editor by tonight….Let’s get this DONE!

  520. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Does anyone have a QUANtitative analysis book??

  521. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    I filled in all but one section of my research design & methods section. I plan to do some research in the next two days so I can submit a final to my advisor this week.
    I have done all i can do today. I need to be domestic now. Happy Writing!

  522. -28 Days, 11 Hours, 41 Minutes
    Ok, the last two days didn’t turn out as I’d expected, especially yesterday, but I was less planful with my day than I thought I was given the motivational vortex I entered into (i.e., my parents’ house). I was supposed to stop by my parents’ house after football practice, eat, shower, and head to campus for the afternoon. Instead, after eating, I got sleepy and promptly fell asleep on the bathroom floor. I woke up to the concerned face of one of my mom’s dogs, and finally went upstairs and asked my mom to wake me up after 20 minutes. Hours later (my mom: “Oops..”), I was groggy and incoherent, and there were a bunch of women in the house for a little get together my mom was hosting. Long story less long, I ended up staying the whole evening, and decided to sleep over since my parents’ house is close to church. I went to bed on time, but then my mom and one of her friends stayed up laughing and talking until 2am, which kept me mostly awake. *Sigh* Party moms….

    Today I actually set up a scheduling session with my mom so I have planned out my goals for the week and I helped her with her own. I am back on campus, resetting my courage and strength, and not letting myself get down over what I wish I had already accomplished. I am working until curfew and then starting afresh in the morning.

    Week’s goals:
    1) Descriptives tables done
    2) Basic analyses without control vars
    3) Daily steps broken down to next deadline for submission to my advisor (can’t find my calendar, might have left it at my assistantship, going by there on the way home)
    4) Figure out control variables/covariates
    5) Draft of chapter 4
    6) Agenda created and mtg with stats committee member

    Thanks for all of your posts. I am still encouraged by what I read, no matter what you’re posting about. Keep pushing and we’ll all be out of here. One of my friends just got her dissertation done and ready to submit. One by one, we’ll all have the same report as long as we keep pushing. I press toward the mark.


    1. Pushed to finish another set of analyses and it paid off in more ways than one – I found my calendar when I turned on the lights by the printer. No need to drive to the other side of campus to search for what wasn’t there!!!

  523. So I debugged my code and it looks like there was nothing wrong with it!!! It’s just taking a long time to run and I was cutting it off too soon. I have it printing a message so that I know exactly where it is so that if it goes over I know that something is wrong. I hope that by tomorrow AM it is finished running.

    I had a rather productive day in terms of personal things: I went to church, I did my laundry, I added oil to my car (actually my husband did that for me), I folded my laundry, I cleaned up, I went shopping for a heater so that I can study from home this week because the spending the night at school is just getting old. This is the final push. I have one week to get descent results.

    In terms of research, I finished my abstracts for my job talk in PR and I have added to the translation that my cousin did for me (so good to have family!) and now I have to send it back to her for final approval since I had to explain some of the technical jargon. I debugged my code and was happy to find that I just need to let it run. Before I hit the sack I am going to try to tackle my last two ooals, watch a video about parallelizing on HPCF and MATLAB and improving the code for Stacked BoP and Multivaraite BoP.

    Have a great night everyone! Keep posting! You all inspire me…. #TeamGetItDone!

  524. i had a very productive weekend with DH people – Thanks for all! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Since I am coming closer to narrow down my topics, I will discuss it with my chair this week and set my goal for this week:
    1) a draft of research questions to discuss with my chair
    2) making a research and evaluation plan to discuss with my supervisor
    3) Put my comprhs. revision paper together and find out what should be added more
    4) Add an interview writeup for CAL
    I will you all have a productive week and see you on Friday!

  525. Hi Drs. Renetta & Carter and DH online community:
    Thank you both and all respectively, for the invitation to join PROMISE and to transition from PhD ABD to actually and actively getting to PhD status.
    My goals for the next few weeks are simple: write n# pages per day, as per Dr. CV seminar on Thursday Feb 23. . .. . where n=10 pages for me!
    So my goal today, Monday Feb 27th, write/edit 10 pages of Chapter 4; submit Chap 4 on Thursday March 1st to my advisor for reading/editing.
    Friday March 2nd, write/edit 10 pages of Chap 2.
    I am encouraged by the posts online that suggests I am not alone in this “madness” of writing/editing a dissertation.
    There is hope, so thank you to all!

    1. Welcome, welcome! I’m glad that you were able to come to the PROMISE Opening Spring Meeting on 2/17 and then to Dr. Carter-Veale’s seminar last Thursday. Since you’ve signed in as “YA”, that’s what I’ll use here. Everyone, YA is from a school within the DMV, but outside of Maryland and has been traveling to come to activities. Please welcome her! YA … post often. You’ll find that it will empower you!

  526. -27 Days, 21 Hours, 20 Minutes
    Hi All, It’s good to see you today (meaning, I’m glad I’m posting and actually see everyone else’s posts)!

    Today I’m working mostly on drafts of everything. I already started my countdown plan for getting my chapter 4 submitted by March 5, and I worked on my meeting agenda, to which I’ll add as I go along. For today:
    1) Descriptives tables
    2) Basic analyses without control vars
    3) Figure out control variables/covariates
    4) Awful draft of chapter 4

    Here we go, #TeamGetItDone!

    1. -27 Days, 12 Hours, 18 Minutes – late to gym, but got a bunch of analyses done. Some good fitting models, but mostly mediocre… Parked downhill, still need to draft the chapter, finish up analysis decisions for best models, and run everything for Q4, the most complicated of the models.. Fun times.

  527. Day 8 – OMG… I have one week. Everything is written except two sections in one chapter. – My conclusions and my results. I have results but they are not as good as I expected. I started investigating what could possibly be the problem and I found that one of my data sets has a lot of zeros for HR and MAP… not possible. I met with one of my undergrads this morning and we talked about how I should solve this problem. I am coding it up now. My second data set just finished running. Since this is data from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit I am far less likely to get zero values so I just have to align the data. I am soooo close. So the goals for today are 1) to send off my abstract to UPR, 2 ) to fix my hypotension data set, and 3) to finish my PDA data set.

    Let’s get it done!

  528. My brother shared this with me… http://imgur.com/2K1nO
    hope it makes everyone LOL as much as I did!

    1. Hey!!!
      Get Better!

    2. Ok, THAT was awesome! LOL!!! Um, feel better?

      1. That’s so funny. It reminds me of how I used to procrastinate during my dissertation days. I had creative energy, but put it into other things like writing fiction with an online group, and learning how to program in HTML … line by line (pre-WYSIWYG software). My husband, with his creative self, was a procrastinator too. He decided to write programs to animate stick figures and had them play sports on the bottom of his website. But you all are doing well. You’re focused on the task at hand!!! Keep it going!

  529. Day 16: Forgot to post last night before I left DH. After a pep talk from Margaret D., I was able to get about 3 hours worth of work done. I want to get my first three chapters back to my advisor (today?). I have a TA subbing for me today, since I’m just giving an exam.

    I’m at the library, room 455, if anyone would like to join me. I’ve discovered that I enjoy worked with others, even one person. Don’t know why it works when we hardly talk to each other!

    1. There’s something about that human connection, I guess. Even if it’s virtual! You guys are my DHouse family!

  530. Day 14…..this day would be a likely candidate for a brief freaking out session but seeing as though I don’t have time for that I will #carryon. (*insert mccafe and fredhammond)

    Today I will start with Chapter 5 and 6. I need to get aways from Chapter 3 and 4 because I have some emotions tied up there that I need to let settle down. I will also outline Chapter 7 and 8 if possible. It’s a multiple CHAPTERS Day!!! I had trouble getting my precious sleep last night so I am off to a late start but I did some reading this morning for Chapter 1 that I can easilty insert before I go home today or another time.



  531. Does anyone know what voice the dissertation document should be in? Past or Present?

      1. Nikki, There are certain parts that your advisor may want in present tense, for example “The results show …” or “These experiments reveal …” Take a look a dissertations from other students in her lab, and if you haven’t already done so, ask for a copy of hers.

  532. Just a short inspirational minute. When I was finishing up my degree and feared that I wouldn’t have enough time to finish, my dad told me the story of Joshua and the sun standing still. I’ve never forgotten it (Josh 10:13).

    1. So glad I checked back in. I’m plodding through my analyses – just type the syntax!!! – and these comments have helped me.

      Dr. Tull, I love your procrastination stories! I have had to minimize my fiction-writing ideas to just scribbling down ideas in an outline to come back to when I’m done, but what IS it about writing a dissertation that makes you so creative on anything but the dissertation??

      I also had a couple of moments lately where I pondered the idea of God slowing down time. Just the thought that he could do it got me moving. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad to have this reference.

      K! More analyses!

  533. Today was a total waste. Hours and hours and nothing to show for it.

    1. “progress, not perfection” – you shared despite the fact that you felt you had nothing accomplished. Before, you might not have put yourself out there. Thus, you are stronger today. You will recover faster. You will finish. Start by finishing today and being done with it, like Ralph Waldo Emerson says. Rest your mind and your body, and plan to take the next step tomorrow. You can do this, Teammate.

      1. Hey Susan That’s Normal…….
        I was like that last Sunday…I know you know this…but just make a list of pending things…look at them and think what happens if you don’t do it..or what happens if you do it…Feel the emotion and embrace it.

      2. Thanks for the wise words, Alexis. I do feel better today.

  534. You made several good choices today, Susan. I am sure if you look hard enough you will see that you made strides. Alexis… wonderful comment… that is what makes this blog so great… people put themselves out there and in return they get encouragement… love it!!!

    1. True! I have been reluctant to post when I felt overwhelmed, like I hadn’t done enough, and I was encouraged by the responses, too.

      I think even the posting itself strengthens my commitment because it forces me to acknowledge what disappointed me, to be accountable to others, and to confront the weaknesses of the past so I can improve in my next opportunities.

  535. COLLEGE PARK FOLKS: I’ll be on campus tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/27. I have a meeting in Mitchell in the morning, and have a few tentative meetings in the early afternoon, but will be around Stamp after 2:30. if you have an opening around 3 or 3:30, maybe we can meet for coffee/tea in that coffee shop on the first floor of Stamp. This is only if you need/want a break. You can email me at rtull@umbc.edu and renettatull@gmail.com. If you’re on a roll, keep on going!

    1. Hi Dr. Tull! I would love to stop by. I sent you an email. Are you just going to hang out there around 3 and see who comes by?

  536. Hello All
    It was good seeing everyone at the opening meeting and on Thursday. February is almost over. A number of you are getting ready for May’s graduation. I know I am looking forward to it. The closer you get to graduation expect it to be come more stressful. It’s important during those times to become even more organize. You cannot wait until you wake up to start planning your day. At the end of the night or day, take time to plan your next day’s schedule. Everyday when you get to the office or where ever you will be working you should already know what you will be doing. Set some goals for the day. Tomorrow my goals to accomplish before midnight is to:
    (1) contact by phone some people to make sure that they have submitted a survey at the end of the day.
    (2) find a routing number from a bank
    (3) upload a file and finish out a book project
    (4) finish some grading

    I know that if I get these 4 things done tomorrow; I will feel like I have accomplished something.
    What are your goals for today will make you feel like you have accomplished something today?

    Welcome YA to the DH on-line. Many of you already have a defense date; don’t forget to practice, practice, practice.

  537. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -20d 21h 37m

    Good Morning Future Ph.D.’s!!!!

    I have been down for a couple of days, thought that were not productive but ended up just being a cold PLUS clarifying the big picture (with so many changes of perspective). Today was productive given the circumstances.

    Plan later:
    0630h: Wake up – Call Adriana – Heavy Bag – Get Ready
    0730h: Get Kids Ready
    0900h: Finish Chapter 2 Figures & start writing-Get patient paperwork ready
    1130h: Be at JHU-KKI for scaning
    1600h: Get Results Section Write up
    1730h: Krav Maga
    1900h: Get Discussion/conclusions for Chapter 2
    2300h: Submit Chapter 2 to Advisor-Blog-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  538. Day 14 is stealing from Day 13. I have been very productive and I mentioned mccafe earlier and I stand to say they are to blame for why I am still sitting at my desk. I ordered a carmel hot chocolate and what I got was a carmel mocha!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t drink it until I was halfway down route 1 and didn’t have time to turn back! So, I’m fired up and ready to go!!

    Today I:
    1. Drafted Ch 5
    2. Drafted Ch 6
    3. Made some new spider charts
    4. Updated Ch 2 with new lit sources where applicable
    5. Wrote my future work section for Ch 8
    6. Added some ASME article quotes
    7. Updated some quotes in Ch 1 (I quoted some folks without recording the pages numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to go back and hunt down some long lost sources. #lesson learned) This task needs more work tomorrow.

    I already prepared my task list for tomorrow, assuming I can keep my head upright.



    1. Oh I also wrote my contributions section!! Woop Woop!

      1. Great Nikki!!!! Keep Going!!!!

  539. Wow, dudes! Keep up the good work.

    What Dr. CV posted got me: “You cannot wait until you wake up to start planning your day.” – I surely didn’t do the whole plan last night, at least I didn’t assign the times to what I want to do today. I am at my assistantship but will spend a minute on my schedule for this afternoon when I get off work…

    1) Comparison document between Q3 models
    2) Run remaining models for Q3 and Q4
    3) Draft skeleton

  540. Day 16: So, last night when I was totally dejected (about 10:00pm), I just stopped. No use staring at the computer and getting teary-eyed. So, I went upstairs and folded piles of laundry while I calmed down and thought of what I need to do today.
    – Finish graded papers (done!)
    – Give Chapters 1-3 back to my advisor for a final edit, even though I haven’t finished filling in the figure and tables numbers and need to look up some references. At least she can do a final edit of the content.
    – Make a “to-do” list of what I need to do for my classes for the rest of the week.
    – Decide when I can get Chapter 4 to my advisor and continue working on it beginning Thursday.
    Hope I can stick to it!

  541. Is anyone around today (library, some other place)? I have my office hour until 3:30, but then I’d like to joint someone to work together.

    1. Susan, I wrote you a text earlier, hope you got it…but either way, I am in lib room 654 ๐Ÿ™‚ please come and join me!

  542. Margaret: My cell phone’s dead. Are you still in 654?

  543. Leaving the library. I finished all of my goals for the day! I don’t think I can get back to writing until Thursday because I have too much to do re: teaching. But maybe I’ll be able to get in an hour or two. Good for me (for once)!

    1. Good for you!!!! yay! See you on Thursday! ๐Ÿ™‚

  544. Productive day. I worked from home. The combination of the two is soooo unusual, but I changed my office around and have created a room for myself where I can get away.

    I got results on using PDTW on the new and improved hypotension data. I did as much as I could to set up the PDA data, but I had to turn that back over to Dr. Lehmann. I think the data was just not set up correctly. Anyway, he said he would do it tomorrow, but I had to try at least first. I am ready to hit the sack. Very tired but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am going to get this done!!! Hooray for #TeamGetItDone!!!

  545. Planning to work in the library tomorrow to get as much work done as possible…feel free to join ๐Ÿ™‚
    Will check back in tomorrow on here with a room number once we have it.

    Keep Working!

  546. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -19d 13h 34m

    Good Morning !!!!

    I’m in the UMBC library, room 454

  547. Day 16: Lots of teaching prep stuff to do today. Just wanted to check in and say “Go!” to my DH buddies. I’m hoping to hear from my advisor today. I’ve asked if she could give me deadlines for the next two weeks because I never know when she’ll be free to read my chapters. I hope she agrees.

    1. Hey, Susan – I hope everything turned out ok with teaching today and hearing from your advisor! You might also set up mini-appointments of 30 minutes or so to simply walk her through the chapters and have her answer your most pertinent questions over the next two weeks. That way she only has to commit to maybe an hour or so total rather than hours reading through everything. Might that work?

  548. Day 13…..

  549. Day 13……

    <img src="“>

  550. I am trying (unsuccessfully) to post a picture! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

  551. Day 12…..

    Today I will:
    -Stop playing on the internet
    -Library to find 2 books
    -Update Chapter 5
    -New Spider Charts

    I caught up on some sleep last night after my Monday night marathon. It felt great! I am fired up and ready to go!! I walked into a small botique shop while walking home yesterday and bought myself the prettiest rose ring made out of wood for only $2!! It’s such a small thing but it made me feel GREAT to do that little thing for myself. Now I just need somewhere to go so I can wear it, AFTER I finish my dissertation. LOL.

    Thanks Dr. Tull for meeting us for coffee yesterday that was a great relief and a very good networking session.

    We have to start thinking about our video of “Stuff That ABD Graduate Students Say” we should start listing the funny things we say like:
    1. “Oh”
    2. “Are they serving food? Is it free?”
    3. “What day of the week is it?”
    4. “Last night I had a dream my data was attacking me and I lost”
    5. “Where’s the coffee?”

    LOL, it is going to be so funny.

    Okay, back to work.

    Let’s #GetItDone!


    1. – Dude!!! This whole progression of postings and comments is cracking me up!!!! I have done that before with failed attempts at coding… Love the “stop playing,” too.
      – Why do you have to wait to wear the ring? Why not start celebrating your upcoming victory and wear it while you type, so when you look at it, it will be a sign of beautiful things to come? Just a possibility – we wait for the special occasion when any moment can be special, even moments on the dissertation.
      – Dr. Tull’s visit was absolutely a great relief for me, too!
      – Ha ha haha @ the Stuff list – I’m guilty of #3 as of TODAY, and I surely did eat up the free food from our breakfast meeting…

      K. Back to work for meeeeee.


  552. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -19d 07h 23m

    We are in the UMBC library, room 454

  553. Still in room 454!!

  554. Good Morning!!!!
    In room 454….UMBC library

  555. I will be there in the afternoon… Still coding so staying in lab today. I am running experiments and writing as I go. 5 more days until I have to turn everything in!!!

  556. I hope to be in the library by 3:00. Have to do teaching stuff before then.

  557. I’m planning to stay here late: Midnight??
    I’m sick…tired..sleepy….but just listening to this…gets me back some how
    sorry for the repetition

  558. Still at 454….
    Margaret D. and Me

  559. Day 14: I’m here in 454 w/Margaret D. and Carlos. I’m going to read through what I’ve written so far for Chapter 4. I believe I can finish 4.2, and maybe 4.1 (requires more thinking than 4.2). I’ve made a commitment to my advisor to have the entire chapter (through 4.3) to her by the end of this Saturday.As a matter of fact, she and I have put together a schedule of deadlines for the remaining 14 days.

    Well, to work!

  560. Nikki and Alexis, It was great to be able to catch up with you at College Park this past weekend. Nikki, I'll try to post the picture that you wanted to share ... I'm glad that you posted it to your blog.

    Congrats to everyone as you continue to work! Room 454 at UMBC is smoking!

  561. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -17d 21h 47m

    Extremely long day…..Thanks Margaret and Susan for the Company. Chapter 2 is still in process..is taking me longer than anticipated…and this is making me to think about the feasibility of finishing in 17 days…..Being sick and not sleeping well is not helping. But I need, I have to finish…

    Get Insane……KISS…….Get it Done!!!!!

  562. Good Morning!!!
    Feeling with not energy at all…and not clear about how or when I woke up, got the kids in to the shower..got them dress and took them to the stop bus……..
    Now…I’m here in the Commons 331..
    So people…No excuses….Get Insane…Ge it Done!!!!

  563. Day 14: Forgot to blog-out last night. Had a really productive night at the library with Carlos & Margaret. Finished section 4.2. Have to go to campus for a meeting with my TAs, then eat something and joint the others in Commons 331. I’m going to work on section 4.3, then 4.1. I also have to re-do my schedule of deadlines that I gave to my advisor. She wants more detail than I gave her.

  564. I am on my way to Commons. See you all there!

  565. Hi everyone,
    Just checking in. I’m transcribing right now. I finished my 4th interview yesterday. Have one scheduled for next week.


  566. I will complete my exam revision paper this weekend and my goals are:
    1. Review/ revise page 11-17
    2. add transitions
    3. add my research plan at the end.
    Toi, Toi, and Toi!

  567. Hi everyone,

    I still have experiments running from last night and I have a meeting with my undergrads at 4:30pm so I will be staying here until I finish with them. Then I will head over to meet with you all and finish off the evening. My goals today is the get the PDA experiments completed.

    Have a great day!

  568. BTW, I am ready for the DH marathon this weekend!

  569. -23 Days, 18 Hours, 20 Minutes – I’m late today but I’m here.

    Had a long day yesterday and recruitment day today, but I have a chapter due so let’s get it
    1) Remaining Q3 and Q4 model comparisons
    2) Meeting with new labmate
    3) Tables
    4) Ch 4 outline
    5) List of issues to resolve
    Actually, 3-5 might not happen today because I have to take my car to the shop, but I’ll be working this weekend!

    Have a great day, #TeamGetItDone

  570. drwestmoreland Avatar

    10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today I am/will:

    1. Write the journaling experience section
    2. Recalculate the CRR for the Fall 2010 group
    3. Edit Chapter 4 (again)
    4. Edit Validation section (again)

    I wanted to update my Ch6 but I might have to table that for in the morning.

    I am also waiting to get some chapters back from my advisor.


  571. Get it, Nikki!

    Why am I so tired? I went to bed SOMETHING like on time, not too bad, but this morning I woke up exhausted as if I hadn’t slept. All day I’ve felt worn out… I have to take my car to the shop, but I thought I could squeeze out a couple more minutes. Instead, my eyelids started to droop. soooo sleepy.

    Ha – wrote that about 15 minutes ago and fell asleep. Time to go.. ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Me too, I went to bed at 10pm and as soon as I got in this morning my eyes were droopy…..

  572. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Whoa! What a DAY! I am moving this ship home to finish up some editing. I had to cry today for reasons I can’t put on the blog but I am pressing forward nonetheless. 10 days right, I can do that. I am claiming Josh 10:13 over my dissertation writing time if I need it. INSANITY countdown starts now……and I still claim to get some precious sleep every night! Amen!!!

    I just want to testify that God is keeping me, He really is, no seriously, sweet Jesus. The devil is a lair. #thatsmylife

    Going Home!!





  573. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Woop Woop, just finished editing Chapter 4 while watching The Grimm – which is a creepy show might I add-. Time for bed.


  574. Meeting in public policy 206 tomorrow morning to work all day (until we get kicked out or moved) Come one, come all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  575. Gosia, Patty, Susan are you still there??
    Plans for tomorrow???

  576. Wow!!
    This is really creepy!!
    Are we connected or what?

  577. Hi all!
    It seems that conferences are going on everywhere today. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    So we cannot work in the room 206 – already occupied.
    Since I forgot to bring my power cable for my computer, I will visit a mini conference of my friend and need to head home….

    1. Hye-Sook is right…conferences in Public Policy today (I did not see her message until after I went there myself) ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

      I decided to come to my “home” aka Chemistry building. I have access to a rather large, QUIET, clean, comfy conference room here that I am currently working in. Anyone wanna join? ๐Ÿ™‚

      Only catch is I will need to open the door for you (entrance across from fine arts, nearest to library) since it’s locked on wknds. Call me if you have my number or email me at mdabek1@umbc.edu if you want to contact me and I can let you in.
      We can use this room on Saturdays if needed- always free on wknds! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Need motivation to work? Come join me!!!

  578. Day 14: Patti and I are working at my house today. Of course, she started working way before I did! My husband’s going to be our slave today, bringing us lunch, etc. We hope to have a very productive day. Sorry we’re not physically there with you guys, but we’ll keep reading the posts and posting ourselves. ๐Ÿ™‚

  579. I’m here working with Margaret! So grateful for this space and to have a work buddy. Today’s goals are :
    1) Set up the syntax for all of my analyses
    2) Redo correlation tables

  580. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Day 9…..

    Working in Arlington, VA at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel where I am attending the NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference until Tuesday. We only had one session today so I have been able to get some work done in this NICE comfortable room. I am actually working now and watching Law and Order. All is well. I need to finish some comparing the results from my study with another one found in literature tonight so that I can do the write-up tomorrow night and send that to my advisor.

    9 DAYS!!!! Whoa! The Lord is going to fight for me and I will remain calm.



    1. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yay Nikki! congrats, you will be done soon!

  581. Patti and I have been working all day in my dining room. I think we’re about ready to call it quits. I made good progress, but I’m already behind on the 2-week plan that I sent to my advisor yesterday! I have no choice but to catch up, as 14 days is 14 days! Patti’s been working really hard — I’ll let her blog as to her progress. Goodnight!

  582. Well I haven’t been blogging but I’ve been working… I have 38 days to submit a paper and have a lot of analysis and writing to do before then! I’ve been coding one of my follow up interviews today, I also read and took notes from this book that my advisor recommended yesterday.
    I will continue coding tomorrow…

  583. I am very tired, but inspired. Coming to buddy with Susan, who has a deadline that is as close as mine, has been wonderful. Her husband being a kind former programmer has also helped ๐Ÿ˜‰ The reality is that the processing of this last set of data files has been a bear. He graciously volunteered to help and I took him up on it because right now I need the help. I have been able to do edits this way and focus on running other experiments. Tomorrow is going to be another full day. Happy to hear Nikki is getting it done in a nice hotel room! We are all getting it done! Go Team!

  584. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -15d 20h 20m

    All Saturday………in bed until now, I feel a little better but still weak!!!

    I had the hope that doubling my already high dose of my meds will help…but …..

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,nothing, Zero, nada….. Nothing Done.

    Sunday:I’m going back to bed now hoping to at least wake up before Monday!!!

    Maybe a Miracle!

  585. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Well Day 9 has officially walked into Day 8…

    I have been up all night crunching numbers in excel. I got mad. I had to get some tips from youtube. I watched 3 movies.

    But…..I got it done!! All that work for one freaking table! #MyLord

    It’s not even worth trying to sleep now but at least I will rest my mind for 2 hours.


  586. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Day 8….

    So staying up all night has consequences and that is you will wake up late. So I missed my first session. Now I have to (shamefully) walk into the current session and act like I know what it going on. All is well though because my body needed to rest and that is most important.

    Sessions all day and a few hours on the #dissertation tonight before I go to bed.



  587. Hi all,
    I’m here in the Commons ready to work! Where’s my support team? Margaret, Carlos?????
    Goals today:
    1) Set up syntax for analysis 4
    2) Reverse code one of my subscales
    3) Redo analyses for that subscale
    4) Edit Methods section

    1. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
      future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

      Hi Shauna! I’ll be in the commons within the next hour ๐Ÿ™‚

  588. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    I’m going to the Library today to get a book in quantitative analysis. I ‘ll be working on the finishing touches to the Research Methods section, the Introduction. On Monday, I will put the information I have into the template to prepare for submission. My advisor is still reviewing my Literature review and it will be the last checkmark for the proposal. I will add it to the template next week.

    My abstract was submitted for circulation last week.

  589. Day 13: I’m just now starting to work. But I feel like I need a nap already. My eyes are killing me. I may just have to put off doing a lot of computer work until this evening. Patti and I are still working together in my dining room. It’s worked out well, so we’ll be staying here again today.

  590. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -15d 06h 46m

  591. OK. I had a very late breakfast (essentially lunch), then feel asleep until now. I feel guilty that I’ve “wasted” some time, but my eyes feel much better. I think that I’ll at least get 4 hours or so in tonight. Better than nothing, but still behind schedule.

  592. -21 Days, 14 Hours, 6 Minutes – ok, TECHNICALLY it’s still the weekend.

    Sigh. I know what Nikki’s talking about that God is getting her through this. I had a mini panic session yesterday when I thought about writing a whole chapter. But then I realized that 1) I’m not writing a whole chapter, I’ve been working on the parts of it for days and weeks, 2) this deadline that I’m fretting over is a self-imposed one that I set with my advisor so that she could provide feedback, and 3) it’s already done – I just need to take each next step in faith and stop getting in my own way. It’s all about the process. Woosaaahhhh.

    1) Remaining Q3 and Q4 model comparisons
    2) List of issues to resolve
    3) Tables
    4) Ch 4 outline
    5) Ch 4 sections drafted

    However long it takes, this is what needs to be done. I have help. I have time. The light is green. I will go. In his name.


    1. Ok, still a long way to go but I put in work tonight, so I can’t ask anymore of myself since my eyes are starting to close even after tea. Panic session averted barely. Made a list of some known issues in my analyses that I will try to resolve when I continue tomorrow.

  593. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Shauna, Margaret and I have been in the Commons for hours! Lots of papers scattered everywhere, fingers tappings on keyboards, power bars and snacks consumed….
    I have made the minor edit changes to my Introduction and Research Design & Methodology sections. I sent them to my advisor for review.

    Mission accomplished for today. I will be on campus Friday night and all day Saturday. I will miss you all on Sunday because I will be running in the St. Patty Day 8K race in DC.

    #TeamGetItDone signing off….Margaret and Shauna are still holding the candle in here ๐Ÿ™‚

  594. I haven’t posted anything today because I know Susan did. We both worked hard all weekend and today has been difficult. I have been coding and getting more results. My goal is to work to midnight, to try to get the PDA data set ready so that my students can run experiments tomorrow and I can write as they do it. I have to be there by 9am. If I finish before midnight I will begin to write tonight. I already created all tables and have filled them in with what I have. I am off to work again. Great to hear that there was a group of folks working hard in the Commons. It was really good to be at Susan’s because I have literally lived and breathed my dissertation this weekend, but I missed seeing the rest of the #TeamGetItDone crew…

    #TeamGetItDone@Susan’s signing off!

  595. My advisor sent me some feedback on a large portion of one of my chapters. I wasn’t expecting it until tomorrow, so I’m really pleased. Especially because I don’t have that many changes to make! So, I’m going to make them tonight (I’m tired and it’s easier to do this now than write something new). I’m uptight because I have exams that I wanted to have graded for tomorrow, but don’t. I just have to keep telling myself that I can’t be “super teacher” for the next two weeks.

    Making my corrections and going to bed in about an hour. See you guys on campus this week (library probably). Keep posting so that I know where you are.

  596. -20 Days, 23 Hours, 30 Minutes – Present!

    1) Find answers to questions about factor interactions and covariances between exogenous measured control variables
    2) (Re-)run remaining Q3 and Q4 model comparisons
    3) List of issues to resolve
    4) Tables
    5) Ch 4 outline
    6) Ch 4 sections drafted


    1. This is one of the more scary things I’ve had to do in a while. So confusing. But I’m learning to trust.

      I flipped through The Alchemist during the break I finally made myself take to eat, and on one of the pages:
      “Don’t give in to your fears,” said the alchemist, in a strangely gentle voice. “If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”
      “But I have no idea how to turn myself into the wind.” [I know, this part is random, but go with me on this]
      “If a person is living out his Personal Legend, he knows everything he needs to know. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

      Woosahhh. #NoFear

  597. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -14d 13h 40m

    60 minutes: Graphs Behavioral (Ch.2)

    1. I already done 2 graphs (2 pages) plus wrote 2 pages for Chapter 2. It was fast but it was like 10 minutes working then 1-hour nap then 15 minutes and another hour nap

  598. Go, Carlos, GO!!! Do what you need to get better and finish.

    As for me, today is the deadline for my final draft. I still don’t have all the results, but I don’t have to send it to my readers until next week. I have students coming from Wheaton College to help run the experiments so I have been focusing on writing the code. Today just writing the last two sections of chapter 6 and coding. I plan to get the PDA data ready for experiments so that everything is ready for testing this weekend. Looking forward to it! One more week until I get my dissertation to my readers.

    1. Gracias!!!!
      Pa’lante!!! Pa’ lante……..Pa’ tras NI PARA TOMAR IMPULSO!!!

  599. Day 9? — Didn’t blog in yesterday. Very tired and suffering from eye strain. I did hold my office hours and teach class. And I did end up getting in a couple hours of work last night. Feel much better today. Goal: finish Chapter 4 and send to my advisor tonight.

  600. Where is everybody today? I’d like to join someone to work on my writing after my office hours (around 3:45). If no one responds, I’ll probably to to one of the study room on the 4th or 5th floors of the library.

  601. I am here working in my lab. Just trying to focus. I am leaving for dinner at 6:45pm so I figured I would just stay in my office. My goal for today is to get the PAMAP data set ready to rerun experiments. I have almost completed working in the PDA data set… I am just waiting on the doctors to verify that I extracted the correct labels from the data that they gave me. I emailed the students at Wheaton the instructions for the data and code I sent them. Not much good to write code if you don’t tell people how to use it. Anyway, making progress slowly but surely.

  602. I’m in the library 454 if anyone’s interested in joining me.

    1. If you want to repeat tomorrow, I can come then…hope you’re getting good work done ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I can work late today, Let’s say 6 to 11 pm

  603. -19 Days, 13 Hours, 29 Minutes – Hi Susan, Patti, Carlos, et al… ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m here with you, finishing up a day of coming back. After a chaotic mental health day yesterday, I realized that now is the time to protect my healthy habits more than ever. I took care of some stressful life circumstances today and am working to steady myself before I go off the deep end anxiety-wise. I will finish up my notes for tomorrow and go work out, which I didn’t do yesterday, and go to bed on time, which I also didn’t do yesterday, and get up on time (which I didn’t do this morning).

    1) Agenda additions
    2) Print out feedback from stats person
    3) Plan next analysis steps (Interxn and non-interxn/basic controls, Coeff H, effect size, missingness, normality, etc.)

    Onward, #TeamGetItDone

  604. -19 Days, 0 Hours, 21 Minutes – eww.

    Funny thing happens when you get sleep – I realized I might want to use different models to represent the data more accurately. I will run this by my professor today when we meet. Might give me more work, but it will make more sense if I’m right, which means I’ll be able to explain it better. Otherwise, I’ll be on the right track with what I have.

    1) Run analyses by stats committee member
    2) Continue to run the analyses step by step
    3) Include background variables


    1. Go Alexis!!!! Go!!!!!!!!!

  605. Checking in. I found a bug in my code yesterday. I have to rerun experiments again!!! Very tired, but I know this is the last stretch. I have to have everything completed by March 15th. Final push before the defense! Tired and down…”but I get up again” and start to work… Making an outline of all that I need to do so I can keep track of what is left…

    1. Keep Going Patti!!!!!!! We are almost there!!!

      1. Pa’ lante!!! Pa’ lante……..Pa’ tra NI PA’ TOMAR IMPULSO!!!

  606. Where’s MY PINK ENERGIZER BUNNY?????????????

    I’m back!!!…Still without much energy but enough to keep going!!


    Finish Chapter 2..This one has been an extremely hard one due to the mess in my brain of all the different perspectives and shapes has taken in the last two months.

    0900h: Send Daniel to school, send Gabriel with the babes (desperate housewife’s girls)
    0930h: Start mission Chapter 2 (blog short assignments)
    1530h: Pick Gabriel up
    1600h: Pick Daniel up + Homework + Snacks
    1730h: UMBC vs HOME (Write from 1800h to 2300h)

    Time to get back to INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    JUST KISS!!!!!
    JUST Get It Done!!!!!!!!

  607. next 30 minutes draft writing results

    1. Took me a little longer but something is in writing..it is not about being perfect..just get it done..later I will take care of transitions

  608. drwestmoreland Avatar

    5 DAYS!!!!!!! I’m working hard. My couch is my command station….

  609. Day 9: Got up late (what’s new?!) But I’m going to put in a full day. I got a substitute for my classes today and tomorrow. I’m most likely going to work from my dining room so that I don’t have the travel time back and forth to school. If I’m unproductive at home today, I’ll come to school tomorrow. I MUST get Chapter 4 to my advisor today. She was expecting the second version by today, but it turned out that there was much more to the chapter than I realized (listening to a long interview, going over other interview notes).

    1. With you in Chapter 4 woes! So much but we can do it if we don’t give up. Go Nikki – run that command station!

  610. Hi everyone! Congrats on all of your hard work!!! Today, I wrote my comment as a DHouse post (“March Madness …”), and included this weekend’s DH room schedule. Please think about #s 1-3 in the post. I hope that these thoughts will inspire you.

    March Madness! Dissertation House *Insanity* and excitement propels #TeamGetItDone

    1. Woop woop! I just saw this in my blog reader! Love it! Go #TeamGetItDone!

      If I can finagle things where I don’t need to run analyses on Saturday or Sunday, I will try to join you up north.


  611. drwestmoreland Avatar

    4 DAYS!!!!!!! Iโ€™m working hard. My office is now my command station bc I needed Minitabโ€ฆ.

    1. Keep Going Nikki!!!
      Just 4 days!!!

  612. I finished Chapter 4 and just sent it off to my advisor! I’m sure that there will be edits — but who cares! I can do edits in my sleep! Speaking of which …

    1. Wow!! Susan..That’s great!!
      I’m in the library today. Room 455

  613. -18 Days, 0 Hours, 17 Minutes yay for updates and submissions!! We might not feel like it, but we have enough time if we keep working! Let’s #GetItDone!

    I have my assistantship and then a meeting with my advisor about my final 2-chapter planning. I will try to arrange to stay here rather than going back to work after the meeting.

    1) Re-run analyses with controls (syntax adjustments needed)
    2) Organize all output, making sure I have everything I need
    3) Background analyses where necessary
    4) Record issues
    5) Work my outlines for chapter 4 and 5

  614. I’m in the library room 455

  615. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -11d 11h 30m

    Ok..People!!!! I’m in the library until ????
    Goal: Finish Chapter 2 (Yesterday was really slow/anxious day)
    KISS!!! Focus!!!! Get INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. And we are doing it!!!!

  616. I posted an update to yesterday’s blog post. Here is the updated section:

    “There are no traditional “March Madness basketball tournament” brackets here. We’re not eliminating anyone, and we’re not counting anyone out. Unlike the basketball tournaments, we’re not pitting teams against each other, and we don’t expect defeats. Instead, we’re preparing each of you for victory! You’ve been practicing, working hard, training, and positioning yourselves to win.”

    From: “March Madness! Dissertation House *Insanity* and excitement propels #TeamGetItDone”, March 7, 2012. https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/03/07/march-madness-dissertation-house-insanity-and-excitement-propels-teamgetitdone/

    Wishing all of you a productive day! Don’t worry, don’t be anxious, just continue to move steadily toward your goals.

    1. Thank you, Dr. Tull. I might not be able to come up to UMBC, but I’ll be working in spirit in my grad office if that’s the case. … We can do this…

  617. Still in room 455!!!
    Margaret D…was here
    Kelly was here too.
    Margaret G. visited
    Patti…visited and “planning” to come back

  618. OK..Getting ready to leave
    Will continue at home

  619. Patti O PhD(c) Avatar
    Patti O PhD(c)

    Carlos, I

    I am in ITE 376… I didn’t make it to the library because no one is here. If you care to join, there are many free desks….


  620. Hurrah! My advisor sent me the edits to Chapter 4. They are all small proofreading things! She said that she doesn’t need to see it again, and to continue on with Chapter 5. I’m in the middle of Chapter 5 right now and hope to have it to her tomorrow. Don’t know if I’ll work at home or come into school. I really miss working with you guys in person. But if I don’t come, I’ll be with you in spirit. Although behind schedule, I’m ACTUALLY GETTING THERE! I’m mentally transmitting my good feelings to each and every one of you — UMMMMM!

  621. I am heading home now. I can’t think straight anymore. I will be in early tomorrow. I almost have all my datasets ready to run this weekend. Just gotta keep plugging away. I am sending my dissertation off to my readers right after I finish this message. I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. I won’t be in until the afternoon because a good friend is defending.

  622. Day 7: Congrats, Patti! I know that you’ve got more work to do, but you’ve reached a major milestone! Again, to the tune of “I Will Survive,” “You will defend, you will defend, hey hey!”

  623. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    Hello All! I have been working in Public Policy’s reading room since I got off from work. I am making edits to my Literature Review, filling in blank spaces I left in the bibliography and re-reading and tightening up the 35 page document.
    My goal this weekend is to put the first three chapters in the template!
    I will have kickball practice at 10am tomorrow and then I will come to school in the afternoon. I hope to get as much done tonight as possible so that I only need to transfer and make edits for the format of the template.
    I will check in to see where folks end up tomorrow.

  624. I just sent off my first version of Chapter 5 to my advisor. I’m not happy with it, but I wanted to get something to her so that I could get some useful feedback. I hope to be to the point where I’m just proofreading and formatting by Tuesday. I’m pooped. I’m going to go watch some TV with my very understanding hubby.

  625. Insanity!!!!! Still in Commons 318
    Patti, Margaret D. and me…
    Alex and Amanda were here…….

  626. OK…Patti and me…..going home!!!

  627. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -09d 22h 09m

    Back at home. Tired. Well, well behind. SCJVC!!!!! This is INSANE!!!!!!

  628. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -09d 18h 20m

    First draft of Chapter 2…………………… DONE!!!

    WOW!!! after 51 days. Now I have 9 days to get Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5

    Should I go to sleep???



  629. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -09d 15h 40m

    Good Morning!!

    Ok….Chapter 3 out/zzzzzz/line/zzz for the morning ๐Ÿ™‚

    Common people wake up!!!!

    KISS!!! GET INSANE!!! JUST GET IT DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  630. I am in my office ITE 376 waiting for the students for the CREU CODE JAM session. There will be three very intelligent women, a male professor, and I running experiments today. Whereas the code is written for the experiments for three datasets, we have to adapt it to three more datasets. It is exciting and nerve wracking because it needs to get done!!! Speaking of done….

    Good Saturday morning, #TeamGetItDone!!!

  631. I’m already in the Commons room 327. Nobody is here. Maybe they canceled the event from 9 to 1 pm. Well..we’ll see.

    1. Tired and sleepy…but Chapter 3 outline…DONE!!!!

  632. Hi all,
    I haven’t seen you for the whole week in which I am ready to submit my exam paper and took some rest. I wish everyone a productive work until the last day, get it done as planned, and can get some rest. Hang in there for few more days!

  633. I worked out this morning, got my coffee, came to my lab to set up an experiment and have been in Commons 327 since about 12:45…ready to work!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  634. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Day 2….

    Just had a 3 hour meeting with my advisor and technically we have until Thursday and not Monday so I will start my negative number countdown on Tuesday. I have 4 chapters to edit today. I am going to get some food (probably something fast and gross) and then back to work.

    I didn’t get as much precious last night because my body clock is off so I might need to grab some mccafe on my way back in.

    My goals today:
    1. Complete revisions Ch3
    2. Complete revisions Ch4
    3. Partial revisions Ch5
    4. Partial revisions Ch6
    5. Re-combine the document and fix major formatting issues like table/figure numbers, etc.



  635. Day 6: Working at home once again. I’m going to work on Chapter 6, Contributions, while I wait for feedback from my advisor on Chapter 5. So, I’m up to working on my last chapter! But I got a great idea this morning while laying in bed. I’m going to email some of my study participants to ask a question — if the answers come back the “right way,” I’ll have a significant point to add to my dissertation and to my contributions. I know this will add a little time, but I think it’s really important.

    Everyone, have a good, productive day! I’ll be watching the blog.

