Welcome to the Dissertation House On-line, Winter 2013 edition. Last season, we had several graduates and several participants who pushed to finish sections, get chapter approval from advisors, complete drafts, and pass proposals.ย  If you’ve joined us in the past, and you are still not finished with your dissertation, you can join us again. This page is dedicated to all of you who will be spending the next several months working on your dissertations. This page will be open from January 2013 until July 2013. It will cover the period of our Winter Dissertation House, and will continue throughout the winter break, the spring semester, and the first part of the summer. A new page will begin once we near the Summer 2013 Dissertation House season in July.

Participants in our “in-person” Dissertation House sessions on campus are required to blog daily during the workshop and are encouraged to continue to blog until they finish their dissertations. You donโ€™t have to be graduate student of the University System of Maryland to participate in the online version of the Dissertation House.ย  Join the larger academic community of dissertation writers across the globe.ย  Start posting your goals for the next six months here.

Are you working on your comprehensive exams?ย ย  For your exam,ย  how many questions do you have to answer? How many days to you have until you have to submit the exam? Give yourself a deadline for each answer.

Do you want to complete your proposal? Did you apply for IRB approval?ย  How many interviews can you transcribe in a few months? How about completing that methods, results, discussion chapter, or literature review? Pick one.ย  Within the next several months, what will you have accomplished on your dissertation? Plan now to make daily forward progress.

This is a collaborative effort. Why work alone, when you have an online community? Join us.ย  Donโ€™t be shy, you donโ€™t even have to use your real name.ย  Focus on completing your degree.ย ย  Set some intermediate deadlines.ย  Remember to keep your goals manageable and measurable (in bite-sized pieces). Simply put use this site to keep yourself accountable and to post your to-do lists.

Welcome to the Winter 2013 Challenge (January – July 2013)! We look forward to celebrating your completion with you!


468 responses to “Winter 2013 Challenge”

  1. Happy New Year everyone! You can begin posting here! I see that Lisa started on the other page; I’ll go and get her so that she can start here. Welcome to all of the new people who will join us this season. Good luck to all of those who are on your final trek with us. We’re rooting for you! We’ll look forward to seeing some of you at the Winter Dissertation House at UMBC Jan. 22-25, 2013.

    1. Hi Dr. Tull – Happy New Year to all! I took a longer break than anticipated due to family being in town but I am back at it today!

      1. Welcome back Kelley! Sometimes a good break is needed. That must mean that you are now super-charged! Happy New Year!

  2. Happy new year, everyone! Just wanted to give everyone a little push to get back to it!!! There IS a light at the end of that tunnel, and NO it is NOT an oncoming train! You are closer than you think – just keep making those small goals and keep accomplishing them! One step after another will get you to the top!

    Good luck to everyone, no matter what stage you are at! ๐Ÿ™‚ Make 2013 YOUR year!!

    Best wishes for a fabulous new year!

    Margaret Grow, Ph.D. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Nice to “hear” from you! How are things going?

    2. Hello Dr. Grow!!! Happy New Year! I liked our photo on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=472874019420555&set=a.472950732746217.98360.100000938821685&type=1&theater. Thanks for coming over to the DH page to say hello! You’re an alum now!

    3. Hi Margaret – thanks for stopping by and giving us some words of encouragement ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I’m still at it! I’m getting materials together for postdoc apps and still trying to set a defense date. I have a tentative date of Friday, March 29 but I have one committee member who is not willing to commit. Pun intended – ha ha! Can you tell I’m a little tired?

    1. Congrats on getting a tentative date Lisa! Do you know why the committee member isn’t ready to commit? (Good pun!) Is it because of her/his schedule or is s/he looking for you to do something else, e.g., additional experiment? If it’s a scheduling issue, do your best to try to accommodate them. If it’s a content issue, you can always review your proposal with them to show them that you have completed your proposed research, and that you’re thinking about extending the scope as part of your postdoc. Here’s our 2012 post on getting a date from your committee, I hope that it helps! https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/2012/01/20/i-want-to-defend-doctoral-dissertation-how-do-i-get-a-date-from-my-faculty-committee-six-suggestions/

      1. It’s a scheduling problem and I’m bending over backwards for her. She is here (from Miami) for a guest lecture on the 28th so I’m letting her pick if she wants to do it the 27-29. If not, that is fine with me, but she hasn’t been able to give me any other dates. I’m working with her admin to firm things up but she keeps saying both that things are tight and that she doesn’t have definite plans – makes it difficult to pin down a date!

      2. I think we just scheduled my defense (have to makes sure rooms are available)! 3pm on March 28th! I’m feeling a mix of elation and horror.

        1. But you got all your committee to “commit” to a date – that’s a major accomplishment in itself!

          1. I just got the last confirmations today. So glad to have the scheduling done. That’s the elation part. The horror part is that I actually have to do this – kind of scary!

        2. It’s official! Everyone has confirmed so I am on for March 28th! Dr. Vizer, here I come!

  4. I just submitted my first postdoc application! Yay!

    1. Double congrats Lisa!!!

      1. Thank you Mari! I just found out this morning that I got an interview. I am taking today to be excited then I’ll get down to work this weekend. Looking forward to seeing you next week!

        1. I just read this literally right now… !! But congratulations about Harvard…. I have a good feeling… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Happy Birthday to Dr. Carter-Veale!

  6. Happy Birthday Dr. C-V! Hope you had a wonderful day ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Happy New Year and thanks for the birthday wishes. I am now back from a very long vacation. I went to dinner and a movie (Lincoln) for my birthday. Kelley (with an e) welcome back. Congrats to almost Dr. Vizer on getting a defense date. What’s the reward for getting a defense date? I am looking forward to Winter DH next week. We have some new students who were exactly where many of you were years ago. We also had some graduates at the same time. The cycle of life continues. Is this your time to graduate?

    1. My reward was a bouquet of roses I bought for myself and a date with my husband. It was a long week and we both really needed the time.

      I’m looking forward to my kick in the pants next week!

      1. We need a “Like” button for these kinds of comments. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. OK everyone, I added our version of “like” buttons. We’ll see how this works.

    2. Happy Belated Birthday Dr. CV! I look forward to partaking in UMBC’s DH next week!

  8. Hi Drs. Tull and Carter-Veale, I am pleased to announce that after the DH in October, I have a new Chair and committee, and have finished a dissertation proposal that is now with my committee. My defense is on Jan 28th !!! Thanks for all of your support, especially the 15 minute reality check from Dr. Carter-Veale.

    1. Congratulations Autumn!!!!!! Moving ahead … great way to start the new year! You’ll be a candidate soon!

    2. Wow wow wow Autumn glad to see that someone drank the KoolAid!!! You “shook the dust off your feet” and got a new Chair ๐Ÿ™‚ Excellent. What a way to start the new year!!! You make us proud.

      1. Thanks Dr. Carter. I went into action mode immediately following the Fall DH. I have also gotten some good feedback on the proposal. I must say that the Methods book really helps me stay on target. I am so glad you brought this tool to my attention. I will keep you posted with my progress.

  9. I just got feedback on my dissertation draft from my two advisors. One still has the last two chapters to finish, but I’ve got some good stuff to work on this week. I’m looking forward to working hard and getting lots done this week. And I’m looking forward to the great supportive community that is always at the DH. See you in the morning!

  10. Good Morning Winter Dissertation House! I am joining you online from Trinidad and Tobago.
    My goals for today. Today I will be addressing several administrative issues related to my dissertation
    a) Refine the hard copy of the survey document for printing and binding
    b) Confirm four meetings for piloting of my survey
    c) Compose edit and sent email to the CEO of the Ministry of Education about my study
    d) Call and confirm two meetings with former ministry officials for interview.
    e) Get location information for each of the schools in the study
    #datagrind #phd2013 #teamgetitdone

    1. Hello Lenisa all the way from TnT!!!!!
      Thanks for joining us. You are missed. Glad to hear that you are making progress and that you have scheduled time to meet with people for your study. Enjoy the sun because it is sooooooo cold in MD with a wind chill in the teens. Send some of that sun our way. See you tomorrow for Day 2 of the DH.

  11. Good morning everyone! I am looking forward to this week! I will be working on dissertation feedback from my advisors.

  12. Hi Everyone,
    I have one overarching goal fro this week which is to finish chapter 3 to have for my advisor.
    -revise outline
    -compile notes for each section
    – write each section
    -edit sections

  13. First day in Dissertation House! I am exciting to finish my goals during these four days.

  14. Good morning everyone. Glad to be part of this enthusiastic group. Good luck to you all !!!

  15. Hi all-

    Here we are at Winter Dissertation House – there’s a big group.

    Here is my goals for today:

    1. Write justification for data selection and email to advisor (Address representativeness)
    2. Develop spring work schedule (put impt dates on calendar)

    Gotta a big glass of kool-aid to drink- here we go! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hey..Long time not seeing you

  16. I just get started with writing my proposal. I will do the proposal defense this summer. Good luck to everybody and me.

  17. Hi everyone,
    It is so exciting coming back to the dissertation house…
    Happy birthday Dr. Carter:)
    This dissertation house is so important for me…It can help me to get more organized and plan the coming semester better…

    Good luck everyone…

  18. Good Morning everyone. I am looking forward on getting some work done and accomplishing some of my goals of starting my dissertation.

  19. Good morning!
    This week I plan to focus on parents– parent table, draft of parent section for chapter 4 to provide context and demographics, and draft section of parent findings. At least that’s the plan for now until I meet with Dr. CV this afternoon! Looking forward to another productive DH!
    Have a good day!

    1. Nice to finally meet you!

  20. Good morning! My goals for this week are as follows:
    1) create a table of contents
    2) create an outline of the intro for chapter two
    3) finish writing the intro for chapter two
    4) finish writing the materials and methods for chapter two
    5) create an outline of the results for chapter two
    6) create figures from statistical analyses for chapter two (PCA and ANOVA)

  21. Good morning!!! Excited to get started in working on the goals I have set for this week!

  22. Good Morning Everyone,

    – Talk to Dr. Carter
    – Deadlines and tight schedule for this week
    – Lists for the week:
    a. Chapter 4a outline
    b. Chapters 4b, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Work on the edits/revisions

    and remember KISS!!!!!!


  23. Hello All
    Welcome to day one of the Dissertation House. We are full; we have about 20 student here in MD at UMBC. We have students from College Park and Eastern Shore as well. I look forward to seeing of you make some progress over the next four days. If you are joining us on-line welcome to the DH.

    1. And a student online in Trinidad and Tobago!

  24. Hi Everyone, I am Habib from UMES. I am a 5th year PhD student and I plan to work on my first chapter and a outline of my methods section during this week.

  25. So glad to be at the DH for the week!
    My goals this week are to work on the edits I received from my advisor and editor. Mainly, write a new section on reviewing CCA’s and rewriting my questions chapter. I’ll also be working on edits of the Intro chapter.

