Today’s September 24th Dissertation House

Today, we dedicate a Dissertation House session to employees.  So many people are leaders in their respective careers, but they haven’t been able to take the time to finish the dissertation. This session is for them. Among them, we will have a couple of graduate students from our tri-campus who received special permission from Dr. Carter to join today’s group. These “experienced” grad students and alums from the other PROMISE Dissertation Houses at UMBC, UMB, UMCP, and Rocky Gap who are finishing their degrees within the next year will be able to provide our employees with motivation and encouragement. We believe that there is strength in numbers, so we are happy to have a full room today.  Today’s participants can enter their blog posts as comments to this message.

23 responses to “Today’s September 24th Dissertation House”

  1. Good morning,
    Today is hot and humid and I am glad to be inside and here at DH!
    I plan to write a detailed outline for my revised literature review today. If time permits, I would like to re-read the 5 major articles for section 1 and begin writing the first section of the literature review.

  2. Dissertation house
    Let’s get some dissertation done!

  3. Good morning,
    I am really excited to be here! Today I will be updating my file with edits for part 1. Then I will select supporting quotes for part 2. I also hope to meet with Dr. Tull and go over my table of contents/outline.
    Looking forward to a productive day!!!!!!!

  4. Yvette Mozie-Ross Avatar
    Yvette Mozie-Ross

    I am excited about being at dissertation house and being around other colleagues at UMBC who are also working to complete their PhD. I had no idea so many of us where at this same stage and struggling to balance it all so that we can successfully get through the finish line!

    Today I will 1) review recent feedback on my proposal and make the requested edits 2) review the data file from College Board to make sure all is well and 3) review UMCP’s procedures/forms for the dissertation proposal defense.


  5. I’m motivated to make the most of the time I have in DH. I will zone into my listed goals and feel accomplished after I leave for the day. Even with the major hurdle of writing my dissertation completed, I still have to drill down certain sections and make sure all of my references are added.

  6. I am one of the graduate students who received special permission from Dr. Carter to join today’s group. This is PROMISE Dissertation House #3 for me-and I would LOVE to finish my degrees within the next year, although that seems a bit ambitious.

    Today I will finish a subsection of a section, contact an editor (since I am unable to edit my own work), and I am sending Chair #2 Chs. 1 & 3 with Chair #1’s comments.

  7. Hi all

    Welcome to UMBC’s Employees DH. Just because you work full-time does not mean you do not have time in your schedule to work on your dissertation. You don’t have to quit your job to get your PhD. You do have to consistently work on your dissertation however. Be honest, can get something done. What can you get done in 15 minutes? What about your title page?
    How many citations can you get done in 15 minutes?
    Can you download an article is less than 15 minutes?
    What about your signature page? The acknowledgment page? bibliography?
    What about the table of contents?
    Can you write 2 paragraphs? Start with an outline then you can write any sections you want to in 15 min.
    Can create 1 table,1 figure,1 illustration, define 1 variable? 2 variables?
    You get the point….no more excuses about lack of time.

  8. So excited that I could finally make it to a Dissertation House in person!

    Today I plan to:
    – fix chapter 4’s baseline characteristics tables
    -discuss univariate analyses figures in chapter 4
    -discuss bivariate analyses figures in chapter 4
    -work on the Table of Contents
    -fix data error with parent study’s data manager
    -code regression analyses in SAS (if there’s time!)

  9. An hour to go and I am starting to lose steam. I think so far I’ve been a bit of a “productive procrastinator.” I am now just getting to the proposal. I spent my time NOT writing. I can at least say I’ve crossed off some things on my “To Do” list. I contacted an editor, sent my Chapter 2 to a Ph.D. friend who offered to read it, and I sent Chair #2 Chs. 1 & 3 with Chair #1′s comments. Now, I have to stay focused on Chapter 2 and resist the the urge to get on-line, check my e-mail, etc.

  10. Today was a very productive day! I got to update my doc with edits, reviewed and edited problem statement again, and looked for missing docs for MD county. Tomorrow I will continue writing Q1 with the hopes of finishing!

  11. Today I plan to write the first draft of section one of my literature review. The articles that I have read should assist with this goal.

  12. Today is a gray day. Ideal for revising methods chapter! 😉

  13. I have to get back to the Women’s Center at 10am today in order to run our board meeting, but I’ve blocked off time this afternoon to write for 4 hours. Thanks for everything!

  14. In terms of concrete goals, I plan to continue the work I started earlier this week on reorganizing Chapter 1, using examples of past successful phenomenological dissertations. I will do this work in my newly reserved private study room at the UMBC library!

  15. Since last week, I finished two subsections from the current section that I am working on and have been submitting daily drafts to an editor. I should get back her edits today. I managed to work every day, because I am under deadline. I know I would not have been as disciplined if I didn’t have this deadline. I’m on the last subsection now-and ready to be done with it! So, this last subsection is what I’ll be working on today).

  16. Today I will work on the rest of my references and make as much progress as possible. I plan to submit two chapters to my advisor by the end of the night.

  17. Good morning!
    Today I hope to finish the references on the first section of my lit review. I also plan to read 2 articles, and meet with Dr. Carter.

  18. I accomplished the goal of getting a first draft of my methods section done before wave 2 of my data collection was available on today 9/30. Today in dissertation house I will close wave 2 of my data collection and review do files to begin to analyze this data. I also need to read my analysis to prepare to send to one of my committee members for review.

  19. Ok… more concrete… I plan to re-outline chapter one based on guidelines given to me by my adviser. In addition to that, I plan to get through at least ten pages of edits and to write at least 5 new pages.

  20. […] Dissertation House Includes Leaders and Students from Three Campuses Posted on October 1, 2010 by renettatull Today marks the second session of the “Dissertation House for Employees” at UMBC.  We had some extra slots on our roster this year, so graduate students from the three campuses who’d requested a spot in any available DH were invited to join the group.  Some of our employees at UMBC are in doctoral programs at College Park, so it helped to have some of the College Park DH students present to provide connections.  At present, the room is quiet, and students in doctoral programs at UMB, UMBC, and UM College Park are working on their dissertations.  Here are some photos from last week, including books on statistics and the new APA Style Manual which are available in the UMBC Bookstore in the Commons.  Comments from participants continue in this thread:…. […]

  21. Good morning!
    I just returned from my meeting with Dr. Carter, and I am fired up and ready to go. I have until Tuesday October 5th to complete my dissertation, which is 5 days from today. Completion of my dissertation entails finishing the analyses and results chapter and writing the discussion chapter, as well as incorporating one of my reader’s comments into the introduction, literature review and methods chapters.

    My meetings with Dr. Carter have been the most helpful aspect of my attendance of the DH.
    Following Dr. Carter’s advice, I will no longer be haphazard in my approach to writing. I can only get this done quickly if my approach is systematic.

    In the 45 minutes that I have left in the DH this morning, I will make sure the layout of my depressive symptom and cytokine figures are consistent and make bullet points about the pertinent results from each figure. To quote Dr. Carter, “If there is no story contained within the figure, it goes into the appendix!”

    Good luck everyone!

    1. To be more specific and measurable, I am fixing the cytokine histogram layouts so they that are consistent (all participants, females, males – raw data and log-transformed).

  22. I’m gone to say to my little brother, that he should also pay a visit this blog on regular
    basis to obtain updated from newest gossip.

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