  636. I am here in Commons with Margaret and Carlos! It was hard getting in here due to the nice weather, but I made it in. My goals for today are:
    1) Review the response options for my analyses ONE last time
    2) Edit my tables to reflect recent revisions
    3) Update my means tables

  637. -15 Days, 15 Hours, 56 Minutes Checking in. Yesterday was awful but I finally got pulled out of bed and have been productive since. I have reviewed some reporting method information and am looking at an article example using the resources I found.

    4:30pm- Article review
    5pm- Chapter 4 outline review
    5:30pm- Basic text
    6:30pm- Analyses re-run, adding into Ch 4
    8pm- food
    9:30pm- bed (tomorrow’s a long day and I’m losing sleep because of Daylight Savings)

  638. future "Dr. Faizah Carr" Avatar
    future “Dr. Faizah Carr”

    I’ve been in Commons since 2:45pm and I am signing out at 8:30pm! I got great work done today…everything I PLANNED to accomplish:
    – reviewed the Research Design & Methodology Chapter. Any questions I have for my advisor were documented and I will be prepared with them on Wednesday.
    and the BIGGIE – I input all three chapters into the Dissertation Template (with special help from Gosia, Carlos, and Shauna) complete with my “orientation -page style tables).
    This is a great feeling!

  639. I’m moving along with Chapter 6, Contributions, my final chapter! I’m pretty sure I’ll have it in to my advisor tonight. Of course, I’ve lots more to do, but I’ll have a complete final draft of dissertation! I’m actually looking forward to proofing and polishing the final version next week.

  640. I finally figured out how to get my code to run on the high performing computing grid at UMBC!!! Not good results, but it will be my savior… Now I can run as many process as I want on a much faster computer!!! I may just finish on time. It have 5 days left to send out my final draft to my committee!!!

    Today I also met with students that have been working all semester. I had to spend major time explaining the code – something I had expected their professor to do. I was annoyed at first, but I found a major bug in this code and so that maybe it was a blessing in disguise…. We will see…. time to head home… so happy with my progress today…

    Have a good night #TeamGetItDone!!! See you tomorrow in the Commons at noon… Every comment on here helps me, so keep on posting…

  641. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -08d 20h 42m
    getting more INSANE!!!

    1. What is your goal today? Specifics… It will help you to write down your specific goal… Chapter 3?

  642. Know that I am only saying that because I want to walk across that stage with you… More specific… what section of Chapter 3… don’t let the nerves and insanity get to you… remember the lessons of Dr. Carter… break it down into small doable tasks… I am having trouble with this as well…

    1. SCJVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -08d 11h 36m
      St. J’s N-d1

      Gracias Patti,

      I’m here in the Commons 327:

      Plan for today (Optimistic)

      1215: Plan-Blog-Nd-1
      1245: Finish Intro Ch3
      1330: Finish Methods Ch3
      1415: Behav. Analysis (S) ….Break a 1500:Water-DM
      1515: Behav. Analysis (O)
      1630: fMRI Analysis S & O
      1830: Mass-Home-Heavy bag-Family
      2200: Finish Analysis/write them up/blog plan for tomorrow

      1. Introduction Chapter 3……DONE!!
        Common people… blog or show up

        1. keep your pants on, Carlos…I am here! Just got to Commons 327 ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Patti is here!!
            Methods Chapter 3….DONE!!!!

  643. Now it’s time for my goals for today…
    1) Laundry need clothes…
    2) Send email to do a practice talk for my job talks on Friday the 16th… I need help from the Spanish speaking community for one of the talks… so if you are out there, let me know if you are interested and available on Friday.
    3) Finish coding the PDA data set… Debug the PDTW process… Double check the MTSA process… Write the Stacked process and the Ensemble voting process….

    My results yesterday on the PDA data set were dismal… I have to check to see if I can improve on that…

  644. Day 5: I’m waiting for feedback on Chapter 5 and 6 from my advisor. In the meantime, I’m going to finish my abstract and acknowledgements. I also have a list of items that I’d like to work into my paper, some I really should and some that are “nice-to-haves.”

    Working at home has actually worked well for me over the past few days. But my internal clock is totally turned around. I work really late and sleep really late, and sometimes take a long nap. I decided that since it’s only 5 more days, I’m going to do whatever my body says works. I’m progressing, so why change things.

    Unfortunately, I have to get back to doing some teaching tasks to get ready for the week. I have another substitute for tomorrow, so that will help. But then I’m back in the classroom.

  645. -14 Days, 15 Hours, 12 Minutes
    Still working on Chapter 4. I am struggling to continue to plan ahead, but the past few days have paid off with planning even when I have gotten somewhat off track like I am now… Gonna keep it specific like Patti says (and our Drs. say)!
    6pm- remaining analyses
    7pm- break
    7:15pm- writeup/tables
    9:30pm- chapter 5 outline
    9:50pm- park downhill and exit

  646. Working in my lab until it’s time to go home…setting up things for tomorrow!
    Will blog later tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

  647. Still in Commons 327.
    Just Patti and Me
    Behavioral Analysis DONE..Still quite behind. Missed MASS and Exercise. Now short break and then go over fMRI analysis for Chapter 3.

  648. Patti and me…
    still going…..
    Now to focus on fMRI analysis for chapter 3

  649. Wow! I think it’s time you guys go home and rest.

    My advisor sent me her feedback on Chapter 5, which I’m going to work on tomorrow. She said she’d have the Chapter 6 feedback to me tomorrow, too, so tomorrow’s going to be a busy day. If I work had, I can get 5 & 6 back to her for a final check. Then it’s on to proofing and formatting. Unbelievable!

  650. Well this is all for now…
    Patti just left and I will stop soon

  651. fMRI Analysis….DONE!!!!!

    Tomorrow: Get Figures and Tables for Chapter 3, then Write the results section and being optimistic..Write Discussion section.

    Thanks Gosia and Patti

    Now going to sleep..good night!

  652. As Nikki would say, day 13 is stealing from day 14, or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, I need to pack up and sleep. Going home and hopefully I will wake up for another round – on time.

  653. -14 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes – in the office. emailed my stats committee member, will probably email my advisor – still working and much to do on chapter 4. Running out of time but keeping on; I feel like I know everything I have to do but it just takes so much more time…

  654. I have three days to get all of my results. I am so happy that we have the high performing computing facility on campus. This might make it possible. We will see. I posted my goals for today on my blog. Anyone at UMBC working late tonight? I need a serious study buddy every night this week.

    1. Same plan as yesterday???

        1. OK..I get the Nutella ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. LOL. Awesome. Go get ’em, folks.

  655. Day 1 was a fail…I didn’t feel well so I slept all day.

    Day 0 is today.(but I really have until Thursday)

    Today I had a meeting with my advisor and I have edits to make in Ch5and6 and send to her before I go to bed tonight.

    Let’ go to work.


    1. Go Nikki…we are closer than before!!

      1. Thanks Carlos!!! We get it done!

  656. Day 4: Well, I have my feedback from my advisor re: Chapters 5 & 6. She wants me to take a step back and see the larger picture re: my contributions. I understand what she means, but I’m just so panicky about finishing and distributing my paper by Friday. If anybody has some words of wisdom regarding “stepping back,” I’d love to hear them.

    “Thought I almost had it du-uh-un!” Sung to the first line of Rolling in the Deep by Adele.

    1. Susan,

      I meant to tell you this before but one of the visiting professors was saying she could automate the knowledge management person to save costs in a social network that represented the work done by a group. Think about why your work shows that this is not possible and show the importance of your work.

      Also, think about the limitations of your work. How could your work be improved? What things went wrong in your experiments that you wish could have gone better. This is important information that can beef up that last chapter.


      1. Agree with Patti here!!

        1. Actually taking the example from Patti and then Take it to Alexis point.

  657. Ok, the Adele song got me. ๐Ÿ˜€

    And you ARE almost done. WE all are SOOOOOO close! Let’s just jump through these last hoops and we’re on that stage.

    Susan, I dunno if she’s asking you to think more idealistically about what you’ve done in a future implications kind of way? Like, in an ideal world, what would your work bring about if continued along the direction you want? Maybe Dr. CV or Dr. Tull might be able to speak more on this…? Would it help to free-write for a while, and then see what comes out of a 15-minute session?

    1. Alexis,

      I think you’re right. She wants me to express my contributions more in the grand scheme of things rather than in the small pieces that I wrote (“My contribution is the development of a theory that …). And, after I spoke to a former PhD student friend of mine, I did do about 30 minutes or so of free-writing, and it helped. I sent the free-writing to my advisor and I’m going to meet with her tomorrow. Thanks for the advice!

  658. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -07d 05h 30m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d2

    Not a good day. Mentor got issues with Chapter 2, which really put me down. After a rough morning and part of the afternoon, I tried to reach out but ended up drinking more coffee than expected (I didn’t find Whiskey). After a while, decided to talk to Mentor again and at least convince her on my view of things..so the only thing to do is to break Chapter 2 into two chapters.

    Then is 7 days to have my 1st draft of everything:

    Ch. 1 is @ 20%
    Ch. 2 is @ 90%
    Ch. 3 is @ 90%
    Ch. 4 is @ 40%
    Ch. 5 is @ 10%
    Ch. 6 is @ 00%

    New plan…work from home, I’m sleep deprived so I will be needing occasional 5-minute power-naps.

    1830h: Get figures and tables for the new Chapter 4
    2030h: Write behavioral results
    2130h: Write fMRI results
    2330h: Write Conclusions/Discussion => Blog tomorrow’s plan

    1. Way to go with convincing your mentor at least to make some things easier for yourself. Not the worst day of your life, right? You can do this! Let’s go!!!!

      1. Thanks!!….Yes we can and WE ARE DOING IT!

  659. OK!!!
    Patti & Me…until ??????

  660. Didn’t make it in yesterday, but I made up for it today! Hang in there Carlos!!! You are almost done, keep bouncing back. And keep going to the rest of you…Margaret, Susan, Patti, Alexis and all!

    1. Gracias Shauna!
      Missed you Sunday..Let’s keep Going!!

  661. http://whativebinthinking.blogspot.com Avatar

    Hi…I’ve been following you all since Patti told me about the comments here….. You are motivating me even though I am a year + off from you. In hopefully not too long, I will be in your place, making the final push and writing it up, and so it gets me working to hear from people who are there working hard!!!!! So close to the finish line, keep pushing all!

  662. Thanks for all of the birthday wishes!!

    Here are two brand new posts to help you as your planning your upcoming futures.

    From the DH page:
    “Ways that others can help you to prepare for your interviews while youโ€™re completing your dissertation”

    Ways that others can help you to prepare for your interviews while you’re completing your dissertation

    From the main PROMISE page:

    “15 Things to Consider as You Prepare for Your Faculty Interview”


    Good luck!

  663. Ok…Finished Figures and ready for tables
    Tomorrow..Plan depending on the wake up time

  664. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -06d 14h 44m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d3

    Same planโ€ฆwork from home + occasional 5-minute power-naps.

    0930h: Get tables for the new Chapter 4
    1230h: Write behavioral results
    1530h: Write fMRI results
    2030h: Write Conclusions/Discussion => Blog tomorrowโ€™s plan

    1. Good Morning Carlos
      Good plan

      1. Good Morning Dr. Carter,

        You are right..DH was my wake up call and fundamental to the pace and approach I am having now….in addition to my new buddies which is the perfect follow up..because this is a roller-coaster, where we keep seeing ourselves and others through similar situations at different times..so we keep reminding all the time what was learned at the DH.

        Right now at home..with a Venti iced Americano No room..(Thanks Gosia..this is Good)


    2. Figures & Tables done for Chapter 4.
      Now write behavioral results

  665. Good Morning All
    It’s good to see that many of you are making progress and plans for graduation. Carlos I loved seeing that chapter progression that you posted. I recommend for everyone to make the same assessment today. Look at your chapters one at a time and ask how close it is to being 99-100 percent. I’t not about how close to perfection,it about how close is it to being done. Make a concerted effort to close out one chapter at a time instead of trying to close them out all at the same time. You have heard me say over and over again, it’s about building confidence. “I’ve finished chapter 3. Done and moving on!” Alexis and Nikki you both are troopers, you diligence to the process and this blog have truly brought us a long way. Patti, this is the week; who needs sleep Dr. Ordonez? You can sleep after your defense. Hello to the Margarets!!! why? because it’s all about you:) Susan good to see that you have minor edits…and good to see that you were able to finish your dissertation AND teach a course. I am sure you will have stories to share at our summer DH— when you are an Alumna of course. Carlos aren’t you glad you came to the Winter DH? Hey where is Faiza, Maya, Jodian, Yvette? I hope you working feverishly even if you don’t have time to blog. I hope all of you continue to make daily forward progress. Why? because “a good dissertation is a done dissertation”.

    1. In addition to this…..KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Thanks Dr. Carter!!! I have been hearing that “deep purple” or “light light purple” comment of yours floating in my head the past week as I nod and agree with my advisors changes to my dissertation. Good equals done! That’s the bottom line. Period. End of story.

  666. Day Negative 1……

    Woke up late! I got an e-mail from my advisor so I am sure she sent me my revised dissertation. That is what I am working on today, more revisions in Ch5and6.



  667. Day 3: Need to make my advisor’s edits to Chapter 5 that I avoided yesterday. Did a brain dump session re: Chapter 6 with one of my former PhD buddies (she finished 4 years ago, in 4 years!), then drove home and immediately committed it to paper. Using that and the talk that I just had with my advisor, I’m going to rework Chapter 6. I also forgot to put a figure and a corresponding brief discussion in Chapter 4. I should probably start with that using Dr. C-V’s advice that she gave Carlos.
    Chapters 1, 2, 3: Done
    Chapter4: 99%
    Chapter 5: 90%
    Chapter 6: 50%
    Abstract, Acknowledgements: 10% (but will wait until the end)
    Proofing, formatting: At the end
    Send out copies: Friday!

  668. Who’s working where today and when? I could use a work buddy. I’m available after 2:30.

    1. I’m writing from home until 2-3 am
      Patti maybe will join later here
      Feel free to join here or at a different place (preferably with a sofa for power naps)

  669. Susan, I have room ITE 234 for the rest of the day. When you finish, let’s go down there. Carlos, I will come over later if that is OK. I am not sleeping. I have to get results done by Friday. Everything is ready to go to readers except the last two sections of Chapter 6. I met with my advisor today and showed him how bad the results were with the neonatal intensive care unit data. I emailed my collaborators at Hopkins. They said that the labels were not determined using the gold standard of examining the echography. My advisor gave me permission to drop that data set! Whoooo Hoooo! I can finish this… no sleep over the next few days. So glad to have this community! Believe me the voices in my head saying I can’t do this are loud…


    1. Of course…I will be here…. Great!!!!!

    2. Good advisor!!! Kudos to him as he sees the big picture. I know that was a weight off of your shoulders.

    3. drwestmoreland Avatar

      You can DO THIS PATTI (image me screaming at you and just so you know I sing soprano so that would be a very loud high-pitched scream, hopefuly louder than the voices in your head)

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Oh and Kudos to you for not sleeping! Eeeek. I can’t live without my precious….. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Thank you, Dr. Westmoreland! I needed to hear your soprano in my head to keep out those my precious thoughts!

  670. FYI: Updates posted to the 15 things you should consider when you’re going on faculty interviews post. I’ve Included resources for starting a lab, and negotiating a faculty offer. http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/15-things-to-consider-as-you-prepare-for-your-faculty-interview/

  671. -12 Days, 15 Hours, 43 Minutes – Whew..

    Thank you everyone for posting. The things that immediately jump into my head are the chapter progress (thanks, Carlos, and Dr. CV for reminding all of us to try it) and the voices everyone’s mentioning – we definitely share the same doubts but we can keep pushing together.

    My chapters are as follows:
    Ch 1 – 99%
    Ch 2 – 90%
    Ch 3 – 85%
    Ch 4 – 40%
    Ch 5 – 10%

    My challenge right now is with Chapter 4 – my stats committee member has been making suggestions for ways I might address some of the limitations in my analyses. Going back and incorporating them as I write means more hours of re-running the syntax and then collecting the output into new tables. Meanwhile, my advisor needs the draft by tomorrow. I’ve been working as long as my body allows me to – sometimes I just wake up and realize that I’ve been asleep. So off my schedule but I only have to do this once!

  672. drwestmoreland Avatar

    I just went for a superlate lunch walk outside right before the rain. It was good to clear my head and get a little exercise. I feel like a robot. Anyways, back to work. I made Ch6 revisions and now I will work on Ch5 revisions. At least I am not feeling sleepy today…back to work!



  673. Hello All
    Twice in one day? Yeah ok…whatever it takes. Alexis that’s funny…. woke up and didn’t even know you were sleeping! Nikki good questions…light light lavender or the deep deep purple. Susan thanks for posting the progress. This entire process is an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Someday you will reflect back on these moments and ask…how did I do that?

    You will also find that you will have acquired skills that you can fall back on when you have a big project and when you have a tight deadline. It might never be as crazy as this but you will know that you have a pair of cape and tights stored way back in your closet for those days when you need to be superman or superwoman or should I say wonder woman.

    Keep up the good work.

    Dr. CV aka WonderWoman

  674. Hello…Anyone around???

    1. Who needs coffee???
      Just Merengue..Salsa and Whiskey…Party is ON!!!!!!
      Whatever it takes to be awake!!

  675. Hey Carlos,

    I could use all of them. I just entered some errors… I have managed to get results for all necessary values for 4 out of my 5 data sets. I needed some help getting here, but I am here!!! Anyway, the point is that the tunnel is looking brighter. I am too old not to sleep… I just over wrote some of my previous experiments so that now I have to take a nap. I am begining to get careless!


    1. Pa’lante Mija!!!
      Pa’ Tras…Ni Pa’ coger Impulso!!!

      1. Ve a dormir…y si puedes estar aquรญ a las 8:30 am te lo agradecerรญa en el alma….Sopita pa’l Guayabo!!

        1. Carlos and Patti, I was almost still with you but I left around 11 after I realized that nothing I was doing was keeping me awake. :\ Got up at 3:30 and have been working on campus. Still tired but I’m going to turn in what I have regardless of how awful it is…. Way to keep pushing with the merengue! ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Great Alexis!!!!
            THanks for the support!!!
            We are INSANE!!!! but it will get Done!!! Not Perfect..Just Done!!!
            and Remember KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)!!!!!

  676. Tired…But still going!!!!

  677. I am back and ready to start again. I am going to go work with Carlos today away from campus. I have to go to UMBC to purchase the regalia, but that is it. Staying away from school today except for lunch and regalia. Goals for today… 1) I am going to finish writing the code for the PAMAP dataset 2) then start writing the batch code for trying to get this code to run on the super computing grid at school for each of the five data sets 3) get the results ready to present to my advisor tomorrow to see about how to calculate the statistical significance 4) examine the preliminary results and write about them.

    Status today-
    Chapters 1-4 – DONE!
    Chapter 5 – 90% -will complete after Friday
    Chapter 6 – 90% -must complete by Friday
    Chapter 7 – 95% – must complete by Friday

    I have a hard deadline of Friday morning to complete the last two chapters. Plus I need to prepare two job talks. Luckily, I have presented my work a lot and in both Spanish and English so that I have those presentations almost done.

    Goals for tomorrow will be to determine where I should calculate statistical significance and do that plus finish writing and doing my presentations.

    Running on little sleep but lots of adrenaline. Thank you #TeamGetItDone!

    1. Looking forward to seeing you in that regalia at graduation.!

  678. Took a 90 minute nap….Because of headache.
    Let’s get this done!!!

  679. Day 2: Had to get a conference paper corrected and submitted last night, so “wasted” some time. Also have lots of e-mail from students, TAs, etc. I only got a small part of the remainder of my dissertation work done last night. Still sleeping too late. Today’s agenda looks like yesterday’s:
    Chapters 1, 2, 3: Done
    Chapter4: 99%
    Chapter 5: 90%
    Chapter 6: 50%
    Abstract, Acknowledgements: 10% (but will wait until the end)
    Proofing, formatting: At the end
    Send out copies: Friday!

    Time to work harder and smarter! Can’t wait for Friday night!

  680. I like that word “Done” great see it after the word chapter!!!! Yeah

  681. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -05d 02h 40m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d4

    Whole day working side by side with Patti, it seems that we are going to continue.
    Still working on Chapter 4. I had to add some analysis..so now I’m creating the figures/Tables for the addition.

    Get INSANE for the last 5days…Actually the insanity is working Great…when I get blocked in my writing, some of the voices in my head cheer for me, other voices tell me not to worry about the visual hallucinations, other voices tell me to focus and not to put attention to the plot to steel my powerful mind by people of other governments, and on top of that the other voices make suggestions of what to write next…..

  682. Carlos is out, but he was going strong until about 1:30am. I have two data sets running. I got results on one. I have one data set running on my computer and the other on the super computer. I am so glad I put my mind to learning how to use the super computer. It’s so much faster. I realize that I have four data sets with only 70-150 points and two others with 72K -28K points. Big difference. No wonder it was taking so long to run the last two. Next time I have to compare the size of the data sets better and start with a small data set first.

    Tired but if I sleep now then I might not get up. Gonna attempt to convert the files for the hypotension data into the same format that I am getting for the other data sets.

    I feel my precious creeping up on me…

    1. I’m Baaaaaccckkkkkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  683. Carlos is back!!! I have all three data sets running now. Time for my precious!

  684. OK…After one Coca-Cola and Potato bread with Nutella, I’m really back. Now time for hopefully last figure for Chapter 4 plus finish results write up before Patti comes back with her precious….and I thought I was the only one hallucinating ๐Ÿ™‚

  685. drwestmoreland Avatar

    I’m here!!! But I’m leaving because I need a nap and a shower. I’ll be back…. Tomorrow is my LAST day. #doordie by 4pm someone will have my dissertation in their hands!


  686. Great Nikki!!!!
    Thanks for the company…..
    ….and Patti is back !!!

  687. Still up finishing write up Results Chapter ????…Which one I’m working with????

    Patti is back with his precious

  688. Finished Writing Results for Chapter 4………
    Time to sleep before Kids are up!!!

  689. Day Negative 3…..
    This is it.
    My last day.
    My committee member e-mail and said he was going home at 4pm and wanted my opus by then..lol
    Chapter 1- done!
    Chapter 2- done!

    I need to spot check the rest and a few still need conclusions…


  690. Got a solid 90 minute nap this morning and a couple 5-minute power naps since then.
    4 days to have my 1st draft of everything…

    Ch. 1 is @ 20%
    Ch. 2 is @ 90%
    Ch. 3 is @ 90%
    Ch. 4 is @ 95%
    Ch. 5 is @ 10%
    Ch. 6 is @ 00%

    Focus on Chapter 5…

    1200h: Start with an outline
    1600h: Introduction
    2200h: Methods

  691. Day 1: My paper is due tomorrow. Status:
    Ch. 1,2,3,4: Done
    Ch 5: Advisor is looking over
    Ch 6: 50%
    Abstract, Acknowledgements: 10%
    Proof and format
    Send copies out

  692. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Chapter 3- Done!
    Chapter 4- Done!

    Keep Going….

  693. […] – Online ChallengeSummer 2010 ChallengeSummer 2011 ChallengeWinter 2012 ChallengeWinter 2011 ChallengeCoaching and MentoringDr. Wendy Y. Carter-VealeDr. Renetta […]

  694. You all are cracking me up with “the precious” comments. See what you’ve started Nikki? Hilarious. You all make me smile. I’m so proud of all of you! For “new” folks, or lurkers, here is the reference to “the precious” https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/sleep-its-like-my-precious-drwestmoreland/

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Hahahaha! Yes, I love it. I need a copy of all -the precious- quotes!
      I am currently suppressing my precious until 4pm! ๐Ÿ™‚

  695. I just turned it in!!! I got all the signatures. I am defending on March 29th. The person whose signature I was most worried about said the dissertation was defendable, but that I will probably still have some work to do after I finish, but getting her signature was what I was most worried about. There you have it.

    Patti’s Dissertation Defense Date is March 29th @ 1pm in ITE 325B! I can’t believe it!

    Thank you, #TeamGetItDone!!!! You have been my motivation when all those negative thoughts were rolling around in my head. A special shout out to Susan and Carlos who gave me a refuge for a few days at each of their respective houses, so I could focus, but all of you have motivated me and so I need to share this victory with you, my #TeamGetItDone family!

    I still have a lot of work to do. So goals for today:
    1) Take a shower and change clothes.
    2) Prepare two job talks,
    3) Get the results into Chapter 6 so that I can send it out to my readers tomorrow. I will continue to work on my dissertation over the weekend and send a final draft on Monday to all the readers. I will also be working on preparing for my interview.

    Thank you again, #TeamGetItDone!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar


    2. Congratulations!!!
      We need to celebrate!!!!!
      Let’s get some Nutella!!!!

  696. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Chapter 5: Done!
    Chapter 6: Done!

    Two more to go…..

  697. drwestmoreland Avatar

    It is phinished…printing now! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Sent off to my committee members who requested the pdf!
    I’m going home to be with my precious!!
    Signing off for 3 days…until Monday

    And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying “GLORY TO GOD!” (**image me singing in my first soprano voice**)

    Love and


    THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS a million times to EVERYONE out there in dissertation house land!!!!


    1. Amen!!
      Enjoy your precious!!!

    2. Halleluiah, Nikki!!! What a great day!!! Keep plugging away, Carlos and Alexis…. remember it’s TEAM get it done!!! We are all crossing that finish line together!!!

    3. Singing “Amen” with you!!!! Congratulations!

  698. Hi All,

    This is my first post on this blog. I am hoping to join the summer DH in July. I really want to defend in December 2012.

    Here are my goals for the week:

    1. Run experiment for advisor using new discretization schema
    2. Work more on literature review for journal article
    3. Need to get autism research restarted – need to think through what didn’t work last time and redefine my semantic net. Also consider using a different model – create a simple model and consider technical implementation.
    4. Spend at least 1 hour working on learning Visual Basic (skills development)


    1. Welcome Kelley! Happy posting. I’m glad that you had a chance to go to Dr. Carter-Veale’s seminar the other week. Good luck with your goals!

  699. -10 Days, 16 Hours, 17 Minutes – Back at grad office

    Hi Kelley! It’s nice to “meet” you, and welcome.

    So what is that? -260-something days? Don’t want to freak you out, but when they got me to start counting down to the day I wanted to defend – well, after I stopped freaking out – it helped me to see 1) that I do have enough time if I stick with the commitment to finish, and 2) that there IS an end to this thing. Can you see the light?

    You can do this.

    OMG!! I almost posted without reading what’s happened since last night!! NIKKI!!!! PATTI!!!!! AND CARLOS – YOU’RE ALMOST THERE!!!! You are all SO awesome. Ok, here I come. Don’t wait for me because I’m chasing you to the stage.. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ok, now I’m calming down.
    1) Tabulate all significant parameter estimates from significant models
    2) Discuss summary in ch 5
    3) Specific results in each section
    4) Reformat Chs 4 and 5
    5) Print


    1. Great Alexis!!!
      Keep Going..We are there..I see the finish line/

  700. Hi Alexis,

    Nice to “meet” you too. Yikes – 280 days?!! Just googled it – you are right. I’ve got that countdown on my calendar now. Thanks!


  701. Congrats to Patti & Nikki! I hope to join the list by tomorrow night. OMG, this is really going to happen!

  702. You all are a force to be reckoned with!!! Congratulations on pushing yourselves and each other. Congratulations on providing each other with wonderful, positive, uplifting encouragement! There is an old passage that says:

    “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has not another to help him up.”

    You all have been lifting each other up for days, weeks, months, and for some, it has been more than a year. Congratulations on doing this together! Everyone will cross the finish line. Your times may differ, but you will all win!

  703. Just got Chapter 5 back from my advisor — no changes needed! She’s looking over Chapter 6 (my last chapter) and my abstract right now. Keep your fingers crossed. I hope to use all of tomorrow for proofing and formatting.

  704. I love these messages!! Susan – wooohooo!! I’m headed home because I promised myself I would sleep every night even for a shorter time than usual (I remember Dr. CV’s advice), but today was better because I slept – productivity-wise and mental health-wise.

    I’m further but I still have a good ways to go with this write-up. More tomorrow/today.


  705. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -03d 17h 24m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d6

    3 days to have my 1st draft of everythingโ€ฆ

    Ch. 1 is @ 70%
    Ch. 2 is @ 90%
    Ch. 3 is @ 90%
    Ch. 4 is @ 95%
    Ch. 5 is @ 50%
    Ch. 6 is @ 20%

    0700: Blog/Kids/Exercise/GetReady
    0830: Kids to Bus Stop
    0930: Work on Chapter 5 Intro + Methods
    1330: Pick Gabriel up
    1400: Get Models to work
    1600: Pick Daniel up
    1700: Continue wit Models
    2200: Blog plan for tomorrow

  706. Yesterday after I got the paper signed I was just not useful again. I hate to admit it. I had trouble focusing. Need to focus now and wrap everything up! I had trouble getting up this morning.

    Ch. 1-5 done
    Ch. 5-7 95%

    I have a lot of experiments to run and will need to do work on my dissertation after I defend. But “a good dissertation is a done dissertation,” so today my goal is to have a done dissertation. I will improve it more over the weekend and send a better copy on Monday.

    8am-9:30am: work on job talk presentations.
    10am: First presentation
    11am:Second presentation
    noon: lunch
    1:30pm back to work …Where is today’s room @ UMBC?

  707. -9 Days, 15 Hours, 58 Minutes – Ugh, down to single digits (Do you see this, Kelley? A while ago, I thought I would lose my mind to have so few days left AND still have major work to do, but at this point it’s just huff and puff and blow that dissertation down.)

    “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself And that no heart has ever suffered when it went in search of its dreams. For every moment of that search is a moment’s connection with God and with eternity.” Something like that. (not letting myself go look up the exact words because that’s procrastination)
    – The Alchemist

    Patti, I completely understand the slowing down. I slowed down last night after I posted and had to regroup myself today. I had to recommit to tightening up the system:
    – NO YouTube (except for my Grad Woman Day Starter playlist, but DEFINITELY NO watching American Idol auditions, flash mob marriage proposals, or military surprise reunions with kids and dogs)…
    – NO Facebook
    – NO missing curfew, meals, or exercise
    – NO sleeping in
    – YES planning my most important (Quadrant II) tasks several days in advance and tweaking as I go
    – YES planned breaks throughout the day with a reward to look forward to at the end (usually exercise)
    – YES assigning time deadlines throughout the day (e.g., finish X task by 3:30pm) and making them a little longer than I think I need – be gentle yet realistic

    To Do:
    – Chapters 1-3 revisions – 90%
    – In Chapters 4 and 5: Keep the discussion to the MAJOR story with up to three MAIN themes per research question. I am thinking about starting with the Chapter 5 discussion and then breaking down the themes from bigger to smaller back in Chapter 4.

    My meetings with my advisor and one of my committee members are complete. My advisor won’t have time to give me feedback on the absolute final product before I have to submit it to the committee. That’s just the truth. But I do have some people who will look over the parts I have questions about, so that makes me feel better.

    I never have to do this again.


    1. Laughing at the “I never have to do this again” comment. That’s true in a sense. But you will have grants, papers, and publications. The good news is that finishing the dissertation reminds you that you can write almost anything else. For the record, I’m really tired, but am trying to get a paper submission in before a midnight deadline. So if anyone else is working on a Friday night, you’re not alone.

    2. Good Morning Alexis,
      Thanks for this, I need to do the same in terms of putting all the chapters into the big picture. We are already there……Just keep going!!!!

  708. Well at 1:30pm I decided to get more feedback on my presentation and focus on doing that. At 4pm I got the email that I had not submitted my Announcement of PhD Defense form and I panicked. I filled out the form that I thought needed signatures. I even made my advisor wait for me to fill it out. Then I realized it said Title and not Signature. How embarrassing. I really feel like I am losing my mind a little. Anyway, I got it to the office reading it as I went and saw that I had forgotten to add one line about the classification I did. Checked what time the graduate school closed in person, ran up to my office and corrected and ran back down to the graduate school to turn it it. I made it! I ran over to the Chemistry building to have a Puerto Rican friend check my Spanish and before I knew it, it was 6pm and I was exhausted. Came home and just crashed. I have a document to turn in by midnight so I just set up and am going to work.

    Goals for Friday night. Turn in document by 10pm. Code until midnight trying to get all the experiments for the PAMAP data set running separately. Examine the code for the PDTW to see if there is a reason that there is no variation.

    Long night….Glad I am not alone ๐Ÿ™‚

  709. Day 0: Just submitted my dissertation to my committee with a full 50 minutes to go!

    1. Congratulations!!!
      You did it!!!

    2. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations, Susan!!!

      1. Congrats Susan!

  710. Congrats, Susan!!! We are on our way…

  711. Just submitted the proposal. It took longer than expected. I am heading to bed to get up early and program. I am too tired to code well right now.

  712. Up and coding already. One batch of experiments is running so that I have a little time to write my goals for today.

    1. Finish all 4 experiments on the PAMAP data set
    2. Examine why the variation in results in the PDTW is not happening
    3. Start writing up results
    4. Practice each presentation at least once.

    1. Good Morning Patti,
      I just woke up…. 6 straight hours!!!
      No plans for today yet….open to suggestions

  713. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -02d 15h 10m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d7

    2 days to have my 1st draft of everything. Yesterday, I had to go to work, but the time I was back, I was exhausted. So decided to watch some TV with my Adrianaโ€ฆThen decided to have my first decent sleep since….I don’t remember.

    Congratulations to Susan. Patti keep going, the kids are asking for you. Alexis nice post..I need to get back into schedule.

    The overall view is as follows

    Ch. 1 is @ 80%
    Ch. 2 is @ 90%
    Ch. 3 is @ 90%
    Ch. 4 is @ 95%
    Ch. 5 is @ 50%
    Ch. 6 is @ 20%

    0800: Pray/Meal-1/Blog//GetReady
    0930: Get prescriptions / Go to work/ then blog for what’s next (today have to many things going on), but afternoon-night is for play with models

    1. Go, Carlos, go! You can do it! You’re in about the same spot percentage-wise as I was when I had two days left. You CAN do it!

  714. Carlos and I are in the chem bldg working b/c the rooms reserved for this wknd have no desks and chairs in them (Math Psych 102 & 103). I am running between my lab and the conference room on the 5th floor and he is diligently working ๐Ÿ™‚
    Contact me if you want to get in too!

  715. -8 Days, 11 Hours, 59 Minutes
    Ok, I came into the office. After working on my schedule, I looked through some suggested additional analyses that one of my committee members suggested. With what my advisor told me yesterday, I decided that the additional time it would take me to figure out all of the requirements of running them on my own and then organizing the output wouldn’t be worth it. I’m going to go with just what I have, and I’m also going to ditch the modification data that I’ve been trying to incorporate. It might mean recalculating a couple of models, but it will give me the simplest explanation.
    – 9a – “Chuch”
    – 12:30p – Food
    – 1:15p – Errands (groceries, bj’s)
    – 3:30p – Settle in, plan
    – 4p – Re-run any needed analyses, table
    – 5:30p – start with chapter 5 – highlight fundamental story of the analyses
    – 7p – Brief break
    – 7:15p – Break each RQ into several main themes
    – 8:45p – Make note of major drawbacks or areas of concern, plan next steps for Monday (include workout!)

  716. Tomorrow I hand my committee the final draft. The big data sets are just difficult. Good news is that the first run looks like my method got 100% accuracy. It’s too good. Now I worry that something is wrong with my code. The baseline got 67% accuracy. I think it is a valid result.

    Anyway, disappointed with myself.. I tanked on Carlos and went to sleep at 2am. He tried to get me up and I just got in front of my computer and stared. Now I have to get back to work.
    Goals for today
    1. Finish last chapter
    2. Buy two dresses for my interviews
    3. Finish display of final results
    4. Send out dissertation to my committee

    Sorry to have tanked, Carlos. My precious just took over.

  717. -7 Days, 16 Hours, 12 Minutes – Back at it, a little behind, but today I have a schedule to know I’m behind, so that’s improvement.. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Patti, I have seen the anti-climax of finishing these major milestones in other people. To me, it’s amazing that you are handing in the final draft, yet you feel disappointed. I’ve seen this a lot, so I’m preparing for feeling something similar, while at the same time I hope that you can feel the excitement of being at this point even WHILE you feel some disappointment. Does that make ANY sense? Oh, and I’ve also heard that the precious is pretty demanding when it’s been neglected – most can’t resist when it decides (not) enough is (not) enough…

    I’m an hour behind…
    – 5p โ€“ Re-run any needed analyses, table
    – 6:30p โ€“ start with chapter 5 โ€“ highlight fundamental story of the analyses
    – 8p โ€“ Brief break
    – 8:15p โ€“ Break each RQ into several main themes
    – 9:45p โ€“ Make note of major drawbacks or areas of concern, plan next steps for Monday (include workout!)

    Ok, leggo.

    1. Uggh…

      – 8am – chapter 5 still needs fundamental story of the analyses
      – 10am – RQs main themes
      – 12pm โ€“ Notes of major drawbacks or areas of concern, plan next steps (include workout!)

      1. We are almost there!!!
        Keep going!! We will have more time during the summer.

  718. Gotta send the final version to my committee but the results are not in yet. Running the last set of experiments. All the experiments I had running on the super computer failed. I am glad that I continued to work on my computers. I don’t understand why these experiments are failing on the super computer. Anyway, I am going to finish tonight so that I can just sent this to my committee in the AM. Gotta get it done. Today I had to spend time getting ready for my faculty interview tomorrow. I can’t wait until this is all over.

    1. Keep Going!!! Pa’lante!!!

      1. I’m with you Patti! I can’t wait until it is all OVER!

  719. SCJJMVC โ€“ INSANITY!!! Countdown: -00d 20h 25m

    St. Jโ€™s N-d9

    During the weekend I was very distracted with work issues I had to deal with….but I just finished them. Now I can focus in the 20 hours and something. Today is the day….

  720. Monday! One week until my defense at it is at 12 so it’s literally 1 week exactly. Today I will do some more analysis that I didn’t get to put into the dissertation. I spent the last three days sleeping and going to church, my spirit was tired. I feel better now and since it is Spring Break I have a quiet campus to work out my defense talk. I plan to be practicing by Wednesday. I am going to start with the job talk as a draft and enhance that. Not being able to get everything into my dissertation that I wanted seems a little disappointing but I gave it everything I had. I know that since the defense is only 1 hour then I am going to potentially feel the same way. I like to watch TED talks for inspiration and I watched on this morning about “Shame” and the lady quoted Teddy R. saying “โ€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.โ€ The line that says “there is no effort without error” really made me think that it is okay if I didn’t get all these perfect results that I thought I was going to get. I got in there and I did the best I could with what I had. I really think that the shortcomings in the dissertation if explained in detail with sound reasoning at the defense can win the committee over and present a strong case for my future career.

    I have to spend some time on e-mails today that I have been neglecting and then I will start working on this nasty matrix for inter-rater reliability.

    Happy Monday!


    1. Aaaaah, that is SO good!! This renews me to read – and it reminds me that I am working along with others who dare to get in the arena. It is my honor to work with you folks! Let’s give ourselves the credit of having dared, and let the rest work itself out.


  721. -6 Days, 16 Hours, 43 Minutes – let’s see where is my schedule? Looking forward to all the time I’ll have over the summer, Carlos. Lol.

    4:30pm – Chapter 5 summary
    6pm – go back to chapter 4 themes
    7:30pm – at least 1/2 hour workout
    8:30pm – Next steps, schedule for tomorrow

    1. Ugh, had to rerun analyses (was using the wrong estimator and turns out my current data are non-normal so I needed to use an estimator that was robust to non-normality). Now need to retabulate and THEN write the conclusions.

      Going to run the stairs..

      1. SCJJMVC

        INSANITY!!! Countdown: -00d 00h 00m 04s

        I’m DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. Just for Clarification……I am DONE with the INSANITY countdown. It is time to get back to real life, where I have to work, I have an excellent supportive family (Adriana, Daniel and Gabriel) and where I am “human”.

          This is Amazing……Not even in my wildest dream (the nice ones), I thought to be at this point. I remember that an assessment of my plan when I met Dr. Carter on January 17, 2012 (first day of my first DH), the prognosis was that it would take me from two to three years to finish my Ph.D , with my original plan.

          Then the plan changed. The first and only goal was to have a new clear and approved plan in 60 days, but during the DH and those 60 days something happened (later I will make a better assessment of what happened). Now, 61 days after the end that DH, I already have:

          1. Clear Picture of what I have to do
          2. Over 80% of the Dissertation Written (first draft)
          3. A date for defending

          Now I have around 37 days to finish last small computational modelling experiment, finish writing, get the presentation together and get ready for my defense. Between today and tomorrow I assess better my present status, and plan my strategy accordingly.

  722. Congratulation, Carlos! You have inspired all of us with your hard work and your silliness.

    P.S. I emailed my dissertation out last night at 3am. I am up for my interview. I can go without sleep for days, now!

    1. You are Hired!!!
      Good Luck Patti

  723. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! You all inspire me….

  724. Dear DH’s ers
    Although I have not been posting regularly, I have been actively following the posts submitted by everyone and I am encouraged. To Carlos and everyone else at the DH, congratulations! Dr. Westmoreland, your quotation is absolutely inspiring. . .thank you for sharing.
    Dr. CV, I am still here. .. working towards my 3/29 deadline.

  725. -5 Days, 20 Hours, 0 Minutes
    Carlos, Patti, I am so happy for you! Everyone who has posted has encouraged me to keep pushing because of your progress. Never feel that you have to hide your accomplishments – sharing them and the effort you put in helps others like me to understand that the effort is worth it!

    This afternoon:
    1pm – Redo tables with my new output
    3pm – Run through chapter 5
    5pm – Chapter 4 themes
    8pm – work out

  726. I managed to get a couple hours sleep, get up and ready for my presentation. It went very well except for the fact that I said that the doctors sometimes looked at the computer scientists as if they were strange beasts (bischos raros). In Puerto Rico this same expression means strange penises. I was wondering why they had cracked up. They let me know after the presentation.

    Anyway, I still need to prepare tomorrow’s talk and I am feeling very sleepy. The people are very nice here and they are all active in research. The head of the department is a woman. She is the only woman out of eight faculty members. I can see myself here ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      I just had to read this post again so I could laugh. Harmless (but funny) mistake!

  727. Patti, that is awesome (and HILARIOUS!! Laughing out loud over here). You are on your way!

    I’m frustrated over here but I got my tables redone and have started to look at the patterns to write them up. I get overwhelmed thinking about everything I have left to do, but I remind myself that I set an ambitious goal, so it behooves me to feel the pain intensely now rather than stretch it out over however many more months. This is the good pain, Lex!

    Tomorrow, the workday starts at 8am.
    8am – Run thru chapter 5
    10am – chapter 4 themes
    1pm – plan next steps – what’s missing?

  728. Day 16 until Defense: I gave myself a couple of days off after I turned my dissertation in. I also had to get some things done for teaching that I’ve been neglecting. My countdown to defense is not long, but somehow not as scary as my countdown to my dissertation. Maybe because I’ve presented before. But I still have lots to do.

    Glad to hear that everyone is still going strong. My regalia is ordered, but I need to get other forms into the Grad School this week. Don’t want to mess up because of a stupid form!