  26. Looking forward to being a full-time grad student for a week! Journal paper revisions, experiment debugging, and writing up results are the goals for the week. Stretch goals may include clearing my name of recent accusations related to previous blog comments…. (it was obviously some mischievous vagrant and in no way could be the work of an upstanding individual such as myself)

  27. Good Morning Everyone! I am very happy to have the opportunity to be at the DH! Thank you Dr. Tull! I look forward to accomplishing my goals. Today I will update my Table of Contents, continue writing my results, and create a plan for the semester. Have a productive day!

  28. Good morning! I am participating on-line. I today I plan to revise analysis plan and write theoretical framework section.

    1. So Adoration23, Welcome to the DH. Did you accomplish the theoretical framework section today? I look forward to hearing about you accomplishment and seeing you here again on Day 2 tomorrow.

  29. Nice to see you again too Carlos – here’s to a productive week.

  30. a very good day…everything is under control…
    Hopefully everyone have had a good day so far…

  31. After Dr. Carter’s meeting this is the KISS list for later today and tomorrow:

    1. Chapter 5 edits
    2. Chapter 6 edits
    3. Chapter 10 edits
    4. Chapter 4a outline/write-up

  32. I got a lot done today! I got through Ch1 and Ch4 feedback from one advisor and Ch1, Ch3, and Ch4 from my other advisor. I also turned in my application for diploma to the Graduate School. Tomorrow I will continue to work on feedback on the rest of the chapters.

  33. Almost done with debugging the experiment. Tricky little bugs. Maรฑana – finish up the experiment and then the fun part: write it up! Then start on the revisions.

  34. For tomorrow I will have my outline for chapter revised and finish section 1 (role of public health)

  35. Here is the link for deadlines for Spring 2013 graduation for UMBC:


    Good luck!

  36. Good Morning. Looking forward to getting a lot of work done this morning!

  37. Good luck to everyone in accomplishing their goals today!!! I am unable to attend this DH in person due to work commitments, but today I plan on working on my note card for my dissertation proposal defense this Monday.

  38. Good morning Autumn.
    Good look working on your note card. Keep us posted about your progress.

  39. Good morning everyone.
    Day 2 of the Dissertation House. Things are looking pretty good so far. I will be working on a topic that is not one of my strengths, but it has to be done anyway. Good luck!!

    1. Good Luck Doaa. The best way to come up with a topic is to stay on topic ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry that was a corny joke but best of luck anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks. And no it was not corny (whatever that means ๐Ÿ™‚ Check out LLC Dissertation House on the LLC website below and come join us next time we meet.

  40. Good morning! I’m looking forward to getting through more revisions and meeting with Dr. Carter-Veale this afternoon.

  41. Feeling great to start the day 2 at the dissertation house……..

  42. Good morning!
    It’s Day 2 at DH and we just had a talk prepping us for the dissertation defense. Today I’ll be working on chapter 4…
    Have a good and prouctive day everyone!

  43. Pumped up for day 2 of Dissertation boot camp! Very motivated to make more progress today! Thanks to everyone in this room for keeping the positive energy in the room! Let’s get it done!!!

  44. Morning everyone! I will try to finish what I planned to do on the second day in Dissertation House.

  45. Good morning. Advisor meeting at 4pm, and the bugs are almost resolved. Off to the races.

  46. Good Morning Everyone! I will be working on Chapter 4. Have a productive day!

  47. Good morning all-
    I need to add some more justification for my data selection and email to advisor.
    Then I need to develop a work schedule for this semester.
    And then I will work on some edits on the template to start getting that out of the way.
    Hope everyone has a productive day!

    1. Hi Kelley,
      Thanks for the ride yesterday

  48. Another nice day begins. Hope I can keep working on my proposal like this after this week.

  49. Hi Everyone,
    Back to work on the public health chapter. Last night I wrote 3 paragraphs for section one. The goal for today is:
    -finish revision of outline
    -read and take notes on 3 articles
    -write section two

  50. Day 2 of the DH. So glad to be here and have the inspiration that it provides during this week, but also carries on.
    I have talked with several of you that “hope to be done in May.” I’m sending encouraging and productive thoughts to each of you knowing that you can get it done! Go! Go! Go!
    I’ll be at that point next year so I look at all of you as inspirations that I can get there, too.
    Today I will finish finding articles for the new section my advisor has requested, and rewriting my research questions based on edits from my advisor.

  51. Late arrival..dropping the kids off, dealing with the parking services and then registration office, but finally I got to park on campus. Thanks Kelley for the ride yesterday!!

    Focus today on chapter revisions….planning to stay late if anyone is interested

    1. You’re welcome Carlos. That would have been a really long and cold walk! Did you get your parking permit?

      1. Yes, I finally got it…well at least something for the next three days Thanks!!

  52. I love the Dissertation House Model at UMBC. To take advantage of the model and still keep our jobs, a group of PhD candidates in the Language, Literacy & Culture Program has been getting together in a study group that models the Dissertation House (we like to call it Dissertation Home) We study, discuss questions and concerns, and share our progress about out work. The group started late fall and we are resuming again in February. We each try to commit to meeting for a few hours over the weekend (Friday-Sunday). Using the student space in the library Retriever Learning Center, we set our goals on the white boards every time we meet, check them off as we leave (not always :). If you stop by during the weekend, look for the board with the funny (sometimes strange) nicknames. That’s us. Great place to study, talk and eat too.

  53. I am working on the literature review part now. I have made much progress during those two days. Hope to keep working like this! The dissertation House gives me a very good start. Thanks.

  54. Day 2 of the DH. We talked about preparing for the defense this morning.
    1) Read the document cover to cover
    2) Reading a copy of the advisor’s & committee members’ dissertations to know what his/her expectations are
    3) Be careful with the non-verbal communication–Make sure you are communicating that you are the expert on your topic
    4) Don’t interrupt your committee if they are arguing during the defense
    5) Get a good night’s rest
    6) Make clear what your contribution to the field is with your research
    7) Organize your presentation, number your slides and know it by heart in case the electricity goes out.
    8) Practice…Practice, Practice
    9) Remember it is Power/Point not Power Paragraph

  55. Hello DH,
    Logging on a bit late did not have internet access.
    a) Refine the hard copy of the survey document for printing and binding —Done
    b) Confirm four meetings for piloting of my survey —Done
    c) Compose edit and sent email to the CEO of the Ministry of Education about my study —Pending
    d) Call and confirm two meetings with former ministry officials for interview.—1/2
    e) Get location information for each of the schools in the study—pending

    Today complete tasks outstanding from yesterday
    a) Compose edit and sent email to the CEO of the Ministry of Education about my study
    b) Call and confirm two meetings with former ministry officials for interview.—1/2
    c) Get location information for each of the schools in the study
    d) Change tense in Chapter one

    1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you’re connected Lenisa! Hope you’re enjoying the warm weather!!Send us some this way!

  56. It was a good day today. I finished an outline of the chapters with sections for my dissertation. I am going to start working tomorrow on filling some parts of the introduction chapter and outline methods for my other chapters. Very please with the progress after only two days!

  57. To be continue!!!!! I am going to the library

  58. Hi Everyone,
    I had a productive day. I finished my outline. Also did wrote pieces of section 2. I will work on it some more tonight and finish up tomorrow.

  59. Another productive day. I have finished the structure of the literature section. I will keep working on it tomorrow. See you tomorrow guys.

  60. Dr. CV I got the profiles done a little before leaving… yay! gotta keep working on the outline.
    I’m working with Carlos and Michelle for now, gonna try to copy and paste things where they need to be to get closer to the 100% mark.

    1. Did you really went to sleep??

      1. YES! I see you didn’t! Good for you!

  61. A little bit behind my schedule. I have revised two sections in Chap. 3. I will try to revise the left tonight.

  62. I had to change one of my goals for today and replace it with something different. I need to do more reading in one particular area which doesn’t fit with DH. So, I will be revising my theoretical framework tomorrow.

  63. Hi Everyone!
    I’m finally logging into the new site. I’ve gotten your updates and I am glad to see everyone plugging along and on your way. I have a bunch of goals that I’ve been trying to complete, and I just read over a short article based around the book The 4 Disciplines of Execution that helped me in the past. You guys already practice what’s in it, so I’ll post the tips and hopefully you’ll feel validated:
    – Focus on 2 or 3 specific goals (Wildly Important Goals)
    – Concentrate on the cause, not the effect (e.g., regular exercise goals rather than weight on the scale, ugh)
    – Keep a scoreboard (these tend to have very little, yet important, info; e.g., goal accomplished today? Check)
    – Report regularly (congratulations!)

    I miss you folks and hope everything goes well. 2013 is your year!!

    1. Yes, you will. Keep going

      1. Dr. Alexis!
        Thanks for the posting. The keep going was intended for Christine

        1. Haha! Hi Carlos! I see that you have left your KISS stamp. I hope all is well!

          1. You are right…..I am going to stat KISSing again….Thanks !!!

  64. Hi all,
    Kind of had a frustrating day…need to rework my purpose statement so that I can finish my lit review!!!! I will get this!!!!

    1. Yes, you will. Keep going

  65. Time to go to sleep. Still on Chapter 6. It has taking longer than expected

    1. Half snow day?? Great!!!! Now what? Well it is about me…find 2 hour shelter for Daniel and Gabriel goes to his first DH

      1. Good luck Carlos!

  66. Up early this morning to get some reading and prepare for my goals for DH today. Working on Materials and Methods for each chapter as well as piecing together introductions for each chapters. See you soon!

  67. So far during the dissertation house I have met the following goals:
    1) created outline of intro for chapter two
    2) wrote rough draft of chapter two
    3) wrote about half of the method section for chapter two
    4) Did the PCA and ANOVAs of results (chapter two)
    5) created a table of contents for my thesis
    6) made edits to chapter three based on feedback from committee members
    7) redid ANOVAs for chapter three

    I still have to meet the following goalsร‘
    1) finish methods section of chapter two
    2) finish edits to chapter three
    3) outline results section for chapter two
    4) create figures for chapter two
    5) write results section rough draft for chapter two
    6) create an outline of the discussion section for chapter two

    I am really enjoying dissertation house and am really surprised at how much I have accomplished in the first two days. Thank you so much for organizing this!

  68. Morning everybody! I plan to go through some materials papers I have read and go on working on the literature section.

  69. Good morning! My goals for today are:
    1) read and revise Conclusion section in Chapter 3;
    2) write the Introduction part for Chapter 5.
    Hope I will have a productive day.

  70. Good morning everyone! Getting ready to start the day 3 of the dissertation house and looking forward to talk to Dr. Carter this afternoon!

  71. Good Morning again!!! Made it here in crawling on 695….Ready and motivated to work today! Plan on finalizing my purpose statement. Let get it done Team!!!

  72. Good morning DHer’s including those online!
    After my meeting with my advisor, I have a new revised list:
    1. Write up document with current experiment results and send to committee for feedback
    2. Brainstorm on how to further expand these experiments
    3. Find a target journal for this work (health informatics, AI or Evoluationary computation?)

