Dissertation House at 2012 SSI for “Alumni” – Friday, August 17

If you have participated in the Dissertation House in the past, and if you still have work to complete, then you are invited to join us for the Dissertation House at the 2012 PROMISE Summer Success Institute (SSI).  “Alumni” of the DH know how to get down to business immediately. So if you need time and space to jump right into DH mode, use the regular application process, and use “DH @ 2012 SSI” in the subject line of your email. This invitation is open to any graduate student, from any school, who has participated in at least one FULL 3 or 4-day DH Session (e.g., any campus, at a PROMISE retreat, any year) or the 2011 SSI DH Marathon in Columbia.  This event will take place on Friday, August 17, 2012, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, in Room Commons 329, on UMBC’s campus.

Guidelines and Requirements

Coach: Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale

This DH session includes breakfast refreshments, a buffet lunch, and an afternoon snack. 

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