    Keep going, everyone!

    1. Hi Susan! Glad you got some time to rest and are feeling good about what’s remaining. I wonder what’s the latest we can order regalia – does it vary by campus? And what forms do you need to submit? I’m scared of missing something myself…

      1. Alexis: I don’t know about UMCP, but at UMBC you can order through TODAY online (the date to order through the bookstore has passed). You need to check on this ASAP!

        1. Thanks so much, Susan! I have sent an email to the commencement email for the book store. The email about commencement orders just went out last week for us and they didn’t include any deadlines on the website… I hope I’m not too late…

          1. It is really amazing the difference in amount of info on the UMBC commencement site compared to the UMCP one. AND your rental fee is cheaper, even with a late fee… Balderdash…

  729. -4 Days, 12 Hours, 44 Minutes – Ok, I have a mess but my themes are emerging in my Ch4 and 5 write-up. I also configured a table for calculating my factor reliabilities. Craziness continues!

  730. -4 Days, 0 Hours, 23 Minutes
    Completing my tables –
    8:38 – Coefficient H (reliability) calculations
    9:30 – H table, loadings, SE, residuals
    10:30 – basic tables formatted – correlations, means, SDs
    1 – break/plan
    2 – continue summarizing findings (trust God)
    6:30 – send draft to colleague
    7 – dinner with friends


    1. Keep Going Alexis!!! Almost there.

  731. In library study room 553 please feel free to join! They cleaned the library so it’s actually nice and fresh ๐Ÿ˜€


  732. I’ve been watching the conversations over the past week – it’s been exciting watching all of you approach and/or cross that finish line! Congratulations!

    This week I met some of my goals but due to some on-going health issues and dr. appts, I have not gotten everything completed – here is a list of things I need to continue working on:

    1. Finish first part of lit review that I started this week
    2. Downloaded new version of autism data – now need to prep data and work on a simple experiment and redefine semantic net
    3. Spend at least 1 hour working on learning Visual Basic (skills development)

    Looking forward to coming to UMBC next week – I get more done when I am on-campus even if it is just once a week.

    1. Kelley, I am happy to see you are following the blog and blogging on your own as well!

      1. Hi folks! Carlos, thanks for the encouragement up there! Kelley, it looks like you’re going on my list specifically (I pray over all my blog friends for those who don’t mind being prayed about) – I hope you feel better. Grad school is NOT good for your health! Speaking of which, Margaret, I just glanced at your blog about work-life balance. It’s so important to take care of the important things regardless of the pressure to do otherwise. But sometimes the pressure is perceived and not real – my advisor actually told me to get some sleep when she saw me zombie-walking around the office. I’ll repost this blog post that our friend Dora shared. It seems so counterproductive to be balanced but it’s simply … productive (and essential – grad students are more likely than undergrads to have serious mental health issues as a result of isolation and lack of reinforcement)!

        Warning: The last time I opened the link there was an ad. :\

        My update: still making progress. Tables all got done and I have been filling in the details. Gonna get as much done as possible and keep my promise to myself to go EAT!

        8 – Finish main analysis discussion in chapter 4
        1 – Parallel main analysis discussion summaries in chapter 5
        3 – Finalize prelim analyses
        5 – Prelim writeup
        6 – Finalize post discussion
        7:30 – plan
        8 – gym

        1. Interesting link about intensity… I think at the point I’m at with my work (earlier in the process and do not have a deadline, unlike most of you), my limiting factor is focus, not time. So I now think of focus (the energy and clarity in my mind to think intensely about something, without wandering) as something precious and try to cultivate and preserve it. Still trying to figure out the best way to do this, but blogging my goals daily has been helping!

  733. Hello All
    The day to the defense is close for many of you. Keep in mind that you are going to Pass!!! Stay positive and remember that you are the expert on your dissertation topic. Remember to manage your facial expressions and body language as well. Reduce the ums and ahs to a minimum.
    Dr. Renetta and I are headed to Pitt on Sunday but we will be there in spirit…We wish you all the best.

  734. Good Morning,

    After a week of focusing to get things in order at work, I am ready to continue this Quest. It seems that less people are blogging now that they achieved their objectives…GOOD JOB!!!
    For the rest of us Let’s keep going!!!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Up early Carlos! Way to go!

  735. -2 Days, 23 Hours, 42 Minutes – The Quest: Ph.inish this D.egree
    Yes! Let’s keep going! Hi Dr. CV – have a great trip!

    9:20 – Finish main analysis discussion in chapter 4
    1 โ€“ Parallel main analysis discussion summaries in chapter 5
    3 โ€“ Finalize prelim analyses
    5 โ€“ Prelim writeup
    6 โ€“ Finalize post discussion
    7:30 โ€“ plan
    8 โ€“ gym

    Found out on the mailed graduation info that the regalia ordering for College Park apparently doesn’t even start until April (whew!). Still waiting for the contact person to email me back about that, but he or she might have been off this week.


    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      2 DAYS Lex!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m excited for you.

      I meant to tell you about the Regalia because I tried to order mine in January and got shut down….LOL. ๐Ÿ™‚ April 1, I will be the first person in line!!!

  736. Day 14 until defense: I’m still here. My countdown is now my countdown until my defense (April 6th). I’ve been very lax over the break. I was expecting the calm after the storm. But it’s more like the sinking after the storm. No motivation to get started on my presentation or catch up further on my teaching obligations. It’s mostly the teaching that’s got me down. It feels like a chore this semester. For every wonderful hour in the classroom (which are relatively few, even full-time), there are multiple hours outside doing pretty much the same thing I’ve done for the past 24 years. There have also been some family issues this week.

    Thanks for letting me vent. For those of you still working, I’m still watching! Keep pushing — if I can do it, you certainly can.

  737. -6d 0h 45min until my defense! I am finishing my slides today. I am thinking about getting professional help with the presentation because I want to rock it! Having the interview in Puerto Rico was wonderful because my research was so well received. It really boosted my confidence. I have almost all the slides finished. I know they are going to require me to boost up my literature review for the second part of my defense and polish my results in chapter 6 so I plan to do that this week to be better prepared for my defense. I can’t believe this is finally happening!

    Great to hear about so many of us just getting it done!!!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      I saw your beach picture from PR on facebook, I need a beach!!!

    2. Go, Nikki! 4 days and it’s over! The rest is a piece of cake (some revisions maybe — big deal!).

      1. Oops! This reply was supposed to be below, after Nikki’s entry. My brain cells are just about depleted!

        1. drwestmoreland Avatar

          Thanks Susan! ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. Patti-O: Glad to hear that things went well in Puerto Rico. Remember, I need a place to stay the next time that I go island hopping! Just think — 6 days and it’s over! Who cares what else you may have to do to spiff up your dissertation for publication?! I’m looking forward to being at the ceremony with you and the others. We MUST take lots of pictures. Go, Patti-O!

  738. Thanks Alexis – I will take all the prayers I can get!

    Working on finishing up my lit review today (or at least first phase) and will type up a progress report to give to advisor.

    Working – working – working!


  739. drwestmoreland Avatar

    4 Days until my defense! My energy is low. My spirits are high and I am still working on my presentation but my physical energy is gone! I’m going to get a workout today and I hope that helps before I go home. I am in a constant state of feeling like I need a nap. I took one yesterday at my desk. I need to shake this! At least until Monday. I also have 1 calculation that I need to redo that has been stumping my advisor and I. Well for now I will get some work done.


  740. Hi All! I’ll pray for more energy and renewal for you and me. I am not stuck but I am starting to realize that after sitting at the computer all day, I start to feel a general sense of panic for not making more progress than I have. I will go to the gym, come back and finish up by 9:30 latest, and get ready for a new day.

    “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
    Hebrews 12:11


  741. -2 Days, 0 Hours, 50 Minutes
    Ha. Last night I left the gym and went straight home. But now I’m back in the office to work before my football game. Let’s go!!!!!

    8:11 – crazy typing up my last notes (already added some to the document)
    10:20 – leave for football
    1 – trans
    2 – P.H./Food/Rest
    4 – Back at it – finish cleaning up the document – what’s missing from the story?
    6 – Regroup and review/plan
    8:30 – go home!


    1. So far, I’ve completed one set of additions, gotten a migraine, rested my eyes, and came back to finish up some demographic and data collection method discussion to get it out of the way. I still need to finish the discussion of dummy coding and add the last section of scribbles, but I’m on my way here!

      Going to football and then I’ll be back. Happy Saturday.

  742. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Saturday! 2 Days! I started to get ansy last night and couldn’t sleep. Going through those horrible defense scenarios in my mind. Boy the mind is a terrible things to let Satan play around in. My my is my garden and Satan can’t play there. Anyways I got a pretty quick victory over that last night and my precious took me far far away.

    I am here in my office to work on my slides for just about 2 hours or so and then I will go back home and relax while finishing that calculation that I sort of now how to do now. I tell you statistics stumps us all!

    2 days and my login name will be TRUE!

    I was born to do this, so it’s alright already! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. It’s already done. Just walk it out and get out of God’s way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Good luck, Nikki! Thinking of you today from UMBC. Sending lots of good energy your way! You are going to rock!

  743. Finally leaving. Ended up running a whole other set of analyses but the story is better. Tables done for those. Have typed MOST scribbles in but a few more to add and modify. Then next steps to do final revisions of the chapters and make sure my citations are up-to-date.

    Good night!

  744. Hi everyone! I have been working since before the sun rose. Domestic duties/issues don’t exist, all the stores are closed, the birds are awake….so why not write? I am adding some finishing touches on my proposal. I’d like to return from the Spring Break with all of the additions and actions taken from my advisor’s suggestions.

    I hope all is well. This rainy weekend should have been the perfect motivation to get quality work done ๐Ÿ™‚ I miss you guys and plan to be back on the weekend warrior grind in the next week.

  745. -1 Days, 1 Hours, 9 Minutes – Hi Faizah! I’m here for a bit to make some more changes to my chapters. Still much to do! Funny – my friend said the exact opposite about the rainy weekend. She couldn’t get out of bed. Normally I probably wouldn’t have either, but it’s amazing how much the motivation of total commitment (on SO many levels, with SO many different types of reinforcement) can make things like the weather a little less noticeable.

    7:55 – finish scribbles, flush out
    8:30 – trans
    9 – chuch
    12:30 – groceries
    1:30 – read over chapters, more edits
    4 – group study
    7 – more edits to all chapters
    9:30 – go home

  746. Hello everyone. Congratulations on your continued treks toward “getting it done!” Patti and Nikki, if you’d like to go through your presentations again, I have some time today to connect with you virtually. Send me your presentation, and pick a time this afternoon. We’ll do it “webinar-style.” Check you emails for times. I’ll also check with Dr. Carter-Veale to see if she’s available. Congratulations on all of the count-downs. We’re cheering with you!

  747. Ugh, so much left to do… Going home – so tired. Will restart tomorrow:
    8 – Finish cleaning up all discussion
    11:30 – Work meeting
    1 – Review and print
    3:30 – meet with advisor
    4:30 – Plan
    5 – Finish editing remaining sections (schedule to fix all citations)
    7:45 – Cardioboxing -kick it all out

  748. -0 Days, 1 Hours, 24 Minutes – Ok really I have to turn in the whole thing on Wednesday but things need to be coming together TODAY! I think today is Nikki’s defense??? Saying a special prayer for that!

    7:45 โ€“ Finish cleaning up all discussion
    11:30 โ€“ Work meeting
    1 โ€“ Review and print
    3:30 โ€“ Meet with advisor
    4:30 โ€“ Plan
    5 โ€“ Finish editing remaining sections (schedule to fix all citations)
    7:45 โ€“ Cardioboxing -kick it all out


  749. Hello All

    It looks like team #getitdone is getting it done!!!! Congrats to Nikki and Alexis who got us started, stayed committed and dare I say it “drank the Koolaid.” Alexis, Nikki, Patti, Dora, and Susan: estamos aqui para todos …we are here for you; best of luck on your defenses. Maya? what’s the update? Faiza? Yvette?

  750. Good afternoon everyone. Dr. Carter-Veale and I are at Carnegie Mellon University with new members of the Dissertation House at CMU. Mary Goldberg of the QoLT wants all of the students at Pitt to know about the guidelines for graduate students: http://www.pitt.edu/~graduate/etd/formatguidelineshtml.html.

    Details about the Dissertation House at CMU and the open seminars: https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/03/25/are-you-in-pittsburgh-come-to-our-dissertation-house-seminars-carnegiemellon-327-328/.

  751. Hello All:
    Glad to know that there is a support group for the PhD dissertation. I will currently in the intense workshop and will keep posted all my progress during these 3 days. Thank you all for your attention and hope that everyone can successfully be a doctor in the near future with the help for this dissertation house.

    1. We welcome Johnny from the QoLT CMU Dissertation House in Pittsburgh!

  752. Day 1:

    I am doing reference management with End Note, and I plan to organize all of my filed literature in the next two days

    I am trying to figure out how to pull up all documents through our university library system so that I don’t have to manually enter citations. Exporting OVID records to End Note is much easier.
    How much time will you spend daily working on it?

    Tomorrow, I will take on the challenge of outlining my dissertation…and naming it. ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Welcome Nahom! Nahom is participating in the QoLT Dissertation House at CMU in Pittsburgh. Some of the graduate students at UMBC met Nahom last year at a conference for rehabilitation sciences at the Naval Research Lab in Maryland.

  753. Day 1: I have 2 weeks to complete a draft of my dissertation so that I can get the green light to schedule my defense date. My goals for the Dissertation House this week are:
    1) Finalize Outline
    2) Complete “Methods” chapter
    3) Write literature review of machine learning methods for Chapter 3
    4) Integrate EMBC 2012 paper into “Results” chapter

    Well those are my goals. If anyone out there reads this, I could use some cheering on. I’m about to do something that I thought was impossible just last week!

    Now back to work!

    1. Don’t forget to add your literature review information into your file(s) so that you can see a consolidated version. (Based on our discussion from this afternoon at CMU.) You can do this! Plus, remind yourself that you already have a job; use this to boost your ego a bit and know that you’ve already completed the milestone of having someone who wants to pay you for your knowledge and abilities.

  754. tomorrow, I will work on the final draft of my manuscript (to incorporate comments from a friend).
    this will include an e-mail to my co-authors to notify them of my submission.

    to start….I will literally list out all steps to take me from opening the document on my computer to pressing the submit/send button before the close of the month!! woo-hoo

    1. Geaux Nahom!!!!

  755. Day 1 Done!!!!

    Made great strides on Methods chapter. Just need to fill in some holes tomorrow and on to the literature review.


  756. Hi Everybody! I hope that you have a productive week – you will accomplish so much!

    My countdown app has reached 0 days, 0 hours, and 0 minutes, but I’m still counting down to Wednesday. However, I am going to have to wait on my committee to find out whether I will need to reschedule my defense date.

    The good news is that I set a really ambitious date to Ph.inish, and I am SO close and that date could still happen. This is amazing given that, not long ago, I was convinced I couldn’t complete this degree.

    The I-Need-To-Go-With-The-Flow-But-Not-Bad news is that I am working up until the last minute and am having to request that my committee take less reading time than required before the defense date.

    The great news is that I have been working consistently and taking care of my basic needs for food-rest-exercise in between working, and it has paid off in my resilience and balance. I can do this. Whether I do it on April 11 or on April 11+N or May # doesn’t matter. I think my heart is slowing back to a normal rhythm now…

    Three of the four committee members I was waiting for responses from have said yes to keep the current date.



    This is getting copied to my blog…

    1. That’s Great!!!!

      1. The last committee member has agreed.


        1. Congrats, Alexis! Your time has come!

          1. Thank you, Patti – and yours, too! I see your list below – it looks pretty comprehensive but Dr. W will be able to tell you better than I can! ๐Ÿ™‚

  757. drwestmoreland Avatar

    This is Dr. Sophoria Westmoreland checking in quickly to say that I PASSED my defense today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ My committee was very gracious and supportive and I only have minor revisions, very minor. God is ABLE!

    I am changing call signs to ……#TEAMWEDIDIT

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Dr. Tull and Dr. CV and all those out there in blog land, I made a promise that I would blog until I finished and I did just that. Please share in my success because you all contributed to it. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Nikki ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Duuuuuuuuuuude! I mean…. Doctorrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Dr. Westmoreland! I am so proud-amazingly-thankful-happy-yet-unsurprised!! You and God, Doctor Lady, you drank the Koolaid!

    3. Congratulations *Dr.* Westmoreland. We are SO proud of you!!!!!!!!!!! #TeamGetItDone –> #TeamWeDidIt! Enjoy this day! We’re so excited for you!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!


    5. Congratulations!!!! Following your progress was inspirational, Dr!!!!

    6. Congratulations, Nikki! You and Alexis got us addicted to this blog and now you are leading the way, Dr. Westmoreland!!! Can’t wait to join you soon in doctor land!

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Thanks everyone for the congrats, keep drinking the koolaid because I am waiting at the finish line for you all so we can walk across the stage together. I have pom poms in my hand shouting “red rover red rover let Patti, Lex, Carlos, Susan, Margret et al. come OVER!”. I am hanging out with my precious and today I will make my minor revisions.

  758. I can’t believe how much good news I just saw after my post. You all have inspired me, and I will be switching my Day counter to be a countdown clock instead of time elapsed.

    Let’s Geaux phDiddy!

  759. Good Morning All

    Congrats to one of our found members of TEAMGETIDONE…she got it done!!!! Congrats Dr. Westmoreland. Who is next? Patti? Susan? Alexis? Dora?Margaret? Margaret Yeah! Let’s follow in her footsteps to Phd Completion. A good dissertation is a DONE dissertation. I am off to another day at the CMU Dissertation House.

  760. I think I am next, Dr. C-V! My big day is two days from now. I am doing the statistical significance of my last set of results and I am reviewing my literature survey so that I am prepared for anything that the committee throws at me. I am making final fixes to my document. Yesterday, I did the first dry run of my dissertation defense so I plan to incorporate the changes today and present it to another one of my colleagues in the lab. I plan to practice at least once a day my presentation and read it to myself before I go to sleep every night. I have picked out what I am going to wear and taken it to the cleaners. I have sent parking passes to my committee members. I am ordering the food today. Is there anything I have forgotten, Nikki? Dr. CV? Dr. T?

    1. oooooppsss, I should have said Dr. W!

    2. Hi Patti,

      Practice at least twice without your slides. Make a backup copy, have handouts, have contingencies. (Adrienne had to defend during a blackout!)

      As you present, remember your talks in Puerto Rico, at Columbia U in NY, and in Colombia, South America. You were featured on the website! Remember your advocates at Johns Hopkins. Remember that you are a National Science Foundation GRFP Fellow. Remember that you have at least 8 publications. Remember that you have experience in CompSci at IBM Almaden. Remember that you have trained students, and that you wrote a grant to fund them. Remember that you were invited to be on an international committee in your research area. Remember that you’ve done research, and inspired students, at MIT. Remember that you have taught at least 6 courses and that your students have called you one of the best instructors that they’ve ever had. Remember that you are 100% bilingual (English/Spanish) plus have knowledge of German, Italian, and French, PLUS you know at least 7 programming languages. Remember that you
      have professors who have talked about how you inspire *them* with your creativity, your compassion, your ability to collaborate, and your knowledge. There is a phrase that you may have heard that says that you are “more than a conqueror.” Go forth and conquer!

      Un abrazo,

      1. Thanks for the jolt of positive reinforcement… I needed the reminder… When I did my talk in PR I felt so confident, but when I did the practice talk on Monday I felt so not confident… I am on a confidence roller coaster right now… I am going to commit this post to memory and actually incorporate some of these things into my presentation…

        Thanks so much for taking the time to write this and for mentoring me all these years…. I think you remember more about what I have done than my advisors do… Actually, I know you do…. Thank you!!!

        1. You’re welcome! We’re all in this together. A team of mentors allows people to do what they do best. Chris Jones from MIT calls this having your own personal “board” of advisors. I’m very excited for you!

    3. Wow, Patti!!! You are on a roll! All the hard work is paying off, and I’m sure after Thursday you will be so relieved ๐Ÿ™‚
      I think you have everything covered (btw where’d you get the parking passes from?), just don’t forget your presentation on a few back-up devices (USB thumb drive, cd, etc)…remember what Dr. CV says “bad things happen to good people” ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. In other words…..Patti…don’t worry!!!…only good things will happen to you… ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Has anyone told you guys how awesome you are? If not, I am telling you now…

          I got the parking passes from the secretary in my department.

          1. So sad I missed you! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
            Good luck on thursday!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
            good idea about the passes, maybe I can get them from my dept secretaries too b/c any time I go to parking services all I get is grumble grumble

    4. Patti

      I think you have covered it. To you I will say expect, the unexpected and smile through it. Manage your face and know that in 2 hours it will be over. Tick tock,, tick tock. Don’t take anything personal; nothing should shock you. You are ready, embrace the moment.
      even if the electricity fails you should still be prepared to give that presentation with out power point. Remember I say it’s PowerPoint nor Power “Paragraph”.

      Dr. CV

  761. INSANITY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCJJMVC…Get Insane!!! Get it DONE!!!

    After a 9 days of going back to full time Job, wife/kids, ….Had to deal with bad anxiety……but, I am back in track.

    Thanks to the Holy Trinity for giving me Adriana, Daniel, Gabriel, my new “daughter”, and DH Blog – Dr. Carter..Dr. Tull..and Natasha!!!

    To Adriana- Daniel & Gabriel..for helping and supporting to keep myself together.

    To Gosia…Thanks Buddy for being there all the time

    God thanks for the additional time, by allowing some problems at work so I don’t have patients this week.

    After a careful analysis of the situation this is the plan

    Countdown 1. 06d 14h 15m to finalize sending chapters of my dissertation (pending references and last modeling experiment) to my mentor.

    Countdown 2. 07d 14h 15m to send whole thing to the rest of the committee

    Countdown 3. 31d 04h 15m Ph.D. defense….

    Right Now at UMBC Library 455 waiting for my Pink Energizer Bunny/Buddy

    1. Ok…Gosia is here….anyone else joining at UMBC library 455??

      1. My plan for the day is to work on my defense presentation slides. At first it sounded easy (I consider myself a blackbelt in powerpoint LOL) but the task is somewhat daunting I must admit! This is a good thing b/c ever since I finished writing last Thurs, I’ve been experiencing a mini “vacation,” it’s good to have my signature energy level back!

        Thanks Carlos for inspiring me to work today! I literally darted out of my house 25min after you called! Muchas gracias ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Love it! There is no replacement for accountability partners! Keep going with renewed energy folks.

          1. Thanks Patti for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. It’s funny. This morning I was thinking where is the pink energizer bunny and Carlos… so great to see you guys posting again!!! I have to admit I had to take a few days off, too. We were just killing ourselves working so hard, but now we are back and ready to rumble!!!! I stopped to visit Susan, too. We all took a break… “but now we’re back…from outer space… we just walked in to find work there with that sad look upon its face…” BUT “We will …we will … rock this!”

              OK…. no more procrastination… I promise ๐Ÿ˜‰ Glad to see the crew again!

  762. Day 2:
    Checked into the Dissertation House! My first task for the day is to get a solid first draft of the Methods section. When thinking about the work I need to do, a quote from Shakespeare came to mind. “Though this be madness, yet there is a method in’t”…. I think this will be on the title of my Methods chapter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  763. -15 Days, 2 Hours, 7 Minutes – *New* countdown to the actual defense!

    Diddy – Lol at the title… I think I need that, too.

    Like Carlos, I have a mini-countdown to tomorrow when I actually turn in the full draft to my advisor, and then to next Monday when my advisor gives me feedback, and then it’s a mad rush to the finish to tighten up everything to submit to the committee by Wednesday.

    Ch1: 99%
    Ch2: 85% – requires some moving around
    Ch3: 99%
    Ch4: 99%
    Ch5: 99%
    References: 90% Check whole document
    Formatting (finalized after advisor’s comments since this will change): 90% Make sure all page numbers are correct, TOC, Lists of Tables and Figures, etc.

    1 – Work on current section’s references, make sure RQs and predictions match across chapters
    1:30 – Check and move around sections of chapter 2 and then 1
    4 – Review entire document
    6 – Make note of any issues to bring up with advisor or stats committee member, plan and execute next steps

    Let’s go #TeamGetItDone and keep cheering us on #TeamWeDidIt!

  764. Day 2: DONE!!!! (well kinda)

    Today I didn’t complete my main dissertation house goal to finish the first draft of the methods chapter (well everything I can finish), so the work is not over. Though dissertation house is done for the day, I will finish the draft at home tonight. Yay!

    Day 3 Goals:
    1) Complete a section of my literature review (after lunch)
    2) Take a first edit of methods section (morning)

  765. I have not quite crossed off anything from my main list, but I think it is just because I created it before my one-on-one with Dr. C-V.
    Now my goal list has been condensed to
    a. finish my manuscript final draft by the end of the month (=11:59 pm on March 31st, 2012)
    b. construct the TOC and chapter’s for my dissertation using our university/departmental template for submission (in which I will “drag n’ drop” my paper and outline for the next paper into)

    Tomorrow – I am only working on b…..because I know how to get a done

  766. New post: “This dissertation process is not a campfire, it’s a 6 burner stove.” The post includes a link to Dr. Carter-Veale’s “10 mistakes that graduate students should avoid” from the TADA newsletter. https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/this-dissertation-process-is-not-a-campfire-its-a-6-burner-stove/.

  767. Almost done for the day. I finished my presentation slides. My husband ordered the food for after my dissertation defense… Indian! I have researched the right statistical significance method, but have not been able to find it for what I am doing. I have to talk to my colleagues to see if they can give me dome direction because my advisor is insisting on a paired t-test but in this case, I don’t think that is right because I am comparing several methods that are deterministic given a set of parameters that give the best result. If anyone has any ideas that is what I will be doing tomorrow. One more practice run and then I will drive home to hit the sack!

    1. Wait, paired t-tests like multiple data points from the same sample or something? Sorry, it’s been a while.

      When you say comparing deterministic methods, I’m not sure what that means… I’ve done stats but might not know what you need..

      1. Thanks for trying, Alexis. When a process is deterministic is always gives the same results when you hand it the same parameters so that you have no variation. Sorry. I finally understand the word so I use it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyway, I am meeting with my advisor today. I don’t think he understood why I don’t think I can use a paired t-test. We will see…

  768. -14 Days, 8 Hours, 31 Minutes
    Went home, slept, woke up, back at the office
    Turning in this draft

    1. Draft’s in mailbox! Got stats committee member meeting now. Then assistantship! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Congratulations Alexis!!!!! Big hug!

      2. Congrats!!! We are getting it done!!!

        1. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

          Thank you so much! Patti, you will have special prayers from my end for tomorrow. Just take each next step and soon you’ll be stepping across that stage.

  769. A girl friend from college sent me a very inspirational message to prepare me for my defense tomorrow. She knows what I have been through and how nervous I am about tomorrow. I want to share with you what she said…

    “Please be sure to get a good night’s sleep, eat foods that give the most long term energy impact with good protein boost like: yogurt, spinach, egg, cheese, banana, honey (banana, honey, yogurt smoothie gets it in you nicely – little bit of raw oats blended in adds staying power).

    Try to capitalize on a clear well-rested mind from the moment of waking, avoid TV and distracting conversation the morning of (preferably the night before as well), and think nothing but positive thoughts so it exudes in your aura. A positive, confident aura will be felt by your panel and will impact the tone of their questions. As sophisticated as our advanced degrees may make us, we are all still so primal in nature. Make your confident, beautiful smile a wonderful shield and part of your ‘defense’.”

    1. Patti, Trust that we have prepared you well.

    2. Patti, I know you will be awesome tomorrow. I am really impressed by reading Dr. Tull’s post above about all you have done– my main experience with you has been as a campus leader, but of course you have accomplishments in all aspects. Now for a quote from yourself! (you posted this to me before my proposal defense, and I found it helpful):
      “Just think of having a conversation with someone as opposed to presenting to someone. I used to get very nervous also until I realized that I am not trying to impose my ideas on people when I present, I am trying to make people understand what I am
      saying and that helps me.”

    3. Patti-O: Just think how many doctors have responded positively to what you have done. You’ve really accomplished something! Now you just have to “have a conversation” with your committee and describe your accomplishment. You CAN do this, and CONFIDENTLY. I can’t wait until we can toast when we are both done!

      Now, relax and go to bed at a reasonable time. That’s an order!

  770. Alexis
    Congrats on getting that draft off your desk and on to someone else’s. That must be a relief. Celebrate the moment!!!

    Patti we are here for you. I haven’t see a post from Susan in a while?

    Today is the last day of the DH here at CMU. This morning we did the Good Morning DH and the Raw Drafting exercises. The students are now hard at work writing their dissertations. The opportunity to come back to CMU where I received one of my master’s degree was interesting. The student has now become the professor. I realize that I have been gone for almost 20 years. There are new buildings and bridges to new buildings that were not here when I was a graduate student. The level of intensity is the same and I welcomed that as I talked to graduate students one on one. PhDiddy, Nahom, Haijing and Johnny, I hope you continue to be a part of our online community of graduate students.

  771. Day 3: Breakthrough!
    I have a word document that says Nahom_Dissertation_Genesis.doc
    It is in a folder called dissertation house
    there are separate folders titled by each chapter
    three of my chapter folders have word documents with intro and method (ROUGH) drafts.

    I am going to commit to a set of research aims and hypotheses and circulate them through my committee to keep them engaged and anticipatory of where my dissertation is headed.

    Thank you Dissertation House.
    I haven’t committed to a defense day yet, but once I do…I’m kicking on my countdown clock.
    ….and sub-countdown clock for all chapters in my dissertation

  772. Hi Folks, Has anyone seen or spoken with Margaret G? Is she stuck in the lab? Let her know that we miss her!

    1. I miss you all too! I HAVE been stuck in the lab, unfortunately, but I will be back to writing before you know it!! I have some great results to write about ๐Ÿ˜€

  773. A few thoughts to share with my PhD peers… First, this study is your study, not your advisor’s. I do see some advisors work very closely with their graduate students. But you should not expect that your advisor is just like your parents to plan, monitor or follow what you are doing. Graduate study is your independent work and your advisor is only to be supportive, not to teach you how to do a graduate research. Second, still, try to work closely with your advisors. They are not supposed to work for you but advise you when you seek advices. Third, keep closely with your peers/classmates and remember to learn from those smart guys. You would learn a lot from your peers.

  774. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I will keep working hard on this document – so far I’ve sent my advisor some suggestions following my meeting with my stats committee member this morning. My eyes won’t stay open too much longer, so I’m going to celebrate by going to pick up my (hopefully last) bridesmaid’s dress for a wedding I promised my friend I’d be in this Saturday, and then eat some french fries with my buddies. Then I’m going to bed!

    See you in the morning.
    7 – Start reviewing chapter 4 for revision
    8 – assistantship
    4 – quick plan
    4:30 – Next steps (see my to-do list for the changes)

    Soon-to-be Dr. Smackdown

  775. Day 9 until defense! Barely started my slides because I’m so busy with the classes that I’m teaching. But I read “Speaking on Science” and have a basic outline of my slides. My plan is to finish the slides by Sunday, then do two dry runs in front of some people (anyone want to volunteer?) next week. I met with my advisor this past Monday to go over the do’s and don’t’s in general for my defense. I’m moving back into my physically and emotionally exhausted mode. But I know that it’s just barely over a week until it’s over, so that’s keeping me going.

  776. Long live Dissertation House

    I am at the NSBE National Convention for the rest of the week….but that’s not going to stop me form moving myself forward. Ran into

    I have identified gaps in my schedule where I can run to isolated spaces so that I get stuff done.
    I am e-mailing this blog post to myself to keep it handy.

    Thursday, March 29, 2012
    10:30-11:30am = working on my manuscript comments (holding off on references, will use raw drafting technique) I will also send an e-mail to my co-authors to inform them about the submission
    2:00-5:00pm = escape to lab (working on my dissertation study data collection system) I will have a solid 2 hours between bus trips to and fro the lab. leaving the NSBE convention means I will have to pay for it on Friday with ALL 4 hours of recruiting in the grad school fair.
    9:00-11:00 = final revision to manuscript

    once at home … sleep !

    Manuscript references prep will be distributed across Friday and Saturday…submission is still slated for Saturday, March 31st before 11:59pm.

  777. 13 Days, 7 Hours, 24 Minutes – Ugh. Late.

    I got rest last night. Woohoo!! I also ran some things by my advisor this morning, so I’ll be focusing on preparing everything for the final submission of the dissertation and for the defense.

    I need ideas for the final products. For the dissertation:
    – Take care of “front matter,” TOC, lists of tables/figures, and appendices
    – Review entire document and make any edits, revisions
    – Deal with formatting issues (Word is driving me crazy right now)
    – Prepare for printing and binding
    – What else needs to be in this list?

    For the defense:
    – Set up my practice presentations
    – Set up and finalize the 10-minute presentation, including acknowledgement of the committee members
    – Review the material: basic background literature and authors, particularly the measures, analyses, and conclusions
    – Check on the paperwork I need to have at the defense like the report of the committee
    – Prep small gifts for after defense (this can be done closer to the date)
    – What else needs to be on this list?

    Ok, gotta go to my assistantship. Lots to do! Reposting my schedule.
    8ish โ€“ assistantship
    4 โ€“ quick plan
    4:30 โ€“ Next steps (see my to-do list for the changes)


    P.S. Susan, keep pushing – you can do this! They say the defense is the icing on the dissertation cake, so be sure to get consistent rest (even if it’s a little less than normal). Was it Patti who posted the note from her friend? Your productivity will be so much better if you take care of yourself.

    Nahom, way to identify the gaps! It’s amazing how much can get done in short amounts of time (I’m sure Dr. CV talked to you about that!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Keep Pushing LEX! You can do it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  778. drwestmoreland Avatar

    BEST WISHES for Dr. Patti TODAY!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      Oh YES! I said a special prayer for Dr. Patti this morning. Can you feel it? Wishing you the best.

      And thanks, Dr. Westmoreland. I will keep pushing, too!

  779. I needed my last jolt of Dissertation House vibes before my defense this afternoon. Next time I post I will post as Patti O PhD… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you everyone for all the support. I really wouldn’t have been able to get this far without you… I would have quit about 2 years ago… so newbies just hold on to the connections that give you positive reinforcement like your DH buddies. Those connections will carry you to your dream!

    Signing off #TEAMGETITDONE!

    1. Good Luck!!!!!
      If I don’t make it today….Un Abrazo.
      If you are interested in fMRI just let me know

    2. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      Patti, in terms of preparation, you already ARE a doctor! You just have to step all the way into the official title, which you will have done by this afternoon!

      I’m so excited for you.

  780. NSBE is in Pittsburgh!!!! The Dissertation House is over and I have gotten a lot accomplished in those three days. In order to keep the momentum, I am taking advantage of times that I can fit some writing in. Example: I am sitting in the Omni William Penn hotel’s Starbucks (with free wifi) writing before a lunch session in this building.

    I also utilized my bus ride to edit my Chapter 3. My goal for today:
    1) Finish edits of Chapter 3 and make corrections

    It’s been real. If anyone in the DH community is in Pittsburgh for NSBE, hit me up on Twitter @callMeDrTaylor.

  781. I just came back to update UMCP grads about renting the regalia:
    The reservations open on Monday, April 2. Just go see Maira/Myra over at the UBC in the Union, and she has all sizes. The question is simply whether she will have YOUR size closer to the date of graduation. She said that most people just come over after their defenses and she celebrates with them. ๐Ÿ™‚ Since there is no deadline for rentals per se, be aware that she might start running out of popular sizes around the beginning of May.

    The cost of the rental is $180 and you keep the tam.

    I’m ready to go get my rental. I will keep working. Let’s go, #TeamGetItDone!

    Dr. Smackdown

    Diddy, I will follow you whenever I get back on Twitter. I’m @alexisinc

  782. This is Dr. Patti Ordรณรฑez Rozo checking in! I wanted to let everyone know that everything went smoothly. It went on much longer than expected. I got stuck in traffic and so I got here later than expected. Unfortunately, the panic made me forget to set up Skype for Kavita. My only regret!!!

    I am here on the other side for you folks! Keep drinking the kool aid! Success is just around the corner.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doctor Patti O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then there were two….:) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so glad I’m still sitting at my computer, I was just about to get up when the good news e-mail came through! Sip and Pass the cup…..Drink the kool aid ya’ll! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Now you can take the (c) off your line name….:)
        Oh- So- Happy! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Gooooooooooo, Patti-O! (Sung to the tune of Van Morrison’s Domino.) But now it’s Dr. Patti-O! Congrats, good friend — we need to toast when I’m done next week. But here’s a virtual toast to you: “tink!” (that’s a champagne glass).

      1. Thank you… I am virtually sipping it!

      2. Sorry I can’t make it on Monday, but I know you will rock and we will be sharing some real champagne soon!

    3. I knew it!!! I knew it!!! Congratulations, Dr. Patti O!!! Soooo good.

    4. Congratulations Dr. Ordรณรฑez Rozo!!!!

      1. Thank you, soon-to-be Dr. Aditi Bhaskar!

    5. Hi,
      congrat Dr. Patti!

  783. I kept looking for updates on my phone and didn’t see any … I can’t see the blog on my phone, so I had to wait until I got to a computer. Congratulations Dr. Patti Ordรณรฑez Rozo!!!!!!! Congrats again Dr. Sophoria “Nikki” Westmoreland. I am so happy for both of you. This has been a great day! I even had a chance to see @CallMeDrTaylor (phDiddy) from the Carnegie Mellon Dissertation House today at NSBE in Pittsburgh after she took some time to write before lunch. And you know what?
    Her Engineering Dean was a guest speaker at a luncheon today and said, in front of everyone, that she is one of the stars and will be graduating in a few months. He even called her his academic “kid sister” since they have the same advisor … in front of the group!

    I’m very happy. Patti, I am so proud of you. You’ve worked so hard, and sacrificed so much. If I was there in person, I might have had to wipe away tears thinking about the journey over the years. There were so many people praying for you … for weeks before today. Congratulations again. Your Mom would be very, very proud! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. That definitely felt pretty good today getting called out by him. Great to see you again and I shall see you in Baltimore!

    2. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      This is so beautiful. Thank you for being there for all of us, Dr. Tull.

      And Word (re: Dr. Taylor)

      1. I echo the future Dr. Williams… Thank you for being there for all of us, Dr. Tull. You make it personal and positive! I want to know what kool aid you are drinking to be able to do that! It’s not easy…

        1. God makes it possible. My supervisors make it permissible. You all make it easy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  784. Congrats Dr. Patti and Dr. Nikki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So excited to have seen you guys fight the good fight. You are such an inspiration to all of us.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Shauna! We did this together! ๐Ÿ™‚

  785. Dr. Marcella Wilson Avatar
    Dr. Marcella Wilson

    Congrats Dr. Nikki and especially Dr. Patti! I am so proud of you! You worked so hard for this. You deserve it! Celebrate! Welcome to the other side

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Dr. Marcella Wilson. I remember when you finished! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  786. I realized that I could tell everyone my name ๐Ÿ™‚ Although I love being called phDiddy, my name is Portia ๐Ÿ™‚

  787. Bad news – haven’t had time to post progress on here

    Good news – it’s only because I’ve been spending all my time getting this thing done!!!

    Hoping to send final draft to advisor on Monday and print on Wednesday. It’s due Friday so I’m about 2 days ahead of schedule at this point ๐Ÿ™‚

    Finished first draft of slides today and got feedback from advisor.

    Revise slides
    Reorganize section order in ch 2
    Schedule practice talks
    Compose reading list of articles to brush up on for possible questions at the defense
    Prep for classes next week to maximize writing time in case of last minute revisions from advisor

    You guys are so inspirational – keep posting!!


    1. And congrats to Patti and Nikki!!! So proud of you!

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar


  788. Congrats to Nikki and Patti!!! This just so awesome!!!! P

  789. Natasha P. Wilson Avatar
    Natasha P. Wilson

    Congratulations Dr. Ordรณรฑez Rozo!! I know you put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into your dissertation work and it really showed yesterday. I was just telling one of my friends who is the MDPhD program about your work (at least what I could understand of it because it was quite complex) and she thought it sounded like a great idea and very useful for doctors. You’re awesome! Good luck in your future endeavors and we’ll stay in touch!


  790. dissertationhous Avatar

    Congrats Nikki and Patti!!! You are my inspiration!!

    I know it’s been a while since I touched base but I’m still pushing along. I finished my 10th interview yesterday. Working on transcribing the 8th one.


    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Michelle! We know you are working HARD! Keep it up! ๐Ÿ™‚

  791. Congratulations Patti! ๐Ÿ™‚

  792. Congratulations Dr. Sophoria and Dr. Dr. Ordรณรฑez Rozo!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Isaac!

      1. Thanks, Isaac! Great meeting you the other day. Keep in touch!

  793. Yvette Williams Avatar
    Yvette Williams

    Congratulations, Dr. Patty ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!!
    Best wishes for you for “life after the defense”!

  794. Congrats to Nikki too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Are you feeling any better, Kelley?

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Thanks Kelley! ๐Ÿ™‚

  795. I love all of these posts. For those who are done: Congrats again and again and again. You continue to inspire us.

    For those who are Phinishing: Keep it up, everybody. Keep pushing. And Lol at the PhDiddy –> Portia transition

    -12 Days, 3 Hours, 7 Minutes (back to reality) :/
    I’m reading over the entire document and making minor revisions. I’ll have to repost my whole list of to-dos soon, but for now it’s just this one thing (that’s got me trippin).


  796. Alexis – I am getting there. Fortunately, the test results showed nothing serious. Just need to make some major diet changes. Hoping to feel better soon. In the meantime, I am working as I feel able. But hope to be back at it soon!

    1. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      Ok, I’ll keep you and the others in my prayers! I believe this dissertation process was meant to teach me more about life than simply how to be a scholar.

  797. SCJJMVCโ€ฆGet Insane!!! Get it DONE!!!

    Countdown 1. 03d 08h 37m to finalize sending chapters of my dissertation (pending references and last modeling experiment) to my mentor.

    Congratulations to Nikki and Patti!!!!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Carlos aka Mr. Insanity! ๐Ÿ™‚

  798. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    Congratulations Dr Patti and Nikki! Hope to follow your steps soon!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      We know that you will. Thanks Nohemi! ๐Ÿ™‚

  799. Gloria Anglรณn Avatar
    Gloria Anglรณn

    Congratulations Dr. Westmoreland and Dr. Ordรณรฑez! It is an honor to be able to call you by your well-earned titles. Thank you both for always bringing sunshine to our PROMISE events. I can’t wait to see what lies for you next. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks Gloria! We miss you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  800. Congratulations Dr. Ordรณรฑez Rozo!! Best wishes for what’s next.
    Congratulations to Dr Nikki. You guys are a great source of inspiration and motivation.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks! We love to motivate each OTHER! ๐Ÿ™‚

  801. Kavita Krishnaswamy Avatar
    Kavita Krishnaswamy

    Congratulations on this milestone, Dr. Ordรณรฑez Rozo!!!!! As my mentor, I learn so much from your hard work and perseverance. Despite many challenges, you never lost hope and urge of good will for others through your research. As in all aspects of your future, may you face every adversity with utmost courage and come through with flying colors. Best wishes!