    I will begin today by typing up my meeting notes and starting the document for the committee.

    No afternoon (work) meetings like yesterday so I am looking forward to a productive day.

  73. Morning all – local and remote!
    Finally made it! I have been on the road for almost 2 hours – normal commute is about 35 min – but I was determined to be here for my 10am Dr. C-V meeting!
    My plan for today is to work on my research question edits. When that is complete, I will on the new section on the review of CCA’s.
    Glad to be here!

  74. Good morning everyone,
    My goal for today is to revise and edit the theoretical framework section in my dissertation. This is a 15 pages/double space part.

  75. Back for day 3. Spending an unseemly amount of time getting rid of this bug in this experiment.

  76. Goals for the next two days:
    1- Finish the proposal for essay 1 of the dissertation
    2- Get 50% of the proposal done for the second essay
    3- Write an introduction to tie essay 1 and essay 2 and possible essay 3.

    PS- I am working on a three essay dissertation on labor market regulations in developing countries.

  77. Hi Everyone,
    I’m exhausted, so I’ll start with mindless work. Free writing it is. No editing!! That takes thinking.
    Anyway, my goal for today is to finishing the draft of section 2 the public health chapter.

  78. Good morning! Hope everyone has their capes, tights, and tiaras if you need them! I’m working through feedback from another committee member today and starting to revise Ch5 from a more confident position.

  79. Great Morning! already at DH in a separate room with my little one. I just needed to get out home and try to keep a regular schedule. It is not appropriate, but this is really about me and coming here was the only way to do something productive in the morning. So now keeping working on chapter 6.

  80. Hello All,

    This is my first day of winter dissertation house! My goals for the day are:
    – work in the morning on my allele calling table to have a few more entries
    – in the afternoon, I’ll keep working on the article I’d like to submit: results section and required cover letter draft.

  81. Great presentation this morning about writers’ block and job hunting (thanks Dr. Carter & Dr. Tull)

    Mid-point check for myself (I find it motivating)
    6 pages down plus an outline for this section, 9 pages left.
    Having an outline side by side as one works on longer pieces clarifies connections among different points and eases the transition as one writes/revises (at least for me ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. Done with chapter 6. Taking Gabriel Home and then keep DH from the distance.

    1. Your little boy was so cute! Glad we could see him!

  83. Ok…Back to it…………… Chapter 7

  84. Done. Today’s work is done as planned.
    Tomorrow’s goal is to write 2-3 pages about Activity Theory and apply the model to my study.

  85. I finished a first rough draft of my material and methods for each chapter. Next I am organizing my papers to write the some sections in my introduction. That is the main plan for tomorrow aka the last day of DH ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  86. Today is a productive day, I have done what I planned to do. Tomorrow I will read and revise Chapter 4. See you guys tomorrow!

  87. Friday I will be working on continuing to find survey questions and user experience research questions.
    Hope we have snow AFTER 6pm!

  88. Ok! Change of plans
    Tomorrow, I will be working on the data for the second essay – this includes putting the dozen datasets I have together and writing code to add future datasets.
    I will also work on the literature review.
    Hope it does not snow tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  89. I have so much to do! But don’t we all.
    Anyways for tomorrow, I will continue working on the public health chapter. I was struggling today and decided to work on the part that I like and know about first to get some confidence. So I’ll finish that up tonight.

    Tomorrow I’ll work on the boring parts.

  90. I worked on literature review today. I have found and read some new papers. I am happy that a theory can be used to support my model. For tomorrow, I will finish the draft of literature part and get started with Research Model part. See you tomorrow.

  91. I got all my notes typed up and started writing for my committee. Had my meeting with Dr. C-V which was very helpful. I have a new NEW list now:
    1. Put all work in dissertation template – reorganize – put paper #1 in appendix
    2. Change title – remove autism – replace with medicine

  92. Didn’t quite get the cover letter done, but put bits and pieces together. Will work more on it later. I did get to work on my article a lot, trimming it down to the number of words it has to be. Quite a difficult task when you think that everything is important! I might get 2 articles instead of one out of my chapter, which is good in itself!
    Goals for tomorrow: work on my allele calling table all day! Hopefully I’ll be done with it tomorrow or be near completion.

  93. Thanks everyone for being supportive and giving positive energy to work…Must go to my other job tomorrow. Will miss you all. Good luck and hasta la proxima!!!

    1. Thanks Christine – hope you blog to let us know how you are doing!

  94. Good morning everyone! Last day for DH, time flies…
    Today’s goal is to revise Chapter 4.

  95. Today is the last day of dissertation house. I wish it went on longer because I managed to accomplish a lot! I plan to finish my methods section and put together a significant portion of my results section of chapter two today.

  96. Hi Everyone! Good morning and welcome to the last day of dissertation.

  97. Good morning! Today I will continue to work on dividing my cases into sections. Breaking them into the different ecological levels, and making them all consistent.

  98. Good Morning. Hoping this day is going to be productive especially since it is the last day of Winter DH!

  99. Morning,
    as I mentioned yesterday, today I will be doing data and programing.

  100. Good morning everyone,
    Today is activity theory day. It has to be done before 5:00.
    Good luck everyone.

  101. Good morning -last day…
    My goals for today are to do the following:
    1. Make a list of health informatics journals – add to easy/medium/hard table
    Easy tasks – pull journal articles from these journals
    Medium tasks – read pulled journal articles
    Hard tasks – develop sense of trends in these journals and find a good fit for my current experiments
    2. Develop list of easy/medium/hard tasks related to the dissertation
    Easy: reformatting, citations
    Medium: Rewriting already existing parts
    Hard: Writing up the new experiments, methodology, contribution, introduction, conclusion

    This will provide a starting point going forward.

  102. Morning everybody. Thanks for the feedback on my 2-minute interview. I like the practice. I will keep working on the literature review section, and get a structure of the Research Model.

  103. Today I’m writing section 3 on the public health chapter

  104. Great last day of DH. I got more work done in these four days than I did in the whole month. This is progress. I still have to continue working to finish today’s goals.
    One distraction I had today was following the news in Egypt. It’s difficult not to.
    One just has to keep the habit of writing something everyday.
    Great to meet everyone here and I look forward to our next Dissertation House.
    Good luck

  105. I am so glad I came to dissertation house. It helped me get a lot accomplished and taught me more about my strengths and weaknesses in regards to the writing process, and tricks to help me stop procrastinating.

  106. I have learned A LOT from dissertation house. I am going to start making deadlines and schedules to keep up with my work and getting this dissertation done. I just got a confirmation on my committee meeting so I am hoping they will agree with my timetable and my ability to get done and graduated.

    1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yay! congrats!!

      1. Great news Nicole!

        1. We missed you Christine!! Although I did take over your space, hope you had a good day and getting some work in!

  107. Wow time sure does fly fast. Today was our last day in the Winter Dissertation House. We left early to avoid the snow but the snow came early as well. I am so pleased that everyone was able to make progress in such a short amount of time. I hope that everyone continues to blog and maintain the momentum. Dr. Dabek (another DH alum) stopped by today and gave us some more tips to help us focus on how to complete our dissertation in “T-minus 60 Days”. She offered S.O.S to help you complete your dissertation in 60 days. She advised that you should create a Schedule with a deadline and stick to it. You also had to become Organized for you to work more effectively. And finally she said that you had to be willing to Sacrifice some things (Facebook, Internet, full participation in social activities)in your life for the next 60 days if you really wanted to finish. Her insight into her own process was truly welcomed as she had sat in the same seats about a year ago today. See her post in last year’s 2012 Winter Challenge aka the Energizer Bunny.
    Lenisa what happened today where is your post we are waiting patiently to see what’s new in Trinidad and also your dissertation progress.
    Everyone have a productive rest of you day and rest of the semester.

  108. Hello everyone!

    DH might be over, but your progress should continue! Remember, 2013 is YOUR year! Make a date, make it final, and figure out how to get there!

    Margaret Dabek and I did it in 60 days – so can you!! It is all about YOU!

    Good luck to everyone, near and far!

    Motivational quote for today: “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

    -Margaret G. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks for coming Margaret – it was great seeing you and other Margaret that is not in your head …lol ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a new deadline but good news – it’s still in the year 2013 – going to keep moving forward.

      1. Way to go!! Baby steps and baby goals will get you to the grand finale!! Good luck!!

  109. Good Morning Everyone!!!

    It really was an exciting week being in the DH and seeing again the Margarets. I am starting to write in the blog again…there was a time I was not feeling comfortable due to I was not moving along and I even felt like a loser about that. Thanks to some comments during the DH, I learned that some people got inspired by the blogs when things were not going well. From now I am going to start blogging.

    First, things to do KISS list:

    1. Update the status of my writing
    2. Get deadlines for graduating on May
    3. Get deadlines for each chapter
    4. Get writing buddies willing to go insane at least on weekends

    till later

  110. Where is everyone?????
    Mari, Kelley, Robert, Michelle, Christine, Nicole, Rae, Doaa, Habib ???? Have you finished?
    Blog, Blog, Blog….anything, but blog

    1. I did not put Lisa….because she is going to Harvard ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Congrats to Lisa on her interview ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves – I just got an interview! I’ll keep posting about my progress. Today I went shopping for suits because I literally had nothing to wear to the interviews, a conference presentation next month, as well as my defense. It wasn’t writing, but it was progress!

    2. Hi Carlos! I’m here, working on editing profiles, plan to get through at least 3 profiles, I want to draft definitions for three eco levels.
      What are you up to?

      1. Right Now working on the new analysis and revision for chapter 7.
        Keep Going!

        1. I got through the three profiles and figured why not get those to 100%? ๐Ÿ˜‰ so I’ll finish that up today as well.

    3. Carlos – Glad you are KISSing today! I am working today too – still have the DH high. Last night I calculated that I have 23 days until my proposal will be sent to my committee!
      This morning my task was to figure out how that can get done (with details and deadlines on a measurable check list – thank you Dr. C-V) and put it on my schedule.
      Next task is to find 2 more articles (3 already collected) for the new section my advisor wants.
      Thanks for checking in. It’s so nice to know others are out there working right now too!

    4. Hi Carlos! Glad to hear you will plan to blog – I missed seeing your updates!
      I made it home to Pennsylvania – what should have been a 1.5 hr ride took 3 hours…the roads were bad in PA but I got home safely.

      I am taking the day off today from working. I am going to spend time with my family and get unpacked. Tomorrow evening I plan to setup the easy/medium/hard tasks in a spreadsheet (I had started that on Friday). Then Monday is back to work and the new “15 minute rule” takes effect. I will not leave work until I have completed at least 15 minutes of dissertation work.
      I plan to be working in the morning next Saturday if anyone wants to check-in, talk remotely let me know!

