Dissertation House for UMBC Employees

Dissertation House for UMBC Employees (only)
Friday, 9/24/10, 9:00 – 5:00 PM (Part I), Commons 329
Friday, 10/1/10, 9:00 – 12 noon (Part II), Commons 329


The on-campus setting provides Dissertation House participants with productive and rewarding scholastic engagement. Students who participate in this program will spend each day thinking, writing, and sharing ideas about their doctoral dissertations. Students will learn effective time-management skills; learn how to set small manageable goals, and will meet with a dissertation coach in one-on-one consultations to discuss and address obstacles that might prevent them completing their degrees.

This is a Friday (9 a.m. – 5 p.m., non-residential) commitment to focus on the doctoral dissertation. The Dissertation House activities focus on areas where students typically have difficulty: conceptualizing a topic, writing a literature review, transitioning from a proposal to a dissertation, analyzing data, writing the last chapter, and editing.

To apply to attend the Employee 2010 Dissertation House, submit a brief description (maximum 2 pages, font size 11-12 point 1 inch margins) that describes the project that you wish to accomplish during the Dissertation House period. Please use the following guidelines:

(1) Summary of the project, including research question(s), data or texts, and method;

(2) Amount completed on the project to date; and

(3) Any obstacles that you are encountering that hinder completion of the dissertation. Include the following header information with the description:

Telephone numbers (home, office, and fax):
E-mail address:
Academic Program:
Year in Program:
Degree Sought (Masters or Doctorate):
Expected Defense Date:
Expected Graduation Date:


  • University of Maryland at Baltimore County (UMBC): Sept 24, 2010, (9-5) Room in Commons TBA
  • University of Maryland at Baltimore County(UMBC): Oct 1: 9-12 (follow-up Session)


Monday, September 13 , 2010 – Friday, September 17, 2010.

Email applications to promisestaff@gmail.com with the subject line: “Dissertation House”

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What is dissertation house?

The Dissertation House program is an intensive writing retreat designed to help graduate students overcome the barriers that often impede progress on their dissertations. Developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the program provides a supportive and structured environment where students can focus on their writing, receive feedback, and learn effective time management and goal-setting strategies. Over several days, students work in groups, participate in workshops, and receive coaching from experienced facilitators. The Dissertation House program has been highly successful in helping students make significant progress on their dissertations. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for graduate students seeking to complete their degrees.