    1. I learn so much from you, Kavita! I learned from you how to cope with challenges in a peaceful and productive way. I learned about patience, courage, and perseverance from you. You have become my mentor and role model over the years, too!

  802. Is anyone working on 3/31? I need a work buddy!

    1. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      I’m in my friend’s wedding today, but post your goals and progress and I’ll try to get back and check on you!!!

      1. Enjoy the wedding Alexis! Since I haven’t been working for a while, I’ll make today’s goals simple. Analyze significant results for one set of tables and write a paragraph about them.

        1. Shauna!!
          I’m here at UMBC in the Chemistry Building (Thanks Gosia!!)…my phone 202-246-7126

    2. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

      Good to post achievable goals. They get you excited for more when they’re done! How did it go? Did you get to Carlos?

  803. @Shauna,I will be working today. I am going to be moving out of my office, and then I will need to start thinking about the modifications I will be required to make. I thought that I would have to add to my literature survey, but that was not the case. I was asked to 1) review the claims in my dissertation and make sure the data supports them, 2) perform tests on the low frequency medical data set that I used to evaluate the visualization using all the representations, and 3) can’t remember right now. Anyway, I don’t want to celebrate until it’s all done and I want to continue to receive motivation from this web site.

    So my goals for today
    1) go through my things and get rid of what I can
    2) move out of my office
    3) set up office at home
    4) if time permits, start looking at the original PDA data set

    Thanks to all of you for all the wonderful congratulation comments. It was definitely quite a long journey to get here and having you supporting me has made all the difference!!!

    Sorry I can’t make it to your dry run, Susan. I am starting a 9-5 kind of job on Monday ;-( Back to a different kind of grind….

  804. Some of the congratulations for Nikki and Patti came to my email. Just in case they didn’t send emails to you, here are people that sent me email to express their congratulations:

    * Dorethea Labogin, UM College Park Alum, participated in PROMISE under Dr. Johnetta Davis

    * Dean Chris Jones, MIT, The Graduate School (former PROMISE SSI Mentor-in-Residence)

    * Dr. Ivelisse Rubio, University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, Computer Science (former PROMISE SSI Mentor-in-Residence)

    * Dr. Karen Butler-Purry, Texas A&M, Electrical Engineering

    * Dr. Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M, Computer Science

    * Dr. Idalis Villanueva, UM College Park, Dept. of BioEngineering (former PROMISE SSI Mentor-in-Residence), former AGEP student at University of Colorado Boulder.

    * Dr. Alycia Marshall, Anne Arundel Community College, Dept. of Mathematics, UM College Park Alum (PROMISE Alum, and PROMISE SSI Mentor-in-Residence)

    The words used included:
    “Congratulations to both doctors!”
    “We are really proud of their achievements! ”
    “Great News”

    I know that many others sent congrats through email and Facebook, but I wanted to be sure that you got these.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      WOW! I feel so LOVED! That’s why I LOVE PROMISE!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  805. Just Remember…………KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  806. Just checking in to say “hi” to everyone. I’m working on the slides for my presentations. I should be further along than I am, but I’m getting there.

    I’m going to be doing two dry runs this coming week, one on Monday and one on Tuesday with Dr. Tull. I don’t know the times/places yet. I sent an email to some of you to see if you could help me out by attending and a couple of you kindly said “yes.” If anyone else is interested, please let me know (smitchel@csee.umbc.edu). I’d be glad to make a deal and come to yours if you want me to!

    Everyone have a good evening.

  807. Congratulations Drs. Nikki; and Patti! Well done; well deserved. I am still drinking the Kool Aid.
    Everyone on the DH has been such a source of inspiration and encouragement, so thank you all!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Thanks! Keep drinking and take BIG gulps..sometimes. ๐Ÿ™‚

  808. Hi Everyone,

    Please stay encouraged. You are not alone in this even though it sometimes feels lonely. Patti, I hope your 9-5 tomorrow goes well and I hope you keep posting.

    Susan, I hope your practices go well. I’m developing my slides, too, and I’ll have a practice on Wednesday and then one next Monday the 9th. I’m also turning in the final document this Wednesday, so I’ll need as many prayers as I can get.

    I’m worn out after the wedding but it was such a great experience. I’m trying to get started on a couple of things before tomorrow so I’m at the office.

    6 – document skimming, ideas for rearranging sections with a new file name
    7 – format ppt with sections and outlines
    8 – continue formatting document – additions, changes
    8:30 – plan tomorrow and go home to rest


    1. Change of plans. I got my advisor’s feedback so I’ve been working on that. Will continue as much as possible til 8:30 or 9, then do a quick outline of the ppt. Then email my advisor and go home.

      1. Almost there!!!
        Keep Going !!
        A prayer for you..l

        1. Thank you, Carlos!! The same for you!

    2. Oops, forgot to post about progress. I worked through most of chapter 4 comments and need to finish that and chapter 5, with a couple of changes to my images. I sent my advisor an email and need to work on my ppt outline. Exhaustion is kicking in so I’m going home.

      Good night, #TeamGetItDone

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Lex, let me know if you need me today or Monday for practice. I’m not around much today but just text me. I’m so proud to be your sister in the dissertation house! ๐Ÿ™‚ I still remember when Dr. Tull was like “Do you know Alexis?., ya’ll should meet!” The rest is history. Keep pushing through. You were born to do this.

  809. Hi All! I am still on #teamgetitdone. Since my last post my advisor accepted my chapter one and I’ve been working on the Lit Review Chapter 2. My plan is to submit it tomorrow. I saw Dr. Nikki and she looks GREAT! Congrats Dr. Patti!

    1. Awesome, Lenisa! Keep it going. We’ll be behind you!

  810. alexiswilliamsinc Avatar

    -9 Days, 5 Hours, 4 Minutes
    Had to prep my departmental progress report this morning. That’s off to my advisor.

    I got my morning encouragement:
    Luke 12: 11-12
    โ€œWhen you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.โ€
    – I thought that was great for thinking about the dissertation defense. I’ll get myself prepared and do everything I can, and then I’ll let go and relax, knowing I am in God’s hands.

    10:30 – More edits and additions to final document based on committee members’ suggestions
    12 – Make sure progress report is submitted with any changes, quick break
    12:30 – Finish up edits
    2 – Front matter and appendices
    4 – Invites to practice defense on 9th at 3, get committee member’s address, other miscellaneous prep
    5 – Plan – what else needs to be done for the document? Any checking in necessary?
    6 – Prep ppt – talk through entire presentation and draft
    7:45 – gym


  811. Does anyone know how to generate an automatic table of contents in Word? I am having a hard time and need someone to walk me through it…trying to get to the printer this afternoon

  812. Angela,
    To create a TOC in Word, you create headings first (i.e., apply Heading1 style to a heading). You can do this on the Home tab.

    You can also use Heading2, Heading3 etc. for sub-headings. Once the headings are in your document, go to the page in your document where you want to insert the TOC. Click on References tab –> Table of Contents and choose either Automatic Table 1 or Automatic Table 2.

    To refresh your TOC once created, you can right click on the TOC and click “Update Field” and choose “Update entire table.” It will automatically pick up any heading changes and repaginate the table. Hope this helps! Feel free to email me at kmengle@gmail.com if you have any questions

    1. Thanks, Kelley, this helps me, too. Angela, thanks for asking!

  813. Thanks to Margaret D. for helping me with my first (pitiful) dry run of my presentation. You gave me gobs of great feedback. Having someone from another department was really useful. But most of all, thank you for caring to help out a fellow DH-er.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Praying for you this FRIDAY Susan, can’t wait to read your updates!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  814. SCJJMVCโ€ฆGet Insane!!! Get it DONE!!!
    Countdown 24d 04h 40m to Ph.D. defense
    Right Now at UMBC Library 555

  815. OK, Susan is next on the list! This Friday! April 6!

    I want to make sure that I have the other dates on the radar.

    Alexis? __________________
    Margaret D? ______________
    Margaret G? ______________ (Has anyone spoken with her lately?)
    Alex? ____________________
    Carlos? __________________
    Maya? ___________________

    Who else will be defending this semester?

    Ok, summer ….

    Portia ________________ (Did you get a date in June?)
    Nahom _______________ (You’re defending *before* going to Ghana, right?)

    If anyone needs some extra encouragement, be sure to come to UMBC’s Success Seminar lunch tomorrow at 1:00. President Freeman Hrabowski will be talking about life in grad school, #GettingItDone, and life after grad school. http://my.umbc.edu/groups/promise/events/11180

    1. My defense is April 26th at 10am in the chemistry building- room 120 ๐Ÿ™‚ (Margaret D)

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        YES! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. wonderful!!!

    2. Defending on April 20th!


      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Excited for you!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Excellent.

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        YAYAY!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. I am shooting for August 15!! *fingers crossed!!!*

  816. 24 days to my defense:

    1. Nothing back from Mentor after 2 weeks….Need this to be able to focus in the approach.

    2. I need to get my Mentor to submit her application to be a regular member of the Graduate School council.

    3. Negotiating with readers in terms of how much time minimum do they need to evaluate the dissertation….I’m close to 90%, but without my Mentor’s input I am staying at that level.

    4. Yesterday I just got to anxious that I decided to stop my plans for this May. Adriana was there helping me in not quit completely….and then she answered for me my phone (My Buddy was calling me every minute-not joking and I just didn’t want to answer).

    Thanks Gosia again for the card and the multiple calls……

    OK…I need to focus…and not even doubling my doses I have been able to focus!!!

    Again.. I’m at UMBC library 555

    1. Hi Carlos! Pulling for you over here that your mentor responds!! I know that has to be frustrating. I hope that you keep pushing no matter what. I’m not sure how much you’ll want to inform your readers, but is there one person maybe who might be able to give you some advice if your mentor doesn’t respond?

      Take care!


  817. Congrats to Dr. Patti Ordonez!!!! Welcome to the Club.
    Dora M is next she defends tomorrow. Susan is right behind her. Who’s next in line Carlos? Alexis?…at the end of the month?

  818. Just checking in. Loving the new job, but not the 9am-5pm. Trying to make the most of the time here in preparing for the classes I need to teach at the end of the month. Over the weekend and in the evenings I have been catching up on life. I moved out of lab, I did spring cleaning at home, and I have finially finished doing my taxes. All of you will be there soon. The thing now is I have an office but it is only open Monday – Saturday and not late in the evenings. So if you guys are doing work this weekend, especially on Saturday or Sunday please post as I am happy to come join you. I have too many distractions at home.

    Good luck tomorrow, Dora. Good luck on Friday, Susan! i will be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive energy! I can’t wait to walk across the stage with you all.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      I did my taxes this weekend too, barely made it. I NEVER do my taxes this late but I guess getting a PhD was worth waiting. ๐Ÿ™‚

  819. Finally got my formatting issues sorted out (Thanks, Kelley!) Now I just need to do a final read-through and print 5 copies for the committee members. Then, on to revising the slides and researching thorough answers to some anticipated questions (particularly stats questions).
    I’m sooo glad this is almost behind me!!

    Patti, if I end up working this weekend, I’ll let you know – I have a big office space…

    1. Lol. I STILL have formatting issues but Kelley’s feedback definitely helped. My dissertation printed out mostly upside-down so I had to make adjusted copies to correct it.


  820. Carlos, have you contacted your mentor lately? If there isn’t response to email, call or make an appointment with the mentor. Talk with the administrative assistant in the department to ask about your mentor’s in person schedule. Face to face connection may work, even if you’re just able to stop in and ask if there are any changes as you continue to write.

  821. Glad the tips helped you Alexis! I am slowly getting back to my dissertation work. Working on a lit review today – goal is to have it finished my Friday and email it to advisor.

  822. drwestmoreland Avatar

    I have been wih my precious all weekend. I am still reading and gettin excited about all the posts and upcoming defense presentations. Please keep drinking the kool-aid and working hard. It will all be worth it. I am going to order my robe today and then get some more rest. I will be *fully* back after Easter pushing to get a job and working on getting some publications out before I graduate next month.

    #TEAMWEDIDIT (there’s room for more)

  823. -7 Days, 1 Hours, 22 Minutes
    Congrats to Dr. Dora McAllister!!!
    Nicole Long is next; her defense is on Monday.

    Kelley, good to see you’re still pushing to work on it. I’ve been telling myself it’s better to push hard now (and maybe freak out a little) than to get a “final – or else” deadline and freak out a lot at the end. Your TOC advice definitely helped – I knew exactly where to look to get things set up.
    Carlos, keep up the hustle! Keep pushing but get rest/food/exercise
    Dr. Nikki, we are definitely drinking the kool-aid. Thanks for holding the door open.
    Dr. Tull & Dr. CV, thanks for keeping us on our toes!

    I submitted my document to the committee last night/this morning. I am still processing that in my head. I have been resisting (or trying to resist) the temptation to feel anxiety over letting the document go (“I could have looked it over ONE more time.” “What if I left some glaring error in there??”) by remembering how I had been inspired to keep writing by the vision of turning it in and leaping in the air, fist-pump style.

    I will find errors as I look over it (already found a double period, lol), but as one committee member told me, if they find things that they want me to change, they will tell me to change them or otherwise note the limitations. It’s that simple. And as with every other major event in my life, if the changes are that severe, I will do my best and keep it moving. Most of the time things turn out fine as long as I keep it moving and don’t give up.

    Working on my presentation today. I have one practice this afternoon with my lab and one on Monday with Angela at 3pm in 2212A Benjamin. I submitted the oral defense announcement today.


    1. Hey Alexis
      Keep up the good work….A good dissertation is a Done dissertation even with a double period:) We feel as if we are going through the process with you. It’s your turn; tag your it. I know you can do this…practice, practice, practice.

  824. Dr. T and Margaret G. sat through a dry-run of my presentation today. Thank you both so very much! You gave me wonderful feedback. I’m doing one more run for my advisor tomorrow morning at 9:00am (yawn!). I’m going to get into bed by 10:30 tonight and tomorrow night. Then … the big “D” on Friday! I’m on an emotional roller coaster, one minute thinking that it’s going to be cake (well, not quite), and the next thinking that there’s just not enough time to get ready. I worry about flubbing up the Q&A session in front of friends and family (my husband and son are coming). That’s the hardest part for me — looking silly in front of people I know. I may be a teacher by profession, but this isn’t really the same thing. Well, I’ll just try my hardest, and what will be, will be. I’m really looking forward to 48 hours from now — I’ll fill everyone in on how it went and let you know if I pick up any new tips. I better stop typing. It’s just making me nervous. Time for dinner.

    1. Susan
      This is not the time to panic. Get a good night’s rest. Keep some perspective; you are the expert on this topic. Your advisor would not have set the date if she did not think you were going to pass. Focus on that positive note. If you are worried about looking silly in front of people you know un-invite your friends…It’s not that type of party— meet them for lunch or dinner where ever the celebration is going to be. As I have said to Patti, we have prepared you; you will do fine. You should be saying “bring it!” I looking forward to hearing the good news on Friday…Dr. Mitchell

      1. Thanks, Dr. C-V. I will try my best for myself and for you (and Dr. T)!

  825. Did a dry-run with my advisor this morning. I have a few minor modifications to make to my slides, but I’m pretty good to go. Please keep me in your thoughts!

    1. Ha! Dr. CV, I remember you saying “Bring it” before! Thank you for your encouragement. The “done dissertation” has been popping into my head here and there when I start thinking about perfection by mistake.

      Susan, my advisor told me to un-invite my mom to attend the actual presentation. She thought, I guess, that it would be too intense. I’ve had the same thought as you about getting embarrassed or humiliated in front of my loved ones. My mom is perfectly fine with hanging out in the office and just celebrating afterward – I already talked to her about it today. Plus, my (and your) worst presentation is already behind us; it was the 1st practice presentation. We got essential feedback and survived. We will get valuable feedback at the defense. We will survive.

      You have already been prayed over. I will pray for Friday to go well – an uneventful, successful defense!


      1. Alexis — Thank you so much!

  826. drwendycarter Avatar

    Hello All
    Dora defended today and is Done!!!!!
    When you see Dr. Dora Elias McAllister please say congrats!!! or post a something on her facebook page…She met with me on video chats and in my office for about 2 years faithfully!!! “sipping on the Koolaid” ๐Ÿ™‚

  827. Today is Susan M.’s big day! We will soon have another doctor in our ranks… Best of luck to you! Sending you tons of postive energy!

  828. If anyone wants to work together this weekend in the library or somewhere else, let me know. I want to finish up this weekend. I want to be completely done! All the rest of you… the end will be here before you know it. It’s amazing how fast the last few weeks go by. And remember a good dissertation is a done dissertation… do your best but don’t get obsessed with perfection… get rest to be able to defend your dissertation well.

  829. Website links and congratulations to Dora, Nikki, and Patti were posted on the PROMISE Facebook site this morning: http://www.facebook.com/PROMISEagep. Good luck to the future Dr. Susan Mitchell! Today is your day!

  830. drwendycarter Avatar

    Dr. Susan

    Are you done yet? Today is your day! Alexis tag you’re next.

    1. I’m done and I OWNED it! Only minor corrections to make.I’m already in my PJs and I don’t know if I’ll take them off all weekend long. Don’t remember who’s next in line, but just BRING IT ON!

      This is so surreal!

      Dr. M.

      1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Dr. M

      2. I am here with Carlos and we are working on our dissertations… Enjoy your PJs all weekend… It still hasn’t sunk in with me that this is actually happenning…It certainly feels surreal… Congrats, Dr. M!!!

      3. Congrats, Dr. Mitchell!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Congratulations Susan! Dr. M.! The QUEEN of K-Maps!! Many, many congratulations to you!!

      4. drwendycarter Avatar

        Congratulations….Welcome to the Club Dr. Mitchell. I would like to feature you as an Employee DH participant. Let me know when we can talk about it.

        1. drwestmoreland Avatar

          Congrats Susan and welcome to the other side of through! ๐Ÿ™‚

  831. Hi everyone, You may be interested in the latest PROMISE article on professors and $100,000/year salaries: http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/yes-professors-do-make-more-than-100000year-here-are-some-recent-salaries/

  832. Up early and here at Carlos’ house doing my last set of experiments. I finished creating the data set yesterday.

    Goals for today:
    1) Label the data
    2) Run experiments
    3) Exercise

    Almost done!

  833. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
    Nohemi Voglozin

    Congratulations Dr Susan Mitchell!

  834. Sending positive vibes out to Nicole Long, who is defending today….

    I am starting a count down for the deadline when all my paperwork is due so that I get my A$$ in gear and finish this dissertation once and for all. I have 21 days until everything is due. I want to finish before then, but since I intended to finish all my experiments this weekend and only finished 1 out of 4 having spent all day on Saturday studying, I need to be more realistic about my goals. My goals for today is to write the code for another set of experiments so that I can run them tomorrow. Goal is to be done with experiments by Friday!

    Where are fplks? Carlos, Shauna, Gosia, Margaret?

    1. drwendycarter Avatar

      Dr. Patti
      Good to see that you haven’t given up on what you have learned in the DH. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves time and time again. Set realistic– manageable bite size goals. Yes; post a daily goal and minor ones as well.

      Dr. Patti is calling out all of you DH bloggers wonder what happened after the Easter weekend? I am here supporting that call and sending out positive vibes dor Dr. Long, as well.

  835. Good news for me ๐Ÿ™‚


    Congratulations to everyone graduating!! I am right behind you ๐Ÿ™‚ wooohooooo!!

    T-136 days!

  836. I believe tomorrow is Dr. Williams turn to defend, correct? Thinking of you.

    This morning I got up and started working on my dissertation before work. I decided that I would have my experiments run at home while I worked. I also coded one experiment and made it run while I worked out my legs, and then coded several iterations to run all day and made at least two iterations run while I worked out my stomach. Then I started the code for the day while I was in the shower so that I am sure it is running while I work. I think this will be a good strategy to meet my goal of finishing my experiments by Friday. I got here a little late to work but I will just work a little later. My employer doesn’t seem to mind what time I get here as long as I am doing my work….

    Alright fellow DHers… I want to see the lists of goals for the day…. it’s feeling a little lonely on the blog….

    The finish line is in sight!

    1. Great time management, Patti! Yes, Alexis is defending tomorrow…we both practiced yesterday and she was great!

      Today, I’m revising my slides based on feedback yesterday (thanks for the email Dr. Westmoreland!) I also have a list of things to look up and need to start preparing my notes with numbers and citations that I may need in the defense.

      In between all that I have to prep for class…my goal is to have all my lecture slides done today to last me through the week after the defense. we’ll see how that goes…

      Good luck tomorrow Dr. Williams!!!


      1. When is your big day, Angela?

        1. April 20th ๐Ÿ™‚

  837. Hey everyone! I’m still here and I read the blog every day. Since my defense last Friday (and after a lazy weekend), I’m going to spend a few days catching up with the classes that I teach. Then (by Friday or so), I’m going to dig into my dissertation revisions. I want to be able to give my advisor at least a week to go over them before the April 30th deadline. So, I may not be blogging that much, but I’m keeping an eye on everyone’s progress. It’s cool to see people successfully defending one after one!

  838. -1 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes
    Hello everyone! I have been meaning to come on and congratulate Dr. Susan Mitchell! And now more congratulations (is that plural or singular??) go out to Dr. Nicole Long!! I had the privilege of seeing Dr. Long as she prepared the conference room – she was dressed, as they say, to the nines and looked well-prepared and confident. I am so happy to be able to witness all of these amazing transformations. It seems like the transition into a “doctor mentality” happens way before the actual date of the defense. It happens when you start believing in yourself enough to commit fully and unapologetically to #GettingItDone. I want to hold on to this feeling and keep coming back, especially after rough days where I’m tempted to despair and procrastinate rather than simply accomplishing one small thing at a time.

    Thank you for those who are building me up – by listening to my presentations and giving me feedback, sending me encouragement (just seeing/hearing “Dr. Williams” is so mind-blowing), praying for me and/or sending me happy vibes, giving me tidbits of helpful information for technical/administrative matters.. It all helps me breathe a little easier.

    I’m still practicing, reading over the document, revising the slides. Especially, minimizing the literature/intro and beefing up the relevant discussion of the results and implications/limitations has been a challenge for me. So to continue, I’ll list some time points:
    12:45 – Clean up slides – briefer intro and detailed results/implications. Make ppt notes pages clearer to read
    2:45 – Review Chs 4 and 5 in document. post-it sections that expect to receive questions on
    4:45 – Break
    5:15 – Review Chs 2-3, with post-its
    7:00 – Go work out stress, pick up clicker
    9 – last run-thru, home


    1. Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep!!
      (sorry, can’t help the mommy in me from coming out ๐Ÿ˜‰


      1. LOL – The mommy in you is just as beautiful as the rest. Thank you, Angela – I think sleep is the hardest but most necessary part!!

  839. Great to see everyone still working! I am handing in my final version to my committee members this Thursday, exactly 2 weeks before my defense date of April 26th. Between now and then I just need to practice my talk. Dr. Tull or Dr. Carter-Veale, would either of you be available on Friday April 20th from 9-11am to give me input? I would greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks, Margaret D ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Good going, Margaret! Handing in that document is a big deal. I know that our departments are different, but I think that writing the dissertation was harder than prepping for and delivering my defense. Keep going, almost-Dr.-D! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks!!! I am not worried just yet about the presentation/defense. I think that will change in 2wks time ๐Ÿ˜‰ Writing was definitely challenging in a different way! Can’t wait to be done! I just want it to be OVER. I hope I am not the only one that is just over the adrenaline rush at this point…

        1. I’m so sorry, but I won’t be available on April 20. If you want to go over it on Tuesday, April 17 between 1 and 3, or Wednesday, April 18 between 11 and 3, I can meet with you. Just go to my google calendar and make the appointment.

    2. Margaret

      I am available via video chat via gmail; if you turn your camera on I can see and hear you and provide feedback. Let me know if that’s possible. Send me an email.

  840. Still up, working on a paper. I’m excited about Dr. “Lex” but will wait for her to come back to share the news officially.

  841. Paging Dr. Alexis Williams! Where are you?

    As for Dr. Patti, her experiments ran for two days and I am disappointed to say did not give good results. I am about to go into panic mode, but not really because I can do this… I just need to focus. Up early to examine my code and start another set of experiments before work. No work out this morning. I have been working out like crazy all week so body is aching. Plus we had a little fire last night upstairs and so everyone is sleeping in the exercise room. Don’t think they would appreciate my waking them up. So need to work hard tomorrow and over the weekend. Need to get this done!

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Haha…It took her almost a day to come back up!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  842. -0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes!
    Did someone page Dr. Alexis Williams? ๐Ÿ˜€ It is official. I still have a bunch to do in terms of revisions but I will do it as Dr. Williams. They can’t take it back and I don’t have to defend EVER AGAIN!! Whew! That was intense. But they don’t just hand these things out, so it was good that they challenge me to make it better.

    This quote was on a card I received yesterday: “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

    So the important thing now is to keep moving. I will make sure to celebrate this day that I have dreamed of, feverishly-longingly-sometimes even hopelessly, but I will also keep moving because the journey is the goal. If the degree itself were the goal, we’d all just die at the end. Thank God I am here and I am still alive to do more each day!

    Dr. Alexis Williams

    1. Dear Alexis……….ooopss!! Sorry….Dr. Williams

      1. Ha ha haha! Thank you, Carlos!!! Thank you for encouraging me along the way (and telling us about the countdown widget!)

        1. Anytime!!!

          1. drwestmoreland Avatar

            CONGRATS DR. ALEXIS WILLIAMS! I was going to tweet our “Dr.” picture but I look like a rabbit so we’ll keep that one confidential until I learn to wear adult clothes for special moments.


  843. Congrats Alexis! Whew …watching all of you finish is breathtaking. You can feel the intensity in all your posts. You’re making me tired just thinking of doing all that work! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I am getting back in the swing of things this week. I had a meeting with my adviser today and I have my to-do list for the next week:

    1. Finish lit review on Weiss Galen – new progress report (print out all papers and organize)
    2. Read Piotroski paper in more detail – pay attention to experimental details
    What are the attributes he is using? Try to map to our data
    Any other experimental factors to consider? Is he using all data (i.e.,m 1976-1996) or doing a sliding window analysis?
    3. Weka
    a. Prep training and testing data for simple experiment
    b. Include only the 9 attributes that Piotroski uses
    c. Run in J48 (no cross-validation, keep pruning on, no stratification)
    d. Look at results and consider tweaking experiment
    4. Look at paper on apply a GA to decision trees
    5. Find 1 hour to play around on Excel VBA

    1. Thank you, Kelley! Be encouraged and take one step. You’re that much closer every time you add a step. I still have more steps to take, but I know now that I can do it because I #DidIt. Rather, God did it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  844. Rooms for the weekend:

    Friday, April 13, from 8.30 to 11.45 and again from 1.15 to 5.30 PM Commons Room 331 (this room has a meeting being held between 12 noon and 1 PM, which means everyone will have to leave for that allotted time.)

    Saturday, April 14, 2012 – No rooms available

    Sunday, April 15, 2012 from 12 noon to 8.00 PM Math/Psy 104

  845. Hi All,

    I’ve still got more work to do, so call me out if you don’t see me!! I intend to do a little each day. The first step will be to go over all of the committee’s revisions and decide what I can work on until my advisor gets back in town. Looks like it’s time for another countdown? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      I agree. Start another countdown and we’ll shake our sassy fingers at you if you don’t show up and say “You is done. You can finish. You is a doctor” XOXO ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. Bwahahaha!!!! I’ve been slow on the countdown but it’s on its way.

  846. Dr. Alexis Williams—-one of the founding memebers of TEAMGETITDONE is Done! Welcome to the Club. We all are so proud of you and your team members. Celebrate your success and get the revisions done before graduation so that you can be Phinally PhinisheD. This has been such a wonderful spring and season of accomplishment; We will be adding your names to the Alumni Page. We are behind all of you and we encourage those who still have to defend like Carlos, and the Magarets!!! You stand as an inspiration to those who might have thought of giving up; for those who just finished their proposal, for those who just completed the first chapter, for those whose experiments have yet to be completed, and for those who still have interviews to be transcribed. Michille H, Tonya, Robert H, Quimme, Kelly, Yvette, Johnny, PhDiddy, Nahom…you all have plenty of examples to show you that it can be done. None of them showed you it was easy but they showed you the possibility of completing your long-term goal.

  847. Ok, Alexis “Dr. Alexis Smackdown Williams” gave me an idea for a post called the “Dissertation Motivation Station” — (Title attributed to Alexis). What are your favorite songs that motivate you? Alexis liked “Keep on Moving.” If you post your YouTube links in a reply to this post, I’ll put them together to form a playlist. I think that Carlos had one … others?

      1. Thanks Carlos! Are there any others?

        1. drwestmoreland Avatar

          Here is mine Carlos…this song got me through!!!!!!!!!!

  848. Just a Reminder…
    We are in the Commons room 331 (Margaret D., Alex, and Carlos)

    1. Back to the Commons 331!!

  849. Hi Everyone,

    Holly Porter from UMB is defending next Thursday. It’s an open defense.

    Doctoral Dissertation Defense

    Holly Porter
    Ph.D. Candidate
    Molecular Medicine Program

    “Role of Insulin Receptor Substrate Proteins in Protection from
    Chemotherapy-induced Cell Death”

    DATE: Thursday, April 19, 2012
    TIME: 1:00 p.m.
    PLACE: BioPark II, Discover Auditorium
    801 W. Baltimore Street

    Thesis Committee:
    Dr. Achsah Keegan (mentor/chair)
    Dr. Jeff Winkles
    Dr. Amy Fulton
    Dr. Mark Williams
    Dr. Paul Shapiro
    Dr. Stuart Martin

  850. Don’t forget Marcela Gandara’s “Dame tus ojos” for the play list. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLku3J7O33g

    By the way, I haven’t posted because experiments came out bad again. I am disheartened. I struggled for about two hours trying to debug. Just need to step away and will address it this weekend. I am starting to worry. Just got to get it done!

    Getting one set of experiements done tonight… So it’s a coding night!

  851. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Hey All,

    I’m done done. Like all the way. I uploaded my document Tuesday to the UM Online system just waiting to hear back if I have any formatting issues. I ordered my robe last week by handing over the rights to my first 3 children that I have yet to birth. I also purchased my diploma frame which I got a little discount on and then walked away realizing that I need one for my Master’s also. *sign* It is a good dilemma to have. I am fervently looking for a job in the meantimeinbetweentime and I hope to have some interview or get those callbacks soon. My department has a really nice service where they will bind (like a hardcover book) copies of my dissertation for a small fee. So, I have been printing some copies today and trying to save paper and do 300 pages double sided turned out to be harder than I thought. That is a good problem to have.

    I might have another interview in Mississippi early next month. I am also getting re-aquianted with the gym which has me feeling not too peachy right now but I felt so drained after the dissertation I need to pay close attention to my health until graduation. I want to make sure I am physically my best so I can fully enjoy the moment when it comes. The house I live in is going up for sale like yesterday so I have been cleaning and dusting and preparing to live in a *model* home until I move after graduation. Speaking of moving I need to find a storage unit for my stuff soon. So as you can see I’m busy enough, but still getting my precious every night and some mornings I let myself get a little more precious because I think I deserve it.

    Check out my job site: sophoria.weebly.com if you know of any positions in or related to Mechanical Engineering please let me know. I would prefer to stay in the DMV area or head back to Texas but I will go where the Lord leads me.

    By next week I should be settled with all this *personal* and *graduation* stuff and I hope to spend my last 4 (or so) weeks as a graduate student starting to publish my dissertation. I have lots and lots of data in there so I need to sit down and make a plan of what I want to publish and in which journals.

    Life is really good! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Be Blessed,

    Nikki ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hello Dr. Westmoreland
      Enjoy the moment of completing your dissertation. How did you reward yourself for completing this milestone?

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Hi Dr. Carter,
        I am enjoying the moment and part of that is my reward because so many times in life we have occasion to do something great and then we simply move on to the next to-do item. I am really truly making an effort to enjoy and fully realize what this PhD will mean to me. I have had many ups and downs but I made it to the finish line. Other than that I think I see an Ipad in my near future…..:) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I might be the last person I know to get one. Ha! I also see cupcakes in my future!!! I plan to spend some time with friends and family this summer and that will also help me to refresh and revive myself before this next season in my life.

  852. OK….Done for today….time to go home
    Margaret D, Alex and Carlos signing off……….Thanks to Margaret G. for the short company
    See you on Sunday

  853. Checking in……Math/Psy 104

    1. Now I am with Margaret D. in her conference room. If anyone wants to join in let us know

  854. Checking in…I need to be calm need to be calm.

    In the second chapter I have completed theoretical section, International Policies and Inclusive Education, Educational Change and Policy Implementation, Trinidad and Tobago Context. I have 5 studies to include in the critique of Research on Inclusive Early Childhood Education and then the conclusion. I need must submit this by Thursday to my advisor.

    Today I have GA until 4:30 I donโ€™t have much on my plate for work so I will use sometime to get as many of 5 the studies included. I am going to skip aqua zumba today and workout at home.
    10:00- 4:30 GA will as much writing as possible.
    4:30 pm leave for home
    5:00 put in a load of laundry and workout
    6:30 fix dinner
    7:00 have dinner and shower and organize for evening writing
    7:30 be in chair ready to write
    11:30 update post then leave study room get ready for bed.
    12:00 be in my happy place (bed)

    Posting helps me with the panic. So I need to stop the panic. http://www.toonpool.com/user/847/files/anxiety_1571855.jpg

  855. So I had a tight plan and I worked the plan. Got some writing done at the office but not much.
    KINDA 10:00- 4:30 GA will as much writing as possible.
    DID IT ….4:30 pm leave for home
    DID IT ….5:00 put in a load of laundry and workout
    DID IT ….6:30 fix dinner
    DID IT 7:00 ….have dinner and shower and organize for evening writing
    DID IT 7:30…. be in chair ready to write
    DID IT ….11:30 update post then leave study room get ready for bed.
    LATER BUT will get there soon……12:00 be in my happy place (bed)

    I stuck to the time and got stuff done. Will repeat

    8:00 – 8:30 wake up and devotion
    8:30 – 9:15 Put in a load of laundry and do abs routine
    9:15 – 10:00 breakfast and get ready for appointment
    10:00 – 12:00 Travel and doctors office
    12:00 – 12:45 lunch and put laundry away.
    1:00- 3:00 add additional 3 studies to review
    3:00 – 5:00 conclusion of critique and outline end of chapter summary
    5:30 – 8:00 Off campus assistant ship work
    9:00 – 11:30 Continue with chapter summary/ read over document and begin edits

    Off to happy place now! CALM!

    1. Yay Lenisa!! Congratulations on continuing to get things done! As you can see, there is a steady stream of folks who are paving the way to the PhD … your time is coming. Keep on going! It’s good to see you posting again!

      1. drwestmoreland Avatar

        Glad your back posting Lenisa!!! We missed you! XOXO

  856. Where is everyone? Yesterday I had to go into work since we needed to change some of the materials for the event last night so plan got a derailed. I am picking up where I left off

    1:00- 5:30 add additional studies to review, conclusion of critique and end of chapter summary
    5:30 – 7:30 work out, shower, dinner
    8:00 – 11: 30 Continue with chapter summary/ read over document and begin edits

  857. Great to see you progressing Lenisa!
    Today I am spending an hour or two finishing up my notes for tomorrow, then spending the rest of the day doing errands and resting. Waiting for my advisor to OK the final version of my slides, and still have to pick out something to wear. Got a really good night’s sleep last night, so feeling pretty good and looking forward to getting it DONE ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. oops, forgot to add my name at the end of that post; keep forgetting that my username on here isn’t ‘angela’ lol

    2. quimme (A) figuring our what to wear at a defense sounds like a good problem to have ๐Ÿ™‚
      Good luck.

  858. Hi everyone! Reporting good news … Holly (PROMISE Peer Mentor, UMB) defended today! She is now Dr. Porter! http://www.facebook.com/PROMISEagep

  859. Good afternoon everyone. Here are the room assignments for the next two weeks:

    Friday, April 20, from 8:30 to 11:45 and again from 1:15 to 5:30 PM Commons Room 332 (this room has a meeting being held between 12 noon and 1 PM, which means everyone will have to leave for that allotted time)
    Saturday, April 21, 2012 – No rooms available (QUADMANIA Week)
    Sunday, April 22, 2012 from 12 noon to 5.30 PM Public Policy 206

    Friday, April 27, from 8:30 to 11:45 and again from 1:15 to 5:30 PM Public Policy 206 (this room has a meeting being held between 12 noon and 1 PM, which means everyone will have to leave for that allotted time)
    Saturday, April 28, 2012 – from 8:30 to 8:00 PM Commons 327
    Sunday, April 29, 2012 from 12 noon to 8:00 PM Commons 327

    If you are preparing to defend and haven’t yet read Dr. Merrell’s tips for the defense, please read the post on the front page of this website: http://www.thedissertationhouse.com

  860. Going to bed…just realized I have just been sitting for about two hours. not finished just does not sound right. If granted tomorrow (when I wake up) I will try again.

  861. Lenisa
    Every day is another opportunity to get it right or almost right. Keep posting we are reading even if we are not responding. Carlos, where have you been? Have a good weekend all.

    1. Hello Dr. CV, Thanks!

    2. Dr. Carter,
      I have been around…kind of lost…I will update later

  862. Hi All,

    I’m stopping in but I promise I’ll be back soon – I just want to congratulate Dr. Angela McRae on a successful defense today!!!

    Back soon!


  863. Whoo Hooo, Dr. Angela!!! Congratulations!! Your boys must be mighty proud!

  864. Dr. McRae congratulations!!!
    Progress today…I sent the draft of the chapter to the advisor and chair. I am kinda packed for the conference in Puerto Rico. Now to fix that presentation. Actually that will be during the trip. Now to get into happy place. my flight is at 6.am night night.

    Happy Happy for you Angela!

  865. I am hoping that today will be my last post on my dissertation. Over the past two weeks I have been doing the extra set of results and tests of significance that my committee required as revisions to my dissertation. Thanks to Carlos and Susan for working with me as I did this. It’s so much easier to work when there is someone right in front of you working. Why is that? Anyway, today I am alone in the office writing it all up to hand over my final dissertation for approval to my advisor. Congrats to all of you who have defenses in the next few weeks…

    BTW, Dr. Tull I recalll ” I will survive” as a theme song on this blog… someone wrote different lyrics for it ..

  866. I decided to go back and see why I thought I will survive was a theme song for the blog and I found a rendition by Susan M to the tune of I Will Survive … called “You will defend.” I also found ” I want my body back” to the tune of the Chili’s jingle ” I want my baby back ribs” and I found a reference to a MJ song by Dr.Tull for ” You are not along… We are here with you.’ I remember another set of made up lyrics by Carlos, I think, that just cracked me up, gonna find it and share in a moment… then I will start on dissertation.

  867. OK… can’t find it! But it was great to look at the past semester. I remember how hard it was to set the date once I had missed the third date I had set for myself. So here’s a message to all of you who set a date for this semester… don’t get discouraged. Take a little break to breathe (grieve) like a weekend or two, max. Evaluate what you have accomplished up until now ( You will see it is much more that you had before you set a date.), talk to your advisor and list what you have left to do, estimate how long each task will take you, and set a new date. Setting a date makes all the difference in your level of commitment to a task and in your daily focus. Write out your goals for each day. It really helps! Shout out to Maya and Carlos! I want to see your lists…Remember KISS… Keep It Simple S…

    Now to following my own advice.
    1) entering last set of results in Chapter 6
    2) entering statistical analysis in Chapter 4
    3) beefing up the literature survey in Chapter 5

    1. Hi Patti,
      I’m here. Hopefully posting soon.

  868. T minus 4 days until my defense (Thursday @ 10am in MEYR 120 @ UMBC). CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! I was thinking today how we should all get a picture at graduation ๐Ÿ™‚

  869. Hi all! I haven’t been posting lately but I wanted to send out congrats to Dr. Alexis and Dr. Angela! Good luck Margaret on your upcoming defense– I’m rooting for you! I also have good news. I have a defense date set for July 2012! I’m so excited! I am here in Public Policy 206 taking advantage of the rainy day to do work!

    1. Congrats, Shauna!!! That is SUPER! Things get serious once there is a date in place ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2. Thank you, Shauna! Stay uplifted and encouraged. You are working your way through to the light at the end of the tunnel!

    3. That’s great!!
      Hopefully I will see you this coming weekend

  870. Practicing tomorrow in MEYR (chem building) 120 @10am, if anyone wants to come and give their input- it would be much appreciated! I have spoken to a few of you and said “yes”, posting this notice here as a reminder as well as to maybe excite a few new listeners as well? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I hope the practice went well! I glanced at your blog – it seems like your body is telling you when it needs a walk or a break. It seems from your reactions that the 10 minute breaks (or quick naps) are necessary times to break. Are you allowing these for yourself in your schedule? I know I forget and that’s when I crash..

      Pulling for you!

      1. Thanks, Alexis!!! I am not good at quick naps unfortunately ๐Ÿ˜ฆ For me personally, it’s better if I crash at the end of the night, that is if I have worn myself out adequately ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am ALMOST DONE- I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!

  871. typo…sorry! who said yes*

  872. -25 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes – Countdown to upload

    I’m baaaaack! I’ve noticed a post-defense slump that is similar to the post-proposal slump and post-advancement to candidacy slump. Basically, whenever you accomplish something major, you experience such a relief and a “letting up” that it can be easy to lose the routine that brought you there in the first place. I have made note of the slump and acknowledged that I needed to go through it, and now I am getting back on track to uploading and being completely and utterly DONE.

    This means revise, revise, revise and keep my balance – good food, exercise, and rest – and what my friend and I call the “unwritten method” because we don’t always share this with everyone although it’s the glue for everything else: devotion, prayer, and (spiritual and general) accountability.

    Ok, so, today:
    10 – submit memo to advisor of revisions
    10:30 – prep for work meeting
    11:30 – work meeting
    1 – compose questions that I have for my advisor
    2 – meeting with advisor
    3 – revisions to memo, send out
    4 – start on a task
    6 – decide workout/trans/workout/groceries/dinner for week

    Saying hi to Shauna (yay for date!!), Margaret (yay for upcoming defense!), Patti (I know what you mean about it being easier to work with others!), and Lenisa (soo so happy for you – I saw Pragati and she said she’s waiting for you in the carrel! Have a great trip and keep up the gradual progress.). Also thank you again to Drs. Tull and C-V for your support with physical space and words of encouragement. Oh, and of course, yay again for Angela and ALL of the recent defenders.