      1. Great you got back safe!

  111. Still working on chapter 7…Anyone else really wanting to graduate on May????

  112. Hello Everyone!
    Just finished to fill out my allele calling table. I did it! Now, it’s time to analyze the table with Structure. Can’t wait to see what the results look like!

    1. Great!! I’m still on chapter 7

  113. Ok…Done with chapter 7 ti
    time to go home

    1. 3:43 in the morning??? !

  114. Good Morning Everyone.!

    Today here at the Capitol College, I am sleepy, tired but this is not excuse. I was like this a year ago and it got worst, but hey I got most of my thing going. There is not such as a perfect conditions or state of mind to write, just do it. I do not want to be working on this during the summer and I won’t.

    No excuses!!!

    1. :)!! Hola Carlos!!! You are not alone! I’m here at UM ready to work!

      1. Hola Mari,
        I’m here with Michelle and Tania. I;m really sleepy.

        1. That’s awesome! Hi Michelle! Hi Tanya!

  115. Hey…I am here working everyone at UMBC and I am exhausted and sore!!! But I am getting something done! Good luck everyone!

  116. I worked today at Capitol College with Tanya and Carlos. I loved the environment and was really productive. The great news it that I think I’ve made a break through in the public health chapter. I found several articles that will help with my data analysis.

    1. sounds great Michelle! Did you find out if you have jury duty tomorrow? Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  117. Hi all-

    I have a blog – it is http://isphdbound.wordpress.com. Hope you’ll check it out and help me be accountable.

    1. you inspire me Kelley!

    2. Good for you! 2013 is YOUR year!

      1. Thanks Mari and Lisa ๐Ÿ™‚

  118. Good morning! Today I’ll be working around my ga schedule, but plan to attack profiles– finish #2, and #3. I also plan to do some free writing to respond to 1 question from a fellows app due 2/15.
    Anyone else out there?
    Have a productive day everyone!

  119. I’m working today on finishing up a rewrite of Chapter 1. I’ll probably finish that before the day is over so I’ll work on Chapter 5 next. My goal is to have a draft ready for final comments from my advisors by the end of the week.

    1. Well, that was fast! I finished revising Chapter 1 (I guess I had gotten more done Friday that I remembered!). I sent it off to my advisors and now I’m diving in to Chapter 5. When I get sick of that I’ll work on the presentation for my interviews at Pitt and Harvard.

      1. Change of plan – I am developing my hypotheses more in Chapter 3, as requested by a committee member. After I finish that I’m going for a run. If I have time later today I’ll start on either Chapter 5 or my presentation. Although it’s not what I had originally planned, it’s all stuff that I need to get done this week. My goal is to send off a fully revised draft to my advisors by Friday.

  120. Good Morning,…….Kids two hours late, then work until 6 pm and then continue with chapter 4.

    1. My son had a 2 hour delay too. Sometimes these things happen and you just have to roll with it. Of course, my child decided to have a 2 hour tantrum, but what can you do? ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. They cancelled school for the day up here. Luckily I got my babysitter to come over for a little bit so I can get some work done. I remember the “twos” – tantrums – especially 2 hours ones are no fun.

        1. I just grit my teeth and say to myself, “He is a joy and a blessing. He is a joy and a blessing.”!

          1. Lol – that reminds me of a plaque that my mother got me to hang in the kitchen. “Lord, Help me to endure my blessings.” How appropriate that is some days.

  121. Dissertation Proposal has just been successfully defended

    1. Let me be first to congratulate you Autumn! Welcome to the PhD Candidate club – hopefully you won’t linger there as long as some of us! ;>

    2. Congratulations! Doesn’t it feel good to have passed that milestone?

    3. Felicitaciones!!!!

  122. Back to Chapter 4.!!!

  123. Anyone around?

    1. To be continue….

    2. I met my goals for yesterday though I had to stay on campus a little longer than I expected. Accomplishing the goal felt good. Today I plan to work on two more profiles. I have a classroom observation at a school I’ve never been to for my gaship in a few hours… so I’ll start my day working on those fellowhsip responses that I’m having a hard time getting done! raw drafting for 25 minutes it is…
      Carlos how’d you end up with ch 4?

      1. Good job Martiza!

  124. Last night I did some rewriting of Chapter 5. Today I will be working on some little things that Have To Be Done: screenshots of my data collection software, measure letter height and viewing distance, do some citation work in EndNote. Good luck to everyone!

    1. Thanks Lisa,
      I will continue with chapter 4 today after work.
      Keep going everyone!!

    2. Well, I didn’t get done what I had planned – that is my goal for tomorrow. But I did get things done today. I got feedback from Dr. CV on my Chapter 5 and did some revisions. I also made a lot of headway on my interview presentation. I’m getting nervous!

  125. Shhh – I’m actually getting work done because my 2-year-old is PLAYING QUIETLY BY HIMSELF!! I can’t believe it. How much can I cram into the 20 min before bedtime?!?

    1. Bonus! Relish the time you have – it’s amazing what you can get done in 20 minutes when focused.

    2. I got a whole paragraph done!

  126. Anyone else out there working? Today I’m working on the list of Little Things That Must Be Done, Chapter 5, and my interview presentation. What is everyone else doing?

    1. I’m doing my day job but will be working on my dissertation at some point this afternoon before I leave. I need to start pulling journal articles and change the title of my dissertation and print the template instructions. So you are not alone!

  127. Hi Lisa,

    I will be working today, but not until later when I get off of work. I need to search for news articles for my data set from local newspapers in Arizona. Good luck with Chapter 5 and your interview presentation!!!!!

  128. Good Morning Everyone,
    Yesterday was kind of a slow day and went to sleep early, with Gabriel with a cold I couldn’t sleep much. Today, got Daniel ready for school, the went to my doctor and now at home taking care of Gabriel and preparing an interview and a presentation I have tomorrow.

    1. Colds are going through my house too – came home last night and hubby was laying on the couch sick. Hope Gabriel gets well soon.

      1. Thanks!
        Just need to keep going…

    2. Ugh – family sickness is no fun. Hope you all feel better for tomorrow!

  129. Hi Everyone!
    Michelle, Jianwei, Huimin, and I are working on the 5th floor of the library at UMBC today. Please feel free to join us!

    1. This is great! I hope that all of you were productive! What were your goals? Did you accomplish them?
      Kathy, I love your blog!!!! You took a page out of Margaret D’s book with the strike-outs. Good for you. Counting down!

  130. Hello everyone! I am working through my list of Little Things That Must be DONE. I was most dreading having to update the statistics on technology use so I decided to tackle that first. I just finished! Now onto adding in some more discussion of results, a restructuring of a small section of lit review, and some updated citations. What’s everyone else working on?

  131. Hello everyone, I’ve returned from Purdue. I had a chance to talk about the programs that we have at UMBC, including The Dissertation House. It was certainly nice to be with all of you last week! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Dr. Tull for all your helpful suggestions and ideas. The dissertation house sessions really helped me to focus and get back on track. It was great to part of a group again. After finishing coursework at UMCP, the “support system” from collaborating with others gradually faded, making it a lonely writing world. I have found the blog helpful and meeting with Dr Carter a tremendous help. Thanks again Dr. Tull.

  132. Hiya! I’m sitting at the Corner Bakery in Towson with my husband for a work date. I’m working on adding some more recent literature to my lit review and a little bit of extra results discussion. After that I will send this puppy off to my advisors and bake my kid a birthday cake! He is 2 today!

    1. I love working in coffee shops/bakeries – what a great environment to work in. And with your husband – bonus! Hope Andy’s birthday celebration was fun!

  133. Morning everyone! I have been sick all week but I have been productive. I have organized papers, talk to my advisor about my outline for my dissertation which he approved, also organized data figures and made some data figures. Today because I am still feeling under the weather and not in the mood to write, I will work on making some more data figures for the dissertation and my upcoming committee meeting document. I hope everyone one has a productive day.

    1. I hope you feel better soon, but good going getting things done while you’re under the weather!

      1. Thanks Lisa. Hope Andy’s Birthday went well!

    2. Nicole – Good for you for working even in spite of not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better!

  134. It’s noon on Sunday – anyone else working out there?

  135. […] the blog for The Dissertation House today!ย https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/blog-online-challenge/winter-2013-challenge/. ย Any student from any school may […]

  136. Hi all,
    I am new to this group but hope to start posting regularly. I am a doctoral candidate in the UMCP Public Health School and currently working on my dissertation proposal. Just heard about Dr. C-V’s upcoming seminar on 2/23 at UMBC and I plan to attend. I live in Balt Co and hope to take advantage of future events on the (UMBC) campus.

    1. Hi Kim! Definitely take advantage of everything you can – I wouldn’t be where I am without all the help from this community. Good luck!

    2. Welcome to the group Kim! We are a little quiet right now but I have found posting here to be helpful in structuring my work and getting positive feedback.

  137. Anyone out there? I’m working on my interview presentation today. I have my flights and hotels all booked for my two interviews and I’m getting that nervous feeling in my tummy. One week until I fly to Harvard!

    1. How exciting- keep us updated on how it goes!

  138. I just got an email to present to Oregon Health & Science University for a postdoc – on Tuesday! Luckily it is over the web so I don’t have to travel. So that’s OHSU Tuesday, Harvard Wed-Fri, and Pitt the next Monday. I’m tired just thinking about it!

    1. When it rains it pours but in a good way in this case! Good luck!

    2. Great!!
      Good Luck!

  139. Trying to get back into dissertation mode.

    In the last two weeks I have been extremely busy with:

    1. Work, I need to keep mentor/boss happy so once I send her the corrections it will not take months to answer back.

    2. Post-doctoral interviews (3) and presentations (2) have been a great practice for the defense

    3. Grant application to work at JHU as a post-doc

    4. Project design for an unique opportunity at NIH

    I feeling very tired and sleepy…I will stay home nap-work-nap – nap – work….

    KISS List:

    09:45 to 10:45: Grant Supplement research problem draft
    11:00 to 11:45: Grant Supplement research question draft
    12:00 to 12:45: Grant Supplement Specific Aims draft
    13:00 to 13:45: Grant Supplement Hypothesis draft
    14:00 Blog

    Anyone out there????

    1. Hola! I’m still on the research problem, but just need a break. and then continue.

    2. Congratulations on all the great stuff going on for you! Good luck on the grant application and interviews!

  140. What’s everyone working on? I’m working on my presentation slides for my Oregon interview tomorrow and paper revisions for a conference paper that was just accepted (to a conference in Paris in May!). Hope everyone is doing well!

    1. Congrats on your CHI acceptance! I’m assuming it is a full paper. I got a WIP accepted! I’ll be there as a Senior Student Volunteer – we should get together if we have a few extra minutes.
      Hope all went well today. On the edge of my seat waiting for a report!

      1. Yay for your acceptance! I got accepted to the Student Research Competition. I had an interview with Oregon yesterday that seemed to go well (it’s hard to tell!), and I am flying to Boston tonight for Harvard. Two long days of interviews – long but exciting!