  873. Congratulations Dr. McRae!!!! Yay Angela!!! Congratulations to all of you for continuing to push forward. Margaret, I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it to your practice. I had to catch a plane today. Good luck on Thursday!!! Shauna, congrats on having a defense date! Lenisa … wow, enjoy your conference in PR! Congrats to everyone. To those writing revisions, congratulations on continuing to work. It’s hard when you work so diligently to “finish” and then find that you have to do more. I’m working on two paper revisions for publication now. My inspiration is the “special features” on the DVDs … it reminds me that things often end up on the cutting room floor, that people who had parts get cut out of the final edition, and that the movies were eventually good enough to sell.

  874. Good Morning All
    As we come to the end of the academic year and as we complete our PhDs, it is important to remember that this is not the end. This is the beginning. Your finish line with your dissertation is the starting line for your academic research career. Take some time to reflect on the process itself. You have acquired lots of skills and lessons that you will be able to transfer. Some of these lessons include:
    — Reward yourself–it’s ok to celebrate small successes
    –Stop waiting for inspiration to write
    –Join a community of like-minded individuals
    –It doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to be done
    –Create the environment that you need to be successful
    –Don’t be afraid to ask for help
    –Don’t be afraid to say I don’t know
    –Count down to success
    –Break tasks down into manageable bite-size measurable pieces
    –Turn up the volume on your theme song
    –There is value in what you write and in the writing process
    –You can always hire an editor after you get the big ideas on paper
    –You can always find creative ways to say “no” without having to apologize for being busy
    –You can write even if it’s late, or you are tired and exhausted
    –You don’t have to write in a linear fashion
    –Progress not Perfection
    –Do it afraid–even if you are afraid do it anyway–Leap and the net will appear
    –Do it alone if need be–you might think that you are alone but you might just be the leader
    –It’s OK to set yourself as priority #1 (It’s all about you)
    –Even if you can’t write there is something that you can do to make forward progress
    –Take the first step even if you don’t hear the music
    –You might be waiting on your advisor but your advisor might be waiting on you
    –Be ready–keep practicing for the day they call you up to play in the majors–When your advisor set the defense date you should be ready not “getting ready” [Bring it]

  875. Just wanted to let everyone know that I’m still alive (although barely kicking). I’ve submitted my revisions to my advisor, completed the exit survey, and written my “15 seconds of fame” narration for graduation. I’m sooooooooo looking forward to all of us in our caps and gowns! We need lots of pictures to go with our memories. I’m very much an introvert when it comes to working on things such as long papers and other assignments. This group has shown me how much I’ve missed out on by not becoming a member until so late in my dissertation experience. I’m now an evangelist for the DH program and working in groups. I tell every faculty member that I know who has grad students about the program and what it’s done for me. I tell every grad student to get their butt to the DH. And this blog has been so great, even when I don’t write, but just read. Thanks to *everyone*! And I’m going to try to find my DH theme song for the playlist, even though I’m pretty much done.

    P.S. — Where are you, Carlos? I’m getting concerned.

    1. Thank you for coming to my practice talk, Susan! I found your feedback helpful and your support means a lot to me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m finding comfort in the saying from theater “a bad dress rehearsal makes for a good opening night.”
      And Yay for groupwork!!! I have also been recruiting people to DH! They are going to have lots of applications this year!

    2. Oh Susan!!! Dr. Susan, I’m here.
      Thanks for asking

  876. I’m just checking in before going home. I am getting back on my more strict time management schedule so I will go to bed closer to on-time tonight.

    Dr. Tull, your comments about the “cut scenes” are on point – it’s interesting how no one really knows how much editing goes into the document before it is made public, particularly post-defense. I feel bad for assuming that ALL others that defended before me had lots of time to celebrate and rest because they were completely done. When people expect me to be completely done, I correct them, but then I also use that as motivation to keep myself in check and work hard on these revisions so I can let their assumptions be true, once and for all. I never have to do this again.

    Dr. C-V, I love that summary. There are even some new ideas for me in there, so I will keep pondering it.

    Finally, these comments on Dissertation House evangelism remind me that College Park is losing our DH program this summer. *sniff* One of our previous DHousers, Noelia (Elizabeth), has been advocating for our program actively with the graduate school. She has collected letters of support and sent her requests this week following a previous meeting with a few members of the dean’s office. Her effort is to be commended. She is on fire for the program because of all of the success that we have seen over time that couldn’t have happened any other way, I am convinced. I don’t know what the graduate school’s response will be, but I’ll be praying over the matter… To imagine, what if I didn’t have Dr. CV and Dr. Tull telling it to me straight, encouraging me all this time…?

  877. 12 Hours left until my defense officially begins. Next time I post it will be as the name of my blog reads ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you to EVERYONE for your inspiration and support- DH Winter 2012 gets mentioned in my Acknowledgments slide ๐Ÿ˜€ So happy to be part of the #TeamGetItDoneWinter2012InsanityCrew! love you all! http://drdabekmay2012.wordpress.com/

    1. Best wishes to you Margaret!!!!!!

        1. Nohemi Voglozin Avatar
          Nohemi Voglozin

          Congratulations Dr Dabek! You did a terrific job! Your presentation was so great, and you handled yourself very well! You deserve it all! I am so proud of you! You showed me that it’s definitely feasible and achievable (despite the bumps on the road)! I’ll do like you showed us all: stop whining and complaining, and start working and writing! ๐Ÿ™‚
          Enjoy and Celebrate! Best

          1. Thank you, Nohemi!!!! Your kind words mean a lot to me.
            And YES YOU CAN DO IT! It IS doable! Cheering you on from the other side ๐Ÿ˜‰

        2. Congratulations, PhDAm!

  878. Summer Dissertation House at UMBC announcement has been posted: https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/summer-dissertation-house-2012-july-10-13-at-umbc/. College Park, we don’t know about a DH at UMCP this year, but if we have any new information, we’ll let you know.

  879. Hello everyone! Iโ€™ve been M.I.A for a little; however much has happened in the last couple of weeks. First off, I completed, edited and handed to my co-advisor 2 completed chapters! Yay!!!! I also visited Baltimore to get the apartment hunt out of the way. This past week, my research center had our annual NSF Site Visit for which I think went well. I was able to chat a little with Dr. Tull who also came down and spoke in support of our research center.

    I completed the largest data collection effort for my dissertation 1.5 weeks ago (YAY!!!!!) and am currently cleaning up that data and prepping it for analysis. Looking ahead to May, it will be a tough one. To Dr. Carter, no date yet; however Iโ€™m getting VERY VERY VERY close!

    Here is the % of my chapters completed:
    Chapter 1 65%
    Chapter 2 99% (pending 2nd advisor corrections)
    Chapter 3 99% (pending 2nd advisor corrections)
    Chapter 4 75% (next to turn in for corrections)
    Chapter 5 30% (results chapter that I am now finally done collecting data for)
    Chapter 6 10% (blah!)
    Chapter 7 0% (Conclusions and Future Recommendations/Work)

    Also in the spirit of thesis hype music, I have included a like to my Spotify Thesis Playlist. WARNING! Explicit language in some songs.

    You will need to signup for Spotify in order to use it. Happy Writing!!!


    1. Portia
      I hope your trip to Baltimore went well. I like your list of things to do —-you can get them to 100%. Remember you can do little things like revisions when you are really tire and leave the serious writing for clearer moments. Glad to see you still posting.
      A good dissertation is a done dissertation.

    2. Congratulations on your accomplishments, Portia! Keep doing what works and you’ll be singing the Ph.D. jingle: I’m done, done, done.

  880. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Dabeck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I Meant Dr. Dabek!!!

      1. Thank you!!! The process is over! I am DONE DONE DONE! ๐Ÿ˜€

    2. Yay!! Our prayers have been answered! Congratulations Dr. Dabek!!!!

      1. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€ Winter 2012 DH/Insanity crew made this day possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. ๐Ÿ™‚ *Doing the happy dance.*

  881. Congratulations to Dr. Dabek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the Club. I am so glad you decided to come back to the DH after a teary first start. Excellent, job well done.

    1. Thank you, Dr. Carter! I like this Club already!!! And of course I came back…there is NO WAY I would be defeated. These goals HAD to be met! Thanks for that “push”- what a blessing in disguise! ๐Ÿ™‚

  882. Congratulations Dr. Dabek!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is great news!!!!! Welcome back to the blog Carlos and Portia? Congratulations to all of you for continuing to support each other. I hope that all of you can come to the PROMISE cookout on May 5!! Portia, will you be in town? Bring the family and friends. Some of you met here in the blog but haven’t met one another in person. Come on out and celebrate together (we’re paying for the food!) College Park folks, UMB folks, UMBC folks, CMU folks …. are any of our George Mason U folks still there? Come on out. Here is the link with information: http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/promise-friends-family-celebration-of-graduates-cookout-sat-may-5-2012/

  883. Congrats Dr. Dabek! So excited for you. Also excited to have congratulated Dr. Susan Mitchell in person. Carlos is next! Keep up the good energy on the blog!

  884. -21 Days, 2 Hours, 46 Minutes – timeline to upload
    Freedom of the mind is more important than any validation on paper. I have been tempted to believe that I am still in my old (read: limited) circumstances because I have revisions to work on. But if I free myself and keep in mind all that I have already accomplished, I can be on the emotional equivalent of a mental vacation while I finish these last steps. No stress there, just tying up the loose ends piece by piece as I jump out of the dissertation exit hatch.

    I have a new goal/deadline to finish the discussion section by next Thursday, before one of my committee members goes on travel for a week. I also happen to be going on a trip this weekend to NY for part of my friend’s bachelorette celebration that I promised to attend (and have now paid money for). So I will enjoy the time while I’m there, but the bus travel time on Saturday and Sunday will be spent working (and probably snoozing, too, to be realistic).

    10 – Work at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference on campus
    12 – Finish out the conference and any remaining work duties
    2 – Label the sections of the document that I have mentioned for revision in my revisions memo to the committee
    4 – work out
    5:30 – trans
    6 – Eat and pack
    7:30 – Plan next steps, work on quick revisions, and bed


  885. Congratulations to all the new PhDs! I hope to be in your company in 1.5 short months!

  886. Hello Everyone!!!

    Congratulations to all for keeping the pace and achieving the goal. Today is the day I was supposed to defend but it was cancelled. I havenโ€™t post for the last 2-3 weeks, because I didnโ€™t want my โ€œinsaneโ€ buddy to worry, so she wouldnโ€™t have any distractions to achieve her goal.

    Buddyโ€ฆYou Did IT !!!!!!!
    Go Gosiaโ€ฆ.
    OKโ€ฆ.. Dr. Dabek (aka Dr. Energizer pink Bunny )

    The decision for cancelling my defense was mine, after my mentor expressed the concern of not knowing what I was doing and even questioned the contribution of my work 4 days before the submitting deadline. This is a huge project where she is expecting at least 4 publications from this reduced version of my projectsโ€“ and at least other 2 publications from the data I didnโ€™t include. It is not my mentorโ€™s fault, itโ€™s mine and I have to deal with it. Thanks DH for helping me to realize this.

    Iโ€™m trying to be positive, but Iโ€™m tired and exhausted. I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™m going to be able to finish by August 1, 2012 (this is the dateline that The Graduate School gave me to finish).

    Well I will stop whining and keep up. First thing is to start blogging and set up a really crazy, insane yet balanced and healthy schedule. I have to balance full-time job, family duties (Homework, soccer training/games, social, etc) and time for exercise/eat and sleep well.

    Thanks God my mentor is an excellent boss, my wife is amazingly patient and my kids just a blessing.

    This is the life I choose, I want and Iโ€™ll have, so better start right now. I donโ€™t like to whine or make up excuses, but in reality in the last 3 months I realized that blogging it really helps me to keep writing and not to get lazy. All I need, I actually have…I just need to take up my cross and follow Him.

    1. wendycarterphd Avatar

      Hello Carlos
      Sorry to hear that you canceled you defense. It is not unheard of—- some of those who are finished this semester have been there. I think that you should still be able to make the August 1 deadline. Stay the course. I hope to see you next Saturday at the picnic. We should talk. Next time you see me on line via email check into the video chat. Keep working… also if your advisor is having difficulty figuring out what your contribution to the field… you might want to in your writing (problem statement, & literature review) make it obviously clear between what’s been done before and what is new. You might need an editor….something to consider. Nonetheless, hang in there and know that you will make it. Remember, we’re here for you.

      1. Dr. Carter, Thanks for the support. Thanks for the invitation, I am planning to be in the picnic next Saturday. Right now I am focusing on Chapter one, making it extremely clear and understandable, the I have Dr. Dabek and Dr. Ordoรฑez waiting for it, in order to edit it. I will talk to you soon….Gracias!!!!

  887. A Question for Everyone,

    How did you get your signed approval page (second page) into your dissertation? Are you able to scan it, making it a .pdf, and then insert the .pdf page into Word document?

    Any advice welcome.

    — Susan

  888. Never mind … I think I figures it out. I can do it as above.

  889. OK….Where is everybody???
    I’m here in Public Policy 206.
    Gracias Natasha, Dr. Tull and Dr. Carter

  890. The Plan for today:
    – At least a page brief summary the 3 main theories in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
    – At least a page for the relationship pathophysiology and WM interference.
    – At least half a page explaining my view about the pathophysiology of Schizophrenia

  891. Now in Public Policy 208

  892. Good Morning Everyone,

    I’m here in the Commons 327. It’s going to be a long day.

    Yesterday was OK……..

    It was weird being by myself in the public Policy room…………………………………………..

    I was trying to get in to rithmm again..at least little by little…………………. but… ……………………….when I was thinking on going home and relax…………………………………………….. ………………………….Surprise!!!…Surprise!!!……………………………………….
    ……………………………………………The arrival of Dr. Dabek…………………………… …………………………………………………………OMG!!!!!…………………………………………….

    It was Friday night, day after defense and after 3 months of working to exhaustion………..I was so happy (at least until she started talking.)………….She scolded me!!! …Me metio una tremenda vaciada ……………………………………….and she didn’t leave until I gave her a ” INSANITY plan” ………………………………..Gracias Buddy!!!!!

    1. Good for you Dr. Dabek!!!!!!!! That’s great Carlos … an extra mentor and friend. Keep it going. Good for you to even go by yourself. I had that experience and I talk about it often at PROMISE meetings … my friends finished, but I still had writing to finish. After going with my friends for so long, I had become accustomed to the schedule of going in the morning, and returning home at night. Therefore, I was able to do it by myself until I finished.

    2. Good for both of you!!! I can’t stop laughing while visualizing the moment…That’s what Dissertation Buddies are for ๐Ÿ˜‰ Both of us will be after you this summer, so prepรกrate! No excuses… just insanity…

      1. I have to get the pool party ready then.
        Gracias Patti!!

  893. The “INSANITY” Plan for today:

    – Cancel all (minus one) social commitments including soccer practice(Gabriel) and game(Daniel).
    – Finish summary of the 3 main theories in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
    – Finish the relationship of pathophysiology and WM interference.
    – Finish my view about the pathophysiology of Schizophrenia
    – Summarize contribution of fMRI to Schizophrenia
    – Summarize contribution of computational modeling to Schizophrenia
    – Explain how i have used both and how it is going to be now for this project

    OK People……Keep going

  894. Still in Commons 327!!!

  895. OK…time to go
    very productive day until now

    1. Carlos where are you?

      Hello I am back from Puerto Rico and finally got into my home last night (long story). I had a meeting with my advisor a while ago and while I have a few edits. I need to think about when I want to graduate. I am so tired of school.

      1. Lenisa……..I’m here

  896. Hello Everyone,

    This morning has been a bust! I’m trying to find an apartment in the area because I will begin work in July and frankly, I just don’t know enough about the area. I hope some of you in the Baltimore area can help. I would love to resolve this ASAP as it is taking my mind away from what is important (finishing in 2 months!). Here are my two top options:

    Apt 1: http://www.atriumapts.net/ 1BR, $1423 with parking, 820 sq ft
    Apt 2: http://www.southernmanagement.com/charles-towers/ 1BR, $1480 with parking, 1000 sq ft

    All utilities (Apt 1 + internet, Apt 2 – internet) except cable

    I’m looking for a place that is relatively safe (at least the building and a least sketchy part preferable). I will be working in Woodlawn, MD so I would also like to get to work in < 20 min. If you have any experiences with these places or know of a place cheaper that I should check out, please let me know. I'm trying to get this resolved ASAP.


  897. Aa! Carlos, you can do it. Keep going!
    Portia, keep pushing, and we’ll be behind you!
    Susan, thank you for the tip about the pdf embedding.

    Carlos, you reminded me of two posts that I’ll repost. This first one is from Nikki about a TED talk that she watched:
    ***about โ€œShameโ€ and the lady quoted Teddy R. saying โ€œโ€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.โ€***

    This second one is from you:
    ***This is Amazingโ€ฆโ€ฆNot even in my wildest dream (the nice ones), I thought to be at this point.***

    Remember that not long ago we thought we couldn’t do what we’ve ALREADY DONE. Keep going!

    For me:
    I’m still working on revisions and have a due date this week. So:
    3:30 – re-do weekly goals (I’m already behind; discussion, results)
    4 – print out grade change form, review other timeline request from advisor that I just got
    4:30 – Set up new file with track changes, work on discussion changes for committee member
    7 – leave for gym (I’m pumping up my fitness schedule because it helps my mental endurance, energy, sleep, and relieves migraines)
    9 – update schedule for tomorrow

    1. Alexis I needed that thanks.

    2. Alexis….Thanks!!!
      It is just amazing how some words change things!!!

  898. Lenisa and Carlos! I just want to chime in with Alexis to let you know that you are on the right road, and you WILL finish! Even if you’re tired of school, and even when you are just plain tired, there is a silver lining. When I was writing my dissertation, my Dad used to leave me messages about the light at the end of the tunnel. In the early days, he would say that we could see the tunnel where the light is. That transitioned to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, to then walking into the light. It may sound like a corny fixation, but it was a fun dialogue that worked. My point is that you are close! Every day that is farther from your first day of grad school is closer. Do you remember graduating from undergrad? WOW! You were SOOOOO happy! Right? And then you started grad school. Then you took classes. Then qualifiers. YOU’VE COME A LONG WAY! And yes, soon you will have passed another milestone. This PhD is coming your way. You know that you’ve come too far to stop now. So while you take a deep breath, or a deep sigh, or hit a punching bag, or scream, take the time to vent and then get back to the task at hand. Soon, you’ll be like Alexis, dispensing advice to the group that will come next. And yes, you will bask in the glow of finally being Dr. Cortes, and Dr. Joseph. It is coming!

    1. Dr. Tull…..Thanks for the words!!!

      1. You’re welcome! Carlos, you can also sign up for the Summer DH. Patti, Susan, Alexis, and Nikki came for a few years in a row, so this is not a new trend. Our goal is to help you to get to the finish line. Some come for three years in a row, plus the in-between sessions. Whatever it takes … we want to provide the venue for you to succeed. Here is the information about the summer Dissertation House. https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/summer-dissertation-house-2012-july-10-13-at-umbc/.

  899. Hello and Happy May, Folks.

    Congrats to everyone who has crossed the finish line since I last posted. I really hope to see all the graduates this Saturday.

    I’m back, thanks to Dr. Tull checking on me. Sorry for being M.I.A. for such a LONG while. Long story short: my stress levels were SKY high, my health took a turn for the worse, home life got crazy with my parents, and I really felt like I was burning out and wanted to quit. Thank God for the chosen few around me who have been INCREDIBLY supportive throughout this process and a good medical team. I am back on my feet, living at home again, and hustling toward the finish line.

    I now have a June 1st deadline for getting my document to my readers so that I can know by June 15th whether my dissertation is defensible. The first possible defense date is Friday June 29th, or sometime during the 2nd week of July, depending on schedules. Medical school is slated to resume on July 2nd, provided that my deadlines are met.

    I met with my advisor this afternoon, and I will be sending her Chapters 1-4 by C.O.B. on Friday. I had edited all of those chapters a few months ago, but I set them on the back burner for all the aforementioned reasons. I also resurrected the univariate and bivariate analyses that I had prepared for my last thesis committee meeting and started thinking about a few tables and figures for the results chapter.

    I will get this done, by any means necessary. As my advisor said to me today, I deserve to finish this. Good luck all!

    Pressing on!!!

    1. Hello Maya,

      It seems as though we have similar things going on as my “tentative” defense date is June 29th as well. I have to finish producing all my results by the 14th when I will give my co-advisor my results chapter. Then I can finalize the date. I did; however, get a thumbs up from all committee members that the day is possible which is a little bit of a relief. We will definitely get this done!!!! Good luck to you! Know that you have someone here looking at pretty much the same timeframe!


  900. So good to see you are back, Maya!!! You so deserve to finish this!!!

  901. -15 Days, 15 Hours, 38 Minutes to upload

    We come and we go and we come back. It’s hard, but as the memes say, “Challenge accepted.”

    On my way to campus, I have been passing a particular church’s billboard for a while, and it resurrected a previous message that I loved not long ago: Don’t give up. It’s closer than you think! Every day that I pass that, it makes me realize that even on this side of the defense, it’s so easy to go into panic mode and think that I can’t do what needs to be done.

    Don’t believe the lie.

    Dr. Tull, you mentioned me “dispensing advice” – I love that but it almost implies that now I have completely arrived. I need the advice I give so that I don’t stop myself from taking the final step. It represents actions – mental and behavioral – that I also need to take, even beyond the final upload, but especially now in that weird (what’s that word from Inferno?) limbo between defense and final signatures. It’s not (just?) altruism that brings me here. The more I reinforce what is true for myself, the farther I will get – beyond the dissertation, looking for jobs, doing well in whatever positions I choose, doing well as a human being… ๐Ÿ™‚ This is all to reign myself in so that I can overcome my seemingly natural state of “constantly overwhelmed.” Lol.

    Still pushing. Still going.

    1. Well said, Dr. Williams, well said… That’s exactly what I was feeling when I was finishing the final edits… I just kept repeating the mantra’s of dissertation house… break it down into small manageable tasks… you will finish as long as you keep going…

      I felt like I was constantly fighting this self defeating voice inside me that kept saying you’re not worthy.

      I am happy to report that yesterday my thesis was accepted… I did six uploads of the “final draft,” but finally I was satisfied with the final product and it was accepted.

      Yesterday, I picked up the regalia and got my pictures taken. As I was standing in line, with the other non PhDs, I came to realize that I had done it… I had made my way into an elite club of scholars… It was an amazing feeling … and one that all of you reading this post deserve to feel… keep working and the end will be here before you know it….

      1. GOOD LUCK!!!!

      2. I have to admit that I got a real high when I picked up my regalia. It’s silly, but I thought it would look pretty much like the M.S. students’ regalia, black stripes on the sleeves, a mortar board hat. But it’s got big gold stripes on the sleeves and the long lapels are also gold. And the hat is a tam style (you know, those floppy multi-cornered things). And there’s a big blue stripe in the much longer hood.

        I put the tam and hood on and strutted by my friends’ offices for fun. They laughed and said congratulations. I’m looking more forward to the actual ceremony than I thought. I guess we’re all kids inside! Revel in the little things in life, like cool regalia!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Congratulations, Susan!
          You earned the high feelings… ๐Ÿ™‚
          By the way, I came in the commons 327 today….Carlos, where are you??

          1. Hye-Sook,
            Carlos is at work…a last minute project.I’m going to make it for this afternoon

            1. Cool. See you then in the afternoon. ๐Ÿ™‚

      3. Patti, thank you!! I wondered whether anyone else was going through the same thing during revisions. The DH mantras really ARE life mantras! I will keep looking forward to walking across that stage as my motivation to keep pushing in a healthy way. I was being too hard on myself, and after a really low point yesterday, I’m feeling better and have come back again with a concrete plan for the day (and tomorrow, and Sunday).

        Susan, it’s true that we are kids inside. I don’t want to change that one bit. But I do have to have my moments of responsibility because, like Portia said, I must keep it moving because TIME SURE WILL!!!

        Happy Friday, All!

        Dr. Smackdown

  902. Hello D-House Peeps,

    I got a late start due to a pretty bad nights sleep. Oh well, must keep it moving because time sure will. I will post my “noon goals” as to be held accountable.
    By noon EST, I will:
    1) Finish labeling data from subjects 9-12
    2) Review labels for subjects 1-8 and correct any errors

    Once this is done, life will be just a little happier! Now to it!!!! I wish you all well on completing your goals today as well. Oh and also, here are my Chapter %
    Chapter 1 – 90% (advisor 2 is editing now)
    Chapter 2 – 98% (advisor 1 is doing final edits)
    Chapter 3 – 98% (advisor 1 is doing final edits)
    Chapter 4 – 75%
    Chapter 5 – 10% (Results)
    Chapter 6 – 10%
    Chapter 7 – 0% (Conclusions)

    Le Sigh….

    1. Go Portia, it’s your birthday. We gon (write-a-bunch-and-then) party like it’s your birthday!

    2. Good job Portia!!! Loving those 90+ percents!!!

  903. -14 Days, 1 Hours, 13 Minutes to takeoff

    11 – Update calendar, label sections, track changes
    12 – Separate chapters, check in for work
    1 – Department meeting
    2 – Continue revision segments for Chapter 5, Park downhill
    3 – Grad Lilly Fellows Meeting
    5 – Gym
    7 – Small group meeting

  904. Leaving Commons 327… come back tomorrow.

  905. Forgot to post but I have been in Commons 327…
    My goal for today is summarizing the characteristics of PLCs from
    1) Grossman et al (2000)
    2) Halverson (2003)
    3) Hord (1997)
    4) Little (1987)
    5) McLauglin & Talbert (2001)
    6) Penuel et al. (2009)
    It will be a long day… ;(

  906. Hello everyone! PROMISE Cookout today! Come on out and have some food! http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/promise-friends-family-celebration-of-graduates-cookout-sat-may-5-2012/. Cedar Lane Park EAST (different from where we were last year, but close by.) PLUS, Dr. CV is in town!!! She’ll be at the cookout. Come on out, bring your friends and families. Celebrate and go back to work later if necessary. (That’s my plan, because I have some things to finish up before Monday.)

  907. -10 Days, 12 Hours, 51 Minutes – this might not be accurate, but I need a number to motivate me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I spent some time this evening forcing myself to categorize revision items that don’t require me to look anything up and work on those first – a great tip I got from Angela— I mean Dr. McRae. Then I picked one of the items to work on, and …immediately went to look something up to help me. It DID help, but more so to validate the way I chose to present the information than to help me present it in a more helpful way. Smh.. So I’ll start again tomorrow, and I’ll work on another task where I REALLY don’t have to look anything up. One at a time. I’ll make notes of the observations I made from looking up the info tonight, so I don’t waste what I’ve learned.

    8 – Blog goals, settle in
    8:30 – Work on my quick revisions list for chapter 4, make note of questions for meeting
    1 – Labmate’s defense
    3 – Regroup
    3:30 – Quick revisions for chapter 5, park downhill
    7:30 – Zumba!

    1. wendycarterphd Avatar

      Alexis, Thanks for introducing me to your mother and it was great seeing you yesterday. Glad to see you are back at work getting your revisions completed.

    2. Hey Alexis!!!!……………..Dr. Williams!!!!
      It was great to finally meet you.

    3. Hi Dr. CV and Carlos! It was definitely great to see (and meet!) you. I was feeling down but I knew it would help me to spend time with people who understand … The Process… ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope all is well.

  908. -9 Days, 18 Hours, 21 Minutes
    Had a journaling session today and a bunch of things were revealed about what I have feared and how it has held me back, and how changing my perspective and trusting God to get me through this will teach me how to get back on track and finish this part of the process once and for all. I have been working ever since and it feels good to give myself the time on task again. It has been really, surprisingly hard, but I am not surprised now that I understand more of what I was afraid of and prioritizing over my own sense of purpose.

    As a result of my journaling and planning, I’ve taken time to schedule in the things that invade my work time or get compromised if I am not paying attention – food, tech (email, FB, youtube, etc.), sleep… I’ve already been working more effectively now that these have their place in my schedule again and I protect and/or limit the time spent on them in addition to protecting the work time.

    So back to work – here’s the remainder of the evening:
    5:45 – effect size work and other results (found a couple of good resources for effect size if anyone needs them for general quantitative analysis)
    7 – park downhill, check email/FB, and get out
    7:30 – Zumba
    8:30 – Go home, clean up, evening reflections, sleep

    Onward, with love and realistic optimism
    – Inchworm (Alexis)

  909. -9 Days, 2 Hours, 49 Minutes
    Have a meeting with a committee member for help with my stats revisions. Good thing – it’s helping me to stay accountable and on-task. My agenda’s ready and I’m more hopeful after reviewing some of the changes.

    9:30 – meeting
    10:30 – staff meeting and work
    2 – additional revisions
    4 – lab meeting
    5:30 – work potluck/dinner
    7 – work out
    9 – clean up, evening reflections, sleep

    There are a lot of interruptions in my day that don’t have anything to do with my dissertation. The rest of the week will be spent at work. I will be doing revisions around my work schedule and focusing on keeping things simple (KISS!).

    Have a good day!
    Alexis the Inchworm

    1. Keep Going Alexis .You are already there………….
      the final push……………KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  910. -8 Days, 3 Hours, 19 Minutes
    Yesterday was a needed good day. Today will be good, too.
    9 – Assistantship (getting ready for the Distinguished TA ceremony. It will be a relief when that’s done tomorrow afternoon!)
    5 – Kick out some chapter 5 revisions. Start with reframing the conclusions to fit theoretical approach
    7:30 – gym
    8:30 – plan out new schedule for Friday and weekend, next steps for revisions

    K bye!

  911. Anyone using endnoteweb? I keep getting is message that says bad parameter and can’t figure out what it means. The citation goes in but I don’t want that error message to become my nightmare if I don’t address it now. Any thoughts?

    I have 7 days to get this off my desk and to my advisor in EXCELLENT condition.

    12- 3 working on rewriting my implementation theory section of the Lit Review.
    3-4 eat and tidy kitchen and do a load of laundry
    4:15 to 8:00 write the summary for the research studies and conclusion for the Lit Review
    8:15 to 11:00 print and read entire document
    11:15 Make a plan for Friday

    1. Hi Lenisa! You’re on the right track! Be encouraged.

      I tried googling the “bad parameter” message and some messages came up, but I’m not sure if they would apply to EndNote Web (versus one of the non-web programs like EndNote X). The first – only – suggestion I actually read through had to do with labeled or tagged images, I think. Have you tried googling the exact message?

      I hope that leads to something helpful that solves your problem! Otherwise, you might work on the ideas and then save a version without active EndNote stuff in it – not sure how feasible that is, though.


  912. It did it its was just after 3 when I paste the implementation theory section of the Lit Review in OH HAPPY HAPPY DAY. I am on target!
    Dr. Williams I googled as well but it did not help. I just know that option 2 can be a daunting process. I will continue and keep saving while telling myself I may have too enter each one-then if it happens I will not be caught in a panic.


  913. No Insanity today….Not count down yet…One day at the time.

    Itโ€™s time to get fully back on Trackโ€ฆThe whole INSANITY approach was extremely productive but it is not possible not be back to it. The option is to incorporate the insanity to the daily routine…Get the stove…the commercial stove with 10 burners. (Thanks Dr. Carter for the Meeting)

    First things, firstโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

    I need to KISSโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.Ok…Please keep your pants ON… I’m referring to “keep It Simple Stupid”………………….

    I Got tendency to divert from thisโ€ฆ.. I need to forget that I’m a Physician.and I need to set my Mind when working on this, put away the reason that put me into this path and put it in terms of how far it will get me once I finish. So KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Obviously the communication with mentor is not the best when talking about the Ph.D. so I need a strategic approach…..

    I need to compromise my mentor to the plan, but this time I am modifying Chapter One . Basically I am dividing in two Chapters (Intro and Background)(Thanks Dr. Ordonez)….
    Amazingly, Once I suggested this to my buddy Dr. Dabek (Gosia).(Thanks for keeping your support).

    I will work on Chapter 1, (This is the mos important one for me, because I need to explain clearly the GAP, what my contributions are(My mentor mention that she was not sure what my contribution was), and how right now my approach is appropriate.

    So I got I team:

    I will write Chapter 1 this weekend (I need to be flexible for Family). Then two editors will go through it, then a person who was succesful writing for my mentor will go over it and then one of the readers will go over it to make sure is not OK but pretty good. Finally, send it to My Mentor.

    The plan Today:

    10:30h Go to the Mall and get Mother’s day gifts
    11:30h Krav
    13:00h Home + Chores
    15:00h Ph.D. Final Chapter 1
    19:00h MISA
    21:00h Ph.D. Finish Chapter 1 and send it to 1st round of editors

    Keep Going

    1. Welll…………things didn’t worked as planned.
      Went to the Mall….but the Pandora Store was already full….it took me 2 hours to get the gift. No Krav. Got home….. Chores done (Getting the house ready for today) ….I didn’t plan having the kids in the afternoon, so not much done….Needed to exercise so I went for 45 minutes of power walk. Then watched a movie with Adriana and then I started writing around 11:00 pm.
      I was planning to keep up with Lenisa, but then I realized that I was not in INSANITY mode anymore, I need to rest to keep going with all my responsibilities.

      The plan today:

      10:00h Blog-Plan-Cafe-Call Mamacitas ๐Ÿ™‚
      11:00h Ph.D. Chapter 1 Overview
      13:00h Lunch
      15:00h Ph.D. Chapter 1 + Call to take off Monday
      19:00h Misa

  914. Carlos, thanks for posting a realistic plan! I like your idea of splitting chapter 1 into 2 chapters…as I told you yesterday, this is EXACTLY what happened to me!!! I had 40 pages written for chapter 2 but stressing about having nothing for chapter 1, so I decided to splice it into 2 parts and TA-DA! done. Sometimes there is strategy involved with this process… ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I look forward to reading your document later ๐Ÿ™‚
    Maybe you can post some sort of schedule with deadlines over the next few weeks- when you are ready?

    1. Gracias!!!
      I’m still working on it.

  915. Question concerning graduation: how does the hooding process work? What exactly happens on stage? In the graduation packet I picked up I received a gown, a hood and cap. There are extensive directions for attaching the hood. Do I do this prior to showing up on Friday? Sorry if these questions are obvious, but I am not really sure what to expect! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  916. Hi Everyone,
    This is Angel. First I would like to congratulate all of you who are graduating this semester, and all of you who are that much closer to your degree after another year of hard work! I have decided to take more advantage of this resource, and will be checking regularly on my progress and so forth. I know a lot of you are moving on, so I am not sure if I am posting to the right blog thread. Maybe we should start a new one for a summer challenge? Either way, I am here meeting with my weekly writing group that meets every Saturday on the University of Maryland, College Park campus. We call ourselves the “Community of Writers” or COW for short. We grew out of a Promise dissertation a few years ago and since then several people have graduated. If you need a writing community and are in the college park area you can join us. Just email me at amiles3@umd.edu for more information.

    My goals for today are as follows:
    -Follow up with participants and schedule interviews: 1 hr
    -Send adviser estimate of cost of transcription: 20 mins
    -Create work schedule for the week: 30 mins
    -Transfer audio to lap top and transcribe: 4 hrs

    Wish me well! -Angel

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Hey Angel!

  917. Hi Carlos, I agree with you, we need to be disciplined and commit to the plan everyday. I hope I don’t end-up to make someone into a whip master!!

    Angel good to see you. I hope COW was productive for you today. I am going to begin work at 9 and go until 4.

    9:00 to 10 Add two studies to my lit review
    10:00 to 11 add 2 paragraphs to my implementation section
    11:00 to 11:30 break (fold laundry)
    11:30 t0 1:30 Write conclusion to review of literature

  918. Ok here is my post disregard before….

    Hi Carlos, I agree with you, we need to be disciplined and commit to the plan everyday. I hope I don’t end-up needing a whip master!!
    Angel good to see you here. I hope COW was productive for you today.

    I am going to begin work at 9pm and go until 4am.
    9:00 to 10:00 Add two studies to my lit review
    10:00 to 11:00 Add 2 paragraphs to my implementation section
    11:00 to 11:30 Break (fold laundry)
    11:30 t0 12:3 Write conclusion to review of literature
    12:30 to 1:30 Write conclusion to chapter 2
    1:30 to 2:00 Break (fold laundry)
    2:00 to 4:00 Edit writing
    4:00 Email chapters 1 and 2 to editor
    4:15-4:30 Put laundry away and get into bed.
    10:30 Lord blessing me I wake up – Mass and I have my Weekend gig again.

    See everyone on Monday. Have a productive day and Sunday and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! โค

  919. Hi Everyone,
    Well, I started working at about 1:00pm and I am just leaving campus now at 9:30. I got everything on my list done except transcribing :-(. Got to make up for that tomorrow. Things always take more time than I plan. But, I am hoping that the more I keep track of my time, the better I will become at predicting how much it will take me to complete task. I’ll check back in on Monday. Happy mothers day everyone!

  920. As long as you got something done that is important!

  921. Good Morning Everyone! I am logging in from my study carrel in the library at UMCP. If you don’t have a study carrel, I highly recommend them. This is where I get the most and best work done. But sign up soon, they fill up fast!
    My work plan for the day is as follows:

    10:30am-12:00pm: Install dragon on my computer and re-familiarize myself with this software which will help me transcribe.
    12:00pm-12:30pm: Lunch (I packed my lunch today so I don’t have to waste time and money eating out!)
    12:30pm-1:00pm: Check and respond to email
    1:00pm:4:00pm: Transcribe
    4:00pm: Head to handcycling class: (It’s once a week for two hours. It is the only physical activity I tend to get and it’s a great stress reliever)
    7:30pm: Return from Handcycling class, eat dinner
    8:30pm: Follow up with participants and confirm interview appointments (I usually call them after 7pm because most people work during the day)
    10:00pm: Pass out!

    Have a great day everyone!

  922. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Hi everyone! Great to see you all at the picnic last weekend. I am still reading the posts and sending up conquering prayers and decrease in procrastination. I heard a quote this morning about procrastination that said “Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you the bill.” Without work nothing is finished. The prize won’t be sent to you. You must win it. (courtesy of my trainer Mr. Byron Nichols)

    Happy Monday


  923. Hi Everyone,
    Well, handcycling was cancelled because of the rain, so I stayed at the library until 7:30. I transcribed 20 of the last 30 minutes of an interview. So, I will finish the next 10 minutes tomorrow, and work on inputting questionnaire data in excel. So far, I can transcribe 5 minutes of interview an hour. Is that normal? I don’t think so. I need to speed this up somehow. The computer audio dictation softward program Dragon does really help though. I am hoping that the more I do this, the faster I get. I think I am maybe too focused on accuracy, if that’s possible. Do I need to record all of my participants “umms”, “ahhs”, “you knows”, and “likes”? The vocal pauses are killing me! I got to read up on this some more. In the meantime, I’ll check in again tomorrow. If you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to make a habit of this blogging thing. Looking forward to hearing more from the rest of you. How’s it going out there? Oh, and what’s up Dr. Westmoreland! Have a good night!

    1. Hi Angel and everyone. I’m finally checking back in after the weekend. On my mission statement I have this one bullet that says “While you can…” Basically, do the work while you can before real life settles in and you get pulled away, sick, unmotivated, distracted, tired, or otherwise unable to think and write effectively. I had one of those weekends that gave me REAL reasons not to get work done, and now I’m like, why did I think those OTHER things were so important?…

      Anyway, Angel, you’re right that it’s easy to underestimate how much time things take that you might assign for yourself. When I’m on point with my time – and most of the time I’m not – I notice that estimating at least time-and-a-half helps me be more realistic about how long I’ll need. For the 5 minutes of interview/hour, that’s probably a lot of words and a lot of listening, not just straight typing. So if you can calculate about how many words that is on average, you might be able to improve your words/hour ratio, but don’t beat yourself up too much. Just be like Dory on Finding Nemo and “just keep typing, just keep typing, just keep typing, typing, typing, what do we do? We type, type….”

      I’m actually at the office to print out a couple of documents and get ready for productivity tomorrow. I’m way off schedule but I am over all my complexity and am KISSing my schedule and my work. Keeping it SIMMMPLLLE. AHHHHH…. Back tomorrow.


  924. Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for the great advise Alexis! I love that you used Finding Nemo to make a point about writing our dissertations. I love that movie! Today I plan to finish transcribing the interview I worked on yesterday, apply to assistantships, and contact participants to schedule interviews. My wheelchair has been acting up again, so hopefully I won’t have to take it to the shop this week. That would take time away from my work schedule, so I agree with you Alexis wholeheartedly. We must work while we can, because we don’t know what tomorrow might bring. I finally get it. I’m in my library carrel again making the most of my time. Below is my schedule for the day.

    1:00-2:00pm; Appointment
    2:00-3:00pm: Lunch
    3:00-5:00: Apply to assistantships
    5:00-7:00: Transcribe

    Have a great day!

  925. I have to say I love this blog. Seeing that interaction between Angel and Alexis just made my day. I have been meaning to respond but haven’t been able to find the time and then forgot about it. Then Alexis does it with the best advice and Nemo analogy ever.

    I have to say graduation is Friday and I am so not ready. Need a dress and got to get my hair done and I am working so my time is no longer my own. Not to mention the life changing decisions I have before me. All I can say is enjoy the journey because suddenly the end just creeps up on you and comes way before you are ready for it. Thank you for continuing this blog. It still inspires me.

    1. Ha! Thanks for that feedback, Patti! You are still an inspiration, too! So many changes and you are a great example for how to get thru them… ๐Ÿ™‚

  926. One more thing. I noticed that I missed the dissertation writing soundtrack challenge. Here are two songs that encourage me throughout this process. Thanks Carlos and Sophoria for sharing yours.

    1. drwestmoreland Avatar

      Since I know you Angel this song is for you. We’ll add this one to the soundtrack as well. I love this one.


  927. Last Sunday…was not as productive I expected..at least in reference to my Ph.D.

    I had to do somethings from work. Monday and Tuesday I had to focus on a project at work..I already put 25 hours of work, so I can focus today on my writing…

    I really need to blog every night to plan the following day and force myself to keep a pace, a turtle pace….but still a pace. Anxiety started to build up and a really need to change the Concerta.

    The plan for today

    …………….KISS………I really like this part ๐Ÿ™‚
    0930h Blog-plan-Dry clothes
    1015h write…Finish draft writing of Chapter 1 (50m writing- 10 minutes exercise)
    1315h Pick Gabriel up from school + feed him
    1400h Transitions to Chapter 1 + Wait for repairman
    1600h Wait for Daniel at the bus stop + feed him + help him to focus in his homework
    1700h Work on Chapter 1.Most important chapter for my advisor (Project to Complex)
    ……………………………..Why I didn’t know about KISS.???…………………………………….
    1900h Go to Krav if Adriana is back from work, if not the Elliptical + Heavy Bag
    2030h Get the Kids to bed…….
    2100h Get paperwork (house stuff)
    2200h Blog for tomorrow

    Question…….Who is planning to go to Susan’s Party????????

      1. Carlos, How is it going? Have not heard from you in about a week. I hope you not lost. There are a few Dr.’s who can help you get back on the path. Trusting you well and working hard.

    1. What an amazing success story for Susan! Congratulations! Carlos, everybody!!, stay encouraged. You are almost there!

  928. Hi DHers, Drs. Tull and CV:
    I have not posted in a very long time but I am still here. . .editing. I plan to re-submit to my mentor this weekend and hopefully, if it is “defense-worthy” defend this summer. Thanks for all the encouragement; they keep me going.