        1. Good luck with your interviews. I am looking forward to hearing your good news.


    2. Paris in May sounds wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ I have finally caught my husband’s cold so I am battling that but I will still work on my list of items today – in particular my edits for the lit review and methodology sections of my most recent experiments.

  141. Just checking in. I hope everyone is keeping up their momentum! I’m always amazed to see people posting when they’re tired, sick, sick-and-tired, working with children, etc. You are earning that degree with each paragraph. Sending you positive vibes!

    As Carlos always says, it’s easier when you KISS! Simplify! (this is my advice to myself today. I thought I’d share).

    Happy sunshiny day.
    Alexis, the absent-minded doc

    1. Hi Alexis! Here’s to staying productive even when sick!

      1. Cheers and well-wishes! You can do it, even if 5 minutes at a time. 2013 is your year!

  142. I corralled my committee and have a Proposal Defense date – Monday, March 25 at 2pm. Feels good to have that officially on the calendar!

    1. Yay! That must be exciting!

  143. Today I met with my advisor (yes, it can still happen after you graduate! haha) and we are trying to put together a publication, so I’ll post my notes here since I haven’t updated anything in a while. Even though there’s a writing/publication site, I like supporting this group.

    Here’s my to-do:
    – Re-run scale analysis syntax with both 8th and 9th grade samples altogether for both types (wh and weh). See if get different results from the individual sample results. 8th will likely be larger.
    – Check on coding – disciplinary difficulties and school fit. Write paragraphs explaining the coding distinctions.
    – Check on dfs and p values/directions.
    – Where is sample size 93 and where 160 (if anywhere?).
    – A bunch of other teaching to dos, working on those now!

    Have a great weekend everyone! If I’m diligent, I’ll be back with more updates sooner than later.


  144. Hi! Just popping in to say that Harvard seemed to go well, but we’ll see what they have to say about that! OHSU on Tuesday must have gone really well because I got an offer from them Friday for my pick of two fellowships or a research position! I’m flying to Pittsburgh tomorrow to round out my crazy week. Thanks for all the support!

    1. Hi Lisa – glad to hear the Harvard interview went well! And congrats on the offers so far. Let us know how the rest turns out.

      1. Pitt seemed to go well too. I’ll have to see how the results come back. I could have some tough decisions to make. I also applied to University of Washington but I won’t hear from them until after March 15.

        1. Hmm…so Pittsburgh…or Boston? That is a tough call…;especially since you have friends in Pitt. Probably want to make sure you choose the school with the best “fit” for you.

    2. Wow, amazing! Congratulations, Lisa!

  145. Hello All

    Kelly without the e is finally finished. Dr. Kelly R. Schmidt uploaded her dissertation today!!!!
    I am back from California, LA to be specific. My daughter is getting better everyday; I am glad I was there. I have read the blog and see that everyone is making progress. Nice to hear. Lisa seems to be traveling a bit. Glad to hear Harvard went well; I am sure the snow did not make a significant enough of an impression to spoil your visit. Kelley and Carlos you both seem to be battling with sick people in the house. I had something like a sinus infection when I got on the plane to Caly—by the time I got to LA I could not hardly hear anything. While the sinus thing is gone I am not sure the cough is gone–that might take some more time and cough medicine. Kelley and Carlos do either of you have a defense date? I am planning to be on campus on Friday because of my workshop on Saturday.
    Kim please come and introduce yourself on Saturday after or before the workshop.

    —-Dr. Alexis thanks for checking in.
    — Janwei, good to see you use the blog.
    —Keoweaver congrats on the Proposal date of March 25!
    —Angel how’s it coming?
    —Mari looking forward to our session on Friday
    —Hello Michelle glad you found that textbook
    —Carlos & Kelley I would like to hear an update
    —Lisa you will love Paris especially at night.
    Everyone else keep posting and stay positive.

    1. Congrats to Dr. Kelly without the e!

      My update is this – I have to get a job app in by the end of this month so I am working on the following:
      1. Update my CV with current position experience
      2. Write my research statement
      3. Update my teaching portfolio
      4. Submit application by Feb. 28th
      5. Review papers for HCI conference
      6. Go back to working on writing up current experiment results

      I’m going to post to my blog as well my new list.

  146. Hi Everyone,
    Long time no see! I know it’s been a while, but I haven’t given up! I am still working regularly and have made some progress since I last logged on. I have submitted 2 chapters and I am currently working on a 3rd. I am coding my transcripts and have developed preliminary themes. But, the last month I have not been working as consistently and rigorously as I would like. I can’t afford to slow down. So, I thought I’d check in with you all to receive some inspiration. My grandma passed recently and her service was a month ago. I think I took it pretty well, but it’s been hard because she helped raise me. In addition, I think I have some serious anxiety about graduating. It’s becoming real to me that I can finish this thing in less than a year, December 2013 to be exact. As much as I want to, I am also terrified. I started college at 17, graduated at 22 and started grad school less than a month later. Now at 32, I have literally been in school my whole life. What else am I going to do? Crazy, isn’t it? Also, I have been getting a lot of affirmation about my work lately. I was nominated for another fellowship etc. As great as that is, it also makes me nervous. Like the more I accomplish, the more people will expect of me. What if I can’t deliver? The idea that someone would pay me to do the work I do is mind boggling to me. I want to be successful so bad, but when it starts to happen, it terrifies me. Like me? You want to give me an award? But I’m “just Angel”. So, that scares me a little. Isn’t that the strangest thing? I have been working so hard to be successful, and now that there are all these signs that that can happen, I just freak out! I start to self-sabotage, procrastinate, worry, etc. You name it! Then when things don’t work out I’m like “See, I knew I couldn’t handle it.” I’m afraid of my own shadow. It’s like, you rather settle for the drama that you know, than the happiness that you don’t. I’ve been struggling for so long, so when things start looking up, it makes me nervous. Like, something bad is about to happen. And, when something bad doesn’t happen, I create drama. I know that’s what it is. Oh, I understand it all too well. Still, I haven’t figured out exactly how to change my behavior yet. I am very much aware of my problem, but that doesn’t seem to be enough to stop me from getting in my own way. So, I am reaching out to you all in hopes that this makes sense to you. I have an opportunity to apply to a grant. This grant is for a lot of money. I thought to myself, no body will give me that money. But, everyone I have asked to help me apply to the grant, has offered help, including my adviser. This is a major surprise to me. I thought my adviser would say, “No way kid, out of your league”. But, instead she said go for it, and I’ll help you! This is exciting, and terrifying to me. I feel like, who am I to have the audacity to think that someone would pay me a lot of money to do my research? It’s competitive and I may not get it, but the very possibility is intimidating. Because, to apply means one is saying, I think I am good enough to be paid a lot of money for this. And I just can’t imagine it. Just the possibility actually receiving the grant, makes me happy and completely freaks me out all at the same time. Because it would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while, and I am someone who has always had to worry about that. It would also help establish me as a scholar and my future career. It’s a long shoot, it might not happen. But, I want to be able to believe that it could happen and that if it did, I would deserve it. I have trouble with that notion. I think I would just feel guilty. I think I have the worst case of impostor syndrome ever. My triple minority status (black, disabled, woman) really wears on me in that way. So, if I can just get over myself, I might actually be able to do something great. Might actually accomplish God’s purpose for this journey. But, I got to take it one step at a time. Completing the dissertation is priority, awards or not. I just want to feel worthy of the blessings in my life, but all too often I just can’t believe it. Can’t believe this is my life and constantly wake up thinking, how did I end up here? Right now I just have anxiety. Scared of being successful, and scared of failing at the same time. This makes me stagnant and immovable. I got to make a move. Got to take a chance. Got to make a choice. So, I’m gonna keep moving and do as Joyce Myer says which is “Do it afraid”. The very fact of facing my fears is what allows me to conquer them. So, I know I will get over these overwhelming feelings. Just thought I’d reach out to you all in the process and let you know it’s ok to be scared, but it’s not ok to give up. Let’s do it afraid together! Keep moving and get it done!

    1. Angel – So sorry to hear of your grandma’s passing. Gotta let yourself grieve for those important people in your life. It may also be contributing to your anxiety and fear about the future. I too am starting to feel that fear creeping up – not the fear that I won’t finish – but the fear that I actually will. It is an absolutely bizarre and irrational feeling. Here’s to writing scared!

    2. I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I think you deserve to be extra kind to yourself right now.

      And I know exactly where you are coming from with feeling scared of the good in life. I have definitely been there. And just like you said, the best way I’ve found to work through it is to live through it. Keep a smile on your face, keep saying thank you for the blessings, and keep going. Eventually it caught up with me and I at least believed that I had the right to ask questions and be taken seriously. It still kind of baffles me that someone is going to pay me for doing this work, but I’m not going to be the one to say no to them either! Keep posting here too. I get so much support and courage from the people here. You’ve got this!

  147. Sorry to be out of touch for a while. But I was coming down to the wire of getting my proposal ready. As of 10:30pm tonight my proposal has been sent to my committee!!! Now I’m excited for my defense date of March 25 to be here! My reward for send it off, you ask? I get to pick up my new puppy this weekend!
    Congrats to everyone for doing so well! I have just been reading the posts for the past few weeks and I’m so proud of everyone! Keep up the good work! It feels so wonderful to hit these major milestones!

    1. Congratulations on getting that document to the committee! What kind of puppy are you getting?

  148. Hello Angel,
    Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Grandmothers play a pivotal role in many of our lives and have a special place in our hearts. Thank you for your wonderful post. I agree with you when you point to J. Meyers who says “Do it afraid”. She talks about when God told her that she would be preaching to many one day. She said she started out with a few women in her living room. Keep in mind He didn’t bring you this far to leave you and let you fail. She also says ” No test no testimony.”
    Kudos to you for sharing this story with us. Many of us experienced much of what you shared; just know you are not alone. I tweeted two quotes from this post “Scared of being successful, and scared of failing at the same time.” Hanging there, we are anticipating your success.

  149. Hi Everyone,
    Thank you for your positive feedback and support. It really means so much to know that I am not alone in this process. I will log back on again this weekend to share my work goals. What are yours? Thanks especially to Dr. Carter, who has helped me learn how to work even when I don’t “feel like it”. I used to wait for this great magical feeling to arrive. Now I know that working is just a decision that I have to make, again, and again, and again. And that the only thing that usually makes me feel like working, is the act of work itself. Getting started is the hardest part for me, but once I do, I’m grateful. Here’s to getting started!

    1. Amen…drinking the Koolaid.

  150. I hope everyone is doing well and having a productive time. I’ve been a little AWOL from the blog but that is because I have been working away. I am pleased to announce that today I finished my dissertation data collection and documentation of the data for my committee. Took forever and was painstaking. Now all I have to do is submit to my committee along with an explanatory narrative. Reward was a 3 mile run and a glass of wine !!!! Go me.