  929. Tasks to complete before Sunday May, 20th. FAC paper: May 18th 12:00am and Internship Applications: May 20th
    TODAY: Enter my Definition of Terms and double check all citations. Then do a final edit of chapters 1 and 2.
    OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS: Submit at least 3 applications per day with paid internships taking priority.
    Today my Priority is the paper:
    1:30pm – 2pm Enter Definition of Terms
    2pm – 3pm Do 5 pages of reference double checks and APA citations (may be more but starting with an achievable goal)
    3pm – 3:30 Take a brisk walk.
    3:30 – 4:00 Have snack and reset (check mail etc)
    4:00 – 4:30 Write letter of application for internship and send to HR friend to for critical review.
    4:30 – 6:30 Continue with reference double checks and APA citations (10-20 pages of review should go faster as I progress)
    6:30 – 7:30 Dinner and organize, lunch, pack bag for work tomorrow.
    7:30 to 8:30 Complete reference double checks and APA citations
    8:30 to 10:30 Complete all edits for paper and email to advisor
    10:30 to 12:30 Organize for next day and bed.

    It’s a good day, It’s a good day of the Lord!

  930. Hi Everyone!
    I’m back, and with some very good news!!! I just learned this morning from my adviser that I was offered funding to support my transcription for my 30 interviews!!!! I am so thrilled! This has been a major source of stress and concern for me. I was just so worried about how I was going to complete all of this myself, graduate in a timely manner, and be able to manage my chronic pain issues. But, God is good! As soon as I changed my attitude, he stepped in with a miracle! I knew that as soon as I did my part, God would do his. My challenge throughout the dissertation process, and in life in general, is to work more and worry less. That is what I am going to try to do from here on out!
    Yesterday I completed an interview with participant #24. I wasn’t feeling well so I didn’t accomplish much else. Today I plan to do the following:

    2:30-3:30: Apply to Assistantships
    3:45-5:00: Input questionnaire data
    5:00 – 8:00 Head to and attend the National Rehabilitation Hospital Banquet. Try to recruit participants there.
    9:00: Arrive home, start planing for the next day.
    11:00: Bed.

    Thanks for the song shot out Nikki! I love that one too! Have a great day everyone, and get outside at some point. It’s BEAUTIFUL!

  931. I did not accomplish everything but the paper was emailed on June 18th as agreed. Technology tried but I win! I win! a little battered but I still win!

    check 1:30pm โ€“ 2pm Enter Definition of Terms
    check 2pm โ€“ 3pm Do 5 pages of reference double checks and APA citations
    check 3pm โ€“ 3:30 Take a brisk walk.
    no 3:30 โ€“ 4:00 Have snack and reset (check mail etc)
    no 4:00 โ€“ 4:30 Write letter of application for internship
    What I did then was run an errand
    check 4:30 โ€“ 6:30 Continue with reference double checks and APA citations
    I had dinner at about 7:00 then continued with the formatting. The paper was not edited well but I agreed that she would have it by morning on the 18th and she does.

    TOMORROW (next couple hours)

    5- 8 morning routine
    8:30- 9:00 OIT_I carry my Laptop and pray fully OIT can repair and I’ll have a loaner
    9:00- 10:00 Library to see if I can still request a study carrel and remove stuff from the current one
    10:00 to 4:30 Assistant ship
    4:30 – 5:45 walk home
    6:00 to 7:00 food shopping
    7:00 to 7:30 put stuff away
    7:30 to 9:30 do internship letters
    early night…

    1. So this did not quite work out. OIT said they could not fix my laptop so that left me in a funk. I did two internship letters and then called it a night.

  932. Ugh. Up late with headache. Might as well send some encouragements, and a reminder that when you’re tempted to talk down to yourself because you should have done something already that you didn’t, remember that other people have already NOT done whatever you’ve NOT done, and EVENTUALLY they DID IT and then went on to get their degree. So say something nice to yourself like you’re your own bestest friend in the world, because you really CAN BE (like, really), and go do it.

    I’m not done my revisions. I have til Friday. I’m walking today. I’ll do what I have to do and move on with life. Super tired, but I do deserve to walk despite what I’ve been telling myself (the mind is so deceptive). Others have done it and I will do it because I’m on #TeamGetItDone. Let’s #DoIt

    Dr. Smackdown

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Dr. Smackdown. You looked great in you red. โ€œWhen you see someone putting on Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.โ€ I know great things are about to happen because I saw you in big boots today. #YOUDIDIT!

      1. Lenisa, I LOVE your quotes! Thank you again for being there and for your encouragements. They are part of my very, very happy memories of yesterday. Gonna keep putting on Big Boots!

  933. I got a green light and the chapters were accepted, I also got a very promising invitation to apply for an internship position and it’s paid! God is working out how I get my new computer! GOD is so good to me. He smiled on me so many times today. Thank you Lord.
    My day started at 5:00 with a great workout then graduation and work continues until 4:30 ish because I am leaving early to see to Nikki’s get hooded!
    The document is 63 pages, I have given myself to Friday fix the edits. This will be interesting since I have no computer. Just means I will be chilling in the Library on a borrowed MAC. The problem has a solution. So 15 pages a day given the situation is measurable, manageable and maintains momentum – my 4M’s.
    I have a commitment tonight until about 8:00pm then head home.
    Since this day is long these are my plans:
    While I at work I read through the comments, recommended edits and printed feedback document.
    10pm – 11pm Revise cover letter for internship application and look over CV
    (I always find another error)
    11:00 – 12:00 Organize lunch, bags and clothes for tomorrow
    12:00 be in my happy place.


  934. Hi Everyone!
    Happy Commencement Day! Today I am in the study carrel, working on organizing my transcription files so that I can hand them over to be transcribed! I am so grateful to have this funding. It is such a big help and weight off my shoulders. It’s great studying in the library during the summer. I am really looking forward to it. Most of the times, books are more available and easier to check out during the summer. So, I highly recommend doing literature reviews during this time and gathering those texts now! Tomorrow I will check back in with my schedule for the week. Congrats again everyone and enjoy!

  935. Good afternoon everyone, Congratulations to all of the graduates. To those who are continuing, congratulations to you too … you are continuing to fight the good fight! Our graduation ceremonies have shown us that DH’ers can do it! Dr. Carter-Veale and I sat together in our regalia at UMBC on Friday, and it was great to see you all cross the stage. To those who are continuing … your turn in coming!!! Believe it! Act on it!

    Last week was so busy for me. I was in Maine, NY, and VA, before making it back to Commencement. I was so tired on Saturday, so I’m sorry that I missed some of the celebrations. Today, I am writing a report and editing a paper.

    Alexis and Nikki, if you have a photo of the two of you together in your regalia, can you send it to me via email? I’ll post pictures of Susan, Patti, and Margaret (Gosia) soon.

    Have a good evening everyone!

    1. Dr. Tull so good to hear from you! Please rest this weekend. Alexis and Nikki looked great in their robes!

      Keeping a tight schedule works for me. Dr. CV you are so right!!! I got everything accomplished yesterday but the CV. Working on my mini PC is a real exercise in patience as I wait for the letters to appear on the screen. I got the draft done and printed the CV. The hope was to look at it today but that did not pan out. Maybe later.

      Dr. Letitia William’s Assistant Director in the office of International Initiatives has allowed me to use her office after hours until I get my new system.
      Today I had my GA responsibilities from 8:30 to 4:30 and I had WORK!
      5:45 to 8:45 do 15 pages of edits.

      Since Shuttle UM is not working during the transition week I have to be careful to not miss the Metro bus and I need to get my 15 pages done. Tomorrow I don’t have office hours so I can do even more. Standing firm.

      1. Ok this is not working. I don’t have endnote here and will not add software to someones PC. Going home get my car and drive to my “brothers” house and kicking any of his children of the computer. Aunty needs to get this done. Still laughing though cause this just is only a test…I can run with these horses!

        1. Hey Lenisa! Just thought of this – is Endnote Web compatible with the computer-based one you’re using? Like, can it somehow share the references you have on your main computers?

          1. Alexis my computer died and will cost too much to repair. My mini is so slow I type and then wait to see the letters appear. I have been using the system at the desk I am assigned in the Collage to get work done. There is some issue with staying in the office after hours, so a staff member from another office on the floor allowed me to use hers. I use Endnote Web, however I don’t think it appropriate to install software on someone’s computer they allowing me to use. I went to my brother’s house and installed cite while you write (the Endnote extension or whatever is the term) for Word. I got the 15 pages done last night but got to the office to continue on the system I use for work and the file was corrupted. No big deal…I have time still so I just need to do more pages. FUN TIMES. Heading out soon.

            1. Hi Lenisa!
              Ok, I didn’t realize that even with Endnote Web, something still had to be downloaded/installed on the computer in use. :\

              Your Jeremiah quote is amazing. I am renewed knowing that it is not me that pushes along, but someone bringing me through and teaching me with these tough times how to be more compassionate and understanding when others are having experiences later that I am having now! You are strengthened by each trial. The seed is planted and the blossom is on its way.

  936. -2 Days, 21 Hours, 9 Minutes to revision turn-in (2 of 3 chapters due Friday)

    Lenisa and Angel (and others who are working) – you are amazing. Keep coming back and staying encouraged! As long as you do that and roll with the punches, you will be in your robes. I noticed with some of the others yesterday that the graduation process is so weird – you’re so frustrated and you’re so frustrated and you’re SOO BEYOND FRUSTRATED and then all of a sudden you’re in your robes sweating and you cross the stage. And then, for me and a bunch of others, you go back to work and then you move on with life.

    Essentially, the mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find the OTHER stuff that gets you through the frustration – the meaningful moments in life, the hard work and then the awesome play. Because if you focus on the frustration alone, you’ll miss everything else that life has been offering you, and the frustration itself will just slow you down and cause MORE frustration (this is what I know for sure because I have been living focused on the frustration and depression for the past month and FINALLY recognized what I was doing to myself and put a stop to it).

    Frustration is the baseline. What ELSE is there to focus on? Focus on why you chose to study what you do – somewhere in there you love this stuff. Focus on playing around with the ideas. Anything but the frustration. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m in Proverbs 15:
    v. 13: A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
    but heartache crushes the spirit.
    v 15: All the days of the oppressed are wretched,
    but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.

    Feast on (like Checkers)!

  937. -2 Days, 4 Hours, 43 Minutes to submitting revised chapters 4/5

    Big picture – Feasting on the day and the possibilities for success. Creating my schedule and following it, telling myself that each next task is the last task, until – all of a sudden – I really HAVE done the last task! The moment is life.

    11:30 – Typing up/editing Ch 5 revisions
    12:30 – Work tasks – email conference folks
    1 – Food/devotion/miscellaneous stuff I forgot
    2 – Review Ch 5
    3 – Ch 4 – run test analyses
    4:30 – Pull up fundamental descriptions/assumptions of FMM/SEM and get these written out
    8 – Park Downhill & Gym

    Dr. Smackdown of #TeamGetItDone

    1. I’m still on chapter 4 background analyses (didn’t realize it was so hard to get a covariance matrix that parallels the raw data, in the right file format). Behind schedule but still going!

  938. So I did my 15 pages last night at my brothers house and of course as I sit to continue the file is corrupted. This is too funny. Since this is transition week the labs are closed but McKeldin is open until 5. I guess tomorrow I get to the Library for 8. Now all I can do is redo as much as I can. Good thing I worked out this morning I am sure it is having a positive effect on how I manage this. I will get my special cake this evening. Nikki told me the other day to stand firm. So all I can do I stand and endure. Typically when I have trials like this it means there is something birthing. I will stand and endure with anticipation of GREAT THINGS TO HAPPEN.

    Alexis thanks for the scripture this one has been on my mind these days
    – If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? Jer 12:5.

    1. Hi Lenisa! Still going…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  939. -1 Days, 4 Hours, 0 Minutes to submit two revision chapters

    I re-learned the lesson last night to just go to bed when my body tells me it’s done. The good news is that I’m back in action with no pain (no migraines or unusual body soreness), mostly because I completely slept through my alarm so I got more sleep than I planned. But I am a little behind schedule.

    I realized that I was making too much out of my power analyses, so I am not allowed to work on them anymore. I will write up my summary as the analyses are right now, and I will have time later to add in any more detail once my advisor sees the direction I took with them. The important thing is that the overall story is there.

    12:30 – Remaining chapter 4 revisions
    2 – lunch and devotion
    3 – Review chapter 5 and edit sections
    6 – Review chapter 4 and edit sections
    8:30 – Park downhill, quick gym, home

  940. Alexis how did it go? I needed a gym run today I just did some abs work when I got home to be accountable and because I need to.

    So I spoke with the person whose has allowed me to use her office and I installed everything I needed. I stayed back today and completed all of the edits.

    Today I had my GA responsibilities which included a meeting that went on for 2.25 hours with about 1.75 of those hours being on a topic external to what was immediately at hand. Not a fun time. I stayed back in my angels office and worked.

    I worked on edits and revisions from 5-9 and got through the whole paper. I need to take my APA manual and do a once over again. In my feedback and conversations with my advisor I realize however the need to add 2 tables, a diagram and a paragraph. I plan to accomplish those tasks tomorrow (Gw). I am still aiming to be finished with the edits to the paper by Friday. My advisor has instructed that it needs to be emailed on Tuesday to the committee. I want to be free on the weekend so I am striving to have it completed and emailed latest on Saturday by 4pm.

    Plan for tomorrow
    05:30-06:45 Workout
    06:45-08:00 Travel time/ morning devotion/ mass
    08:00-10:00 Breakfast/ ready for school /travel time
    10:00-01:00 Write paragraph (5-6 sentences) on Caribbean efforts towards inclusion/create 2 tables/ create a diagram related to my framework
    01:00-01:30 Brisk walk in Cole Field House
    01:30-02:00 Lunch
    02:00- 04:30 Review APA citations/headings (revise contents page headings), edit reference list
    04:30-06:00 Travel time eat change
    06:30-09:30 Complete any thing that was not done and by the grace of God submit the paper then dance

    My reward for getting this out at least my Saturday evening is to go to New Jersey. I really want to go so I am motivate to finish.

  941. Motivated to finish!
    I could not find my wallet this morning (metro card in there) so in addition to Boot Camp this morning I rode to campus in the high humidity. I will have to get some cake this evening…to many calories burnt. So I am here at will settle in at and start at about 10:30! Saw Dr. Williams while panting uphill! GOOD MORNING DR. WILLIAMS! Will skip that walk in Cole Field since I have to ride home. Urgh! Ok so as I am typing, I remember where I put my wallet.

    1. I did GA work for most of the day! Got 19 pages of APA revisions and cross check with references done I had to look up quite a few and APA is a pain!

      30% complete between 3:30 and 5:30 with interruptions. I can knock off the rest this evening cool breeze!
      Going to ride home now. I have an errand to run as soon as I get home. As soon as I return home I eat change, then get back to my borrowed space. Seems I will have to work tomorrow but I is due on Tuesday so I have time. Just want to go to Jersey …so I have to work this….. I need to go. Will check in at or before 9:00pm

    2. Lenisa, you are doing great! You are becoming a model for me for gentle persistence, making sure that you have your fun and necessary tasks like exercise and cake scheduled right in there with the writing. I hope that you are able to go to Jersey and enjoy yourself!
      I submitted my two chapters yesterday but I will keep working on them. They are definitely NOT where they need to be. Keeping it moving!

      1. Alexis, A friend’s mom always reminds me to be gentle with myself. It’s something I really trying to practice. Gentle and forgiving. Thank you for those kind words.

  942. Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I disappeared for a minute. I was feeling a little down lately because of some personal stuff, but I am getting back into the swing of things. I got to work, even when I don’t feel like it! I did manage to accomplish some things this week. I organized my audio files, and I am going to finish going through them all one by one by tomorrow, so that I can edit them down a bit to the parts I need transcribed. Then by Tuesday I need to hand off the audio on a flash drive to CRGE so that they can have them transcribed. I also collected another survey and interviewed another participant yesterday. That makes for 27 surveys received and 25 interviews completed. I need 30 of both! I am pushing to get 5 more done by June 1st. I have 2 more interviews scheduled within the next week already. I have 2 others that want to do a phone interview. All my other interviews were in person. I am trying to find the technology I need to audio record an interview over the phone. Today I am going to mail my last 3 questionnaires to participants I recently recruited. I probably won’t get those back by the 1st, but It’s worth a try. Well, I’m off to fed-ex and to finish organizing my audio. I will be back in touch soon with a concrete schedule. I am still reading the post daily so keep up the good work everyone! I will try to do the same. I don’t have the internet at home so I can’t always respond, but I am routing for all of you!

    1. Angel, I know what you mean about feeling down – I just had a follow-up appointment at the counseling center yesterday, a week after I had to schedule a walk-in because I was so distressed! My counselor helped talk me through what I was dealing with, make a plan, and look forward to better, more productive days.

      Yesterday was so meaningful – I was able to tell her about some lessons I learned just in the past week about letting go of things I can’t control (remind me to tell you the Magic Bullet story), learning how to stop obsessing over my advisor and committee members, and just appreciating the moment and what I can and can’t do in a single one. I almost talked myself out of walking at graduation, but I am SO glad I walked despite still having revisions. And I found out that SO many other people do the same thing; it’s actually quite common. I am reminded of how far I’ve really gotten. Even though it might not seem like it all the time, you have gotten so close to the finish line! You’re talking SINGLE DIGITS in your participants that you want to complete/transcribe!!! You have come so far! Just keep your mind on simple things that need to be done, give yourself the realistic time to do it, and “just keep typing, typing, typing!”

      My favorite quote these days, from the church billboard I pass every day: “Don’t give up! You’re closer than you think!”

    2. Angel good to see you. Keep plugging!

  943. Hi folks,
    I aim to get back on the blog more consistently. I have been putting in at least 15 minutes a day this week on my document. My health is improving, but my patience is growing thin with the setbacks that I have been experiencing. Jesus, be a fence!

    I’ll check in later.

    1. Hi Maya! It’s good to see you and to hear that your health has gotten better. I’ll put you on my list for the “education” and “health” section prayers. It sounds like you have been very strong with keeping your 15 minutes schedule and dealing with the other demands of life. Jesus, please be everything Maya needs. Let her step right into the MD/PhD as if into her favorite comfy sweatpants. Amen.
      Let’s #GetItDone

      1. You’re the best, Dr. Alexis! I love my favorite comfy sweatpants; thus, by the transitive property, I love this PhD process, right? :-/ lol!

        I am in a much better mood today than I was yesterday. I was really bummed all day Friday because, despite my graduate program chair’s and committee’s excitement, my chair said that a June defense is not possible because I “kicked it into high gear too late” and I need another 6 months O_o. That is SO not what I wanted to hear. What in the world am I going to do about medical school, which is slated to start in July?!?!?!? Woosah…

        Alas, today’s to-do list has involved:
        -Making sense of the analytic strategy for paper #2 (KISS!!!!!)
        -Table/figure shells for 2nd paper’s results section

        As an aside, this caffeine detox that I’ve gone through this week is no joke. I’ll tell you all the crazy story one day. Word to the wise: stay away from the Starbucks Double Energy drink in a can. It will ruin your life.

        Oh yes, I just took my day-break with the munchkino and Momz to do a touch of shopping for our family reunion in July. I have a date with the boyfriend this evening, and I have my LS’s cookout tomorrow. #GetItDoneHappily

        Great work, everyone!

    2. Maya we are here praying and walking with you. Just imagine us all walking with you.

  944. Hi Everyone, So I did not check back in last night. I had a chat with one of my angels who is holding the fence and walking with me. I realized I was getting anxious about completing the paper by today. That deadline is self imposed because I want to go to Jersey. It is realistic if I was not dealing with anxiety issues and had a person computer that is could access as needed. Since my paper has to be submitted by Tuesday and I can go to Jersery when this task is completed I changed my plan so I could better manage. She helped me realize I was setting myself up and creating anxiety. I text Dr. Nikki this morning and she reminded me that my dissertation comes first. I need is like I need air right now so I will head to Jersey after the June 8th.

    I am in my borrowed space now and will continue until 5:30.
    01:00- 03:00 Continue with APA citations and editing reference list – Aim complete remaining 60%
    03:00-03:30 15 minute abs routine and have lunch
    03:30-05:15 Create table on International Policy and search for 15 minutes for if not found create organizational chart of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of education
    05:15-05:30 pack up to head out
    I have my side gig this evening so I plan to head out at 5:45. Hope there is not traffic I can get there by 6:30.
    Have a productive day everyone.

  945. Hello everyone, I’m stopping in to say hello! I love the “be a fence” references. I remember that old song.

    Alexis, I love what you said about Lenisa being a “model of gentle persistence.” That is such a wonderfully accurate description. Kudos to all of you for continuing to press on. Your day will come. Congratulations also on the health and wellness encouragement that I’m seeing. WOW! Biking, walking, hand-cycling, abs workouts, etc. I’m tempted to start Zumba this summer. We’ll see.

    Angel, you are on a roll! Keep it going!

    Maya, setbacks happen. Patti can tell you serious stories about setbacks, but she is now juggling offers! Susan came to the DH for years … years. But now she is Dr. Mitchell. She was working full-time and raising a family. Yvette Mozie-Ross from College Park had the same issue. She was working a full-time, demanding job, trying to be a good Mom, and trying to finish. She did. She is now Dr. Mozie-Ross.

    Setbacks are unfortunately part of this process. But think of the setbacks as ways to build your strength. These are lessons in resilience and persistence. If you fall down, you get back up. Think back to your own experiences and the people that have gone before you. They had set-backs too. Some people had set-backs that were based on their family situation, uncomfortable home lives, economic hardships, issues with advisors, issues with the whole committee, illnesses (their own), illnesses (family members), deaths, etc. One day, you will be able to look back and tell your story as well. Think about Kim Barnett, Erica Richards, Stacy Williams, Kim Raines and others at UMB. Do you the story of Stacey Nicholls from UM College Park? She had serious set-backs as well, and juggled finishing as she became a Mom. She finished later than she wanted to, but she finished. Her story along with others like Marcella from UMBC, Alycia from College Park, Stacey from UMB are all told in our book chapter. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?chapterid=1949534&show=pdf. You can buy it as a download from the publisher’s website for about $25.

    (Rutledge, J.C., Carter-Veale, W.Y. & Tull, R. G. (2011). Successful PhD Pathways to Advanced STEM Careers for Black Women in Beyond Stock Stories and Folktales: African Americans’ Paths to STEM Fields, Vol. 11., H. T. Frierson and W. F. Tate, Eds. United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)
    If you’re interested in something motivational, you may consider this to be a small investment. In additional to spiritual materials, this chapter can be motivational. It has people that you know and tells some things about their “set-backs” that you may not have ever known. Marcella said that she cried when she read it because it reminded her of what she had accomplished, despite the odds. The key is that all 15 of the women featured graduated, and have PhDs … despite the odds, despite the set-backs, and despite the push-backs.

    The key is that you can do this. The blog alone shows that you are not alone.

    1. I am going to make the investment, Dr. Tull. Thanks so much for everything. Your efforts are not in vain.

  946. Dr. Tull Thank you!
    Thank you for identifying the need to keep community alive and for fostering a sense of family. Thank you for being there for us even when you are miles away. Thank you for traveling miles to find us when needed. Thank you for being a steady anchor when we feel the buffets of storms. Thank you for showing us how to fence each other in with care. I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you. Thank you.

    1. You’re so very welcome Lenisa!!! Keep your faith strong, that is where the power is. I’m just a conduit.

  947. I accomplished the task for today! Yippee me!
    Completed 95% of the APA citation and reference list cross check. I need some text that at my home to complete the rest.
    Completed the table on International Policy
    Searched and found an organizational chart of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of education. I need a less detailed chart so began to create a modified version 25% complete.
    I ate and did steam engines while I waited for the food in the microwave (3minutes counts lol).
    Off to my gig….need to make some money to get new computer!!! Happy working to everyone !

    1. Lenisa,
      Sometimes universities give small loans for things like computers, or you can get small equipment grants from your professional organization. The computer is essential. Ask your department, or even the IT department if they have one that you can rent or buy. Do you know about ACT? Is it still applicable in College Park? http://act.umd.edu/.
      Perhaps you can ask your advisor or your GA supervisor if they can buy a laptop for you to use. Even if it remains the property of the department, you can at least get your work done. Getting the product through the university may allow transfer of funds from one department to another. If you haven’t looked into it, it may be worth it. http://www.oit.umd.edu/techsavings/index.html

      Take care!

      1. Hi Dr. Tull,
        Yes I have looked into those avenues. My warranty expired a year ago so the OIT department could not give me a loaner. I don’t qualify for the loan through ACT program. I had a borrowed laptops last two weeks that I check out in the morning from the College and returned by 3:30 in the evening. This week however is transition week and some offices/parts of offices are closed, including that office in the College. I planned to wait until Tuesday to find out about the emergency loan but I don’t have to…

        I have learned that God is a God of order, not calamity. Every piece of technology I own went bad at the same time. No virus just end of their life. They were not purchased at the same time …

        I realize that something purifying is going on in my life since I am being tried over and over and over but since I also know Jesus died, rose from the dead and sent an Advocate I am just standing. I will not buckle again.

        On Friday night instead of coming back to write, I went to bed because I was tired. As I was praying before dosing off God reminded me that I have a line of credit at Best Buy. It is more than enough to purchase the computer I need and I will have 18 mths to pay back without interest. I also saw a summer internship 15hrs/wk. Should I get it, the stipend would cover the cost of my new computer, so I don’t have to struggle with an additional bill. I said to God โ€œbut you could have spared me the hassle of the last two weeks!โ€ Since I know he could have but did not, I realized I was missing a lesson. This morning at Mass I asked to understand the lesson in this moment because I have been trying and I just did not get it….
        There are two I can share in this space:
        a) There is no shame in asking for help. I am very prideful and need to work on it. I know I have said it beforeโ€ฆI am working on it. Seems it is showing its head again.
        b) God also wanted to use the person who has loaned me her office space to speak some WORDS into my life and fan some gifts awake. She has known she needed to chat with me but we never had the opportunity. SHE FENCED ME IN!!!

        God is faithful and never fails, we just need to trust, stand and endure. So that is my testimony for that part of the trial.
        Kinda preachy but it may help someone or not, It helped me to type it.

        1. So so good, Lenisa – this definitely has benefited me, too. Thank you for this. Dr. Tull, thank you also for sharing kind words and resources. Lenisa absolutely spoke for me when she said better than I could how much I appreciate what you have done and who you have been to us.

  948. In my borrowed space: need to have lunch then will begin to work. Today I plan to complete Government diagram, create table of Trinidad and Tobago education policies, write paragraph (5-6 sentences) on Caribbean efforts towards inclusion and yeah write an abstract (I have not written the abstract!), print the paper and read it. At some point I need to go take a run but I am scheduled to work on this for 5 hours today.
    On #teamgetitdone

    1. Not finished very distracted all evening did not run…kinda cranky. I think I should have slept when I got home from work this morning.
      Diagram, tables and paragraph complete.
      Tomorrow (Gw) I will do the abstract and print the paper. I probably needed more rest this morning. Memorial day! NO SCHOOOL!!

  949. Good Morning everyone, I emailed my paper yesterday. One step closer. I is going to happen.
    Sharing this video from Donald Lawrence the I am Factor….

    1. Thank you again and again for this post, Lenisa. What you decree, must come your way!!! This song will be on repeat ALL day today. I needed this so badly. I refuse to stand under the dark cloud that wants to enshroud my life right now. I AM fearfully and wonderfully made, I AM a good mother to my child, and I AM finishing this dissertation!

      1. Maya, I AM is in agreement with you and I am in agreement with you. It is decreed. The world cannot deny I AM…He said we can use His Name! I was late for Mass this morning because I was listening to this song on the radio. It was the first time I heard it. My pores rose because that name is not to be taken lightly. OH how MARVELOUS is I AM!

      2. Woooowww. *no words* ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Wow… you guys are still giving me goose bumps…. Go Maya go… go Lenisa go… go Alexis go… Go Margaret go … go Carlos go!!!… You are wonderful… You are finishing your PhDs!!! I can’t believe how much this blog still motivates me!!! Keep it up guys!!!

          1. Forgot… go Angel go!!! Yasaman and Aditi are other reading this blog, too… go all of you!!! Stick together and make it through!!!

  950. SCJVC โ€“ “Countdown: -01d 11h 27m for chapter “new introduction for dummies”

    -Defense date not set yet (pending one committee member)….. I guess is the Summer effect!!! !
    ………but I got an extension of two months to defend …:)

    -Family negotiations done!

    -Team ready…. New DH buddy partnership (already in the Commons) …Thanks Margaret G
    …………………….Ph.D. level Editors …Gosia and Patti (thanks for the phone call and e-mails)
    …………………….Coaches Dr. Carter and Dr. Tull (Thanks for the e-mail)
    …………………….1 Person who understood my advisor
    …………………….DH blog buddies…..always there!!!! (thanks Lenisa, Maya, Alexis…etc

    -Schedule set for the next 2 weeks Combining Ph.D.-Family-Work.

    – Goals set:

    Chapter 1: Introduction.. 70% โ€ฆ. Deadline: 05/30/2012
    Chapter 2: Backgroundโ€ฆ 70% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/01/2012
    Chapter 3: Layoutโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ. 80% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/02/2012
    Chapter 4: SA 1โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 95% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/03/2012
    Chapter 5: SA 2โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 95% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/04/2012
    Chapter 6: SA 3โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 90% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/05/2012
    Chapter 7: SA 4a.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 75% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/06/2012
    SA 4b.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 75% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/07/2012
    SA 4c.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 10% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/13/2012
    Chapter 8: Conclusions .. 10% โ€ฆ.. Deadline: 06/14/2012

    OK…….I will blog tonight

    1. Go Carlos, GO!! You’ve got a great plan going for you, and I know you will finish!! One thing at a time – get chapter 1 done!! WOOHOO I expect to hear great things tomorrow morning! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Carlos good to see you! We rooting for you You will be on the #teamgotitdone in August!

        1. I’m back………little by little.
          recovering from the INSANITY run……………Still have to wait for a defense date…….
          Thanks for the support and the calling out

      2. Thanks Margaret!!!!
        See you tomorrow!

  951. My heart is so happy to see so many of you continuing and getting back to the business of meeting your goals! A big hug to all of you! Yes, you will ALL finish!

  952. Angel, I was procrastinating today a little bit and found this – is the Angel that Jorge is referring to in the comic strip YOU? lol ๐Ÿ™‚ thought it would at least make everyone smile a little!


    1. Woah (like in the comic)!! That’s awesome, Angel! Hilarious quote!

    2. I meant to say, thanks for posting this, Margaret. And also, it made me laugh to read your blog – “The fact that I’m not panicking is making me nervous.” I know that feeling VERY well. Well, I’m usually busy panicking, but when I’m not… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    3. How cool… is that you, Angel? I wanna know, also…Very cool strip… thanks for sharing, Margaret…

      I have finished and I still can’t get enough of this blog… not until you are all done!

  953. Lenisa gave me a great challenge today to make my plan and stick to it (or something like that – is that right, Lenisa?). ๐Ÿ™‚ I had been fretting over not getting as much done as I wanted to, so I took time after work to plan out my priorities for the week (including finishing up the re-revisions for chapters 4 and 5). I think I tried to pack too much into tonight considering that I am supposed to be at the gym right now, though..

    For tomorrow I will get up ON TIME and get to campus to work on my re-revisions to Chapter 4 before my assistantship, and then I have:
    5:30 – Finish up Chapter 4
    7 – Park Downhill and Work out
    8:30 – Pack for conference

    Somebody please call me out if I don’t post by tomorrow evening. Thanks. Everybody, please keep up the hard work. We can do this together. Dr. Tull, definitely start Zumba! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


    Dr. Smackdown

    1. But honey what time is on time, and how much of chapter 4 is to be done? I will call you and call you out. what time do you have to be up?

      1. Ha! All of it! No, I’m bad at this after all this time. Thanks for calling me out. I still have a bunch of miscellaneous tasks on my task list before Chapter 4 is complete:
        – Simplify tables (50% done)
        – Make explicit references to tables in the document to guide the reader through the analyses (0% – will be done once tables are set)
        – Describe each analysis and guide the reader through the process (60% done)
        – Be more specific regarding detail about when and why to include control variables (80%)
        – Finish power estimations (30%)
        Then I need to read over the whole thing for coherence.

        I almost got up on time. :\ I’m working now before my assistantship and then I’ll work this afternoon on these tasks.

        I love that you said that you will call me and call me out. I have been thinking about asking you to be my accountability partner, and apparently the prayer was answered before I asked it.

        #GodIsGood #TeamGetItDone

      2. PS. tomorrow I need to be up by 5. If I think you’re going to call me, I’ll actually get up.. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Ok good. my days are 100% better when I wake up at 5! That seems to be the magic hour for me.

          1. Wake me up – before you go-go!

  954. SCJVC โ€“ โ€œCountdown: -00d 12h 55m

    Already in the Library with my new DH buddy.

    Goal Today…chapter โ€œnew introduction for dummiesโ€

  955. Ok…..Trying to stay awake……………..Still in the library

  956. Now that I’m awake…………..Thanks Buddy!!!…….
    …………….we almost get Kick out of the library….Thanks Buddy!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ok, that’s hilarious that you almost got kicked out of the library. What were they going to say to you guys? No sleeping? Who doesn’t sleep in the library?? Or were you having too much fun when you woke up? Ha ha ha ha… #FunTimesAt1500InsanityRow

      1. Alexis!!!!!!….Dr. Alexis!!!!! Crazy Dr. Aunt Lexis!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!

        Just to clarify…….
        ……………I was not sleeping…………….I don’t know what’s with the Margarets (is it the name?)………they seem to have fun when working on the dissertation……..too much laughing in the Absolute Quite Floor!!!!

        ………………………First She was showing me how to pack a suitcase

        …………………then….she was trying to tell me not to eat in the library (something like this http://whatshouldwecallgradschool.tumblr.com/post/23995177238/my-friends-when-they-are-trying-to-talk-to-me ………)

        well..I need to finish my Intro…..

  957. Ugh, almost 10pm. I’ll be smart and at least move my car closer to the building. Then I’ll try to speed through these last analyses so I won’t be TOO tired when Lenisa calls me… ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m working on the power analyses so I’ll be more than 30% done!

    1. I just got the distinct premonition that one day, one of my favorite pastimes will be to torture the young people in my life with stories about my dissertation process. “You young whippersnappers don’t know the meaning of hard work! Back when I was finishing up my dissertation, I used to get up at 5am – before the SUN came up – and stay on campus sometimes til the wee hours of the morning! Y’all don’t know nothin’ bout no hard work!”
      Crazy Aunt Lex

  958. Still working on it!!
    ……………….KISS!!!! or as Margaret G. said……Be concise….cut the BS (is this Bachelor in Science?…I’m confused)
    Thanks Patti for the the midnight support talk…….The wonders of video chat…..

  959. OK..finish my work for today…….Now focus on writing (KISS…)
    BTW Welcome back Dr. Dabek!!!

  960. Hi Everyone,
    I keep thinking “My, this is a really affectionate group”. Then I remembered what KISS stands for “Keep It Simple Sweetie.” LOL! I was like, people sure are blowing a lot of kisses around here! Ha, ha! Anyway, back to work. It’s been an interesting week for me, to say the least. I am finishing up my interviews. I met with my adviser today and she said I had enough interviews and that I should stop at the last one I have scheduled for this Sunday. That will make it 27 interviews and 30 questionnaires returned. Not bad. My sample is of black women with physical disabilities (mobility impairments specifically) between ages 25-55 living in the Mid Atlantic region. This is a very small population and a very under studied population that is not easy to access. I am so thrilled and feel very blessed that I have managed to gather data from this many women. Even my adviser said, she didn’t think I was going to reach my goal of 30. So for me, this is a major victory! Hurray!
    My adviser and I fleshed out the following goals for this summer:
    1. Input and analyze all questionnaire data (30 questionnaires)
    2. Finish editing interview audio by next Friday June 8th and submit it to be transcribed by agency.
    3. Complete preliminary analysis of transcriptions with ENVIvo by end of summer.
    So these are my minimal goals for the summer. I would like to complete the data input and analysis of both my questionnaire and interview data by the end of the summer, but want to at least have the questionnaire data completed and the interview data started. I think it is possible as long as I work on it consistently everyday. I will do my best. If anyone is interested in meeting up regularly on or near the University of Maryland Campus during the summer, please let me know. I am a good study partner that will not distract, but encourage. I work well with others and I would just like to have an accountability partner or two. I realize now that I do not like the isolated nature of dissertation writing. It does not work well with my personality and actually tends to slow down my progress. So, I am humbly reaching out to my peers in hopes that you will do the same. Best wishes and I will check in again soon!

    1. Hi Angel,
      I too am working through the summer on my dissertation. I am typically on campus Thursdays and need to work throughout the afternoon/early evening after meeting with my mentor. If you are going to be on campus those days – just let me know. I could use a study buddy as well – it is sooo quiet on campus this time of year. Feel free to email me: kmengle@gmail.com.

    2. Angel such good news! I am so happy for you. Congratulations on reaching to a population of women, who I am sure what to tell their story and were given an opportunity.

      I am seeking an internship to try and pay off the computer debt so my weekdays will be accounted for with assistant ship and internship.

      I will be on campus working on weekends taking advantage of the Oakland Space. I feel if we don’t use it enough it may go away so I want to make sure I use it. On some Sunday’s for part of the day I will head to B’more to be with the group. I am happy to give you a ride to B’more if my schedule aligns with yours. If I don’t go to B’more I will work in the library. I will share my schedule once I sit and work it out.

      What treat did you give yourself for having completed data collection?

  961. FYI: Summer Weekend Dissertation House Room at UMBC, June through August. Meet, connect, and work every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 8:30 AM to 7 PM. https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/summer-weekend-dissertation-house-home-mathpsych-room-103-830-am-7-pm-fri-sat-june-august/ *STUDENTS FROM ALL CAMPUSES INVITED!*

  962. Hi everyone. Dr. Hrabowski talks about PROMISE and the Dissertation House in this video. Thanks to Dr. Patti O-R for her input during the seminar.

  963. Thank you Dr. Tull… Dr. Hrabowski is such an exceptional leader!

    1. Well said. It’s all about community. Thanks for keeping the PROMISE and the leadership to see us through.

  964. Today I spent time getting to know the new machine and PREZI which I plan to use to do the presentation. I have a very packed day tomorrow so going to my happy place early. #thegetitdonePOSSE!

  965. @ Psycho-Math 103 with Michelle

    1100h to 1300h: Wake up + Re-arrange Intro + Fill spaces
    1400h to 1800h: Finish Intro (transitions) Send it to Editor1

  966. Hi Everyone,
    I thought it would be great to take advantage of the room provided by PROMISE at UMBC. Glad to see Carlos.

    Goals for today:
    -Finish transcribing one interview
    -Set up time for at least one more interview for next week. Just heard back from someone today. So have one interview scheduled already.
    -Email advisor updates


  967. I completed two tasks for the day:
    -scheduled two interviews for next week
    -email advisor update
    – I will continue work on the transcriptions tomorrow.

  968. It was nice to see Carlos and Michelle in Room 103 today! This room has windows and plenty of space. I hope that many of you will work together and set up camp this summer.

  969. Good Morning Everyone,

    My hubby and I are in the Math/Psych building at UMBC. Thanks honey for being the motivation to get me out of the house this morning. I was feeling really tired, still a little sleepy, but I’m here ready to work.

    Goals for today:
    -finish that transcription
    -memo about this weeks findings


  970. Saludos a todos…

    Had meetings with two of my committee members on Thursday, and they both are very happy with the progress and the direction of the research. Still shooting for a defense date in late Nov or early Dec.

    Today I need to generate results of applying my PSA algorithm to my AF domain
    1) fix bug in AF solver that is producing null results
    2) regenerate gold standard solution set
    3) define AF domain in PSA algorithm framework
    4) run PSA algorithm

    (yes, Michelle, I’m going to post soon)

  971. Greetings to Robert and Michelle! Wishing you both great productivity today!! To others working in other places, how is it going today? This weekend, I am going to be working on a presentation for the Aerospace Corporation. We are taking a group of engineering students from UMBC and College Park to Virginia on Tuesday to connect with managers who have internship and job opportunities. http://promiseagep.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/promise-will-visit-the-aerospace-corporation-june-5-2012/

  972. Good morning!
    Checking in from Math/Psych 103 with Michelle and Robert.
    My goals for today are :
    – Review discretization litterature
    – Read paper 1
    – Summarize paper 1
    – Read paper 2
    – Summarize paper 2
    – Update discretization draft

  973. @ Home…..

    Yesterday was a good day…I stayed until almost 5:30 pm at UMBC, then went Home but there was not electricity….so no more writing. I woke up today around 5 am feeling sick….(physically ๐Ÿ™‚
    I took some flu medicine and took a nap until 11am…felt sleepy..so I walked to Starbucks where I got a Caramel frapuchino with extra 2 shots of espresso!!…..I’m still sleepy.

    Need to finish my intro chapter……I didn’t KISS yesterday….but today I will keep going…no energy but need to keep going…………………This is my call………I have to use my talents and I’m never alone……so why is taking so long………….patience………………….No excuses……..No complains…….Just do it!!!!!

    OK need some pressure…..

    1400h to 1800 ….finish Intro and send it
    1800h to 2000 ….1st Saturday
    2000h to ????….. Party!!!!!!!

  974. So I had a pretty productive day. I completed the transcription of the interview. YEAH!! I started the memo but will need to finish that tomorrow.

    Have a productive day everyone. Carlos we missed you today. Glad that you’re still working. Hope you feel better. Will check in again tomorrow.

    Robert remember to post what you did today.


    1. Hi Michelle,
      Good work!!! keep going….

    2. Hello Michelle

      How are is that transcription coming?

      1. dissertationhous Avatar

        Hi Dr. Carter,
        As usual tedious.I didn’t finish my one for this week. Plan to start a fresh next week. Will focus on doing my field notes today.


  975. Turns out my solver had a lot more issues than I expected, but managed to stamp out (I think) most of them. I’ll finish that piece later tonight. The running the experiment should be (in theory) straightforward since it’s just the same process as I’ve done with the other domains.

    Advisor meeting on Monday, so, theory or not, it’ll get done.

    Michelle remember to remind me to remember to post what I did today.

    1. Wow Robert. What did you do today 6/5/12 on your dissertation?

  976. What a beautiful day today!

    I got some things done early this morning at Panera before my hair appointment (sending out the Doodle calendar link to my committee and creating an Excel spreadsheet from SAS of my main variables of interest and covariates).

    I am at UMBC in Math-Psych 103 all by my lonesome, but that’s OK. Luther Vandross and Marvin Gaye are getting ready to keep me company for a few hours. Now that I am running on fumes, I don’t think I need to do anything with numeric values or 0/1 codes. I will set up the Table of Contents in MS Word according to the Graduate School guidelines. If I don’t pass out before 7pm, I will enter the Geriatric Depression Scale into Surveymonkey and type it into MS Word.

    It’s a little warm in here, so I might have to head out to the UC Plaza once my laptop charges.


    1. I just realized that I’ve been up and running since 6:45 this morning. Sheesh.
      My eyes just glazed over after editing the defense scheduling matrix in Doodle.

      I didn’t dare touch the table of contents, but I did write-up a nice description of the Geriatric Depression Scale. I think I should head home before I zonk out in Math-Psych.

      Sorry I missed the Holders earlier today! You two are uber-cute about remembering to remind each other to remember… ๐Ÿ™‚

      I am going to try my best to make it back to UMBC tomorrow. Thanks so much for the room reservation!!!!

      Great work and Godspeed, folks!

  977. Chapter 1………… New Intro,…………,done!!!!!!…….. and sent for editing
    Tomorrow….Focus on Chapter 2
    See you tomorrow

  978. Blessed Sunday Everyone,
    I forgot to post. Started at noon. Working on my presentation for Friday. The goal for today is to make an outline of what I want to include:
    12:00 – 01:00 outline what you want to include
    01:00 – 02:00 enter into draft PP
    02:00 – 02:30 snack and leave for a baseball game. I have never been to a baseball game. We play cricket in the Caribbean I understand it is somewhat the same just that you American’s run all over the field. Your base is similar to our wicket. I am excited to experience this bit of American culture.

    Did I tell you all I have a new computer and I love it? I have a new computer and I love it!
    I thought of heading up to UMBC but will leave that for next Sunday (Gw). I need to focus on getting my intended ready for Friday.

    1. Oh and I am wearing my #teamgetitdone shirt to write!

      1. Hello Lenisa, and hello to all who are working today. Happy Sunday! Happy #Getitdone Day! Wishing all of you well as you cross those goals off your lists. A big, hearty welcome to Lenisa’s new computer! New computer, you will get a serious workout, and you will love it! You will be part of our blogging family, and you will be a tool to help Lenisa to finish this PhD!

        Have a good day everyone!

      2. Good for you, do whatever you have to do to get it DONE.

    2. Lenisa, I learned about cricket by watching Bollywood movies on Netflix. ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy the baseball game! I hope that the team wins!

  979. Wow, what a difference a conference makes – so many posts! I’m glad to be ready to work. Here’s today’s KISS menu:
    9:30 – Ch 4 finishing addressing control variables, describing SEM/FMM, and making references to my tables throughout
    12 – To campus, work on the follow-up analyses in Mplus, print draft
    2 – Meet with stats committee member about my questions
    3 – Follow-up Notes
    3:30 – Food/Break
    4 – More revisions of Chapter 4, Chapter 5 re-read and edit final changes especially to end of document
    8 – Park downhill and gym

    Dr. Smackdown

    #Leggo #TeamGetItDone #KISS (my last “S” stands for “Soldier” – when I got tired today – yes, already – I brought out my inner drill sergeant and pushed through it. Reaping the benefits)

    – Carlos, Crazy Dr. Aunt Lexis is at her shenanigans again! And next time, be a little quieter in the quiet room, ha ha ha.
    – Angel, congratulations on that huge milestone in your data collecting. It also seems like it’s feeling good to be on the same page with your advisor for the summer. Way to go.
    – Lenisa, great suggestion to celebrate the big (and small) victories. Congrats to you on keeping it going and getting your new computer in place.
    – To the Holders, Maya, Margaret, Alimatou, Kelley, and, of course, Dr. Tull – thank you for your posts. It is so encouraging to read that others are working hard, pushing through the trials, and making progress bit by bit.
    – Dr. Tull, I will get my schedule together for the weekend DHouses. I have several summer projects that I want to get to even after these last revisions. I just made a list of the projects in my agenda so I can schedule things in!

    1. Wow!!!! I’m officially Impressed…………..a KISS menu!!!!

      Soldier???………..This remind me something Daniel (oldest son)told me this morning when watching the Insanity infomercial…” Daddy…you really need to finish your PhD fast so we can have money” …………………, I ask him why……..He answered “We need to put you in the Insanity program…..look at you big belly……you are fat!!…….

      That’ what call double motivation.

      Ok.. as I don’t have patients scheduled for today……….I’m here in the UMBC Library room 555.

      Today really focus on Chapter 2…Background & Significance…..Just KISS…Maybe I should ask for the menu? ๐Ÿ™‚

      10:00 – 12:00 Revise the Outline and shuffle it if needed
      12:30 – 13:30 Lunch & Nap (No snoring…I’m in the absolute quiet floor)
      13:30 – 16:30 Keep at it ..Chapter..2
      17:00 – 18:00 Krav
      18:30 – 20:00 Walk & Talk (wife)…Pool (kids) GR
      20:30 – 23:30 Finish Chapter 2
      23:30 – 24:00 E/P/B (Exam-Plan-Blog)

      Margaret……Where are you???

      1. Now I know why you want the Insanity work out program!!! Once you finish your dissertation, it will appear!!!

  980. Hello!!! Margaret Grow……………please report!!!
    UMBC library 555
    I don’t have my cell phone with me…..

    1. Did you find her? I’m headed to College Park to finish up before my meeting!

      1. Yep…….Finally!!!!

  981. I’ve got a few more weeks before my draft is due. So I’d love to come and work with you guys. Carlos? or anyone else? Where is the (work) party at tomorrow?

    1. Right Now I’m in UMBC Library (555)……………..With the MargaretSS.(both of them)….so………….I’m getting kick out of the Library today ๐Ÿ™‚

      Tomorrow….I will be here after 1 pm for sure

  982. I’m here! Took me a while to get going this morning, but I’m here! We will be in 555 tomorrow… and the next day… and the next day! Hope to see some of you here!!

  983. Ha ha ha! Don’t get kicked out of the quiet room, everyone! Just keep it in gear with the enthusiasm – you’re my heroes.

    I’m updating my Ch. 4 after a good meeting with my committee member. Ready to #GetItDone for good! Not too far of the day’s schedule either!
    4 โ€“ More revisions of Chapter 4 – make changes to analyses, tables, and phrasing based on meeting
    6 – Chapter 5 re-read and edit final changes especially to end of document
    8 โ€“ Park downhill, email advisor, and gym

    I’ve been trying so hard not to say this because my advisor says it all the time, but I know she says it because it’s so darn useful: Onward!

    Crazy Doctor-Auntie Smackdown

  984. Done for today at UMBC!!!!
    ………………………Double Inspiration doses……………….The MargaretSS………….Thanks!!!!!!!!!!……………….Now…………………Drive to Krav ……..Walk……….Pool……..Then…Ph.D…..focus on FINISHHHHHHH Chapter 2

  985. Exhausted…..

    But I need to keep going (Krav DONE………Walk-Talk DONE……Pool….was closed)
    Now continue writing (break to put the kids to sleep) KISS enough to finish Chapter 2. If not Done by 2330h……just stop E/P/B and Sleep……………..to continue tomorrow

    Anyone else out there??? Come on…Speak up…….Blog up???

    I need some Nutella

  986. Hi everyone! Keep it going! I got kicked out of a library once for having a party with cake and fried chicken. It was my first year of grad school. A whole group of us had a study space in the back room on the first floor. My husband, (he wasn’t even boyfriend then) was there. He can tell you more at the next cookout. Regardless of getting kicked out, and almost setting off an alarm, we have all since finished our doctorates and are out in the world living as responsible citizens.

    1. Dr. Tull!!! You were a rebel – a party in the library with cake and fried chicken! We too shall follow finishing our doctorates and living as responsible citizens.

  987. Well…Done for today…Chapter 2 up to 95%

    06:00 – 07:30 Pray – Heavy Bag – Get Ready – Meal_1 – Go to Lowes for paint
    07:30 – 08:30 Get Kids Ready – Snack
    09:00 – 13:00 Work
    13:00 – 16:30 Chapter 2 at UMBC library (No Cake…No Fried Chicken……Maybe Tacos)
    17:00 – 18:00 Krav
    18:30 – 20:30 Walk-Talk (wife)โ€ฆPool (kids) GR
    20:30 – 23:30 Chapter 3
    23:30 – 24:00 E/P/B (Exam-Plan-Blog)

    Anyone one out there???

    1. Yes, even though I hate to admit it! Although it’s good to see others staying up late and getting up early. More stories to tell later! Dr. Tull, that is hilarious that you got kicked out. I can’t wait to hear THAT story – can’t wait for more cookouts! ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. Good Morning…it is good to see people posting……When is the next cookout???
        Morning going smooth on track. Got 10 minutes so I’m blogging to keep me up thinking about getting Done.
        See You later!!!!

  988. I’m thinking about getting done, too! I almost ran into the office thinking, “This is it! Do it today!”

    Worked on tables this morning – I think those are ready to go.
    10 – Need to update the table number references throughout the chapter. Need to finish the power stuff. Last insert some numbers in the control variable section for continuity or take out those placeholders.
    11:30 – Then get to Chapter 5.
    1 – Work
    5 – There IS a cookout but it’s at my boss’ house, soooo, I don’t think that’s what you’re referring to, Carlos. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Tuesday, #TeamGetItDone

    1. I do not discriminate..Food is Food!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Keep Going!!!!!

    2. Hello Alexis

      Today is the day to get it done….We are here to see you do it.

  989. Good Morning All
    It’s raining today but today provides another opportunity for you to work on your dissertation. Sometimes we need a reminder that we need to do something everyday on your dissertation. Lenisa I look forward to speaking with you again on Friday. Carlos I like that you what you said no excuses…just get it done. A good dissertation is a done dissertation.
    Robert you know I am surprised that you posted; I am sending you a personal thank you. Michelle I hope that you have been keeping up with your transcriptions!!! Count them down; that way you will see that you are making some progress.

    Maya sometimes there are setbacks; but my pastor use to say that “Setbacks are a setup from God for you to give Him the praise. Joyce Meyer also says “No test no testimony”.
    Angel good to see your follow through by posting some comments. I hope you are now seeing the benefits.
    Alimatou…welcome back…good to see you posting. Kelley E welcome to the DH blog.

    We are getting ready next month for Summer Dissertation House at UMBC!!!!!!! in July. Soon we will be migrating over to a new Summer 2012 Challenge Page; I hope everyone migrate with us.

  990. OK!!!! People……………. Room 554 opens now!!!!!

  991. Ok…Chapter 2..Done!! ….
    …………………………………….15 minute break
    ………………………………………………………………then To focus on Chapter 3….

    Here in Library 554!!! with Margaret G.

    Shauna where are you??????

  992. drwestmoreland Avatar

    Hello!! I just wanted to say hello and to remind everyone that once you make up in your mind that your going to finish, you will get it done. I’m not chiming in as much but I am back at UMCP for the summer working on publications with my advisor until I secure a job. If anyone is on campus and needs a break or a stern talking to please let me know. I still read the comments each day and pray for the successful completion of all stated tasks and goals.

    Be Blessed!

    PS: If I knew how I would share my graduation pictures, but I guess I will add some to my blog soon and just send the link.


  993. Hi folks! Carlos I don’t discriminate either – love to eat! Drs. CV and Westmoreland, thank you for your encouragement!

    I was able to send off the two chapter drafts this afternoon before coming to work. I’m exhausted but happy. Next will be working on Chapter 2 while I wait for advisor’s feedback. I also want to organize my teacher participant database because I have raffles to give out! Hopefully I can catch the teachers before they leave for the summer.

    Have a good evening, all!


  994. Hello Again….
    Here in the Library….Pushed …..Against my own lack of Will……I finished Chapter 2 and Chapter 3!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Buuuuudddyy Margaret G!!

  995. Still in room 554!!!!
    ……………………………………..with Margaret G……………….
    …………………………………………………………She got me excited !!!!!….
    ……….I broke my scheduled plan……………………….

    Chapter 4 ………………………………..DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  996. OK…After a phone call from my wife….some clarification:

    1. Room 554 ……………………………….of the UMBC library

    2. I am being responsible

    3. Excitement from the amount of chocolate and cheerleader enthusiasm

    4. I have my pants on!!!!


  997. I’m done…..going home……………Chapter 5..DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. This sequence was HILARIOUS!! Got the progression via email and cracked up. Had to come on here and post from my computer because the blog is too long for my phone and it crashes. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Amazing progress, Carlos, keep working hard – you are approaching the Phinish line!

      1. You inspired me, Alexis what the last line…Yes, Carlos, you are almost PhinisheD! ๐Ÿ™‚
        I am still reading everyone’s posts…keep working at it, everyone!!! It is oh so very doable! Once you cross to the other side, you will look back at the process and miss it (kinda, or maybe it’s just me?!). Anyway, good luck, and keep on posting!

        1. Hahaha! I wondered about that – how at some point I might actually find something that I miss about the grad school process. Not necessarily the people because it’s easy to see how I will miss the people I’ve met along the way if I don’t see them. I mean the drudgery, the long hours at the library, the trying to decide between eating/sleeping/exercising/socializing and doing a LEETLE more work…

          I guess this is just the gateway into new processes, and making good decisions here will help me make good decisions with the rest – with jobs, relationships, family, etc.

          Well, I was getting dressed but since I’m here… KISS menu:
          8 – Devotion, Add Chapter 2 changes needed to my writing task list in Google
          9 – Assistantship (spring report, certificate signed)
          5 – Break/email/FB
          6 – Read thru Chapter 2, note changes
          8 – Park downhill, gym, home, clean up
          10 – Bed
          #LetsGoSoldiers! #TeamGetItDone

        2. I can’t say I miss the stress and the hardwork, but I miss the community. I am happy to have time with family that I have been lacking. I am looking forward to ramping up again in the fall in my position as Assistant Professor at UPR. I love being able to read about the progress you all are making! You are so inspiring!!!

          1. I will DEFINITELY miss the community. But I do miss my other family and friends that I don’t see because of the busy-ness of school. I can’t wait to go and visit with especially all of the babies that seem to be coming into my life! It seems like this is the year of the baby bump. Good thing it’s not contagious!

  998. Long day at assistantship so came home took a nap and now ready to continue with the creation of presentation for Friday. Carlos you are hilarious! Dr. CV and Dr. Westmoreland thanks for the encouragement.
    I don’t have to go in tomorrow so I plan to just stay up as long as I can and work on this presentation.

    1. Hi Lenisa! How did it go? Are you getting some rest now? (I guess if you answer, I’ll have my answer.) ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Have a good day! Thanks for the hug yesterday, too.

      Keep a steady pace and then go eat cake!

      1. Hi Alexis…As long as I could go was not very long. But I made three charts and need some text for two more slides. This PREZI will have 6 slides. Pressing on. Pressing on! the solider is moving closer to the Ph.D. territory I know I will be able to beat the drums of victory! I AM going to be successful with this phase. This morning was difficult getting up so my routine is off. I needed a morning call lol….but I remembered those who have gone before are rooting and praying for me and those who are here are fencing me in so I am up. When I finish on Friday I will get cake and I plan to attend a BGSA get together as my reward.

        1. Yes! I might go to my church but maybe I can come afterward. I know what you mean about the schedule being off. Text me about reversing the morning call if you need one these days. ๐Ÿ™‚

  999. Good Morning All
    Carlos and Margaret Keep up the good work you are almost at the PhinisheD Line. Keep coming.
    Well Alexis? did you finish the revisions? I couldn’t tell based on your last post? Have you turned it in to Graduate School? Are you done done? Almost doesn’t count….I know I am twisting your arm and adding pressure but you need to get it done and enjoy your summer.

    Welcome back to UMCP Dr. Nikki; I see that your dept has a job opening…too bad you can’t apply for it but I am sure you will find something soon. Check out the website Women in HigherEd; they list academic jobs.

    Lenisa How did it go? we are all waiting to hear.

    Angel keep posting I smile every time I read your posts..

    Have a good day!!! Every day provides another opportunity to get it almost right.

    1. Hi Dr. CV – Tell me about it re: enjoying the summer. My update might be lost in the shuffle up there in the earlier posts, but yesterday I gave my last two chapter revisions (the results and discussion chapters) to my advisor to approve so that the committee members who want to see them can look them over and sign off, (GW, as Lenisa says). I am working on Chapter 2 revisions, which only my advisor will review, in the meanwhile. So, no, not uploaded, but, yes, still going at it, picking up a rhythm.

      Thanks for the twisting. Definitely not satisfied with “almost.”

      1. Thanks for the update…Chapter 2 to the advsior.. got it…Keep it moving forward. Summer doesn’t officially start until June 22nd right?:) There’s your deadline. Something to shoot for.

    2. Dr. CV the presentation is Friday. I will do a walk through tomorrow evening to be sure everything works.

  1000. Lenisa N Joseph Ph.D. 2 be reporting for duty from my home study space. Today I will work on a map and getting things on it to move as I want them… I also want to redo a chart so it is less cluttered. Basically working on my presentation. I plan to have it done by 5 exercise etc then come back and work on the transitions in PREZI. I want I go to bed with it ready. The presentation is on Friday morning.

    1ish to 3:00 blogging then working on charts and supporting content
    3:00 to 3:30 brisk walk (or maybe skip in the back yard) and snack
    3:30 to 5:30 working on presentation some more
    5:30 to 7:00 P90X abs/ shower/ dinner/ check email etc.
    7:00 to 9:00 Final touches in PREZI and private practice (me, and the heavenly hosts)
    9:30 Update blog and prep for bed and appointments tomorrow (Gw)
    10:30 Be in my happy place.

  1001. I’m in the UMBC library….room 555.

    KISS Plan ( I like it……):
    14:30 – 17:30 UMBC library….Chapter 6
    18:00 – 19:00 Krav
    19:15 – 20:15 Walk with Family + Shower
    20:30 – 23:30 Chapter 1_go over revision-1
    23:30 – 24:00 E/P/B

    Ok…People…..Keep Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1002. Still in the library. with Margaret G….
    no Krav today……I’m quite behind with Chapter 6….I’ll keep working on it until I’m called from home
    OK people…Anyone else around???

  1003. I need to KISS ….it is obvious that I am making this too complicated. Good night sleep and KISS tomorrow (Gw).

  1004. Ok out of bed, washed and feed.
    KISS is the mantra from today…
    09:30 – 10:30 Complete this PREZI
    10:30 – 12:30 Travel time and Appointment
    12:30 – 01:30 Home lunch bike to campus to do practice run
    02:30 – 03:30 hook up computer and test run
    03:30 – 05:30 bike home/tidy kitchen and room/dinner
    05:30 – 09:30 practice at home
    09:30 – 10:30 prep for next day and get into bed.

    Next post after 12:00 on Friday(Gw) with news of success.

    1. Keep going!!!!!
      Keep Kissing!!!

  1005. Good Morning!!

    I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel gooooooooddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    …………………………………………………………………I feel good and I know it…………………
    …………………………………..Don’t hate me if I show it

    …………………….Let’s write!!!

    10:15 -11:00 OK>>>> Need to Focus Chapter 1 revision-1
    11:15 -12:00 Chapter 1 revision-1
    12:15 -13:00 Chapter 1 revision-1=> Blog
    13:15 -14:00 Lunch Adriana
    14:30 -15:15 Chapter 6 Intro-role
    15:30 -16:15 Chapter 6 Intro-role => Blog
    17:00 -18:00 Krav
    18:30 -20:30 Walk-Talk (wife)โ€ฆPool (kids) GR
    20:30 -23:30 Chapter 6 Intro-Back
    21:30 -23:30 Chapter 6 Intro-Back
    22:30 -23:30 Chapter 6 Intro-Back => Blog
    23:30 -24:00 E/P/B (Exam-Plan-Blog)

    Anyone else wanting to Phinish????
    Let me hear you!!!!
    Common…at least just blog…even to say that you only have 10 minutes today to work on your project!!!!

    Let’s Do it….!!! It’s about ME….!!!!! No excuses!!!! Wake up Soldier!!! 100 push ups!!!!

    I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel gooooooooddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think I need to take my meds!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hello Carlos
      When I saw that schedule this morning I was really proud. You barely have time to blink; that’s the way to do it. When you have every minute of the day including rest times then time is not wasted.Good for you. Keep up the good work and keep posting—You can make it. How many days left?

    2. Ok Lenisa

      What’s on tap for today; in other words…it’s 3:00 how is that presentation coming are you ready for tomorrow? Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. Remember, the proposal defense is different from the dissertation defense. It should be more collegial. Keep in mind they are really just trying to help you make the research better no matter how adversarial it might feel. At this defense you are not expected to know every thing; at the dissertation defense you are suppose to be the expert. Right now you are just the expert in training.

      We wish you the best. I look forward to hearing about it in the afternoon.

      Dr. CV

  1006. Good to see you are back, Carlos!!! Don’t forget to keep the advisor in the loop… Something I learned along the way.

  1007. Almost Done with Corrections to the revision-1 of Chapter 1….

    It was helpful to create chunks of times…..mixed with 15 minutes of nothing specific…..

    Thanks Patti…Due to the complexity of my research (I should have attend DH before to learn about just get it Done)…..My first approach of keeping my advisor in the loop was not good at all. So the plan now is to finish the write up and then give my advisor the whole thing.

    I’m planning to be tomorrow at UMBC psycho (math) room 103

    Anyone out there wanting to Phinish??????

    1. Done with Chapter 1 revisions…going to Krav
      Thanks Dr. C.V…..I’ll be back later with the Countdowns

  1008. Later part of the day was not as productive writing wise. I decided to do my chores in order to have tomorrow free. Not too much exercise tomorrow..I got exhausted today.

    06:00 – 09:15 mp – X – Kids – GR – Psycho (math) 103+> BLOG
    09:15 – 10:00 Chapter 6 Intro-role
    10:15 – 11:00 Chapter 6 Intro-Back+Snack
    11:15 – 12:00 Chapter 6 Methods
    12:15 – 13:00 Chapter 6 Results-behav
    13:00 – 14:30 + “Lunch”
    14:30 – 15:15 Chapter 6 Results – fMRI
    15:30 – 16:15 Chapter 6 Discussion => Blog
    16:30 – ??:?? Chapter 6 Finishing

    Chapter 1: Introduction.. 100%
    Chapter 2: Backgroundโ€ฆ 100%
    Chapter 3: Specific Aims. 100%
    Chapter 4: SA 1aโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ… 100%
    Chapter 5: SA 1bโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. 100%
    Chapter 6: SA 1cโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ…. 90% Deadline: 06/08/2012
    Chapter 7: SA 2a.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. . 75% Deadline: 06/09/2012
    Chapter 7: SA 2b.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. . 75% Deadline: 06/10/2012
    Chapter 7: SA 2c.โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. . 10% Deadline: 06/13/2012
    Chapter 8: Conclusions .. .. 10% Deadline: 06/14/2012

    1. Still working on Chapter 6 discussion…..I will continue tomorrow.
      I will….I must to post my Schedule for tomorrow…but I need to find out what are the events for the weekend…

  1009. Recommendation for the last chapter…Try to write it or create the outline for it as you go.

    Basically, I found myself writing about limitations and future work as I did other chapters. So when that happened, I simply wrote the ideas or an outline of the ideas in the current chapter within the context of the work and then cut and paste it to the last chapter. So that by the time I was finished, the last chapter was easier to write because I simply reiterated the overview and contributions that I had from chapter 1 and then added sections for limitations and future work and viola it was done… Just having a list of the ideas there was so helpful…

    Hope that helps some of you KISS…

    Keep up the great work and community support!!!


    1. Gracias Patti!!!!
      That sounds great idea………………KISS approach!!!

    2. This is REALLY good advice from my perspective because my committee wanted me to write the discussion of contributions, limitations, etc. as a continuation of my earlier chapters – my theoretical approach and the overall design or purpose of the study, especially. By the time I got to the last chapter, all I really focused on were the results since that was the last thing I had been doing (seemingly forever), so it came across as a statistical or methods-based dissertation. Keeping track in the form of an outline that develops as you write the other chapters is a great idea.

  1010. Good Morning!!

    I’m in Psycho (math) 103!!!!! Here with Margaret ……Ready to Rumb…write!!!!

    15 minutes behind schedule but I had to stop for a 5-shots venti Ice-Americano no room (+ 6 brown sugars and 5 honeys)

  1011. Good morning, all! I’m here with Carlos in Math/Psych 103 (or as Carlos would say, Psycho (math) lol), ready to be PhinisheD! I’ve already posted my goals for today in my blog, so I’m ready to rock! ๐Ÿ˜€ #TeamGetItDone!

  1012. It’s getting hot again! I am joining in the DS team after some break and will keep on coming to complete my three chapters that I have planned to finish during this summer. Right now, I am looking for instruments that measure attitudes, degree of PLCs, and teacher change in the classroom practices until June 21. Because it is summer, I need more focus, focus, and focus that I don’t feel like to have right now… ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    1. Common Focus……For me it’s good to start with chunks of Focus (F) and No Focus (NF):

      5 minutes (F)……5 minutes (NF) ..The key it to have a very specific goal
      10 minutes (F)…..5 minutes (NF)
      15 minutes (F)…..5 minutes (NF)
      20 minutes (F)…10 minutes (NF)
      to a maximum of
      45 minutes (F)…15 minutes (NF)

      Keep Going

  1013. Hmmm. Sounds interesting. I will try it and let you know whether it works for me!
    Thanks for giving me an idea. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1014. Everybody, every body I passed, GOD IS GREAT. KISS post cause I have a tonne of work to get done for my GA position but want you to know I pass my candidacy out right. More later…
    Thank everybody!
    #teamgetitdone and #IwantaPhD.

    1. Great!!!!!
      Really like the KISS Attitude..

    2. umm … CONGRATULATIONS, LENISA!!!!!!!!!! So good!!! Hallelujah and amen! I was gonna comment on your P90X routine, too – go soldier!

    3. Congrats, Lenisa!!! You are on your way!!!

  1015. OK…I have to go to the office and then come back!!!!

  1016. I will stay by 4:30 pm today. FYI

    1. Thanks!!!

  1017. I checked in and saw all kinds of great news. People working and staying determined and uplifted, giving themselves time for work and “real life.” Because failing to plan is a plan to fail (thanks Ben Franklin), we have to plan in the celebrating along with the hard work.

    I’m trying to figure out how to take advantage of the many places that we now have available to work as a community. I’m thinking about meeting at Oakland Hall on Saturday. Maybe I could alternate weekends (Saturdays) between College Park and UMBC since my Sundays are so stacked in the middle of the day.

    Today I am leaving at 5 but I worked on my chapter 4 a little in between assistantship stuff. Here’s my tentative weekend schedule, errr, KISS menu.
    4:30 – Check standard errors and quick edit this section of chapter 4, email committee member back with the rest of what we talked about today. Enter next Chapter 2 tasks into task list
    5 – Depart, clean up, practice guitar (I signed up for lessons)
    6:30 – Trans
    7 – Church or Happy hour (That’s a hilarious juxtaposition, btw)

    5 – Prayer, wake-up workout, PH (personal hygiene)
    8 – Devotion & begin chapter 2 tasks* (Oakland opens around 9:30)
    2 – Gym
    3 – trans/PH
    4 – Cookout (“cause you’re invited to a barbecue that’s starting at 4” – old school trivia)

    5 – Prayer, wake-up workout, PH
    9 – Church
    1 – Food/Groceries
    3 – Chapter 2 tasks*
    5 – Annual report and records scanning
    7 – gym

    *Chapter 2 tasks are:
    – Broaden theoretical discussion that demonstrates usefulness of Bandura versus Dweck and how efficacy is different from an implicit theory in terms of teaching applications
    – Discuss the difference in the manifestation of theories for adults in general management versus subordinates/students
    – Establish that I am challenging the tenets rather than simply trying to support the framework of implicit theories.
    – Explain the background of Dweck’s samples better (i.e., ages of students/young adults)

    Ok, my posts have gotten to be more like essays. I hope everyone is having a good, productive day. It’s good to see you all stepping up to the plate. Let’s hit this one out of the park. #TeamGetItDone

  1018. Good Morning!!!!

    Yesterday I got home extremely tired…………. Got to get energy to play with the kids …Threw them to the pool !!! and then to got out for a drink with Adriana. I got early this morning, but I decided to stay in bed for a little longer in order to recover some energy, then get the boys ready and see the family Schedule for today.

    11:15 – 13:00 Working Chapter 6 (at home with the kids)
    13:00 – 13:30 Lunch
    14:00 – 15:00 Daniel’s Last Game…I guess is the Championship game :)…. the “best teams” (with no points-all games lost) playing against each other…:)..but they will get medals anyway
    15:15 – 18:15 Take the kids to the pool
    19:00 – 24:00 ??????

  1019. Oops, I reloaded the page by accident and lost what I had written, but it’s ok. That’s because I see that I’m not the only one who started later than I wanted to (hi, Carlos! lol). The Saturday morning sleep-in strikes again.

    I’ve re-done this list a couple times now because I’m moving so slowly. Last attempt and then I’m out: KISS.
    11:30 – Prayer/Morning Exercise/ PH
    1 – Chapter 2 – work on the Dweck versus Bandura theoretical argument while reviewing the chapter
    2:30 – Break to clean up
    3 – More chapter 2
    4 – Clean up and get ready to leave
    5 – Cookout if I have enough energy


    1. Hello All……………

      Hi…Alexis….Dr. Alexis..!!!!!

      Today was not productive at all….Really need to coordinate with the rest of the family….The thing is that they have to realize….that right Now is when I have more time for them….later after Ph.D. Academic life is going to get hectic..PLUS residency training…..(It seems they have the idea that it will be a vacation after that)…… Just A thought!!!

      I need to finish Chapter 6..7 and 8…Not happening this week…..Tuesday and Thursday (I have patients the whole day), I have THE interview (Wednesday), extremely important workshop/networking (Friday) and camping with the kids from Friday night to Sunday. That leave only Monday.

      Well Now will be family movie time..then planning the summer..To keep the kids active spiritually, mentally and physically (mainly physically so they get exhausted fast and go to sleep early)

      If somebody is asking why I’m writing all these information…the answer is that as I was never prone to write, this simple act of blogging helps me typing whatever I have in mind..is like building and keeping any skill.


      1. You’re right, Carlos! Or… you’re “write”! Keep it up and I’ll try to keep up with you and write, too.

        My weekend productivity crashed and burned. I’m starting over!

        1. Thanks!! Dr. Lex…
          I feel tired..I’m at work, but I have no Energy

  1020. dissertationhous Avatar

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m in the Math/Psych building. For today I’m typing up my field notes.

    1. Keep Going!!!!

  1021. Dr. CV gave me a few days off…..but I need to post this

    I think all the code I see here is the link to the presentation. Anyone can have a PREZI account it is free and makes PPT or PPTX look so much better. I barely used the full fun of this presentation tool. http://prezi.com/

    Did I say Praise God! Alleluia Praise God! Thank you Jesus! Hearing Dr. CV tell me I can take a few days off was like a bonus!

  1022. Sorry it does not seem to work.

    1. I can’t share it without it being available to the world…Being my dissertation I prefer not to do that at this point.

      1. Not sure what this means – how are you doing, Lenisa?

        1. Oh sorry Dr. Williams. I was trying to share my presentation using the PREZI link but I have to change the settings to public so you guys can see it. I don’t think that is wise since it forms part of my dissertation. I hope the thread is clearer now.

  1023. Helicopter perspective – Gentle persistence – KISS
    I can do this.

    11 – I hate to say I’m just now getting ready for school. Struggling today but determined. What you reveal, God can heal.
    12 – trans
    12:30 – New week’s plan
    1:15 – Finish up standard errors inspection
    2:30 – Send new section to committee member, break
    3 – Review Chapter 2 for theory comparisons (Dweck/Bandura)
    5 – Break
    5:30 – Final review and decide next steps
    6 – Park downhill
    6:30 – confirm gym membership for summer
    7 – cardioboxing
    8:30 – clean up
    9:30 – bed

    Dr. Lex

  1024. A really slow day……….I have being at work the whole day…but I feel that I have not doing much…have no really any energy today. …..I really need to plan and blog.
    It is already 3:33………………………….

    1. On my mission statement: Slow progress is better than no progress.

      At the end of today, is there one thing you can do – not EVERYTHING, one thing – that it will feel good to have done?

      I’m moving slowly, too! Got the standard errors done and emailed, but I’m behind on my chapter 2 review. Working on that til 5:30 and then deciding next steps.

      Keep on moving, don’t stop, no!!

      1. dissertationhous Avatar

        Keep on going Alexis. I read somewhere that one could use the turtle (Go Terps!) as an inspiration for writing a dissertation, slow steady progress wins the race.

        1. just realized that my name wasn’t attached. It’s Michelle. Hi everyone

          1. Ha! I was wondering who “dissertationhous” was. It sounded like a nerdy house/electronica DJ… Hi Michelle!

  1025. dissertationhous Avatar

    Today I did some more of memo and field notes writing. Since my advisor suggest that I not wait until the end to do analysis, I wrote about two key findings thus far linking them to theoretical framework. I also did some work on a section of the book chapter I am working on about HIV related stigma and discrimination. For tonight I will transcribe for at least 1 hour.

  1026. Long weekend…Non productive at all………….. Ph.D. wise……. just a Disaster….(Concentration is failing)….Started blogging at least 6 times today and the forgot…..

    Now I’m trying to figure out what Dr. Lexis said…….Something about getting in a Helicopter to gently KISS the perspective?????

    Right Now I need to put Gabriel back to sleep and whenever I wake up …I will blog Tuesday’s plan

    See You later

  1027. OK!!!
    Late…….. but with energy!!! Today I have patients and I really need to prepare for tomorrow.

    0900h – 1300h: Blog plan – patients – print chapters (4 5 6 7) – Lunch
    1300h – 1600h: Journal Club + Writing +then BLOG (plan dependent of weather)

  1028. Ha! Carlos, the helicopter perspective is just pulling up out of my current circumstances if I’m feeling overwhelmed and looking at the BIIIG picture: how far I’ve come with the dissertation, how much more I REALLY still have to do in the grand scheme, what will be important and what won’t be important 5 days or 5 weeks from now within and beyond the dissertation… Basically pretending I’m in a helicopter and looking at my life from a broader perspective.

    Gentle persistence – Having a realistic plan given my energy levels and needs for food, exercise, rest, and -let’s be real – distraction periodically. Like the advice you posted earlier with breaks – that was really good.

    KISS – keep it simple SOLDIER!! I like the idea of a soldier giving it a little or a lot extra for the sake of survival in the battle. This is war! Simplicity in scheduling is key, lest I overschedule myself or don’t give myself enough time for the simple tasks, and then I’ll shut down.

    KISS menu:
    I’ve been working on revising my Chapter 5 that my advisor sent back to me with comments yesterday evening. I think I’m about halfway to 3/4 done.
    2:30 – Continue revising chapter 5 with carrots to keep me awake (I started falling asleep, so I took a break to report here and munch on some food)
    4 – review what I’ve done and what’s next. Either keep working on Chapter 5 or send it back to advisor and go to assistantship to work on annual report
    6 – Park downhill
    7 – Bodypump class
    9 – clean up, guitar practice, devotion, bed

    Dr. Lex

    1. Got thru most of the more involved stuff in chapter 5 and going to the gym. Eyes are tired but I only have a little more to do. Will work at home and email this off tonight!

  1029. Just finished transcribing my 10th interview! Did some more analysis of data. Now going to relax and go to bed.

  1030. The last two days were not much productive and I have four more days to work on the instruments. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Another day and another start – hopefully there is no construction noise around my office and I will keep the door closed. Today’s goals are: summarizing two books and find more resource for instruments to measure attitude. 1) how to measure attitude 2)questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude measurement. @If there is anyone who wants study together during the weekdays, pleeeeeeease let me know. I really want to join…

  1031. Hello everyone, I’m just saying hello from the National Science Foundation meeting in DC for all AGEPs and other programs in the Human Resource Development Division.

  1032. Hi All,
    I’ve been busy but making progress. My advisor approved one chapter (the results!!) and had edits for the discussion chapter. I sent off those last revisions to my advisor earlier this week, and today she sent me her feedback with only one major change among the other smaller edits! I am working on that now and will send her that section. Oh and I have the flu, which is a blessing in disguise because I have canceled all activities. Talk about Keeping It Simple. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    My mom came and brought me soup and a sandwich. Blessed to live near family!

    Onward, #TeamGetItDone
    Dr. Auntie Lex

    1. Great News Alexis! Congratulations on getting it done. I hope you feel better soon.

  1033. Hi Everyone,

    Not feeling up to it again this weekend but I’m here in the Math/Psych 103. Kind of disappointed because there is no one here. Robert’s at a conference down the street. Kind of lonely, was hoping that I would have company to write.

    For today I’ll plan to finish up my 11th transcription. I also plan to work on one section of my book chapter. Hopefully if things work out with one research participant’s schedule, I’ll be heading to DC to conduct another interview.


    1. Hi Michelle,
      Too bad that I didn’t know you will come to school! I was thinking to come but thought no one will come and ended up come to a public library near by my home. Hope you can get it done as you planned! May study together next weekend?
      I will complete and summarize my research on different instruments and get started writing… finally…reading was a boring work for me… hope I can move more quickly when I start to write.

    2. Hey Michelle!
      If you stay there, I can join you since I have two books to be returned to the library yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ So I am coming to school after lunch. Hope to see you there!

      1. Hi Hye-Sook,
        I’m still here. The person I wanted to interview had to reschedule for tomorrow. So please come and join me. I would love the company!


  1034. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for your encouragement! Although I’ve quarantined myself for the weekend, I’m with you in spirit. Sick people need a schedule, too, apparently. Good luck with your transcribing and interviewing.

    KISS menu:
    11:45 – Clean up and food
    1 – Work out the basic logic of this theory argument that my committee insists that I make (that the theory might be wrong, ugh). Just write it up, and THEN try to find the source of this one article that I spent a long time looking for yesterday…
    2:30 – Create a finalized document with all changes accepted. Format and create a reference page for changes for chapters 4 and 5.
    4 – Decide next steps and Break

    I’ll be happy to get those things done today. I also want to take some time to look at jobs and practice my guitar since I skipped my lesson on Thursday to go home and rest. That was definitely the worst day. Oh I also want to catch up on some work for my assistantship since I didn’t go in yesterday.

    Ok, I hope everyone who’s working out there has a productive day, and I hope everyone who’s playing gets to enjoy it freely without worrying that you should be working… ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Alexis,

      Good to see you online. Just finished my transcription!

      It was once a dream of mine to learn to play the bass guitar. Maybe I’ll do that one day. Have a productive day and remember to take it easy, since you’re recovering from the flu.

  1035. I am in Math 103 with Michelle and about to leave. Today was short but productive. Having study company is always good, thanks to Michelle. ๐Ÿ™‚ We are planning to study together next week in Math 103 – whoever interested in it will be welcomed!
    Today, I have worked on instruments that measures teachers’ attitudes (TAP): found five new statements with reliability and validity tests.
    Still need to finalize instruments to measure PLCs – may be finish up by tomorrow.
    Have a great weekend to all!!

  1036. Thanks Hye-Sook for being my writing partner today. You came right when I was loosing energy. For today I finished my transcription. I also got a lot done on my book chapter. Had to reschedule the interview for tomorrow.
    Robert, remember to blog! He came in a late today.

  1037. Not much to blog about. Got back here about 4. Got a little done, but counting on big things for tomorrow.


  1038. Good morning Everyone,

    I’m working from home today. Yesterday I did another interview. Today the plan is to transcribe and work on another section of the book chapter.

    1. Hi Michelle! Good thing that You could have another interview! Interviews take a lot of energy and time that I learned from my pilot study. Since you don’t come to school today, I will stay in my office. I took a day off yesterday, and will start with three articles regarding measuring teachers’ attitudes towards PD. Hopefully, I can complete this stuff by end of this week. Wish all a productive day!

  1039. Hi All! Michelle and Hye-Sook, hoping your day is going productively.

    I’m getting back on track after the interesting developments of the weekend. It turns out it wasn’t the flu I came down with. It was hand-foot-and-mouth disease – a kiddie disease. I have been around babies and people with babies lately, so it makes sense. However, apparently the effect is worse in the rare instances that adults pick it up. Worst for me is that my hands have been itchy and in pain, but hopefully that will subside soon!

    Finishing up my last revision today – I never got to the end of it over Saturday because of going back and forth with my family trying to figure out what was up with my body. But hopefully it will be fine in a few days as long as there are no new developments!! Let’s see if I can get the draft ready by 2pm…

    1. Nope. Still pushing. Extra tired and distracted today. PUSH….

      1. Keep Going!!!
        Sending you prayers!!

        1. Hi Alexis
          Good to hear that you got the correct diagnosis. Now you know. Hope you get better soon.
          Keep pushing forward. You’re near the end.


      2. Hi Alexis! Hope you feel better soooooon!
        I had very unproductive days for the whole last week but try to focus. I think studying together really helps me stay with my work.

      3. Yay! You guys are helping to make me better! I felt so much better today, which was nice since I had to be at work. I have finished up this last set of revisions, emailed my advisor, and am leaving one copy in my committee member’s mailbox. Horrible headache, but the itching has subsided at least and I can sleep better tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Carlos, Michelle, Hye-Sook (and I know Lenisa is watching, who else is out there?): Stay motivated. We’re in this together!


  1040. Good Morning All
    We are gearing up here at UMBC for another Summer Dissertation House. Today we sent out our congratulations to applicants who were selected for Summer DH 2012 starting July 10th, We have some new comers and some old friends. I look forward to meeting new students and look forward to graduation of my more senior members. Alexis, glad you figured out what it was and hope today is the last day of revisions. Carlos…hang in there we can see the finish line for you. Michelle good to see those transcriptions moving in the right direction. Hye-Sook keep posting. Hey Angel what’s up where have you been? This is not the time to slack off on your posts. Margaret we would still like to hear from you too; I’ll check your blog shortly. RHH good to see that you took a couple of minutes to post…looking forward to seeing you in the DH. Remember you only need 15 minutes to get something small done to move you forward. Maya where are you?

  1041. Hi Everyone,

    Hope you are getting ready to have a productive day. I’m here in the UMBC library with Hye-Sook. Thanks for agreeing to meet up and be my writing partner Hye-Sook!

    For today, I will transcribe some more and edit one section of my book chapter. I have an interview scheduled for later this evening.

  1042. Hi all! I am not a blogging person but try to post at least once a day. Besides, it’s great being a part of a learning community (virtually and physically) and having a study buddy, Michelle. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I have finished my three articles yesterday and found some survey items related to PD that I can use. Today, I will work on survey items for PLCs. The goal of this week is to complete the survey items and if I have more time to work on my study design.

  1043. Yay! I’m glad you guys, er, ladies are making progress! I left a post up there but it might be getting lost in the mix by now. As Dr. CV has decreed, I’m onto my last revisions (albeit not my last day of revisions. I still have one chapter after what I just finished that only my advisor will review; there’s the possibility that other committee members will still want changes, though, but I’ll do what I must to get those signatures).

    Gonna wipe down this computer keyboard and go to bed!

  1044. Good morning everyone,
    I’m up early today to work on transcriptions. I have to run around for most of the day and will not have time to write during the day, so I at least wanted to do two hours of work on my dissertation. Taking it one day a time.