    1. Good for you Autumn! Hope you had the glass of wine AFTER the run ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Thanks Kelly, hope your action items are coming along as well. Yes, wine after dissertation and run. We are only allowed to drink the “Kool-Aid” when writing the diss ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. I see that the DH really helped you. Good to see you at the workshop last week. Go you!!! drink a glass for me.

  151. Hi Everyone,
    Congratulations to Autumn! That’s great news! Today I meet with a past dissertation house participant, Pragati. We worked together for 4 hours in Noodles & Company. So far, I worked on registering on grants.gov for the grant I am applying too and getting familiar with the grant application. It’s a lot! But, I think I can do it. Hope you all had a great weekend too. All the best.

  152. I’m in formatting hell right now. As soon as I finish, though, this thing goes off to my committee! Yay!

    1. It’s all relative. Some people on this blog would like to be exactly where you were on Feb 25th.!

  153. Hello Hello Hello! I am so tickled to read this blog almost 1 year after my successful defense on March 26, 2012! Wishing everyone much success and determination to finish. I could read these posts all day. Special hello goes to Angel Alexis Dr. Tull Dr. Carter-Veale and Carlos! I am so glad that this resource is still working.

    Keep Going. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Gracias!!
      I hope everything is going well

    2. Hi, Dr. Westmoreland! Hi Carlos! Still sending prayers and happy thoughts your way!

      Dr. Williams

    3. Hello Dr. Westmoreland founding member of teamgetitdone. Yes…we fall down but we get back up. We are still here helping others just like you. Thanks for checking in. Teamgetitdone!

  154. I just sent my dissertation off to my committee! Super yay!

    1. @ Lisa…Double Super Yay!!!!! Congrats

      1. Thank you! It’s another step closer!

          1. Thank you, Carlos! How is your work coming?

            1. Really slow but getting there…..Thanks for asking

              1. Glad it’s still coming along. Slow and steady keeps it moving!

  155. Hi All,

    Congrats to Lisa for plugging through your formatting and getting the dissertation sent off. Carlos, it’s good to see you’re still going. These slow-steady days are the ones you’ll value most when you’re done. Angel, every time I read your posts, there’s so much I identify and agree with. I hope that you -everyone – can find the encouragement to deny that voice that says you’re too late. Just defy the negativity and test out your circumstances to see if they can withstand your perseverance.

    Today I’m pulling my schedule back together. I have some self-imposed deadlines coming for writing and teaching, so today looks like this:
    11 – Journal, schedule for the rest of the week, monthly goals set
    12 – Class prep – journals, grades, webinar
    2 – Look for school transition journal articles, plan analysis
    3 – Quick job searching
    4 – Office hours, student meeting
    5 – Class
    7 – We’ll see if it’s snowing. If not, choir practice, etc.

    I’m putting myself out there – I need to get on track!
    Have a great day whoever’s out there!
    — Dr. Lex

    1. Ok, the student meeting got moved up, and another discussion and a phone call later, and I’m completely off schedule. Everything from about 1:30 to 4pm is out! ๐Ÿ™‚ But at least I know what I wanted to do and I’m closer to finishing it. Back to work before class…

    2. Thank you Dr. Lex! I’m so nervous about the defense now. Any tips?

      1. Hi Lisa!
        I know Drs. Tull and Carter-Veale have lots of tips. Mine might be:
        – Be sure you have a specific voice or stance on anything debatable in your research. Be able to justify it well, even if others might disagree. My committee just wanted to know that I had thought these things through and could defend my professional opinion with previous work. They didn’t agree with everything but they respected the discussion.
        – My friend Angela did some follow-up analyses that she anticipated that the committee members might want. They did. They were impressed that the work was done already. In my case, I didn’t anticipate everything, but I was able to address their feedback in my revisions. So it was still ok.
        – Overall, your committee wants you to pass. They will be pulling for you. They’ll challenge you more or less, but keep it in your head that they are really hoping that you’ll keep your head and push through.
        – Be confident, practice, number your slides and handout pages, and do a run through or two in the same room where you’ll present to get familiar with the space and any technology you’ll need. Have back ups in case there’s a technical malfunction. Then try to relax.
        – Don’t skip the celebration afterward. I still haven’t really thrown a graduation party, although my friends did take me out for dinner/drinks. Lol.

  156. Hi all,
    I’ve gotten my methodology section almost completely written – just need to add a working example and then I am on to results, contribution, future work conclusion etc. My goal is to have a rough draft to my mentor by Friday, March 15th. It’s spring break at where I work – so no teaching this week. Going to push through this in the next few days!

    How is everyone else doing? Alexis – nice to see you continue to join us. Lisa when is your defense – isn’t it coming up soon?

    1. Good for you getting all that done! My defense is the 28th. I’ll be sending the announcement to Barb this week. Had a bit of a scare this week because one member was not sure she could make it so that’s why it hasn’t gone out yet.

    2. You can do it! Yay for spring break, too – be sure to build in some actual breaks for when you get brain-weary if you plan to work long hours. There might be some good weather for walks and such.

      Lisa, glad your committee member can make it!

  157. Met with my advisor today. It always sounds funny but apparently “once your advisor, always your advisor.” We’re continuing to move forward with the work on a publication. I worked on some of the data in the computer lab in the building, and about 15 minutes before my meeting, the screen went black and a pop-up notified me that I had been logged out and only an adminstrator could log in.

    I got help, and eventually had about 4 people trying to fix the problem. Out of about 30 computers, my computer had been the lucky one selected for an upgrade by a technician who was working remotely on the systems. They told me that I shouldn’t even have been able to log in to begin with. All turned out well and my documents were recovered not too long after the start of my meeting – my advisor is amazing – but I definitely learned my lesson – again – about working on things last minute (and saving continuously in multiple places, etc.)!

    Happy Wednesday!

  158. I just found that my mentor is taking a sabbatical starting in Fall. Thank you to Dr. C-V for talking to me today and reminding me to breathe.
    I have 2 days to get the dissertation draft into my mentor and hope that he says I can defend this semester. Who needs sleep?

    1. Wow! Good luck!

  159. Hello everyone, congratulations on continuing to work toward your goals! Alexis, congrats on the writing!

    Kelley … congrats on finishing that draft!

    Carlos … it sounds like you’re making progress. Keep going! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lisa, what is your practice schedule? If you don’t have one yet, please make one. We suggest at least a week prior to your defense (Thursday, March 21, or Friday, March 22). You should practice with your group in the room where you will give your defense. Let us know when and where, and we will be there if we are in town!

    DH reminders about defense prep:

    Comments Regarding A Successful Defense Of A Dissertation (Input from a 2007 Physics Alum)


    1. Thanks Dr. Tull! I’ve sent the presentation to my chairs for feedback and I’m scheduling a practice session for Thursday or Friday. I just need to hear back about room availability. I’ll post here when I have a date and time! I can’t believe it’s almost time!

      1. I have your defense date and time on my calendar. I won’t be able to attend in person but I will sending good thoughts your way at that time. Same goes for Kathy’s proposal defense. I’m looking forward to the good news afterwards!

        1. Good thoughts are greatly appreciated! Kathy and I may be practicing our presentations together next week and giving each other support.

    2. Kathy and I will be practicing next Friday, March 22 starting at 10am in ITE459. It will run until at least noon or 1pm I’m guessing.

      1. Yes, please join us!
        An email went out to our full department from one of the profs that we are part of an exciting week of activities so we are each expecting a crowd. So practicing to a crowd would be so helpful!
        The building will be open during spring break. The room is just to the left of the elevator on the 4th floor.

        1. Will you have a webcam available? If so, I would love to join virtually – maybe use Google hangout?

          1. That is a good idea. We will look into it. It will probably depend on how many computers we have in the room at the moment and if there is an extra for a Hangout session.
            Are you online all the time?
            Can we ping you as we are getting started if it works out?

            1. Sure sounds like a plan!

  160. I just delivered my rough draft to my mentor! Whew – the past 2 days were a blur of frenetic writing.

    While I am waiting for his feedback, I need to move to getting my courses ready to pass off to other faculty this weekend. No rest for the weary!

    How is everyone else doing? Anyone else working this weekend?

    1. Hi Everyone,
      I’m still here and I’m still truckin along. Gonna take advantage of this spring break and get a lot of work done. l will check back in soon!

      1. Hi Angel – I’ll be working right along side you – virtually that is. Let’s see how much we can get done this week.

    2. Wow! Way to go! Can you believe how much you got done?!?

    3. Yay! So glad for you that it is out of your hands for now!

  161. I’m taking a little break. We are taking our son to the beach in Florida for a couple days. I’m definitely taking my work with me but I am looking forward to some sun and sand. Will be back home Wednesday and practicing with Kathy on Friday.

    1. Enjoy your well-deserved break!

    2. That is so wonderful that you are in a position that you can do that! You are an inspiration! I hope I am can take time off when I’m as close as you are the the defense!
      I hope you have a great time, and don’t work too hard. I’m sure you will feel refreshed when you get back.
      I plan to take next Saturday off from everything so I can feel refreshed for my final review on Sunday getting ready for Monday.
      Bag some rays for the rest of us! (yes, I’m really old!)

      1. I’m getting nervous about our practice tomorrow! I’m working through my slides another time putting in notes and making sure I know everything. I’m so scared of the questions and that I won’t have an intelligent answer for them. I’m hoping I don’t hurl my cookies!

        1. I know how you feel Lisa. I just went through it yesterday when I had to give a presentation for a job interview. Just remember the practice is meant to help you be less nervous at the defense. Take deep breaths!

          1. Thanks! The practice went well. I felt like a disaster but everyone said it was fine. I’ve got some insight into what I can tweak and I will practice practice practice for the next week. Thanks Kathy!

        2. Me too! I gave a practice presentation to the programmers that have developed the system on Tuesday and it went really well. They hadn’t seen the front end so they were very interested and asked excellent questions – there was even a former professor in the group. But they have a different interest in my research so I will probably get many different questions tomorrow and Monday and I have no idea how to prepare for that!
          So please come tomorrow to ITE 459 at 10am if you are available and ask us questions!

  162. It has been such a busy few weeks after I turned in my proposal to my committee. Many unplanned hours at my internship. Also, lots of hours were also put into the company that gave me my fellowship for my research – but that was all good and towards my dissertation goal. But it has translated into many long nights and no time for anything else (like keeping up with blogging!)

    Hope everyone else is being productive, and feeling good about progress!

  163. A good data analysis takes forever ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 13 articles out a total of 172…which is only .075% of my data…ugh but on the bright side, at least I don’t have to transcribe anything or interview anyone. My goal during Spring break (ends this Wednesday) is to get through 50 news articles, so I guess I am a quarter of the way to my mini-goal.

  164. I just wanted to pop in here and say thank you to everyone. I am so close to finishing and I couldn’t have done it without the support I have gotten from the Dissertation House. I keep hearing everyone’s voices telling me to take deep breaths, relax, practice, protect my face, bind my copy, and that it is all about me. Thank you so much and I will let you know how it goes on Thursday!