    Hope you all have a productive day!

    1. Just finished transcribing my 12th interview!!!

      1. Awesome. Congrats! It seems that you are making a good progress. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Awesome, Michelle! “The first hour is the rudder of the day!” No matter what else happens, you have made progress today. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’m at my assistantship today but I’ll be working on Chapter 2 after unless I hear back from my advisor to change something else.

      Happy Wednesday,


  1045. Hi my DH virtual study buddies!
    Yesterday I worked pretty productively with Michelle in the library until a fire alarm kicked us out around 3 pm. Today, since I have heard that it will be super super hot over 100 degrees, I will stay in my office…I will continue on creating survey items for PLCs and teacher change with CBAM. For PLCs (professional learning communities), I have 8 literature to look at that I will complete today. Happy Wednesday to all and stay coool!

  1046. Hello Everybody….

    After 10 days of being out working and networking.I t was a great experience and more pressure to keep up with my objective. Thanks to my buddy Margaret G….for call me back in to get back on track. Thanks Dr. CV. for the support and to Alexis, Michelle, and Hye-Sook your comments help to keep me thinking on this.

    I have my next 5 days “free”………………

    .I’m back…..KISS menu!!!

    12:15 โ€“ 14:00 Paragraph
    14:15 โ€“ 16:00 Paragraph
    16:15 โ€“ 18:00 Figure
    18:15 โ€“ 21:30 ??????
    21:30 โ€“ 24:30 Chapter 6 Results โ€“ fMRI => Blog

    Here at Margaret’s office…trying to focus…

  1047. Hi everyone, my hiatus is over :). I got some things done in the house to prepare for marketing for a new roommate and a major busy part of my assistantship has now lulled a little. So back to making footsteps towards my marriage to Edris (Graduation with my Ph.D.) The former sounds more exciting ๐Ÿ™‚

    Today I am working on Chapter 3. Since my thesis was a qualitative study I am going to do a remix of that chapter. Task copy paste, then delete stuff not applicable, read through. I don’t have a time break down because I am working from work and there are some disruptions. Task to be completed by 4:15 since I need to walk down to Regents to get the shuttle home.

    I am happy to see everyone still here…we are moving moving moving closer! #teamgetitdone.

  1048. Hello everyone! This is just a quick hello. It’s good to see everyone onboard. Natasha has been working with Dr. CV to get things together for the Summer DH at UMBC, and today we made a catering change, so we’ll see how it works out. I’m happy to see that so many of you are blogging and working. Continue to work hard to #getitdone!

    1. Hello Dr. Tull! Thanks for your encouragement. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am looking forward to see you, Dr. CV, and Natasha in the summer DH.

  1049. Hi #TeamGetItDone!
    If I gain anything from the past several comments, it’s the expectation that almost anything can get in the way of working (a fire alarm? Seriously? Lol)! I’ll be ready and have a back-up plan for Keeping it Simple, Soldier…ing…

    Anyway, I did some edits and am off to meet my friend for coffee/breakfast!
    KISS menu:
    8:30 – Meet friend
    10 – Assistantship (2nd to last week!! Happy and so sad at the same time. I love working there)
    2 – Check in with my counselor/happy place person
    3 – Work on final edits to chapters 4 and 5 (more just cutting and pasting in the last changes) – Oh I need to email my committee member, too.
    5:30 – Guitar class (I feel good this week, hopefully I’m done being contagious)
    7 – More work on chapters (4-5 or move to chapter 2)
    8 – Go home

    Happy day!
    Dr. Auntie Lex

  1050. Hi Everyone,

    Glad to see you all making progress and keeping at it. In the library again with Hye-Sook, hopefully there will be no more fire alarms.

    As usual for today I will keep on transcribing and editing that book chapter.
    Stay cool!!

  1051. Today I had some stuff to do for my work (assistantship) so I am now sitting with Michelle and try to figure out my study plan for today (It’s already 12 pm…)
    Yesterday, I have collected possible survey questions for the PLCs part. Now, I have potential survey questions for the first two parts out of three. Today is the last day of working on the survey items and I need to search for survey items to measure changes in teacher attitudes. I will start with CBAM and hope to find comprehensive survey measurements that I can use. If everything goes well, then I can start writing…finally…researching articles was not much fun…

  1052. Ugh, sooo tired. But “at work” at my desk at home. Finishing a work report and then revisions probably after my repair guy finishes around noon.


    1. Wake up!!!!
      Let’s get it ON!!!!
      Almost there!!
      Keep going!!!
      Somebody give my medicine!!!!!! HAHAHAHA
      I’m crazy and I know it!!!!!

  1053. I’m at psycho (math) 104.

  1054. Plan for the next 2 hours is to e-mail contacts
    then Blog!!

  1055. OK..I’m done ..Next Chapter 1 revisions. I’m here at the psycho(math) 104 but leaving soon. The issue is that being alone here you need to pack everything in order to go to the gentlemen’s room ๐Ÿ™‚

  1056. Oh, I am coming now… do not leave..

  1057. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1058. Carlos and I am in Math 103 and I am watching his stuff as I promised while he is away… ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yesterday was not much effective (blaming the heat) and I had some work for the office. Today my concentration should be improved because I slept a lot… ๐Ÿ™‚
    Continue on looking at survey items to measure teacher change in attitudes. Hopefully the ILL delivers me the literature that I requested.

  1059. I hope you guys keep up the good work. Keep supporting each other. You definitely supported me today when I checked back in and saw you posting after I got some not-so-nice comments from my committee members. This is really hard sometimes to just keep going when you know how hard you have worked and it seems like the committee only sees how you’ve failed. So, yeah, Carlos, I smiled (wasn’t capable of cracking up at the moment) when you said “I’m crazy and I know it!!!!” – I was right there with you feeling “cray.” But I kept going and I got the report done for my job, finally, and now I’m going to campus to finish the last changes I can make and then wait for whatever the next feedback is.

    I’m grateful that my friend is taking me out tonight. I didn’t know I would need it so bad. :o\

    Happy Friday,

    Cray Cray Auntie Lex #GettingItDone

    1. I cracked up as well when I saw Carlos’ posting. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Enjoy the dinner with your friend! Everything will be fine again… hang in there. ^^*

  1060. Hi Everyone,
    Sorry couldn’t make it to UMBC today–miss your company Hye-Sook and Carlos. Still transcribing. Hope you’re having a productive day.

    Alexis have fun tonight!

  1061. Thanks for your encouragement ladies. Hye Sook, you reminded me of this quote that I just copied down today (below); just like going out, I didn’t know how much I’d need the quote either:

    Tough times never last but tough people do.
    — Robert Schuller

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a good and productive weekend #TeamGetItDone

  1062. Good Morning Doctors!!!
    I’m here in the psycho-math 103 (UMBC). Ready to Rum…write!!!

  1063. Hey Alexis!!! Are You AWAKE!!!!
    Hye Sook!!!!

  1064. Ha ha ha! Carlos, I laughed at your “psycho” ready to rumble-writing, and then I laughed that you called me out! I’m getting ready for my football game, but I’ll be back to work later. If you don’t see me post, please call me out again. Let’s say by 2:30-3pm? Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Alexis????
      Where are you??

      1. That’s right. Call him out aloud ~ A-L-E-X-I-S, TIME TO WORK!!

        1. Alex.!!!!!…………………Dr. Alexis!!!!………….Dr. Lex!!!!!
          Alexis Yvette? Williams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Young lady where have you been???

          1. I’m here, I’m here!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry – it took me longer to get home than I thought! My plan was derailed by the cutest little bulldog ever. But now I’m back. Plan below!

        2. Hi Alexis, Sorry for addressing you as “HIM” – It must be my cultural stereotyping due to your comment of “football watching.” Carlos corrected me… ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Ha ha ha! No worries! I really only got into football because of a boyfriend; after we broke up, I got custody of the team. ๐Ÿ™‚ I got to play both sides of the ball today, so it was intense but fun! I’m going to get to work before nap time kicks in…

  1065. Good morning! In Oakland Hall at UMCP with other Community of Writers (COW) writers. I have just 2 hours so I am going to make them GREAT
    Read over methods chapter of the literature used.
    Enter definition of culture
    Complete section on justification for case studies
    Begin Section on Use of survey methodology

    I need to leave at 1:30 to pick up a present for my nephew and then head to my cocoa bean Party for his first birthday!
    Lets get it!

    1. I forgot to say I am now working on the Methods Chapter.

  1066. I am here in Math 103 with Carlos. Had my morning coffee and ready to work. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Today I will finally start writing and structure and revise my literature review that I wrote about 4 month ago… READY and GO>>>

  1067. Wdup, this is my first post since the Dissertation Writing Retreat. I’ve made good progress, but hit a standstill in writing. First draft of intro and 1st data chapter turned into advisor. He’s mad busy, so I’m waiting on him. I’m not the pushy type, so that may have to change.

    Anyways, I’m working on experiments and data analysis so I have some writing ammo. I can update methods and data as I make progress. Keep it movin’…

    Best of luck to everyone on that PhD grind

    David C

  1068. Yes, best luck to all- we need it!
    I am revising my literature review but feel soooo board. Yet I will keep on working until 5 pm. Carlos and I are both getting crazy in the middle of writing. ^^&

  1069. I everybody! It’s good to see old and new and everyone in between on the grind today. Let’s #GetItDone!

    I’m working on the last revisions to chapters 4 and 5. Then I’ll figure out who (among two people) I’m sending it to first!
    4:30 – clean up (I stink)
    5:30 – Chapter changes
    7:30 – park downhill and decide what to do next!

    Let’s goooo!!

  1070. Let’s call it for today! I revised about 2 pages (single spaced) today. Will go to Gym for a workout. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1071. OK!!!

    Time to go home…and continue writing next to the pool (I’m done with the initial revisions for chapters 1 2 3 4 and 5) Now to focus and finish chapter 6 first draft

    Let’s goooo!!!! wherever Dr. Lex is going….of course after she cleans up ๐Ÿ™‚

  1072. and this is the 2000 post!!!!!!!!!!!! do i get I prize????

  1073. Good Morning Everyone,

    Let’s start the week strong!!!!
    Wake up!!!!
    Today Try to speed on my KISS menu as fast as I can, but I’m really sleepy.

    11:00 to 13:00 Figure for paper – MR sched
    13:00 to 15:00 Lunch – IRB stuff
    15:00 to 17:00 QA – records
    17:00 to 19:00 Oil Change – Krav (hold) – CVS
    19:00 to 21:00 Insanity – GR
    21:00 to 23:00 Chapter 6
    23:00 to 24:00 E/P plus step 3

    Where is everybody????

  1074. Hi Carlos!
    I hope you haven’t fall in asleep yet. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Had a doctor’s appointment this morning so that’s why I get started later (Still drinking my morning coffee). I have some stuff for the office that can be completed by 1 pm. Then I can work on my proposal writing and will post again with my plan for this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1075. I’m here – it took my computer forever to load my first comment and I went back to work. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Here’s the KISS menu for today
    12 – chapter 5 revisions
    1 – review chapter and food
    2 – chapter 4 changes/additions
    3 – review and email (somebody)
    4 – notes from observations
    5 – chapter 2 revisions
    6:30 – leave for gym

    1. Just had a quick meeting with my advisor. Feeling much better. Still working on the chapter 5 changes, then review and food.

  1076. Continue on revising my lit. review. Hope to make some progress today.

  1077. OH>>>> I am sooo distracted again… – my mind is flying everywhere. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    So I will go to library and try to focus at least until 5 pm. If you want to join me, please join me in the library 6th floor.

    1. You can do it! Apparently everyone is distracted today – I am. But no giving up. I will work hard and celebrate by letting the gym instructor yell at me and make me do pushups and mountain climbers. How will you celebrate your hard work today? Focus on that. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks, Alexis! It is very encouraging. ๐Ÿ™‚
        I came to library and can better focus. Probably, I have something in my office that hinders me from focusing. I cannot figure out what it is but one thing is clear. I should come to library when I come to school..
        Carlos and Michelle, please come to library tomorrow – pleeeeez!
        About the celebrating, yes, I will go to Zumba tomorrow that can help me cheer up. Yai!

  1078. Today is very slow but still moving. So I am revising the part of “alternative types of PD: Inquiry.” Now I am leaving the central library to take a break/ dinner. Today is not done yet and I will continue on working in a public library (Miller branch, which is new and nice, thanks God!) close by home. Have a great afternoon to all- be productive!

  1079. Yay! Progress, not perfection. I got done with chapter 5 and updated my memo for my committee member. Going to the gym and I’ll get back to the Chapter 4 changes tomorrow morning. My goal is to get these sent off and finish my Chapter 2 updates by July 1 so that all of the chapters have been submitted to their their respective recipients.

    Hye-Sook, I smiled when you mentioned Zumba. Whenever I talk to my teammates about Zumba, they always start chanting, “Zumba, zumba, zumba, ZOOM!” ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great night, #TeamGetItDone!

  1080. Yap. Zumba is fun and I really like it. Let’s do it together if possible. kkk ๐Ÿ™‚
    I finished the section of “Two types of PD” and can move on to next section “Characteristics of effective PD” that I will start tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚ hahahaha- progress is always goood. Good evening to all!

  1081. Good morning everyone! I’m up! I’ve just submitted a paper and decided that at 4 in the morning, I’d stop in to say hello to the DH. I haven’t gone to zumba yet, but I may consider it soon. Happy summer writing to all of you!

    1. Good morning Dr. Tull!
      Yes, there are Zumba classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Gym. Let me know if you want to check it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1082. Good Morning Everyone,
    Wake up!!!! Focus!!!!!

    Yesterday was a busy day for work and family related things, I did not work on Chapter 6.

    Today’s KISS menu

    09:30 to 12:00 E-mails + Study organization + Paperwork
    12:15 to 12:45 Lunch
    13:00 to 17:00 Subjects
    17:00 to 19:00 Chapter 6
    19:00 to 21:00 Insanity โ€“ GR
    21:00 to 23:00 Chapter 6
    23:00 to 24:00 E/P + step 3

    Let’s go!!!

  1083. Good morning all,
    I have my Americano this morning just to wake up. So my mind is getting clearer. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Right now, I am sitting in the library and about to start to write the next section.
    Today’s plan is to revise the next 2 pages – so that I can complete the revision (of the first part of literature review) by the end of next week – keep going and moving!

  1084. Hi Everyone,
    Back to transcribing. Yesterday was not so productive. And this morning I just had the urge to go to my garden. Dug up some Yukon Gold Potatoes, about a 1 1/2, picked collard greens and got some strawberries. Then I came home to cook. So got off to a late start with dissertation stuff today. Still transcribing.

    1. I forgot to change that name.

  1085. Hi Everyone,
    First, let me preface this by saying that, this isn’t going to be a post about all the work I have accomplished this summer. I’ve been avoiding the DH blog like the plague because, I did not feel like I had much at all to share in terms of progress, mostly because for the past few weeks, there hasn’t been much. Then today I decided, what the heck, I’ll just keep it real! Because, at this rate, I’ll never engage the blog at all and that would be so unfortunate, as I find everyone here a great help to me. So, I am posting this message to tell you that I have done very little the last 3 weeks, in hopes that just telling you so will help motivate me to change that reality. I have managed to make it to the library today, and I am in my study carrel now. When I tell you it took me building up all the strength I could muster, to get out of my bed and leave my apartment just to make it here, I’m not exaggerating. Sometimes it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest in the morning, or like a force field is surrounding me, and every time I get near something remotely related to my dissertation, I feel pushed away. Like something is physically blocking me from making the progress I want to make. I say physical, because I get physical reactions, like headaches and my heart starts beating fast. Other times, I don’t move at all. I just sit and constantly ruminate about all there is that I have to do, that I become frozen. I’m overwhelmed. I know I’m so close, but it still feels so far away. I just can’t believe how much I still have to do. I can’t figure out where to start, so then I wind up not starting anything at all. Am I crazy? What’s wrong with me? Worst yet, my room is a mess, so I can’t work or live comfortably in that space any more. It’s a awful cycle. I neglect myself because I am depressed, and then I get depressed because I neglected myself. But, it all needs to end today. I don’t have time for self sabotaging. The summer is almost over already! I know that once I get started, I’ll feel better and start to work well. But sometimes, the hardest thing seems to be just getting started. So, be patient with me. God isn’t finished with me yet! Hopefully, my next post will be better. Best wishes to everyone, and if there is anyone out there struggling to get motivated, remember you don’t have to do it all today. Just take one step at a time. I’m here in the library now, trying to take my own advise.

    1. Angel,
      Congrats on getting out of bed and in the library. I think we can all testify that we have been there. What I tend to do in those situations is to take something that I know I can accomplish. I think that this gives me the confidence to do something else. So bite off small chunks as you try to get back in the groove. Do Dr. Carter’s 12 minute exercise.

  1086. My dear Angel,

    I just wanted to log in to let you know that the feeling that you have is not unusual. I’m glad that you decided to post today. Congratulations on getting out to the library!! That is a huge step. I hope that you were able to enjoy the air and the sunshine outside as well. I don’t know about all of the resources at College Park, but I believe that the Counseling Center has a Dissertation Group, and that the COWs group still meets on Saturdays. I think that Dr. Marcy Marinelli runs the Dissertation Group, and if we were going to have a DH at College Park, she would probably be the person that we would ask to do our counseling session. Have you spoken with her? Here is her information: http://www.counseling.umd.edu/Staff/lasstf.htm. Don’t be afraid to reach out to these resources. Plus, you have us and we will be here for you virtually and will connect with you in person when we can.

    Count today as a major milestone. You got out of the house! Perhaps you can take some time this week to re-visit your plan. It doesn’t matter if it seems like the end is far away, the main point is that you work daily toward that end. Eventually, the way becomes clearer, and the path shortens.

    Sending you a virtual hug!

  1087. Hi Everyone! Hi Angel – I’ll give you a virtual hug, too.

    One thing someone pointed out to me recently is that going through a tough time always seems to make us convinced that we’re in this all by ourselves and we’re the worst person in the world for going through what we’re going through. But so far, everyone’s responses seem to say that we’ve been there, too (for me, down to the messy room!). You are not alone in this, and you do have help if you take it. I went to the counseling center and needed several appointments just to get through my revisions. I needed to get back the belief that I could finish this process, and I needed someone to help me strategize about how to do it!

    You aren’t a failure. You need a rhythm, which will take some time to establish. You are NOT out of time. There is no dissertation until you are holding the finished document in your hands. There are only ideas and sentences, and then another sentence, and then a paragraph. Focus that small. What paragraphs will you write next? How much time will it take (then add like another 2 hours to that number)? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Like Michelle reminded us: Dr. Carter’s 12 minute exercises work because they don’t allow us to get caught up in the thinking that we have to get EVERYTHING done YESTERDAY. Really believe in that 12 minutes. And don’t forget to set up rewards for yourself. A little external motivation actually helps if it matches the accomplishments and comes along with your internal drive to do this for you and no one else (or maybe ALSO for others, but sometimes thinking too much about your committee shuts you down).

    Ugh I wrote too much. I hope I didn’t overstep my boundaries with the unsolicited advice. I just get so into this conversation because it seems like every time you share your experience, it seems to be exactly what I was going through at some point, down to even small details.

    Sooo, I’ll end here. (((hugs))) Congratulations on the beginning of the end. You are on the right track, just plan and execute your next step.

    Go #TeamGetItDone

  1088. Wow!!! Angel That is awesome!!!!!
    Feeling the way you feel and been able to write so huge post, making sense and all. I’m not able to do such a thing on my best days. I have been stuck in the same chapter for the last 2 weeks.
    Best thing for me is to plan the day and force myself to do something. I used to blog first and then with that rhythm continue writing for the dissertation.
    Just keep blogging and keep going!!

  1089. Thanks Everyone for the virtual hugs and support! It really does mean so much and made a difference;-) Today I made some small, but significant progress. I managed to organize my questionnaire and consent form papers. This helped me identify if there was any incomplete information that I need to revisit myself or follow up with my participants about. For example, I noticed that quite a few of my participants did not initial their names at the top of the consent forms. Ugg! This is major, because I think I am going to have to go back to them just to ask them for their initials. One other initialed but didn’t sign her name. Then, there are two that signed the consent form, but it has an expired date on it, so I may have to ask them to sign another one. Uggh! I am upset I overlooked these details. Some I couldn’t have prevented, but others I could have. I guess it’s a trial and error process, and my learning curb is steep!

    I think the other issue is that, being organized is not one of my best personal characteristics. I actually feel almost allergic to it! So, having a major task like a dissertation that requires me to do something that is so out of my comfort zone like being more organized, is very hard. It means I have to change, at least temporarily until I accomplish my goals. It’s hard to break a generational cycle of collecting clutter. But, I am making progress and it feels good. It’s strange because I actually very much desire order and structure and tend to function better in it. I just have a hard time creating it myself. I am getting a lot better though. Even my adviser said that I have improved my organizational skills over the years, and that’s saying a lot! So, horray for progress! I’m not there yet, but thank God I’m not where I used to be!

    By the way, yes I am taking advantage of the counseling center, believe me! But, my counselor was on vacation for a bit, so I kinda struggled during that time. And I love COW! But, I need to meet with them more frequently. It’s funny that when you’re depressed, you tend not to do the things that would make you feel better. Isn’t that strange? I don’t behave that way when I have a cold. I drink my tea, take my medicine, and lay in bed when I can. Go figure. Sending virtual Hugs right back at all of you! Let’s Get it done!

  1090. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Hello Everyone,

    It has been quite some time since I have posted. However, it is good to be getting back in touch with everyone. Yes, I did have some set backs and fell off the band/work wagon for a little while. But I have reorganized what I need to do, am breaking down the steps to get there, and adding dates. I call it “My Whatever it Takes, Stay Focused, and Finish School List.” My goal is to graduate in May 2013 but I am working to finish by December 2012. I am also still interested in becoming a college professor. So I am here to encourage and give support to those of us still working! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Welcome back Georgette
      A good dissertation is a done dissertation. Let’s get there in December. Use the Google countdown to let us know how many days you have left until you accomplish this goal.

  1091. No posts today??
    Hot weekend coming up……Anyone want to have an Insanity weekend (Friday-Saturday-Sunday)?…….. ..

    1. Carlos
      Will you be joining us in the DH on Tuesday? Have a great productive weekend.

      1. Tuesday the 10th is in my schedule already!!!!

  1092. I WILL! I have been busy with packing since our office is moving sooooon. That’s why I couldn’t post anything. So I am trying to clean up the stuff by this afternoon and will come back to studying.
    Let’s have an insane weekend in the heat (but inside building), I can come on Friday and Saturday!
    Looking forward to it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1093. Good!!!
    Actually I will prefer to meet at home this weekend. My computer heats up very easily. I addition, the Insanity Weekend includes pool and food time. Even we have a Starbucks at walking distance (0.1 miles). Session will start at 6 am no end time…This is going to be Insane!!!

    1. Really? where is your place? Do you have enough room to study? If there is no one who will come to school tomorrow, I’d better join you- If so, is there anything I can contribute?

  1094. Georgette !!
    Dr. Lex!!!

    Where are you???? Are you Done??? Taking a break????

    1. Hi Carlos,
      I did some transcribing yesterday but I forgot to blog. Sorry…

    2. I’m back finally. Last week I finished working at my assistantship and then came the storms. Still no power but came to campus! Gonna get some work done today with one of my buddies, try to get back into the rhythm.

  1095. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Hi Carlos,
    I am here. I have been working since early this morning and am just checking in for the day. I won’t be able to join you all for this weekend, but I will be there is spirit while I work at home.

  1096. LOL! Way to call a sista out! No, I am not done nor taking a break. Today I am mailing out the final questionnaires for my last 3 participants. I am starting small as many of you suggested. I am also going to clean my room! I know this sounds like a small thing, but it is not! I will be able to work a lot better when things are in it’s place. But, I have only blocked out today for that. Tomorrow, I will start putting completed questionnaires into excel. That’s all for now. Happy insanity!

    1. That funny I had a graduate student once say that her house was never as clean as when she was writing her dissertation.
      Glad you blocked out some time with an end to it. Good luck.

  1097. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Hi Angel,
    I do understand about cleaning your room. I had to clean my home office a little yesterday so that I could get some work done. It’s amazing how quickly journal articles, studies, and drafts can pile up on a desk or in a corner. One thing I am doing though is using the backs of my old drafts to print my new ones. I just draw a line through the side I don’t want to use. It does help a little with the clutter. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1098. Hi everyone,

    By the way, please note that we will have a 1 day Dissertation House at UMBC (all schools!) for SSI on Friday, August 17. Breakfast, lunch, and snack included (courtesy of NSF). Save the date!

  1099. We will be turning a page shortly i.e. we will be moving from Winter Challenge 2012 to Summer Challenge 2012. On Tuesday July 10th we celebrate another DH at UMBC. I look forward to seeing you on our new page on Tuesday. In the meantime, continue to post and have a great 4th of July.
    Will this be your the last 4th of July that you spend working on your dissertation? I certainly hope so.:)

    Just imagine, next 4th of July celebrating with your families without the sense of guilt, without the thought of “back to work on the 5th” “another section, paragraph, chapter, sentence to write”.

    Set the goal and see yourself accomplishing that goal. How will you reward yourself for that accomplishment?

  1100. KISS!!!!!!!!
    Insanity Weekend Starts Now!!
    0600h-0800h Introduction to Chapter 7

    1. Wake Up!!!!
      Good Rhythm!!!!

      0830h – 1130h continue Intro Chapter 7

      Keep Going!!!!

  1101. Just finished transcribing my 13th interview. Yeah!!! That was a long one. But I did it!!

    1. Congrats, Michelle! Feels good to read that, so I’m sure it feels good to type it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1102. Without studying like insane, this weekend became pretty much insane due to the power outage ๐Ÿ˜ฆ After spending hours in a starbucks yesterday, I came to school to catch up my writing and to make a new plan. Hope everyone is well and stay cool –

  1103. Same here, without the visit to Starbucks to work. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ditto that I hope everyone is well and cool. My friend is letting me stay with her, so I actually have to get used to central air again… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Planning my week, working on chapter 2 until about 5:30pm or 6pm. By then my motivation to run screaming from campus will override my motivation to get more work done.


    1. Ok, got some planning and ideas down. Running away screaming….

  1104. Hello Everyone,
    Well it really has been an โ€œInsaneโ€ weekend! I hosted my family for most of it because I was the only one blessed to still have power. Now that everyone is pretty much settled back in their homes, I am going to get some rest and start bright and early in the morning. I have some writing to do and mornings are when my mind is at its best and I am the most productive. I hope that all of you and your families are well.


  1105. Hi All,

    I’ve been trying to settle in. Life’s a little different without power, but thank God for amazing friends! KISS (soldier) menu:

    12:30 – Write up sample background info
    1 – food/misc
    2 – Theory development in adults
    4 – possible meeting for portfolio
    5 – resume & vita work
    6:30 – park downhill and trans
    7 – Cardioboxing
    8 – trans/PH/food/Thank you letters

    Hope everyone’s having a good Monday so far!
    (Georgette – awesome that you took care of your family. I hope that your morning writing went well!)

  1106. With or without power, time flies by! My office is settled down at least, so I am heading to the library to make a plan for this week. I will be on the 6th floor, if you would like to join…

  1107. Okay. I just caught up until the spot (of my writing) where I was last week… ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    So I am writing in the part of “characteristics of effective PD” on the page 5 and just to remember it!
    By the way, I saw Alexis but where are all others?? all gone to vacation? or blackout?

    1. Maybe they lost power and decided to take a much-needed vacation until things settled down in the DMV… Work hard, play harder!

      1. That’s right. ๐Ÿ™‚ keeping on working and playing hard.

  1108. LOL I’m still around!! I still post on my personal blog, but I keep up with this one as well! I was fortunate enough to not lose power this weekend, but I am still here on campus, working to finish! I’ve been mostly working on my schemes and such today, because I have to work in the lab today. I am on track to finish in 16 days though!! EEK!

    If anyone needs a cool place to write, UMBC has AC, and my office is always freezing cold (hence why the space heater is always on!). Can’t wait to hear how everyone is doing! keep your chins up – you’re almost done!

  1109. Hey Everyone,

    Read some articles and added to my chapter one today. I now have that where I want it. Looked over some ICES data sets to decide on the variables I need for my secondary data analysis. Took a break to eat and check on my family. My brother and his family still don’t have power so my sister-in-law and nephews (ages 3 and 4) are staying with my mom for now. Everyone was with me on Saturday/Sunday until my mom’s power came back on. I have some more writing to do, so will work on that for the rest of the evening. I hope everyone is doing OK. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1110. Hi Everyone!
    Wow, what a weekend! Had to role to campus to charge my wheelchair because there was no power in my apartment. Luckily I was able to get out of the building because one side of our complex did have power, but the other side where I live of course was out. No matter, the black out gave me more motivation to work. There wasn’t much else to do! So, while my chair was charging, I was working on my excel spread sheet for inputting my questionnaire data. I am continuing that process today here at the library. After I finish updating the spread sheet, I will input at least one questionnaire worth of data in it. I will return tomorrow with my work schedule. Happy working!

  1111. Hi Everybody! Glad to see the productivity and the drive when the going got tough!

    Today I was not the most motivated but I was able to get some more writing into my sections. I actually worked a little bit (or more than a little bit) on everything I said I would. My goal for tomorrow is to do the same and keep coming back when I get distracted, interrupted, or just plain tired.

    Lady Alexis of House Williams (as my friend called me today)

  1112. Good morning all!
    It’s nice hearing from many of us who are still around. The power in my home has not been restored yet but it doesn’t bother me much either.
    Continuing on what I did yesterday, I am revising the section “characteristics of PD” – my previous writing was rather descriptive so I have to re-structure and re-write so that it sound like my own voice… :L

    1. Way to keep a positive attitude. I hope all of our power gets restored soon. I’m still taking too long in my friend’s bathroom in the morning. Don’t want to wear out my welcome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  1113. Good Morning!
    Today I’m describing how I’m challenging the tenets of the theoretical framework that I used for my study, making that description more clear.
    KISS (soldier) menu:
    10:45 – Challenge tenets
    1 – Break
    2 – Bandura vs Dweck (aka Bandura and Dweck battle it out. Round 1)
    5 – Resume/Vita work, applications
    6 – Check in with contacts
    6:30 – Trans – Check on apt/ choir rehearsal/misc
    8/9 – Thank you letters

    Ok, Let’s go #TeamGetItDone!

    1. Ugh. Don’t wanna. But I saw on Dr. CV’s tweets that I can keep going even when I’m tired & don’t feel like working. I’ll kick out these last 12 minutes and then I can break for lunch..

  1114. Came back to library from my lunch break. Glad to see people who are struggling like me but still keeping on working. The fact is that I am not super duper motivated either but thinking that habits will help me accomplish my writing. Will keep on writing & revising until I go to Gym for the Zumba this afternoon.

  1115. I have been replying to every emails as soon as I saw.. Obviously I am deeply focusing but still keep on writing. -.-;;; One more hour to work and three more articles to discuss and re-structure.
    The goal is completing it before the section summary. Keep doing… Is there anyone so board like me??

    1. Completely and utterly bored! I’m with you, Hye-Sook. But we can do it. I’m pushing through this last section until 5 and then job search stuff until 6. Puuuuush! Keep it simple, soldier! ๐Ÿ™‚

      One more sentence. Don’t delay. Ph.D.’s not far away!
      One more sentence. Don’t you bend. So much closer to the end!
      Let’s goooooo #Team!

      1. That’s right! One more sentence makes one paragraph that further makes one section …and our dissertation! ๐Ÿ™‚ We can do it!
        Have a good one and happy July 4th!

  1116. Yai! I am done, done- I finished the part that I planned for today.
    Time for a workout in the Gym. Then go home so no power no postings.
    Have a good one to everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Woohoo! Have fun at Zumba! You have earned a dance party celebration. Happy 4th!

  1117. Hi Everyone,
    I am just about to leave the library. I am getting the hang of inputting data into exel and finally starting to feel like I am getting my momentum back! Tomorrow I am going to get started continuing this progress at 10am. I will check in with you all then. By the way, I sent the following message to other grad friends about plans to view the fireworks display tomorrow at the University of Maryland, College Park. Let me know if any of you are interested in joining me. -Angel

    Hi Everyone,
    I don’t know about you but the summer months can be kind of isolating while focusing on things like studying for comps, gathering and analyzing data, writing, publishing, family life and more. I think it would be nice to have a reason to reunite over the summer, and I think the University of Maryland, College Park 4th of July Fireworks display is a great place to do it! The UMCP fireworks display is just as good as the one in downtown DC, with much less crowds. It is free and open to the public. I don’t think enough graduate students, staff or faculty take advantage of it or even know about it, but I highly recommend it. However, you don’t have to be a student to attend and it is kid friendly so bring others! If you are interested in joining me on campus tomorrow in Lot 1, please do! I’ll be there at 7:30pm to listen to the pre-show, but the display won’t start until about 9:00pm. I am going to bring a blanket, and some snacks. Feel free to bring some games to play, your blanket or chair, and some snacks to share too. Or, if you want you can go to the concession stands that they will have open for food. I just thought it would be a nice free and fun thing for us to do together so that we can relieve some stress and just continue to support one another. No need to respond if you can’t make it, but let me know if you can. If you call me tomorrow night, I will let you know the exact spot we are seated at so you can find us. I can be reached at: 240-988-3587. Below is the link to the event so you can learn more. Hope to see many of you there!

    UMCP 4th of July Fireworks

    1. Hi Angel!
      Duchene and I were planning to watch the local fireworks so we’ll try to find you!

  1118. Happy 4th of July to all! Enjoy the firework. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Happy 4th Hye-Sook!! Have fun today!

  1119. KISS menu:
    11:45 – Continue Bandura v Dweck battle
    1 – food
    2 – Sample background
    3 – Insert sections/edit document
    4 – Plan for career meeting
    5 – Plan for miscellaneous items
    6 – Celebrate 4th!
    11 – Pack up from friend’s place and go home

  1120. Hi Everyone: It has been a while since I posted on the blog, simply because I felt like I was swimming in jello. . . I know where I need to go; the goal is ahead; I can see it, yet it takes all the NRG I can muster to just get in the jello for one more day to swim! Anyhow, I made enough progress to submit what I hope is a complete set of revisions to my dissertation advisors, so now I play the wait and stress game. Is it good enough? Is it defendable? At least I did include in the body of my e-mail to one of my advisors that my completed dissertation is not perfect, it is done. In addition, I did quote Dr. WCV’ s statement: a good dissertation is a done dissertation! So to all of us still here, trying to get there, just keep swimming. . . even if it feels like you are swimming in jello. . .Happy belated 4th of July! Y

    1. Welcome back! Yes, “A good dissertation is a done dissertation” that I heard many many times from Dr. Carter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1121. Hi all again!
    I came to the library and caught up with my work by sending out emails. So now time for catching up with my writing.
    1) complete the summary of characteristics of effective PD – easy, may take one hour
    2) Restructure the next section: PD for teachers of ELs – Finding related articles and resources before start revising
    3) Structure the next section: PLCs
    Have a great day for all!

  1122. Whew. Ok, it’s harder than ever to focus but I need to get this work done. And I just found out my friend’s dog passed this morning (he’s basically a member of the family), so even more distracted trying to figure out what to do/how to be there for her. But finishing these revisions will free me up schedule-wise I guess, so I’ll do this in her honor today.

    KISS Menu:
    3 – Adding revised theoretical sections into the lit review – identify best sections and build in with transitions
    4:30 – Food
    5 – Jobs (vita/resume updates, profile set up)
    6:30 – football practice

    1. Hi Alexis,
      Hope you have been working productively so far –
      I could work well after I had a cup of coffee after lunch but now the coffee effect is gone. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
      Just noticed that you planned to have a break at 4:30 as I did plan a break at 4:30 for Zumba… ๐Ÿ™‚ Just wanted to cheer you up as well as me!
      Stay coooooool!

      1. Thanks, Hye-Sook and yay for Zumba! It is definitely a pick-me-up!

        Getting back to work. I set a new deadline for myself to finish these latest updates by tomorrow afternoon, so I’m going to stick with it and stay focused! Instrumental background music and tea are ready to keep me working.

  1123. Hey Everyone,

    I have been working also today. I have been able to finish some of the writing that I have to do for this week. Still have more to do so I am now back at it after having some lunch. Worked on updating my vita/resume yesterday. So that is one more thing that is out of the way. I do agree that it has been a little hard to stay focused, but I keep envisioning my life and the freedom that I will have after I’m done. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1124. Hi Everyone!
    Hope you had a happy fourth of July! We had a great time at the fireworks yesterday. I’m off to a late start today, but I’m here! Studying with some friends in Knight Hall study lounge on campus at UMCP. If any of you are around, I will be here until 9:00pm. Congratulations Ya! Submitting your dissertation to your adviser, however imperfect, is a major step and one that I look forward to doing in the not too distant future. And Gdw64 (sorry, not sure what your name is) I can really relate to looking forward to freedom. My friends who recently finished, say that waking up in the morning and not having to worry about your dissertation is one of the best feelings ever! Here are the things I will be working on today:

    4:15pm – 6:15pm: Input Questionnaire Data
    6:30pm-8:00pm: Apply for assistantships
    8:00pm-9:00pm: Apply for UMCP dissertation house.

    Happy working!

  1125. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Hi Angel,

    It’s Georgette, I’m gdw64! I think I might have to go back and change my user name. It picked this up from my email address. Sorry about that. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1126. Good Morning All
    It’s Friday!!!!! the weekend is almost here and I will be heading to MD tomorrow for UMBC’s DH. I will try to start my drive before it gets super duper hot. I know, I know…when writing a dissertation, Friday-Sunday looks the same unless you are working full-time.
    Hello YA keep swimming, I like that analogy of swimming in Jello; as long as you are making forward progress that’s all that matters. Georgette, Hyse-Sook, and Angel keep posting, you don’t really know how much your posts mean to others. Last week I had a graduate student tell me that she reads the blog and really appreciates your posts because she is facing similar issues. She hasn’t posted yet but she appreciates reading what you have to say. Alexis, keep coming to the Phinish Line because “almost doesn’t count” and right now you are leading the rest of this team. We all want you to finish because your success shows others that they can do it too. Carlos and Margaret keep it going, the summer will be over before you know it.Lenisa, I hope that you got back from your trip safely and was able to at least do something for 15 minutes during the trip. Margaret, I read your blog is it 13 more days to go? Hey Maya what’s going on, give us a status update? Michelle, keep the count going 13 done— how many more to go?

    Keep in mind that your dissertation is not the last thing that you will write or the last big thing that you will accomplish. You have many other wonderful things ahead…let’s get on with it.

    1. Yes! So excited to get on with it already! Thank you for your encouragement, Dr. C-V!

      I was just talking to someone about whether the College Park D-House will accept people like me who might be done by the time it comes around. Besides the eligibility requirements, I think/hope that many other students will be ready to take advantage of it so there won’t be space for me. But I’ll be sure to keep posting my updates on the blog – I will need to follow up with schools and find a job, so I can keep you posted on those activities once the revisions are done.

    2. dissertationhous Avatar

      Dr. Carter I have 7 more to go.

  1127. Good morning all and Dr. Carter!
    I am in a good mood today because we got power back last night. Halleluja! Coming back to a normality is really something I really want to appreciate right now after living without electricity for one week. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yesterday, I have something done but noticed that I need to restructure the last 20 pages or so and don’t know how long it will take. Hope I can work productively this weekend so that I can make a good plan for DH next week.
    @Dr. Carter,
    It’s very nice hearing from you! You are right, weekends or week days doesn’t make any difference for me right now unless I plan a break… hahaha
    Looking forward to DH next week. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1128. Ok, I decided to get food while posting.

    KISS menu:
    2:30 – Insert efficacy/implicit theory sections into chapter
    4 – Insert tenets/developmental sections
    5:30 – clean up vita/resume and make notes from career center meeting
    6:30 – park downhill
    7:30 – dinner

  1129. Hello Everyone,
    Thanks for the encouragement Hye-sook; Angela, Dr. CV while I await feed back from my advisors.
    I have decided to re-vamp my dissertation presentation based on the seminar presented earlier by Scott Morgan & Barrett I think! Anyhow, I scripted my outline and will be working on it in sections. The goal is to have the presentation ready by the time my advisors are finished with the comments. There is hope. . .Stay cool. ..Have a productive weekend. . .

  1130. Georgette Washington Avatar
    Georgette Washington

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Up early this morning planning out what I want to accomplish for the day. My three main goals are to: 1- continue working on my writing assignment (It has multiple parts and I want to complete at least three of them today); 2- restructure my chapter two; and restructure my chapter three. I will continue to work on these goals until I finish them.

    I also wanted to remind everyone to remember to CHECK YOUR COMPUTERS THIS WEEKEND!! There is a virus that is supposed to activate on Monday which will knock you off the internet and keep you off. The CBS Morning News program ran a story on this. This is where you can read about the problem: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-57466849-501465/thousands-may-lose-internet-on-july-9/?tag=mncol;lst;1

    I ham also listing the websites where you can check your computer to see if it is working properly. I went to all these sites this morning. Remember you have to check your computers before Monday. The websites are:
    http://www.dcwg.org and
    I hope this helps. Happy writing to those of you working this weekend and Dr. CV thanks for the encouragement. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1131. Ok Back from Insanity!!!

    A hot week of applying to jobs and pushing my mentor to send me back comments for the 11 pages double-spaced chapter 1.

    KISS menu for today…A mix of:

    – Chapter 7
    – Models
    – Pool

    Anyone Interested to Join??


    1. Hey Carlos! Welcome back. ๐Ÿ™‚ we missed you for a while. May see you tomorrow in DH.

  1132. Dr. S in Dec. Avatar
    Dr. S in Dec.

    Hi everyone. I am a PhD candidate at UMBC. I am 3.5 years into the dissertation and it has been challenging for a lot of reasons. I have been reading the posts here and it’s amazing how this process can make you feel so alone, yet we’re all going through many of same things. “Swimming in jello”…check. A forcefield that leaves me staring blankly at my computer, unable to focus and choose among the many equally good options on my to-do list? Check! Those are some the issues that made me swallow my pride and reach out to Dr. Carter-Veale a few weeks ago. The forcefield is losing its power and I’m seeing the shore of the jello ocean — 98 days away, which would allow me to graduate in December.

    My plan for today is to finish writing and re-organizing my data and methods chapter.

    Congratulations to all of you on your amazing progress and thank you for being willing to share your experiences. It’s a pleasure and an honor to join you!

  1133. Dear all,
    Summer is really difficult time to stay on focused. A long sigh… ๐Ÿ˜ฆ My weekend plan was totally messed up due the heat and lack of motivation. May be that’s my excuses to excuse myself… but it’s time for DH. I am hoping that my motivation comes back and I will be on the track.
    So one more day in the library and struggling to do some work done. Today, i am polishing the first part, which, hopefully, can be done before the DH.
    A productive day to all-

  1134. Summer 2012 Challenge is ready….who is going to be the first to post there? Summer DH starts tomorrow!!!!

    1. Is there any prize for being the first? ๐Ÿ™‚

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