    1. I agree! You all are one of the main reasons I passed my proposal defense today!

      Thanks so much to everyone!

      Lisa, you are going to do great. I was really impressed by your presentation last Friday and you are going to wow your committee in a few days!

      1. Congratulations and thank you!

      2. Congrats to you Kathy!!!

        1. Thanks, Mari! I am so glad to be onto the next phase.

          How are you doing?

      3. Congrats Kathy….see we knew you had it in you!!!! on to the dissertation writing. How is that coming?

    2. Glad to be one of those voices cheering you on! Just a two more days!

      And congrats to Kathy for passing her proposal defense. Welcome to Candidacy! Just try not to stay and linger here as long as I have ๐Ÿ™‚

      I heard back from my mentor yesterday regarding my rough draft. I believe I could be done this semester so long as my committee is on board. I need to email my mentor today and start getting a copy ready to my committee. My goal is to have it to them by the end of the week.

      1. I can’t believe how much you are getting done! Congratulations!

  165. Congratulations Kathy!!!!!! We knew that you would do well! Kudos to you for having so many practice sessions with different audiences. You knew what you were talking about. You’re closer to the finish line now!

    Go, Kelley, go! You are pushing right on through. I heard you say it …. “this semester!” Yes! Look at all of this wonderful 2013 productivity!

    Good luck Lisa! I arrived too late for your practice talk, but you’ve given postdoc/job talks on your topic, so you know how to convey knowledge about your expertise. You’ll be there soon! Three cheers for you as we count down to your big day!

    1. Thanks! I can’t believe this is happening TOMORROW! I have been practicing every day. I presented to my husband this morning (he’s a marketing VP so knows a thing or two about good presentations) and he had only a couple of minor comments. I’m still terrified there’s something I’ve missed and someone will skewer me. I’ll let you know how it goes!

      1. Good luck Lisa! & Congrats in advance ๐Ÿ˜‰

      2. Good luck, Lisa. I know you are going to do wonderful – you seemed very ready last Friday so I’m sure with all the extra practice you have it down even more! Enjoy the experience as much as you can, you have a great presentation and a great committee and you have worked extremely hard to get to this point!

      3. Looking forward to hearing good news tomorrow! Hope you are getting a good night’s sleep tonight.

        1. Thanks to everyone in advance! Like I said before, the support here has been a tremendous help. 2 hours and 1 minute until go time!

          1. Good luck Lisa. I will be there to support you this afternoon. You set up a very good example of getting dissertation done for me. Thanks.

          2. I’m getting ready to send good thoughts your way. Only 1 hr and 13 minutes to go! ๐Ÿ™‚

  166. Well, I’m officially posting as Dr. Vizer!!! Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers – I definitely felt it. Big thanks to the whole Dissertation House program, too. One of my outside committee members said that the dissertation was very well written and a pleasure to read, and that the presentation was even clearer and the best defense presentation he’d seen. I wouldn’t have been so prepared without DH.

    1. Congratulations Dr. Vizer! I’m glad to hear the presentation went well. So what’s next? Did you hear about the post-docs?

      1. Thanks! I’ve got two offers, have a phone interview Monday for another, and am waiting on a decision from a fourth. One of my outside committee members also told me yesterday she’d like me to consider a postdoc position for her. So I’m blessed to have choices! I should know in a couple of weeks what I’m doing.

        1. Choices are good ~ Can’t wait to hear which one you pick!

        2. Wow. What great feedback and opportunity. Congratulations, Dr. Vizer!

    2. Congratulations!!!! I am late but welcome to the club…

      1. Thanks Dr. C-V! I’m working on the very few revision I have to do and then it will be all done. (I would have gotten them done right away but my son’s daycare was closed all last week so I needed to spend my time on that!) The DH was a huge help, this board has been great support, and you were a fantastic resource. Thanks for everything!

  167. Congratulations Dr. Vizer, and welcome!
    You have been an inspiration . …Best of everything to you. .. Congrats again, and have a great weekend!

  168. My committee has a rough draft version of my dissertation – yeah! It’s relief to finally have it in. Now I have to give them time to respond and see if they are agreeable to a spring defense.

    1. Yeah!!! That’s very good!

    2. You reached a big milestone! Congrats!

      1. Thanks Lisa and Carlos ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. Congrats….Kelley glad to see you got.

  169. Congratulations Dr. Vizer!!!

    1. Thank you so much Carlos! You’ll get there soon!

  170. Oh, and congratulations to Kathy, too!! Today is another opportunity to take one more step. Happy April!

    1. Back from yesterday’s interview for my dream job. I’m praying for good news soon…

      1. Alexis-Hope you get the good news soon!

      2. Dream jobs are awesome! Good luck!

      3. Thank you both! What an exciting time for all of us!

  171. Defense Date……………………April 18, 2013!!!!!!!

    1. Wow – that’s great news! Congrats!

      1. Gracias!!!

    2. Go, Carlos! You are almost there!

    3. One week left! Make sure to practice that presentation – practicing over and over was really helpful for me.

    4. One more step One more day. Estamos aqui para a ti!!! I think that’s right We are here for you. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you Carlos. Remember you are the expert on your topic!!!

    5. You’ll do great tomorrow! What time is the defense? I’ll be sending you good vibes all day!

  172. I’m keeping up with this board even after my defense – it’s so nice to see everyone’s progress! I’m also going to keep posting to keep myself accountable for everything I need to get done. So here goes:

    1. Finish revisions. I’ve done the table of revisions and clarified things with my advisor. Just the writing left.
    2. Finish conference poster. The conference is in 2 weeks!
    3. Call to turn down 2 offers and accept the 3rd – University of Washington Medical School!
    4. Finish review for journal article.
    5. Start 2 journal articles from dissertation and talk to advisor about which journals of a few I’ve selected to target.

    Lot to do!

    1. You do have alot to do – no rest for the weary! Congrats on your postdoc in Washington ~when are you moving?

      1. Probably moving in August. We’re going to leave most of our stuff here and ship some clothes and basic kitchen stuff – really lightweight move since we’ll only be there 2 years. My husband is SUPER excited to drive his car across the country. My son and I will fly, thankyouverymuch!

    2. Congratulations!
      Keep us posted

    3. We are so happy for you Dr. Lisa!!!

      1. Thanks Dr. C-V! I keep hearing your voice shouting at me to GET THOSE DAMN REVISIONS DONE ALREADY! I am halfway through and intend to finish tomorrow morning! I also completed #2 and 3 on my list. After revisions are uploaded, the article review is next and then on to my own journal article writing!

  173. Congratulations Lisa on the post-doc position, you will do just fine! Carlos, I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for a great defense! Happy Monday to all and wishing everyone a productive week. …

  174. Congrats again Lisa (Dr. Vizer!) It was nice to see you in person the other day.

    Buena Suerte Carlos!!!!

    1. Thanks Dr. Tull! It was nice to see you too. That was my husband with me – sorry I forgot to introduce you!

  175. Thinking of you Carlos today as you defend – best of luck today!

  176. SAD NEWS……..:(

    1. What happened?!?

      1. I passed……….Which means that I will not participate of the Summer DH 2013..:(

        1. Congratulations Carlos! You can at least come and visit the Summer DH! Say hello and cheer those of us still working on towards the finish line!

          1. Of course I will stop by….Gracias!!!

        2. You had me going there! You can still go to the DH – as an alum to cheer everyone else on! Super-duper congratulations! Doesn’t it feel good to have it behind you?

          1. Sorry about that! I was planning to reply to myself right away, but I got a phone call. Actually..I just feel relaxed!!!!!! Gracias

            1. Relaxed is good! I felt relieved more than anything.

  177. Dr. Carter-Veale, Dr. Tull, Dissertation House…Gracias!!!!
    35 minute for presentation-25 minutes for questions….PASSED..Just fix one figure and some typos.

    1. To my two daughters..Dr. Dabek (A.K.A. Pink Energizer Bunny) and Dr. Grow… Dr. Ordonez (Patti), Dr. Williams (Alex), Michelle, Mari, Kelley…Thanks for the support.

    2. Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the club. Dr. Cortes Passed with minor revisions we loved that. I was looking for an email, phone call, or something but this is good too.

  178. Felicitaciones!!!!!!

  179. Well it looks as if my defense cannot happen until late August. I have run out of time to do it this semester due to the delay in feedback from the committee. And one of my internal committee members today just told me that he will not be available in the summer. So late August it is – I plan to get a firm date after I have had a chance to meet with all my committee. All the meetings will be done by next Friday, April 26th. Nothing like having the wind knocked out of your sails.

    1. So sorry you are running into so many roadblocks. It’s great that you keep picking yourself up, though. And we’re all here for you!

    2. They say it’s not how you fall down but how you get back up that matters. Sorry to hear about the setback. My pastor used to say “a setback is a set up to give praise.” I am sure some people on this page would love to have your scheduling problem. Nonetheless, August is not far away. I agree with Lisa, your persistence is admirable. Hang in there.
      ๐Ÿ™‚ We will be here in August for you as well as in April.

  180. Congratulations Carlos!!!!!! (Dr. Cortes!) I saw the “sad news” post earlier … way to make my heart stop … and not in a good way!! So glad to know that everything turned out well. We had another defense at UMB today as well, Maya Matheny, a participant in the DH a few years ago finished today.

    Kelley, Portia (Dr. Taylor) aka “PhDiddy” on the DH Blog last year, said that everyone should always add 6-9 months to their anticipated finish date. She thought that she’d be defending in June, and it didn’t happen until October. Mine was delayed by a year. August for you … it will be here soon! Remember Patti’s story? Oh my! I think that her family had tickets to come to graduation. BUT … the key is that despite setbacks, you will finish. Our very own beloved Carlos initially thought that he was going to defend last year. Setback, but VOILA … today, he finished!

    As Dr. Carter-Veale and others have said, we’re here and August will come and go. You’ll be Dr. Engle soon! BTW, August is still summer!

  181. Dr. Maya Matheny. Welcome to the club. With the challenges of single parenthood you give other single parents hope that all things are possible. Congrats on a job well done.

  182. Haven’t been on the board too much because I have been very busy analyzing my dissertation data. I am pleased to announce that out of the 160 news articles that make-up my data set, I have finished analyzing 147. Extremely exhausted and will finish the final 13 tomorrow. Feeling pretty good because I am finishing this task almost a week earlier than I had projected when setting this goal!!! Congrats to all the recent defenses and best wishes to everyone still in the trenches with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  183. Hello Everyone,
    I am proud to announce that Spencertime aka Troy Grant defended and passed his dissertation last Monday!!!!! Congratulations to Dr. Grant. Dr. Tull and I are always happy when we see students making great progress and moving on to better things in life. We are both looking forward to graduation next month. For those of you who are still working on your dissertations you can see that graduation is possible if you stay focused on the goal. Each graduate faced some challenge or another from a reluctant advisor, child care responsibilities, emotional challenges and setbacks, cancelled defense dates, scheduling conflicts, asking for extensions, etc. At the end of it all, they now have their PhD. No tests no testimony. That being said, if you are pursuing a PhD, you should expect some challenges if not many.
    After graduation please meet us in front of the administration building to take photos under the PROMISE banner. Also look forward to meeting you and your family at the PROMISE picnic as well.

  184. Hi everyone, please remember the PROMISE cookout! Here is the link! Let’s bring all of the DH folks together! http://promisecookout2013.eventbrite.com/

    We have another “hooray” to the new Dr. Yvette Williams in Geography and Environmental Systems!!!!! DH folks are defending left and right! Submissions are being reviewed, proposals are being defended … all of this means PROGRESS on all fronts. Congratulations everyone!

    1. It’s so exciting to see the news about all these people defending! I uploaded my final dissertation last night so it’s really all finished. I wish we could come to the picnic but I will be on my way home from Paris :)! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at graduation, though.

      1. Great!! I uploaded mine today..but I’m not going to Paris. I am going to try to make it to the end of the picnic. It’s Daniel first Communion that day.

        1. Well, I’m in Paris and still reading this blog! In case anyone has been misled to think I “have it together” – I realized Friday morning that my flight out here was Friday evening – not SATURDAY evening like I’d thought it was all along! Yeah, Friday was a busy day! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good for Daniel on his First Communion – I still remember mine even though it’s been about 30 years!

          1. I love Paris. I hope you had a chance to relax and enjoy the city. See you at graduation.

        2. Glad it’s done!!!!!!! Dr. Cortes

          1. Actually….it is just…Carlos,
            but if you want to be formal ….it is “Your Majesty Dr. squared Cortes” ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. I about died laughing when I read this!

            2. Your Majesty my apologies ๐Ÿ™‚

            3. Did I say Congrats yet? Can’t remember – in case I didn’t – Congratulations Dr. Squared Cortes – lol!

              1. Gracias!!!!!!!

  185. I have a defense date – August 28, 2013 1-3 pm.

    1. YAY! YAY!! Super YAY!!! I’m jumping up and down in Paris!

      1. Thanks Lisa! Springtime in Paris – how awesome is that?

        1. I can’t lie – it’s pretty nice! But finally defending your dissertation might be even better!

    2. Wonderful!!!!!!
      Iโ€™m jumping up and down in Catonsville! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thanks Carlos! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Great song – Haven’t heard that in a long time. The woman in the video looks like Lisa ….ahem…excuse me…Dr. Vizer.

      So what I should take from that message is:
      1. If I fall down, I should get back up again.
      2. Everything is easier to take with beer.

      Sound advice if you ask me!

      1. Ha ha! You still get to call me Lisa – you knew me when I was a snot-nosed kid. Other than substituting wine for the beer, I think your take-aways are right on!

      2. WOw!!!!
        It’s good that I get until now…. otherwise I’d be an alcoholic!!!!!

  186. Hello everyone!
    Just wanted to let you all know that I’ll be defending my dissertation this upcoming Tuesday, the 14th at 1pm!! Thank you all, especially Dr. CV for your support! Carlos, excuse me, Doctor squared Cortes, still counting on your prayers… ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Wow…..That’s impressive..great!!!!
      of course you can count on it!

      1. Gracias Carlos! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Thank you for your encouraging messages today! Very much appreciated!

    2. Yay! We’ll be thinking of you!

      1. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Future Dr. Gonzalez … waiting for the news. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Defense Day!

          1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for thinking of me Dr. Tull, I passed– with revisions– but I passed! I’m walking in the Latino/a Graduation– where I was selected to receive the Carolina Rojas Bahr award and I’ll be walking in the College of Education commencement on Monday!! ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

              1. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you!

            2. Congratulations Mari!

  187. Moving right along….

    I have the journal paper into my mentor for review prior to submission. I am working on some tedious, yet very necessary formatting edits on the dissertation today. Then I need to incorporate some more changes to a couple of chapters for a committee member and then on to the new experiments! Don’t ask me what these new experiments are yet – I haven’t quite figured that out.

  188. Congratulations Dr. Gonzalez!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you!

    Go Kelley … move right along!

    Today I am in PR with a group of faculty who are “Writing for Publication.” Some of them are in the position of those who participated in our “Dissertation House for Employees.” If you are interested in providing some mentoring or providing some information, please feel free to comment on their blog page:

    “Writing for Publication” goes on the road – Puerto Rico Sessions: May 17-19 w/ UMBC’s Dr. Kevin Omland

  189. Dr. S in 2013 Avatar
    Dr. S in 2013

    Hi All,

    This is Andrea — I attended DH for UMBC employees and working students last October. I have been working with Dr. CV since last summer. I am thrilled to share that I passed my dissertation defense with minor revisions today — after 4.5 years of work since my proposal defense.

    While I have not been a regular blogger, I have been a pretty regular reader here. I thank you all for sharing your experiences–we all experience very similar joys/struggles and I have found much comfort and wisdom here. And of course, many many thanks to Dr. CV who has seen me through weekly and to Dr. Tull, who was so encouraging and helpful during my DH experience!

    Congratulations to all those who are defending/graduating, and to those drafting, analyzing, revising– the defense day brings it all into perspective. You can do this. There will be bad days (I sure had my share!), but if you listen to Dr. CV and take her advice, embrace the challenges as learning experiences and just keep showing up, this day will come. Apply to DH — those two days in October were some of my most productive and enjoyable days working on the dissertation.

    I wish you all the best.

    1. Congratulations! You’re right – just keep going, listen to Dr. Carter, and it will get done.

  190. My mentor has decided today to NOT support my dissertation or defense without additional experiments. This is a complete 180 from just 2 months ago. There is much I would like to say right now but it is not appropriate in this venue.

    1. Ugh. I read your blog too. It sounds like it would be important to nail down exactly what he wants and will approve before you spend the time to do it. However, I could be wrong and I think Dr. Carter is probably the best person to listen to. She’s probably seen this before. Good luck and remember that we’re all still pulling for you even when your mentor is giving you a tough time.

      1. Thanks Lisa…I do have an email in to Dr. Carter…

        1. This happens more than one might think. I had that happened twice. Just get over it and talk to Dr. Carter about ways to avoid this to happen again. I agree with Dr. Vizer on getting specifics (e.g. why another experiment/addressing what question-hypothesis) and maybe involve other members of the committee. Here sending you some (+) quantum probabilistic string mechanical energy (AKA praying)

          1. I know you went through a lot to get done Carlos – so right now you are my inspiration! I am not sure how to avoid this occurring again…it is very frustrating to feel so powerless! Thank you for prayers – and the ultra cool definition ๐Ÿ™‚

            1. I’m usually online after 10 pm…in case you need to vent ๐Ÿ™‚

              1. Carlos, are you walking tomorrow? All of you can join us for lunch! Kelley … you WILL finish.

                1. Congrats to all those walking tomorrow! And thank you Dr. Tull for the vote of confidence.

  191. Good evening everyone, we’re going to celebrate the end of the semester with lunch! Our semi-annual “after commencement” lunch will be held in the Skylight Room at 12:30 tomorrow, Weds. 5/22. After the ceremony (expected to end between 11:45 and 12), we will take photos with the PROMISE flag on the stoop of the Admin building, on the side next to ACIV. We will cover the cost of your lunch.

    Please join us!

    Kelley, one issue will be the content of your proposal and whether this extra experiment was something that was agreed upon by your committee. Your proposal is supposed to be your contract with your committee. Check your email in a few minutes. I will send you a message with some thoughts.

    Dr. C-V will be in town for commencement! Join us tomorrow!

    1. Hi! I’m sorry I can’t be there for graduation, but I wanted to stop in and say hi to Dr. Gonzalez, His Majesty Dr. Squared Cortes, and everyone else who is finishing major milestones and/or walking the catwalk these days. Congratulations – you have worked so hard and it’s paying off!

      Also sending positive vibes and prayers for diligence to Kelley and others who are jumping through hoops. No matter what, if you stay in the moment and keep your mind focused on working smart, day after day, you’ll get done like Dr. Tull says. You never know what this new experience could help you with in the future – maybe infinite patience if nothing else. So what’s the best that could happen? You are in my thoughts.

      Take care everyone!
      Alexis aka Dr. Smackdown

      1. Thanks Alexis – I am feeling calmer today. It was a rough week. I look forward to when the “hoop jumping” is done.

        I am off to doing more experiments – I will resurface when done.

  192. I got the experiments completed that my mentor had requested (well demanded really) in order to support me at my defense. I am hoping this is it and that I can wrap this up soon. I have edits to do on the dissertation and I have a strong feeling my mentor will require me to put this recent experiment in the dissertation which means rewriting a chapter (ughh). But I am crossing my fingers that there will be no more requests for experiments.

    1. I received an email from my mentor today – he is satisfied with the experiments and will support my defense in August – yeah! I will need to add this recent experiment to the dissertation but there will be no more experiments to do!

        1. Thanks – How’s your summer going? Getting ready to move?

          1. We’re so busy! Packing, getting the house ready to rent, finding a place in Seattle, finding daycare, and 100 other little things. Like the dissertation, though, I’m taking it one bit at a time!

  193. I hope everyone is doing well with working, traveling, moving, etc.. I’ve been away for a while (is there a new blog that I missed?) but I’m thinking about you guys. How are things going, if anyone’s out there?


    1. Hi Alexis,
      It’s been rather quiet here lately but I am working. I just got back on the Dissertation bandwagon after a 2 week hiatus. Defending on August 28th. How are you doing? I don’t think the new blog came out yet – that will probably start in July at the next DH.

      1. Almost there!!!
        Un abrazo!

        1. Thanks for the hug Carlos! ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Hi Kelley,
        I’m so happy that you are pushing through and the light at the end is hopefully getting brighter. I definitely understand the hiatus! You needed it in order to get you ready for the next big push. I’ll send you extra pushing vibes.

        Hi Carlos! ๐Ÿ™‚


        1. Thanks for the vibes Alexis – I am going into full speed ahead mode for the next 2 weeks. Need to get the dissertation completely done!

  194. Hope everyone is taking steps every day toward finishing the dissertation! I’ve had so many conversations with people who said “I can’t believe you finished something that big!” and my response is “it got done 15 minutes at a time. I just did what I needed to do next.” Just keep taking it one bit at a time and it will get done – I promise!

    1. Just keep going!!!

  195. Hello everyone! Happy Summer!!

    We’re going to close this blog … this season is over. Join us over on the new page for the Summer 2013 Season! https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/blog-online-challenge/summer-2013-challenge/

  196. THIS BLOG PAGE IS NOW CLOSED. ALL POSTS SHOULD NOW BE WRITTEN ON THE SUMMER 2013 SITE: https://dissertationhouse.wordpress.com/blog-online-challenge/summer-2013-challenge/. Thank you for your enthusiastic participation.

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
